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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Have you factored in that some of the unopened servers (like mine; Space Slug) might give false population information (lower than normal) since some people (like myself) are not logging in until we know what our destination will be? It'd be great if it was a destination server, but I'm not making any bets. Until I know, there's no need for me to log in. Our server pop plummets on weekends so I hope you're not waiting until after that.


They arent gathering data on origin servers. They are monitoring destination servers, seeing how many people actually transfer. This allows them to see if the destination server can handle more origins on the next batch.

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If an origin server has a legacy name and the destination server does not, are we forced to use the origin server's legacy name or can we choose another? This is assuming the legacy name is free on the destination server.


Basically, I want to separate my characters from my brother's characters, with each of us having our own legacy name.

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While I would love to be able to play on a more populated server; sooner, rather than later, I think they are moving a bit too fast in making decisions to move so many servers to so few servers.


I'm afraid the "Destination" servers will become overcrowded in the weeks to come with players returning hearing about and then using the "Free" transfer. Then we'll end up with people asking to transfer off the too crowded servers.

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Here is my thoughts on the matter...


You STILL fail, Bioware. Thanks for deciding to allow Helm of Graush to transfer off after you decided The Fatman was full. People who already had established characters on a full destination server should still be allowed to move their characters to that server. I already have two 50's on The Fatman. So allow me to transfer 6 more of my characters to The Fatman to fill up my 8 slots.


Afterall, it's still only one person logging into the server. So why not give them access to any 8 characters they want to play? I will never go back to my other characters because splitting my time between the two servers is pointless. I want all my characters to benefit from the same legacy and the same crew skills. Not to mention, that after transferring you merely take the highest level legacy between the two, rather than add one pool of experience to the other to gain the levels. Instead we lose them entirely and that is a ton of lost work.


Why hasn't anyone else brought this up? Are people okay with losing all the work from one of their legacies?

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Same boat here. I don't understand how they can choose servers with HEALTHIER AND BIGGER pops than ours to transfer. While letting completely fail-servers just sit there picking their nose infront of the gtn.


Its sounding more and more like a random lottery. BW has mastered the art of disappointing its paying customers it seems.


I'd say it might be more a case of taking care of the largest numbers first. For example, if there are 5,000 on one server and 10,000 on another and both are to be offered transfers, well, it's pretty clear where the larger number is. Take care of the big jobs first.

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While I would love to be able to play on a more populated server; sooner, rather than later, I think they are moving a bit too fast in making decisions to move so many servers to so few servers.


I'm afraid the "Destination" servers will become overcrowded in the weeks to come with players returning hearing about and then using the "Free" transfer. Then we'll end up with people asking to transfer off the too crowded servers.


I'd rather wait 30mins in queue than spamming gchat "DPS LFG BT HM" for 3 hrs.

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I'd say it might be more a case of taking care of the largest numbers first. For example, if there are 5,000 on one server and 10,000 on another and both are to be offered transfers, well, it's pretty clear where the larger number is. Take care of the big jobs first.


By this token its like saying "well the little guy is already screwed and has been screwed for months, lets screw them a little bit more"?

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By this token its like saying "well the little guy is already screwed and has been screwed for months, lets screw them a little bit more"?


Having to wait a few more days is hardly being screwed over. You can still play the game. Quests and dailies are still there. Space missions are still there. Bummer for you if you're only into PVP or Operations, of course. But c'est la vie.


Bioware is a business and getting the most people through the door in a day is what businesses have to do.

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Ok Here are the Imperial's Numbers for Belgoth's Beacon,

Imperial Population:55

Imperial Fleet:12





Dromund Kaas:5




Nar shaddaa:1



The Civil War:16 (Wow theres 2 level 50 WZs going thats not Pub vs Pub! amazing!)

Voss:1 (Where I am right now waiting for a lowbie pvp to pop.)

Edited by Arzhanin
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Krayt Dragon to The Shadowlands. Bummer. I had a feeling that was going to happen. I have 8 characters on Shadowlands already, so I guess my 6 on Krayt Dragon are stuck on a dead server. Ah well, at least I don't have to worry about having to rename any of them, I guess.
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Bioware, please get Belgoth's Beacon on-board tomorrow please. As of right now, I can't see any justification to have us being left last. A couple of servers had a consistently higher population than us (such as Anchorhead) who already got the free transfer eligibility.
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Having to wait a few more days is hardly being screwed over. You can still play the game. Quests and dailies are still there. Space missions are still there. Bummer for you if you're only into PVP or Operations, of course. But c'est la vie.


Bioware is a business and getting the most people through the door in a day is what businesses have to do.


I'm only playing to raid. Theres only so much dailies one can do in a gaming lifetime...I mean really...not to mention 6 lev 50s. No thanks.


They can always get more of these people through the door, the ones they have let down continually for months. But I'm sure we're all just screaming into the air, since I know BW doesn't give a crap.

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Could we possibly see Port Nowhere opened up to The Fatman. I know my guild and several others from Port Nowhere have already decided to move there and have remade the guild there. We have people in the guild who have already hit 50 on The Fatman, so it would be great if it was available.
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Could we possibly see Port Nowhere opened up to The Fatman. I know my guild and several others from Port Nowhere have already decided to move there and have remade the guild there. We have people in the guild who have already hit 50 on The Fatman, so it would be great if it was available.


There are servers who still haven't been transferred yet..Such as mine

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Bioware i wouldn't have tried to squeeze everyone on to 2 servers i would of made 1 more and ahve decently high pop's and no ques instead of 2 max pop servers. So ahve people xfer to belgoth beacon (Just a thought). i just hope there is a good reason for leaving 2 low pop servers out of the pvp east transfer. But overall its good your doing free transfers and hope for tomorrow transfers
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Bioware i wouldn't have tried to squeeze everyone on to 2 servers i would of made 1 more and ahve decently high pop's and no ques instead of 2 max pop servers. So ahve people xfer to belgoth beacon (Just a thought). i just hope there is a good reason for leaving 2 low pop servers out of the pvp east transfer. But overall its good your doing free transfers and hope for tomorrow transfers


dude i dont want to be on a low pop server ... and im still freaking stuck here



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Bioware i wouldn't have tried to squeeze everyone on to 2 servers i would of made 1 more and ahve decently high pop's and no ques instead of 2 max pop servers. So ahve people xfer to belgoth beacon (Just a thought). i just hope there is a good reason for leaving 2 low pop servers out of the pvp east transfer. But overall its good your doing free transfers and hope for tomorrow transfers

Who would transfer to us. theres only one other server that can come to us - Darth malak.

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Ok Here are the Imperial's Numbers for Belgoth's Beacon,

Imperial Population:55

Imperial Fleet:12





Dromund Kaas:5




Nar shaddaa:1



The Civil War:16 (Wow theres 2 level 50 WZs going thats not Pub vs Pub! amazing!)

Voss:1 (Where I am right now waiting for a lowbie pvp to pop.)


keep em coming

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