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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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It wasn't BW's fault that they opened so many servers! They were listening to customers like you, who come to the forums to moan and groan. They did what their customers told them to do! They are actually trying to fix the mistake of LISTENING to their customers! Sooo you're paying for the mistake that your friends, etc. TOLD BW to do OR else they said THEY would QUIT!



WHOA!!!! I think I got a little fanboy juice on me... oh no, thats just stupidity!

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With over a decade of MMO releases there should be no risks, and if you are considering 8 months in as still a launch period then you are the perfect brainwashed subscriber they will need to keep this game going.


No risks!? What planet do you live on? There will always be things that can't be predicted and don't work out as expected. No MMO hasn't had problems in the early days and no MMO ever won't. These are the early days still and that's a fact.


Also, the game has been out for less than seven months. Do your math correctly.

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Yeah I'm a day one fanboy for SWTOR but I'm pretty much done. I don't think I'm going to re- when my sub runs out.


I realized with this whole server-merge thing that I need to spend more time on my own work. Video games are entertainment but completely temporal. You can invest months, even years into playing them and literally have nothing to show for it. If they shut down the servers tomorrow we would be left with nothing and no recourse.

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It wasn't BW's fault that they opened so many servers! They were listening to customers like you, who come to the forums to moan and groan. They did what their customers told them to do! They are actually trying to fix the mistake of LISTENING to their customers! Sooo you're paying for the mistake that your friends, etc. TOLD BW to do OR else they said THEY would QUIT!



Bioware opened the servers because they never dreamed they would bleed subs this fast.


Population is a symptom not the illness.

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It wasn't BW's fault that they opened so many servers! They were listening to customers like you, who come to the forums to moan and groan. They did what their customers told them to do! They are actually trying to fix the mistake of LISTENING to their customers! Sooo you're paying for the mistake that your friends, etc. TOLD BW to do OR else they said THEY would QUIT!



When you take action, it is your fault. It does not matter how many people were complaining. If there are tons of people telling you to go jump off a very high bridge, and you do it and live, is it their fault when you get injured?

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No risks!? What planet do you live on? There will always be things that can't be predicted and don't work out as expected. No MMO hasn't had problems in the early days and no MMO ever won't. These are the early days still and that's a fact.


Also, the game has been out for less than seven months. Do your math correctly.


Some people are so naive.... good for you. :rolleyes:

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Toes crossed too. I so hope the rest of us aren't going to be dumped into JC or CO. Krayt Dragon would suit me as well as Shadowlands (I just hadn't considered it as a destination until your post).


Oh, I edited my post, BTW (a little too late to avoid a reply though). There are still 20 EC PVE servers left, so still a chance that both Krayt Dragon and The Shadowlands can be Destination Servers. :D


Yeah, I hope everything isn't rolled into those two. I get the feeling that they haven't touched Krayt Dragon and The Shadowlands yet because they both have healthy populations.

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Bioware opened the servers because they never dreamed they would bleed subs this fast.


Population is a symptom not the illness.


Bioware opened too many servers because they buckled under complaints, and they went for these server transfers for the same reason, and they still get complaints from a large part of the forumers, who think they are always right, that everybody who has a complaint is always right and BW is always wrong, and who also seem to rejoice because the game is doing badly.

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With over a decade of MMO releases there should be no risks, and if you are considering 8 months in as still a launch period then you are the perfect brainwashed subscriber they will need to keep this game going.



As Mythbusters would say (and in ANY science, physics, life etc.): Failure is ALWAYS an option!


You cannot have perfect results every single day! Or we would NEVER learn from our mistakes AND we would all be insane!


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

-Albert Einstein



Live and learn young Padawan!

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Bioware opened the servers because they never dreamed they would bleed subs this fast.


Population is a symptom not the illness.

Yeah, I'm going to quote this too. I really think that somewhere deep within BW and/or EA their business model is to only have the 500k-550k minimum subscribers to keep this game profitable. Looking forward to see how they spin lower sub numbers during the next EA conference call, which will include the expansion of the game to new territories and the Legacy "promotion" (giving away millions of dollars of game time).

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Infinity Gate has like 20 Pubs online....thanks to transfers some people resubbed. Normally we only have like 6. So much for transferring the worst servers first? Eh well....that would make too much sense I guess.




i was on one of the worst servers,and just got the go ahead to transfer this afternoon to jedi convent..its like night and day...i went from 10 people on fleet during prime time to 170+ at 3 in the afternoon. your time will come and it will be glorious...i am probably going to re-sub because of this.

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These people have been working to get the servers they've chosen transferred to or from. They still have to take breaks (unless you'd like to stand/sit at work 8 hours straight without moving a muscle just to get something finished), eat lunch (whether they ordered in, like my company does sometimes, or went out, or hell even ate at their desks). They've gotten up to use the bathroom, they've stopped a moment to chat with their bosses or coworkers about this or that dealing with the transfers.


Bioware employees are human just like the rest of you. They want to go home and be with their families. They've worked hard.


Just because your server, and my server, hasn't been written down yet as an origin/destination server doesn't mean they won't get to it.


Yes, their customers are important to them. But you sitting at home playing with 1000 other people, or sitting at home staring at your empty server doesn't mean they're going to drop everything in their lives just so you can play a few hours before going to bed/work.


The way they're pushing out these updates, we'll probably see it all finished and completed within the next day or two. Just be patient. They'll get to your server, you'll transfer to a new one or have new people come to you. Life won't end because you have to wait another day or two.


Just hang on and let Bioware do whatever it is they need to to ensure that your characters and all of their items are safe and sound and not lost forever in limbo.


It'll be okay, I promise. Just take a deep breath and relax.

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These people have been working to get the servers they've chosen transferred to or from. They still have to take breaks (unless you'd like to stand/sit at work 8 hours straight without moving a muscle just to get something finished), eat lunch (whether they ordered in, like my company does sometimes, or went out, or hell even ate at their desks). They've gotten up to use the bathroom, they've stopped a moment to chat with their bosses or coworkers about this or that dealing with the transfers.


Bioware employees are human just like the rest of you. They want to go home and be with their families. They've worked hard.


Just because your server, and my server, hasn't been written down yet as an origin/destination server doesn't mean they won't get to it.


Yes, their customers are important to them. But you sitting at home playing with 1000 other people, or sitting at home staring at your empty server doesn't mean they're going to drop everything in their lives just so you can play a few hours before going to bed/work.


The way they're pushing out these updates, we'll probably see it all finished and completed within the next day or two. Just be patient. They'll get to your server, you'll transfer to a new one or have new people come to you. Life won't end because you have to wait another day or two.


Just hang on and let Bioware do whatever it is they need to to ensure that your characters and all of their items are safe and sound and not lost forever in limbo.


It'll be okay, I promise. Just take a deep breath and relax.


I work at a place that runs 24/7. We have 3 shifts and noone works more than 9 hrs a day.

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Bioware employees are human just like the rest of you. They want to go home and be with their families. They've worked hard.


Yes, their customers are important to them. But you sitting at home playing with 1000 other people, or sitting at home staring at your empty server doesn't mean they're going to drop everything in their lives just so you can play a few hours before going to bed/work.


In the real world when you have a project to finish, an 8 hour work day becomes nonexistent.

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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


Sure! :rolleyes:


Like pthers have/will post(ed) when is the rest coming. That is the big debacle of this.


-You put out transfers are coming for 2 months in 'cryptic', half answered, news to online magazines and social media.

-Then, BW announces transfers will be coming on the 12th.

-ad more, BW spouts your server is pre determined for 1 server only, not even giving you a choice. To me this smacks of no direction by the staff that sat in meetings and whipped this all up. Probably afraid if it wasnt restricted people would wind up making ghost towns out of 'good' servers'! I buy that, what i dont buy is there wasnt like hey, we will make these X am6ount of servers 'The Final' destinations and allow the populace to decide for themselves....nope, give us one.

-Then announcing too PvP goes to PvP only, PvE goes to PvE only and RP-X goes to RP-X only. Players dont get a choice in the matter, kool, not.

-Then the morning of the 12th comes and no transfers! Oh well except for like 6 servers initially. Was my server one?? Nope! couple hours later a few more. did i miss the memo it was going to be broken into stages and select servers are chosen in a 'playin' it by ear' fashion


-Add on to all this transfers are going to The Fattman server which is all ready high population....watch it go to heavy > Full > the Queue waits (Fri-Sun). BS Fattman doesnt need transfers, it was fine on its own....leads me to think boardroom stupidity. Yet 14 servers so far get to go to The Fattman so far. Hate to see when those servers get players to log back in and then transfer only to be in queue for an hour and then quit again, lol.

-Further this, The swiftsure which was all well is a PvP West and is being transferred to The Fattman which is PvP East?!?!?!? more boardroom stupidity???????


All the while servers like mine that barely have 30-50 lv 50 players on from 6-10 pm cst and barely get 2 groups of pvp going at th same time, playing with the same 12 people, against the same 16 people is still friggin waiting.

No defined leadership, no defined vision.

I say this why!?? It all lead to players thinking they would have a say when, where they move their toons too. Then following it up with the fact it is being done in bits on the go making others wait with diseased anticipation looking at break times all day for info on when they get thier 'Go'. All still shrouded under the guise of doing this to be quality and "we cant say to much or we might put our foot in our mouths" and other such "sorry for the wait, please be patient" responses i see flooding the twitter and forums for the past 7 days.

It should be spelled out, Clear, Plain and Simple, You 'X' guys get to go here, you 'Y' get to go here with here being at least 3 choices. That is direction, that is leadership, that is giving the player something for thier continued patieince!


Notice these servers are the only ones going too:

The Fatman (EC-PvP), Jedi Covenant (EC-PvE), Canderous Ordo (EC-PvE), The Ebon Hawk (EC-RP-PvE), Jung Ma (EC-RP-PvP), The Bastion (WC-PvP), The Harbinger (WC-PvE), Drooga's Pleasure Barge (WC-PvE), Begeren Colony (WC-RP-PvE), Jar'Kai Sword (PvP), The Jedi Tower (PvE), Vanjervalis Chain (RP-PvE)

Wouldn't it have been esaier to just announce these forthright and say we are splitting you guys into groups starting on the 12th so we dont flood our networks with everyone doing it at once? Furthers my thoughts that this is all 'shoot from the hip' and not planned out far ahead becuase this is such easy info i could have done on my own time on BW behalf.

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yup just put in the transfers and 6 out of 8 of my character's names are already taken on the destination server. :(:(:(


it also wont let me transfer one of my 8 characters from my original server.

Edited by MorgonKara
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This is true. But I'm pretty sure the peeps at Bioware have more to do than JUST server transfers.


rift/trion (a smaller company than the bioware team dedicated to swtor) was able to manage open transfers (a much more daunting task) while also releasing a brand new raid soon after. bioware could do it all but they dont want to and its not like they have to worry about a raid coming out in 1.3.... Ea got their money and now they don't really care

Edited by SAEforLife
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