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Transfers Tomorrow - Are you excited?


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You sure? They can't eve get their Character Copy Tools working. lol. :D


They are doing it manually I think, since the Hero Engine can't cope with crossing information between shards. Will be hundreds of thousands of characters regardless.

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HELL YES I AM EXCITED! Now all 300 people can converge on one server! Maybe that will draw back the 400,000+ that have left.....though honestly, I doubt it. So much potential in this one, to be lost to so much laziness.
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Excited but wary.


Hoping Lord Adraas is the East Coast RP-PVE Destination.

Hoping Kath Hound sends it transfers to Lord Adraas.

Glad I locked down all my toon names on every EC RP server during early access.

Hoping myself, and everyone else, benefits positively from this with a better gaming experience.






Flour, Mercenary. LA

Devious, Sorcerer. LA

Others. LA/KH

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Im concerned because BW said nothing today. Not even a "Hey guys remember, Transfers are starting tomorrow!". And I was/am really hoping to get all my good chars onto one server (spread across 3 right now because of servers dying!).


We'll see what happens I guess...but in my mind the last minute pulling of ranked warzones in 1.2 made some people unhappy. If they do that with Transfers it will get real ugly real fast on the forums

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I'm excited that it is going to start. It will be a phased approach so some people are going to have to wait their turn. I think this will cause some churn and there will be more QQ posts about how it is being mishandled blah, blah, blah...


But, patience is the key. That, and a clear understanding that this type of thing will not happen overnight and there will be problems.


I am excited nonetheless. Looking forward to it. A healthy dose of apprehension is warranted, but this is a much needed step and very welcome given the state of some of the servers.

Edited by Rafaman
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Im concerned because BW said nothing today. Not even a "Hey guys remember, Transfers are starting tomorrow!". And I was/am really hoping to get all my good chars onto one server (spread across 3 right now because of servers dying!).


We'll see what happens I guess...but in my mind the last minute pulling of ranked warzones in 1.2 made some people unhappy. If they do that with Transfers it will get real ugly real fast on the forums


me too,

no patch note,

no choice of destination server ,


i doubt we can transfers today.

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They said that it will be a gradual process because there are millions of characters, so think could take till the end of the year.


Nah it might take a week to get through the initial surge (by that I mean apply to transfer today and it goes through tomorrow), but if its so gradual that it will take a year....well the game just doesn't have that kind of time left anymore for most people

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Nah it might take a week to get through the initial surge (by that I mean apply to transfer today and it goes through tomorrow), but if its so gradual that it will take a year....well the game just doesn't have that kind of time left anymore for most people


You think that all the servers that will become origin and destination will go live tomorrow? Not what I inferred from their sticky but I would love to be wrong.


BTW not a year but the best part of half a year at most is my prediction.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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This is where I am as well. I dont want to lose my name which is already taken on almost every server. :(


If you donot choose to transfer you will not lose your name. Those coming to your server if they conflict with yours...they would have to change thier's. Not you. I am not moving for that reason.

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They are doing it manually I think, since the Hero Engine can't cope with crossing information between shards. Will be hundreds of thousands of characters regardless.




If this is true, and I'm sure it is, and I'm reading it right, then it's really, really stupid.



On topic, yes, I'm very excited. I'm hoping Ebon Hawk and Lord Adraas are the RP-PVE destinations and the rest get dumped onto our servers. I'm not bothered by going to Lord Adraas though. I wish we'd known more earlier though, so we could have had time to cope.

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You think that all the servers that will become origin and destination will go live tomorrow? Not what I inferred from their sticky but I would love to be wrong.


BTW not a year but the best part of half a year at most is my prediction.


It is how I understood it. Not in one day..but within days. I could be wrong also.

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