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Transfers Tomorrow - Are you excited?


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Where did they say they were using existing servers as destination? I must have missed that.


It'd make a whole lot more sense, to me, to start a brand new fresh server of each play type, not allow any new character creations on that server so folks can't go reserving names, and then let us transfer our toons at a controlled pace.


But to the point - I am very excited. This has the potential to save this (still) very fun game.


Actually that might be an interesting idea - except they've already said they're transferring to existing servers - that's why they go into detail about name and legacy conflicts, etc.


But if you think about it, transferring to a totally new server would mean one without any guilds or existing community at all. You'd be like that subdivision that was thrown down several years back during the real estate boom. Some would thrive - many would falter without some sort of existing community to integrate with. All things considered it's better to move into an established neighborhood.

Edited by jgelling
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If only it were always that simple. You got to remember a lot of folks got locked into their servers based on the guilds they were in pre release and not everyone in those guilds was on the same page about everything such as pvp. I for one wanted a pve server, but I also wanted to stick with my gaming guild that I have been a part of for a long time. As such I ended up going with them to a pvp server at launch. That guild has now died on SWTOR, but I still enjoy the game. With my server being dead I re rolled a character on a pve server like I wanted to originally and I have found a good group of people that invited me to their guild and I have now become friends with. Its situations like this that bioware overlooked when making their decisions about transfers. I am thinking though that bioware will open up transfers in the future that will accomadate people in my same situation so I wait here patiently for that option.


Good point but ultimately you made the choice of what type of server to play on.

I suspect that those types of transfers will be available in the future for a fee. But calling it an embarrassing (not by you of course) because it isn't being done now is something that's just proves my post about the types of issues that people get angry over.

Once again, not directed at you. It's just a general statement from my perspective.

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It's past 5pm in Austin now. One can only assume there will be no word on origin/destination servers today. At least they didn't tell us the transfers were delayed.


I guess I'll just check out the /transfer URL tomorrow when the servers start coming back from maintenance.

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Actually that might be an interesting idea - except they've already said they're transferring to existing servers - that's why they go into detail about name and legacy conflicts, etc.




they were talking about new "super servers" with much higher pop cap.

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It's past 5pm in Austin now. One can only assume there will be no word on origin/destination servers today. At least they didn't tell us the transfers were delayed.


I guess I'll just check out the /transfer URL tomorrow when the servers start coming back from maintenance.


They already stated they won't release any info until the 12th.

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I'm just sorry it has come to this. Every MMO has a surge at the beginning and then a natural fall-off as people decide to go back to what they were doing before or move on to new things. This is a surprise to no one. So why wasn't it planned for from the beginning? There should have been a mechanism in place for this from day 1 (or at least day 60).


As a guild leader I don't look forward to the administrative headache, but I do look forward to more people on at all times.


When DAoC merged servers, if there were name overlaps, then each character got a name "extension" you could use when disambiguation was necessary. If there was a Qisa on Bedevere and a Qisa on Igraine, both characters would show as Qisa above their heads, but if you needed to talk to one specifically, you could talk to "Qisa-B" or "Qisa-I". DAoC had housing zones when the servers merged, too, so it wasn't unusual to have to 2 or 3 people in the "same" lot on each server. They managed to work out that conflict too. I mention this because, like server merges, there are numerous precedents in the past for name conflicts. If Bioware just looked at those, there could be elegant ways to handle server merges where we don't have to do all this manual work.


Learn from history!

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I am. I just wish we had more info on server lists and groups, regarding Origin & Destination servers, etc. :confused:


They cannot even do the simple things, the transfers are not, what we expected them to be.


Initially we considered allowing players to transfer to any server they wished, or to a variety of different servers. However, on a massive scale, this free-for-all approach causes potential problems. Players who are anxious to ensure they end up on a heavily populated server will naturally flock to what is perceived as the 'biggest' server, potentially over-populating that server. This eventually leads to the exact situation we're trying to move away from. Our aim is to maximize server population across the entire service and to enhance the gameplay experience for our players.


This means, i cannot transfer from Sith Wyrm to Tomb Of Freedon Nadd due to the target is a heavy populated server. I can transfer to another Kongo server.

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Uh, who said transfers started tomorrow? They just put 1.3 on the test server....


SIGH, they never said transfers and 1.3 were linked.


And YES they did announce transfers for tomorrow.(whether it is really happening is another discussion).

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We all know last minute changes can happen, but yeah transfers should be here within 12-14 hours ^^


Edit: or rather transfers begin. They said it'll be a slow process, some servers might not get chosen as origins or destinations till later.

Edited by alifaraaz
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im dreading it, honestly.


If my server is not a destination it means game over.


This. I only have one character I would not budge to change the name of, but since it's in TOR lore, the chances of it being available makes me pessimistic. My legacy name I won't budge at all for, period. Legacy is suppose to have meaning.

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I'm looking foward to it. I dont care if i have to change my name, whatever. I just want stop seeing tumbleweed on the fleet and be able to find an active guild/group of players with similar in game interests.
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This. I only have one character I would not budge to change the name of, but since it's in TOR lore, the chances of it being available makes me pessimistic. My legacy name I won't budge at all for, period. Legacy is suppose to have meaning.


Legacy definition: anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.


except apparently, your name... if you are unfortunate enough to be on a low pop server.


For me its Slim or nothing. Guess that year and a half of free testing I did for them and the fact that I pre-ordered, logged in dec 13 at 4 am, and opened my legacy ASAP means nothing now.


Its the principle of the matter. I dont give a phuck if theres 200000000 Slims running around, but I damn well am going to be one of them. And If theres only one, its me.

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