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Transfers Tomorrow - Are you excited?


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EDIT: Please read the link and stop asking if Bioware said this.


"Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur"




I am. I just wish we had more info on server lists and groups, regarding Origin & Destination servers, etc. :confused:

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Excited? No, way to cynical for that at this point.


I have watched Shadown Hand slowly die.


Am I "hopeful"? Ok a little hope does shine thru my cynicism but, I am more of a wait and see.


Which after all is the only thing we can do.


But, hey everything will happen soon . :eek:

Edited by Urael
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Looking forward to it. I hope they put the "list" up tonight and don't wait until tomorrow.


Either way this is the first step in what we can all hope will be a huge leap forward into the future of this game.


Combine large, healthy, servers with a good group finder and suddenly we have a triple-A title.

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Meh, Juyo will more than likely be a destination server so we should be getting a nice boost to our fleet action. Hopefully ill be able to consolidate my old characters but thats a very low chance, ATM. Not really expecting anythimg new. Only thing im really looking forward to is the Cathar, but that won't be for a while.
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No. This is the exact same, laughable, original "transfer" system Blizzard used back in classic WoW. The conditions are identical to Blizzard's system circa 2006: They determine the source and destination servers, they arbitrarily determine the numbers on when to stop allowing transfers, and they're locking transfers between server types.


It didn't work very well in addressing problems back then and it isn't going to work well now. All this does is pave the way for paid transfers.

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Well if my server is a Destination server, than absolutely. If not, than no, I am not excited. Not looking forward to logging on and finding out my pre launch server is a tranfer from server, not a transfer to server. As well, being a guild leader increases my warriness of transferring an entire guild, gbank, etc. and hoping we get to keep our name, and having to redo all the ranks, etc.:(
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Excited? Absolutely!


While I still have a bit of paid game time I'll check the forums every so often at work. It should be funny to see the predictable complaints from everyone hoping to transfer to The Fatman or Jedi Covenant from Trash Server #37 - and are instead consolidated on Trash Server #59.


When they find it's not an entirely new game and people still don't want to queue all that often - or better yet, aren't included in the first round of transfers at all - the QQ should be crazy.

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No. This is the exact same, laughable, original "transfer" system Blizzard used back in classic WoW. The conditions are identical to Blizzard's system circa 2006: They determine the source and destination servers, they arbitrarily determine the numbers on when to stop allowing transfers, and they're locking transfers between server types.


It didn't work very well in addressing problems back then and it isn't going to work well now. All this does is pave the way for paid transfers.


And this is a shock or surprise why? This isn't really and never was a "transfer." Just look at it for what it really is: an "optional server merge."


The point of this is purely consolidation to address server populations. Nothing more.

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