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Full WH ..what now?


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I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


I've heard we may be getting some new pets and such on pvp vendor next patch. Past this stuff and maybe rerolling, anything else I should do with the ranked comms?


Just wanted people's advice. Thanks.

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I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


I've heard we may be getting some new pets and such on pvp vendor next patch. Past this stuff and maybe rerolling, anything else I should do with the ranked comms?


Just wanted people's advice. Thanks.


You can start being excited that Devs are excited that you have great fun playing the game!


Official from the swtor twitter:

USER: I made it to 50!

BIOWARE: Congratulations! What are your in-game plans now?

Edited by Missandei
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It goes like this:


1) Become bored

2) log out

3) unsubscribe

4) uninstall the game

5) Play something else


I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


I've heard we may be getting some new pets and such on pvp vendor next patch. Past this stuff and maybe rerolling, anything else I should do with the ranked comms?


Just wanted people's advice. Thanks.

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I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


I've heard we may be getting some new pets and such on pvp vendor next patch. Past this stuff and maybe rerolling, anything else I should do with the ranked comms?


Just wanted people's advice. Thanks.


Ugh I hate the stats that come with the gear I am using but am almost done with min maxing. After that my comms are going into companion armor that I do not use ever.

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1.3 has some things you can buy with ranked coms. Then ofc there will be rated gear and that fabulous purple-black crystal, until then not much lol.


One reason I'm glad I have four 50s now, not one is close to having full WH. Plus my Van and Jugg I can offspec. Going to be awhile before I get full WH.

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I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


Gratz on your WH set. You can do like I did and semi-retire now. lol


Since RWZ Comms are going to be much easier to get post-1.3, I'm not going to bother min/maxing my WH stuff until then. On top of the fact that Pub queues are inordinately long on DR, especially off peak times. I just said eff it and rolled another alt, am playing D3 as well as BF3.

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Go faceroll some lowbies on tattoine!


But seriously, you could just keep practicing for when ranked warzones come out. and while you're at it why not min/max your pvp set.


There's always going to be a top tier pvp set, and if that's the only reason why you're playing then maybe you're done with the game. You win at SWTOR!


Most other PvPers here enjoy PvPing, they dont do it for the gear or the prizes.

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I know rated is not out yet but as I'm only playing one toon I've managed to already get full Warhero.


I've even stockpiled some extra warhero ranked comms.


I was thinking I could start buying other gear and rip mods to min/max myself a bit but even this is limited as my base set is very close to the stat goals I wanted.


I've heard we may be getting some new pets and such on pvp vendor next patch. Past this stuff and maybe rerolling, anything else I should do with the ranked comms?


Just wanted people's advice. Thanks.


Prepare for the new level cap coming soon.

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Oh yeah... I also like to gear out my companions with rakata/PvP gear so I can dominate on open world PvP with the help of a beastly companion. I'm assuming when Ilum gets fixed we won't be able to use companions but when server transfers happen we will be running into a lot more random battles with the opposite faction.


Another idea is in the preparation for the new level cap... complete a bunch of level 50 missions and don't cash them in. Instant XP boost ahead of the pack when level cap comes. Step ahead of the game. :D

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This game is fairly casual friendly. It means if you have full WH by now you should consider rolling an alt and pvping on two characters. I do also recommend trying to gear multiple toons at once to take advantage of how good dailies are for getting gear.


If you think a Op, Sin, Mara or Sorc is OP roll one!

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Nerf everything!!!


All attacks do 2 HP dmg and all heals do 1 HP healed. We all get one stun and one attack. Problem solved.


You would see a nerf DPS thread if that happened. Twice as much damage then I can heal and all

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