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Where's the love for healers?


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you lost. doesnt matter where the vote goes.


and as for the people with 2 votes, you didnt sort by your team so for all we know they could have been on the other team


Or you could count that one has 7 who put up stats and the other team has 8.

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Yes, put up one screenshot where the healer didn't get all the mvp votes.


We all know, in a typical pug, the healer gets the mvp votes the majority of the time, regardless of whether they really deserved it or not.

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We all know, in a typical pug, the healer gets the mvp votes the majority of the time, regardless of whether they really deserved it or not.


Someone thinks mindless DerPS deserves any credit for facerolling mindlessly tunnel visioned onto blowing things up. :rolleyes:


*And yup, going back to loling on my DerPS toons now because it's completely pointless to play my tanks or healers when you can 1.2TTK your way to victory*

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Someone thinks mindless DerPS deserves any credit for facerolling mindlessly tunnel visioned onto blowing things up. :rolleyes:


*And yup, going back to loling on my DerPS toons now because it's completely pointless to play my tanks or healers when you can 1.2TTK your way to victory*


Just like there's meaningless dps, there's meaningless heals as well. Some of us are capable of recognizing the difference. From experience, most of you are not.



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1. People MVP vote their friends/guildies regardless, 2. Depends what people did in the game. If he was the guy interrupting all the caps (and with low damage I can see that being the case) why wouldn't he deserve the MVP?


Stop crying about stupid things. The MVP votes I get are only worth 1 extra comm anyway, it doesn't matter.

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1 mvp vote for a million heals? C'mon, do you know how hard that is to do as a sorc :(


sorcs cook the books. I see them inflicting damage on themselves and self healingfor significant periods of time in wz's. still impressive numbers, as a healer I always give my vote to the tank that helps me to heal. or the dps that saves my sorry ***.

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1 million heals, what did you do, hide in a corner and consumption-heal combo the entire time? my money's on yes. useless heals are useless, surprised you didn't get vote-kicked (i've vote kicked people for wasting a minute + doing that little number padding combo, either contribute or get removed).
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1 million heals, what did you do, hide in a corner and consumption-heal combo the entire time? my money's on yes. useless heals are useless, surprised you didn't get vote-kicked (i've vote kicked people for wasting a minute + doing that little number padding combo, either contribute or get removed).


Oh come on. He probably only consumption-healed like 250k of it.

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Oh come on. He probably only consumption-healed like 250k of it.


still, all I see there is an enemy team that was very bad at focusing the only healer the enemy had. no real MVP there, just a group getting lucky on facerolling some bads.

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Just like there's meaningless dps, there's meaningless heals as well. Some of us are capable of recognizing the difference. From experience, most of you are not.




Just another person with narcissistic issues. "I R 1337. U R NOT." :rolleyes:



*Actually ignore that. I have come to realize I am just pissy towards everyone this weekend due to terrible frustration at some of the players awful personalities (and horrible pvp skills) in-game and sadly taking it out on random people in the forums. My apologies.*

Edited by Vaipyr
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1 mvp vote for a million heals? C'mon, do you know how hard that is to do as a sorc :(


Number-whoring as a Sorc isn't hard at all, useless AoE-spam will do it.

700k+ is standard in Voidstar and Alderaan-midzerg-games if you have gear and keep spamming AoE, HoT's and shields.

Try playing a heal/lightning hybrid, support your team and survive longer if focused.

The AoE-heal-spec will be worthless in rateds, where you will be focused most of the time.


1 million heals, what did you do, hide in a corner and consumption-heal combo the entire time? my money's on yes. useless heals are useless, surprised you didn't get vote-kicked (i've vote kicked people for wasting a minute + doing that little number padding combo, either contribute or get removed).


Consumption-heal won't get you much higher than 300k, even if you do it for the whole game.


Oh, and because I like epeen measurement, my record post 1.2 is higher!!!!1111ololo

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1 million heals, what did you do, hide in a corner and consumption-heal combo the entire time? my money's on yes. useless heals are useless, surprised you didn't get vote-kicked (i've vote kicked people for wasting a minute + doing that little number padding combo, either contribute or get removed).


His 73 kills are proof that the healing was going to his teammates, and not the result of consumption spamming. Consumption spamming is actually incredibly inefficient from a heals/sec standpoint. This is almost certainly the result of heavy use of the AoE heal.


Impressive numbers :-)

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1 mvp vote for a million heals? C'mon, do you know how hard that is to do as a sorc :(


heh, going by that high of a number I would say you weren't exactly attacked a lot, so that's hardly a lot of 'hard work' then. I can assure you a scoundrel would not have the numbers. I'm glad when I can get half of that (to be fair I am a rather crappy scoundrel and I get focus-targeted a lot ;) )


did you at least vote for the tank that was guarding you? or the dps that paid attention and killed the opposing team's members trying to kill you?

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