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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Is there any point in posting in a 200 pages long thread? Probably not but whatever.


Bioware your game is great but this is a disaster. There are ques to the servers 24/7 and they are all between 30 and 120 min long (if not more). Simply creating new servers won't help, you have to allow transfer of characters to the low population servers. And also, for the love of all gods of all religions, create more than one english speaking RP-PVP server.


Atm Lord Calypho is the only english RP-PVP server and we have 35 min ques on that server. But where are we supposed to go? There is no other server for us unless we learn to speak german or french. This is not acceptable Bioware.

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Yeah, the "Estimator" they've got running seems to be doing an awesome job as well. Makes it comfortable and easy to plan ahead with these fantastic queues -When you only have casual playtime!


As of now ive been in a 25min queue for 50min, and i personally estimate at least another 10min. Is the ETA we are given calculated in normal Earth Time, or is it some other planets timezones perhaps?

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Because you have said that you are part of a particular guild, and that guild has been created on the server with the yellow flag.


You are not forced to start there... that is just where the guild is located.


Cheers for answering,


hmm I cant remember that I said this tho ^^. I do play since day 3 and never really had any contact with any guilds, not at the forum nor ingame :D

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No offence but it is a bad setup where your server is full and the thirteen below it are light. This is frustrating. There must be too many on this server. They need to manage this better. One way would be to move servers with Fewer people using to the top so new people start on them rather than overloading other servers. People generallly pick servers at top of list
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Nothing quite like coming home to a 30 minute queue. For the love of God, I rolled a new character on a server without many people on it because I was fed up with the huge queues, now that server is infested as well. Jesus Christ, that's a lot of hours wasted on levelling.
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Hmm, it is possible they're upping the caps as we speak, mine went from 870 to about 30 (roughly, didn't catch exact numbers). If so, I'll be very pleased.


After 5+ hour queue times, 30-45 minutes is something I can tolerate during launch week.

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I have a yellow flag on mine yet im not part of any guild? server is Frostclaw


Weird, I have no idea then ;) As that's what the flag is apparently there to indicate that's a bit confusing. Especially if you haven't indicate dthat you're part of a guild on that server anywhere.

Edited by Valkaern
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Hmm, it is possible they're upping the caps as we speak, mine went from 870 to about 30 (roughly, didn't catch exact numbers). If so, I'll be very pleased.


After 5+ hour queue times, 30-45 minutes is something I can tolerate during launch week.


Confirming this, was queuing for hydian way and dropped from 250 to 63 in a second.

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This is bull... :mad: tried to log in in the morning and already had to wait in queue, checking Euro servers and most full at 1200 already on a weekday! Im not paying for queuing! I expect free character transfers atleast to lesser populated servers asap. Im mostly soloing and not in a guild so starting from scratch on a new server ( bye bye preorder benefts )


What a fiasco this launch have been ( and Ive been on all major launches since EQ1 )

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The funny part is, that my PC is unstable and I get a lot of CTDs and such and there's no system, that would allow me to reenter fast after I got disconnected and I have to wait in the queue every single time that happens. Seems like it's game over for me.


To all people offering rerolls to other servers: That's the server my guild was assigned to, I already have 50 hours of game time and I'm not even considering that. There were queues to the server even before the game went live, so if anyone at Bioware had brains they would disallow unassigned people to roll on that server.


There are hour long queues right now, I checked around 10:00 AM (9:00 GMT) and there were 300 people in queue to my server. I can't even begin to imagine what's gonna happen around 18:00, when I get back from work.




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I'm writing here becouse i've the same problem of queue. After a day, the "Nightmare Lands" server, populated by italian players, is became full. I've tried to play but i stay in queue for a lot of time!! Today i was in queue for 3 hours without results.

I've played more then one MMORPG's from the beta test to the launch and i've never seen this problems! Maybe something's wrong! Like people are suggesting you, maybe it's time to lock servers for new players and transfer entire guilds on other new servers paying attention on their nationality (italian people want to stay in the same server like every other online game)?

Remember that we're spending money to play a game that we actually can't play!!!

We're paying for a service, not for a queue!! FIX IT!!!!

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I will repeat, they are upping the caps right now. It was obviously goingo to be done, even if this had to be done a few days ago, but oh well, best late than never...


This is actually the 2nd cap increase so far. They're inching them up very slightly bit by bit.

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This is actually the 2nd cap increase so far. They're inching them up very slightly bit by bit.


Yup, as I told before, probably most populated servers will be within "normal" launch-queues tonight (and with normal launch I say half to one hour) but we will have to wait and see.

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Hi BW, please, open the migration please!!! you dont fix nothing if only open new servers, the ppl that are in full servers continues with the problem. Let the ppl move.


If they would do what Egathrond said it would fix the problem way better then placing new empty servers which has never worked in any MMO. Also i would be happy to change server if that would mean i don't get queues anymore.

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There are several options, to get it sorted (as mentioned in the posts):


1. Free character/guild transfer to a lesser populated server

2. Add more instances to a server

3. Add more servers

4. People leave game


Point 4 is the fastest way. You don't even have to do anything.

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