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Regarding server queues


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And this is where they get you. 2 days before launch and they can't handle the early access load and justify it by setting lower expectations and making their solution look like a fair compromise.


Well F that! I am tired of these MMO developers always putting a ****** product out and telling you it will get better later. Meanwhile they don't compensate you for your monthly sub time lost while waiting in queue. That's utter BS! Let's see what Bioware does.

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If I pay 50+ for an xbox game or PS3 game, I go home, put it in and at most, have a few hours install period and perhaps patching. If its an online game, I can almost be assured there is 0 wait to play.


Please revise your excessively long queues and get additional equipment up to handle the load. I don't pay money to wait, nor do I have the time or will to do so. I rarely have a day off so when I do, if I have to wait I'll go find something else to do and save my money.


Please fix this. :(



One not so thrilled customer

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And this is where they get you. 2 days before launch and they can't handle the early access load and justify it by setting lower expectations and making their solution look like a fair compromise.


Well F that! I am tired of these MMO developers always putting a ****** product out and telling you it will get better later. Meanwhile they don't compensate you for your monthly sub time lost while waiting in queue. That's utter BS! Let's see what Bioware does.


Do you really expect them to send you the 2 cents an hour that you pay (assuming that you were actually paying right now)

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Add a rating for each server, that lists how many people are "ACTIVE" on the server. Not currently Logged in, but have looged in recently. Rate them 1-5, And allocate it based on the other servers.


I know, I know there's a flaw if like a guild of 500 people take a vacation and then Come back after a month... and scew the server numbers... But that's a risk i'm willing to take.


Allowing for someone to get an idea of the "Population" of a server and less of the "Currently on Friday at 8 Am, durning EGA, not one plays this server, But at 5 PM, EVERYONE and there grandmother plays here."



Population get Speard around, People don't get stuck in Ques, and you don't have to reveal how many people are on as server, Just It's Rated 5, means you're more likly to see ques then a server rated as 3-4. and 1-2 are Great to start new! Everyone's happy.


and really come on, How hard would it be to do that on a database scale youre setup with.


Dude...read this pic...then go back to school and pay more attention in english please. Spelling and grammar are your friends. Also, l2F7 and spell check.



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If I pay 50+ for an xbox game or PS3 game, I go home, put it in and at most, have a few hours install period and perhaps patching. If its an online game, I can almost be assured there is 0 wait to play.


Please revise your excessively long queues and get additional equipment up to handle the load. I don't pay money to wait, nor do I have the time or will to do so. I rarely have a day off so when I do, if I have to wait I'll go find something else to do and save my money.


Please fix this. :(



One not so thrilled customer



Comparing a server based MMO to a single player console game

Comparing a server based MMO that has been operating ~1 week to a multiplayer console game that has operated for years (BF, CoD, etc.)




Also I agree they just need to buy more servers. Just go to the server store and put a server in their shopping cart.

Edited by Knoxpwns
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Right, so server queues are so big they add servers to split the user load.


The fact that the forum thread discussing server queues has gotten so big it also needed to be split is rather ironic, don't you think?


It made me giggle anyway.

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I know this is going to get lost in the stream but I personally think there should be a grace period after you get log back to server selection to get back in to the same server. I can't count how many times I've been disconnected and had to wait. It's especially painful when I have teammates that want to level with me.


If I get DC'd, let me get back in within 30 seconds. That's all I ask. It will mean I get an extra 30 minutes to an hour each day to play (ie not waiting in the queue after DC).

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Dear Bioware,



Keep up the good work. **** has got to be a little nuts at yalls place right now. The queues suck, but some of us here know its just part of the initiation period. I haven't played an MMO yet that wasn't hell on earth (or I guess hell on starwars, here) and so far everything is going pretty well all things considered.


In short, if I can ask anything of you Bioware, its this... Don't give the QQ'ers an inch to work with. As you probably know, the QQers are like devilish vacuums, and if you give them even an inch, they will suck every bit of life that exists within you.


Don't make the same mistake WoW did, don't cater to the QQ!


Grow up.


it is not QQ when you can't play because over 22/27 servers in your time zone are full and one is down. Leaving 3 with heavy populations and 2 with very heavy populations. hving over 81% of your servers in a given region are unaccessible is not acceptable, it is not a case of QQing.


People expect to be able to play. This isn't complaining because a class got nerfed or complaining because [blank] class is over powered simply because you were bested by it in PvP.


Not being able to play is a serious issue. And this isn't a case of BioWare being surprised they CONTROLLED the number of players and the number of servers. Nothing about this situation should have caught BioWare unaware. They simply dropped the ball and refuse to deal with the problem.

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I just love that the second any MMO in the history of video game technology has run into an issue, every crying **** stain with the willy wonka chicks attitude "but I want it NNNOOOOWWW" suddenly becomes a veteran of all things electronic and magically learns all the solutions to every server problem in existence.



"better do what he says, he's a Whale Biologist."

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I have not been able to login to my "assigned guild" server since the first time I logged in. I'm playing on another server. I try every night to access my "assigned server".


I hope they will let me transfer my character to my "assigned server" otherwise I'll end up away from my friends or wasted my Early Access on a toon that will become dormant.


I wont wait 2 hours for a server - I'll do something else.

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Grow up.


it is not QQ when you can't play because over 22/27 servers in your time zone are full and one is down. Leaving 3 with heavy populations and 2 with very heavy populations. hving over 81% of your servers in a given region are unaccessible is not acceptable, it is not a case of QQing.


People expect to be able to play. This isn't complaining because a class got nerfed or complaining because [blank] class is over powered simply because you were bested by it in PvP.


Not being able to play is a serious issue. And this isn't a case of BioWare being surprised they CONTROLLED the number of players and the number of servers. Nothing about this situation should have caught BioWare unaware. They simply dropped the ball and refuse to deal with the problem.


+1 on this, there's simply *no* excuse for whats happening, it's no surprise to how popular this game would be. I only hope that they're literally just throttling the player count/server capacity right now and will open up the servers soon to alleviate the queues.

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And this is where they get you. 2 days before launch and they can't handle the early access load and justify it by setting lower expectations and making their solution look like a fair compromise.


Well F that! I am tired of these MMO developers always putting a ****** product out and telling you it will get better later. Meanwhile they don't compensate you for your monthly sub time lost while waiting in queue. That's utter BS! Let's see what Bioware does.




Judging by your lighthearted BS business model. EVERYTHING IS FLOWERS AND RAINBOWS WE DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR customers. When YOUR bottom line is SUFFERING YOU WILL CARE! BIOWARE SO FAR I EXPECTED MORE from you but YOU SUCK! Prove me wrong and FIX QUES PLEASE?

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Do you really expect them to send you the 2 cents an hour that you pay (assuming that you were actually paying right now)


No, what I am saying is this **** is going to continue after launch date and they won't do anything serious to resolve it for a couple of months. What I expect is for them to not charge anyone until they get this ridiculous queue f'up fixed but I know that won't happen since it's the reasonable thing to do.


I don't expect anything but the same BS that all these other MMO developers put out.

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I wonder what it would take to have everyone play in a single PvP or PvE instanced environment? Everyone gets to connect without a queue and then chooses an instance. The infrastructure would dynamically spawn off new instances as needed.


Yes, I understand we are in 'pre', but what in the world is going to happen when everyone else gets in game? Are they going to have 1,000 servers 10,000 players each (that's 10M players btw)? And when the servers are full and weeks later you have new friends that want to join and play with you, how are they going to get on the same servers?


I'm sure they will get it worked out, but it would be nice to see their 'business plan' which outlines their milestones and goals in the coming weeks.


As far as those absoluters who demand perfection on day 1... I don't know of any other game that was perfect at launch, and I've played most of them. For you absolute folks, I guess it would have been better to wait another year before you get to play? As for me, I'd rather play now and work through the queues and problems.


And before you flame this old engineer, these are just a few questions and comments for the rational bunch out there. I'm not looking to argue with the kids.


Merry Christmas all!



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Grow up.


it is not QQ when you can't play because over 22/27 servers in your time zone are full and one is down. Leaving 3 with heavy populations and 2 with very heavy populations. hving over 81% of your servers in a given region are unaccessible is not acceptable, it is not a case of QQing.


People expect to be able to play. This isn't complaining because a class got nerfed or complaining because [blank] class is over powered simply because you were bested by it in PvP.


Not being able to play is a serious issue. And this isn't a case of BioWare being surprised they CONTROLLED the number of players and the number of servers. Nothing about this situation should have caught BioWare unaware. They simply dropped the ball and refuse to deal with the problem.



Actually how about instead, you get some damned patience. Let me guess, your solution to this problem is to throw more servers to play on? TRIPLE THE SERVERS!


Obviously, that will solve the problem.

Edited by Knoxpwns
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Judging by your lighthearted BS business model. EVERYTHING IS FLOWERS AND RAINBOWS WE DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR customers. When YOUR bottom line is SUFFERING YOU WILL CARE! BIOWARE SO FAR I EXPECTED MORE from you but YOU SUCK! Prove me wrong and FIX QUES PLEASE?


Not sure if inciting or serious...


Edit: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/131/351/eb6.jpg?1307463786

Edited by YumChickens
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Actually how about instead, you learn some gosh darned patience. Let me guess, your solution to this problem is to throw more servers to play on? TRIPLE THE SERVERS!


Obviously, that will solve the problem.


It would. What people forget, or don't realize, is that will cause it's own set of problems, much bigger problems IMO, later on down the road.

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I don't really think Bioware appreciates the "don't complain" attitude. They want people to stay and they want to know if it's a big enough problem to fix. Losing silent customers is the worst thing to happen for a business.


I like this game. It's fun. I'm not happy about queue times and if I can't get on I'll pay to play something that works. I think it's fair to give Bioware an opportunity to fix the problem rather then walking away quietly (which btw, for every person that does complain, there are ten more that don't say a word and walk away).


Let people speak, voice their legitimate concerns about the game. Geesh.

Edited by londerwost
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Comparing a server based MMO to a single player console game

Comparing a server based MMO that has been operating ~1 week to a multiplayer console game that has operated for years (BF, CoD, etc.)




Also I agree they just need to buy more servers. Just go to the server store and put a server in their shopping cart.


are you trolling?



BioWare invited the people in the game right now they know exactly how many people would be trying to use the game during early access. Are you seriously suggesting that they have no more servers to bring on line on the 20th, when they can no longer control the population?


You attempted to sound wise but came across a fool. And just so you know you CAN actually go to a store and order a server. You can actually buy the parts and quickly assemble them yourself IF you are trained and are you suggesting that they have NO trained personel at their server farms?

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Also I agree they just need to buy more servers. Just go to the server store and put a server in their shopping cart.


A "server" probably is not a physical device. I would suggest it's either a virtual appliance or merely a process running on a virtual server or physical hardware. That way a single physical box could potentially be hosting many of what Bioware calls a "server". They also have the notion of "instances" within each "server" which probably don't even have to be on the same hardware.


Coupling this with the use of intelligent load balancing tools, Bioware should be able to dynamically increase the number of users per "server" to ridiculous amounts, or add any number of "instances" to a "server".


The end result might be, for example, that a "server" named "The Ebon Hawk" may in fact be made up of ten or more processes (say, one per "instance") spread across many physical hardware devices.


I'm actually just surprised that if they have this capability - and they should - that they haven't enacted it. Somewhere in Bioware will be a decision process. One side of it leans towards reducing login queues, the other side leans towards keeping users clustered together so that people aren't running around on empty servers. Personally I think their process is skewed too far towards the latter though and they need to go into full load capability mode.

Edited by Kaldek
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Comparing a server based MMO to a single player console game

Comparing a server based MMO that has been operating ~1 week to a multiplayer console game that has operated for years (BF, CoD, etc.)




Also I agree they just need to buy more servers. Just go to the server store and put a server in their shopping cart.


lol Stop being such a Fanboi, seriously if your gonna troll someone at least add some common sense to it did you buy BF3 on pre-release? Did you not find a server you could play on?

Did you buy the latest version of CoD and not find a server you could play on?

No of course not because the game player numbers were considered and servers were made available.

Those games were all new sure there were bugs, sure there were issues but none of them prevented people from playing what they had bought. This IS preventing people playing what they have bought. They have spent real money to play it and they cannot, If you went to a restaurant and ordered a meal after sitting there for 2 hours your meal hadnt arrived would you still pay for it? I dont think so, this is the same way many are feeling here because they havent got 2 hours to waste looking at a counter slowly dropping away, they may only have 2 hours a day to play.

Wake up they all cant be like you and be able to sit in front of their PC 14 hours a day :p

Edited by Sannnas
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