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  1. You people really need to look past the Avatar icon you keep confussing we with someone else.
  2. Right and WOW released with NO end game content what did SWTOR release with.... 17 Flashpoints you can do on hard mode for lvl 50 players... 2 operations/Raids 3 warzones open world pvp areas even on Pve servers Plus BioWare has the first fully voiced MMO seems to me we got more game than vanilla Wow and new content will be added to SwTor as well. I think you are being deliberatly obtuse about things.
  3. Just because you bought a computer recently doesn't mean it is a 'new' computer design. i could get a really cheap computer NEW for under $500 but it would be a 4 year old computer that I bought brand new. I have an i7 and my load screens go by so fast I rarely have a chance to read the flavour text. Especially if the load screen is within the same planet/station.
  4. I have not change my position you have me confused with someone else.
  5. Yawn yet another SW:TOR has no innovation post but story.... Inovations of Tor the short quick list... 1) Cimematic story telling (ok you game me this one but should be listed because it is huge) 2) Fully voice MMO no mmo in history voiced every NPC and the PLAYER! 3) Multiplayer conversation: now you and your firends can influence each other story. 4) Choice of content choices you make effect some of the content you get in the game 5) Companion more then plot devices, more then pets they are a new aspect to MMOs 6) Loot bags in Raids finally an option to remove the human element to loot 7) Dynamic synced animations, Now when you parry a blow or dodge the animations of your actions and the NPCs action are in sync. So you actually parry their blows. Light sabres actually defelct blaster bolds as in the blaster bolt hit the light sabre and deflects harmlessly away. 8) Crew skills.. lets create a crafting system that allows you to craft while you quest! While primarily for crafters it also gives rewards that non crafters could use as well. aka companion gifts and augments or LS and DS points The fact is SWTOR has significant innovation but it doesn't match your narrative of how univovative this game is so you ignore the innovations.
  6. Actually they may not be new to the MMO world at all just have little experience. Manny Wow players have played wow and only wow. And they started wow after it was released for years. So they have no experience with an MMo at launch.
  7. Generally speaking they DID get the preformance issue sorted. There is one stubborn bug i know of which is the FPS but that is a very difficult nut to crack as what causes such an issue can be different between people experienceing it. Yes you do... Just because a developer says NO or not right now doesn't mean they did not take your points seriously. This is the problem with people today. They are unreasonable. They think the only way you are taking me seriously is if you agree with me and do what I want. Sorry but that is not the measure by which you judge if someone is taking your seriously. i in fact have a hard time taking your eeriously because you hold this position.
  8. Get a better rig. I have a decent computer and i find the load screens go by so fast i often don't get to read the flavour text on them. This is a case of you expecting your lower end system to run a brand new game fast and all I can say is pffft...
  9. Why can you not compare the two? Because MMOs do not stop the development process wow has been in post development for over 7 years. That is 7 years to fix content, tweak content to fit the desires of their player base and to add content. It is unreasonable to expect TOR to have the same level of content and game features as wow. Only an unreasonable person would expect a game out less than 1 month to match the feature set and content set of a game that has been out for over 7 years.. While the bar has been raised and you can see the results game release with end game content WOW released with Zero that is right zero end game content. Game today can't do that. Yet you still can't be a reasonable person and expext a new game to have the same content and feature sets as older games. Most people are 1005 unreasonable because they equate disappointment with bad design. And most people have zero patience.
  10. hahahaha.... because most abilities are based on class/advance class and NOT specs you may think sorcs are all specced the same way but they are not. I am a healer specced merc and i can out heal non healer speced sorcs any day and i can put out a LOT of dps as well. I guess i am over powered too. Seems to me players are struggling with the fact that classs =/= role. In other games you can see the class and 'KNOW' what to do and what to expect as that class is x role. yet now we see SW:TOR and the situation is different. When i run into a sorc i don't know if i am fighting healer or DPS. Is that Assassin a tank spec or DPS? Most classes you runinto have three possible roles some only two. But the JC/SI can be 4 different roles. melee DPS. Ranged DPS, Healer or tank. JK/SW has two roles Tank or Melee DPS.
  11. I'm sorry but how does a companion tank a player? i still can't quite grasp that one. I have not seen a single class that is over powereed or underpowered.
  12. I disagree and agree. Lvl 50s with expertise should be in their own bracket period. Or they should lose expertise while fighting players without it. Yet i was able to get my armour and weapons to purple at lvl 16 and I was able to cream lvl 30 players with greens and blues because it bulstered my gear up with me. I found that bolstered i had a chance against anyone lvl 49 or below. If someone was twice my lvl or less i could win a fair amount against them depending on player skill. Against people 3 times or higher i had difficulty and they would beat me more times then i would beat them BUT I could still beat them. With lvl 50's i was simply just a maniquin for them to attack and rack up damage and kills with.
  13. grow up. The problem is that bolstering works very well from lvl 1 to 49 after that it breaks down and bioWare knew this but they ignored it. The solution make the tiers go from lvl 1 to 49 one tier and lvl 50s a second tier. If lvl 50 fight in a warzone with the majority of player in tier 1 then they LOSE expertise for the match. Or only queue matches where if you are lvl 50 you only fight lvl 50s.
  14. I was enjoying PvP until today. in fact i was a new Pvp convert. In so many other games i hated the mechanics of Pvp and the attitudes it creates with minority players but I saw none of it during warzones and i enjoyed the mechanics until i fought against a group with at least 2 lvl 50's for sure but I beleive it was actually 3. After 7 matches of no home i said enough is enough. The stupid insane design choice to put lvl 50s iwith expertise n the same warzones with players without expertise has resulted in me going from a Pvp convert to a player who has no intrest in pvping anymore. Until I see a patch notes that removes lvl 50s from the queues with non lvl 50's or a feature that suspends expertise when the majority of players in a warzone are less than lvl 5o, I will not be doing Pvp. The lead Pvp designer is a moron if he thought the system would magically sort itself out. You have taken a great system and added bantha poodoo to the mix and now seem to be wondering around in a daze wondering why players are upset. The stupid part of this is that experienced pvpers said this would cause problems months and months ago and BioWare ignored them. Well BioWare you cured me of my Pvp itch well done.
  15. I agree I bought a physical copy myself so it is hard to cancel it when it was shipped and is currently in transit. I have been playing Skyrim too and you know what i am enjoying it much more then TOR because I can play it. I agree until customers boycott/return/refuse renew BioWare will do little to nothing but if they start getting thousands of cancelations they WILL act and act quickly.
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