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10 Good
  1. Either they allow free transfers or a lot of people will say peace. This release setup was truely the works of someone with a horrible plan. There is nothing good about the future of a game when people ask you about it and you have to tell them its great when you can get it.
  2. I had a issue with the same thing and have a ticket to fix it (althought that ticket hasnt been fixed since release.) I had intended to look at a item and ctrl clicked and it bought the item. Unforchantly for me it was 25,000 credits. Never before in any other mmo has this happened to a point where I felt i should put a ticket in. The purchase system needs a few simple fixes. 1. badge items and other high value items should confirm, incase of lag double click or misclicking due to being used to other games. 2. fair resell value on items you bought but couldnt use, like a chest. give full value if it wasnt worn because that will save you so many tickets in the future
  3. A hour plus que is not acceptable. Offer free transfers or your going to see the effects of people telling friends, not worth the wait.
  4. I think right before launch there should a be an option to move to a lesser populated server so that you might be able to play with friends that didnt get in the earlier "early start". Otherwise it being staggered has only punished people that preordered earlier then their friends.
  5. Yea, this is what I was hopeing won't happen as I really enjoyed my character and had some rare time off so got to get a head start on some friends that will for sure power level far faster then my work will allow.
  6. I know, the fact they are doing this prerelease like this is going to end up causing some problems. I for one have quite a few friends that preordered and want to play with me. However my server is already "full" and has a 36+ min que. Not fun!
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