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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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...you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun....


My server went from seemingly dead to FULL with a 15 minute queue. Not fun.


There's a new server I could transfer to, but there's no ability to transfer. Not fun.


Adding servers AFTER people start having up to 30 minute queues instead of before it becomes a problem, when you KNOW it will be a problem, is gross mismanagement.

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my server has had a Q since 9 this morning. any idea as to when transfers will be coming? there seems to be quite a few light population servers and a mild amount of very heavy to full ones. why not just open up some transfers.
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I hope this game loses these ques soon. This is truely infuriating to jump on to play this game to sit in a ques. Perhaps the game developers and owners can start prorating subscriptions to reflect the amount of time spent in the que. I realize that money talks and until you see a signifigant lose in money the ques will not change or even respond to the thread telling us how you are fixing them.
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Yeah this is pretty stupid. I know it's launch day and all but, really, I see a TON of "Light" population servers on the list while I'm in queue, how about locking some of the "early release" servers down to FORCE (haha, bad pun) some of the release day players to go to other servers completely instead of clogging up already full servers?


That would make sense but there will still be people who want to join these already full servers as they may not have had the game prior to today (launch) and are part of a guild that already exists on the 'full' server...not sure how they can get around that.

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Wow BIOWARE, do you not realize how ugly this is going to turn on you? I'd put a leash on @rockjaw twitter acct.. he'll do nothing but inflame the customers.. and please, stop focusing on managing customers exceptions by closing threads.. I believe fixing the queue issue should be your #1 priority right now..nothing else...thanks..


The people closing threads don't have the tools or qualifications to work on fixing the "queue issue".

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Bioware should really consider allowing server transfers. I am not part of a guild so I would gladly transfer my characters to a new server. I don't want to roll new characters on a new server because I have already invested considerable time in the story. I guess I am stuck waiting for now.
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During early access my server, helm of graush which is where my guild ended up pre-chosen by bioware, I would not hit a queue line until 3pm EST. Today I login to find at 11:30am I am in a queue for 40+ mins.


I thought they brought the servers down last night to add more servers and hopefully to increase the caps on the current ones?

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This wouldn't be such a problem if you allowed guild level server transfers; the big issue here is that many players joined their server because their guild was pushed to it and now they are stuck waiting in 1hr+ queues (Iron Citidel here) with no real option for just picking up and moving to another offering with less population...


I'd love to know what the server capacity is on these things, because with 400 people in line at 11:30am and over 1100 in line at 2:00am, I can't imagine its more than 2000 people and you're just cycling logins.


Half the reason the server queues are moving as "quick" as they are is because people keep getting DC'd and popped back in line! That's a scary thought.... imagine the queues if all zones were stable!

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Does anyone remember WoW launch? Because I sure do. And you know what? It was pretty similar to this. Server queues were epic the first couple of days as hundreds of thousands of players slammed the network. Did you all know the the Beta weekend over Thanksgiving had 750,000 players sign up for testing?


I guarantee you BioWare is currently working on expanding the network and infrastructure but you have to understand those resources don't magically appear out of nowhere. Provisioning new servers and hardware can take sometime. Yes, this isn't fun but put it into perspective people. It's not the end of our world and it will improve.

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BW then encouraged people on the 20th, who did not have EGA, to roll on a Server that was Light / Standard to avoid long queues and get into game sooner. Excellent idea. Then, poor BW, KICKED EVERYONE OFF THE SERVERS right before launch. Thus, when someone new logged in, they see guess what - ALL the servers show Light... BRILLIANT.



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Bioware have dropped the ball , no server management at all.


They must know how many accounts one server can handle , so they should have locked the servers once they reached their limit and not allowed further people to join thus creating the problem.


Usual business model , doing it as cheaply as possible. Not very far sighted though as they will no doubt lose a lot of business if this continues.

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I understand queues are an evil requirement at this piont, my biggest gripe rihgt now is waiting 25 minutes or so,finally getting into the game, something happens that I get disconnected, immediately log back in and hey look 40 minute queue now. There need sto bbe a period for those that were just playing to most head of the line with queues its an issue thats out of their control or if they simpley want to change characters. :(
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Ok, so I got into queue, then I put int my product code so I could get my in game items for my collectors edition. Noticed they were not there and that I didn't have access to the security key vender. logged out, got back into a queue that was 25 minutes long.


I know it's the first day of release and all that but that's 45 mins of queue time already on a west coast server at 11:33 am EST. I think I'm ready for my free guild transfer and I'd like to take my guildies with me to a less populated server. I just don't see the point of the queues, with half the servers having light useage. I would just reroll and remake the guild on a different server but we are all in our 20's already and have had to reroll a couple of toons due to class make ups. How about a time line as to when that is going to be possible. it's just frustrating.

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