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Regarding server queues


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While i watch for my queue, i saw some servers went from standart to light as if that's what we needed. Full servers are still full.


Oh well, left only 40 ppl to go.


By the way, BW you're failing this awesome MMO.

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I just want to say a few words on this. This game is an MMO with a giant list of servers from LIGHT to HEAVY. Queues are to be expected during LAUNCH.


A) We have much more people online than before when WoW launched.

B) The Star Wars name and concept are bringing people that never played MMOs before


I know people are sick of hearing that "It is launch", but it is. BW could have prepared for all the subs before launch day, but how could they prepare for the many people that went to the stores to pick up their copy on the 20th? They did some preparing, but you cannot expect them to let everybody in without a queue.




"Let's just understand eachother, love eachother, not blame anyine and always hope for the best!"


What a bull talk man!

I don't give a sh.t about the reasons. Beta was running for ages. Game was being developed for ages. There was plenty of time to prepare for situation like that!

The price of the game is twice the average + subscription!

*** is that?

I'm not from The Charity Church of Eternal Salvation man! They treat us like customers, this is all business, and not place for "understanding eachother"...

I pay, I expect.

Product is faulty, they must deal with this ASAP - simple.

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What about those of us, that were assigned a server on day 1, wave 1 of EGA?


You are saying you do not have the functionality to create a side character on a LIGHT server to pass the time?


Like I said, I know the server you are on has *your* character on it and probably a decent dozen or so hours spent. But when you have a long queue, you can still PLAY the game.


Example: I have a Jedi Knight, if I have a long queue, I will create a new character on a light server and try a class that "kinda" interests me, but not one I would spend all my time with. In my case, I would create a Sith as a nice secondary character. Play that character for a few hours, and try your primary character again.


In WoW, I have about 6 characters. I have my primary one, and the other ones are just for fun. Playing one character for MONTHS gets very boring. So, for me, I like the variety of having different characters.

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2 words:

SAD and UNACCEPTABLE are the words i'd use to describe what's happening in SWTOR servers.

Months of beta testing and they still managed to screw this up.


Smooth launch some might say?? where the heck is the smoothness in this launch??

Everytime i try to join the game i have 30 mins plus queue time.


I have a wife and kids, a job and more...

The little time i have to play SWTOR i spend it staring at the login screen watching as my queue number drops from 500 somthing to 0 in around 1 to 1 1/2 hours.


I'm sorry if i disagree with the most optimistic folks out there but this is totally unacceptable.


I'm currently paying money, good money to stare at a game's logon screen.

WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT Bioware, EA Lucasarts, whoever fault is this.


If this continues much longer i personally will file a judicial complaint for poor service, better yet, no service since i hardly manage to get into the game.


People are paying money for a service that i'm sorry to say isn't being provided.

If this were a free to play game, i would keep my mouth shut but people, we need to wake up.


We are paying for a service that's not being provided to us.


Would you accept if your phone company told you that you would have to wait in between 1 to 2 hours before you could make a phone call because there were many people on the line atm and you would have to be queued, even tough you pay a monthly subscription???


Didn't think so, well, this is quite the same, except that instead of being a phone service, is an entertainment service, but still a service which we pay in total thousands a month to use if not million.


Sorry for the wall of text but in 2 words, this is plain



Cheers everyone

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It is because of the que time sthat people will not log off now.


Red Eclipse server still has long que times and the Rogue Moon server that i created my other toon on is also full.


Pop caps seriously need rising on Red Eclipse and maybe stop new accounts on it?


Every day i have a que time...even in what should be quiet times like my lunch break.

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You are saying you do not have the functionality to create a side character on a LIGHT server to pass the time?


Like I said, I know the server you are on has *your* character on it and probably a decent dozen or so hours spent. But when you have a long queue, you can still PLAY the game.


Example: I have a Jedi Knight, if I have a long queue, I will create a new character on a light server and try a class that "kinda" interests me, but not one I would spend all my time with. In my case, I would create a Sith as a nice secondary character. Play that character for a few hours, and try your primary character again.


In WoW, I have about 6 characters. I have my primary one, and the other ones are just for fun. Playing one character for MONTHS gets very boring. So, for me, I like the variety of having different characters.


This is just stupid!

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Why is bw silent??????


Because they've said all they want to say, what can they tell us from here that will make anyone feel any better? They are doing "everything they can", really makes you wonder what that means, seeing how queues are only getting LONGER, not shorter.



950 ppl in the queue at 13:30, expected wait-time: 60min. I really think they will loose subscribers over this, how on earth can they be so badly prepared?

You know the number of pre-orders, you have a good idea of how many each server can take, how can you fail this miserably?

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You are saying you do not have the functionality to create a side character on a LIGHT server to pass the time?


Like I said, I know the server you are on has *your* character on it and probably a decent dozen or so hours spent. But when you have a long queue, you can still PLAY the game.


Example: I have a Jedi Knight, if I have a long queue, I will create a new character on a light server and try a class that "kinda" interests me, but not one I would spend all my time with. In my case, I would create a Sith as a nice secondary character. Play that character for a few hours, and try your primary character again.


In WoW, I have about 6 characters. I have my primary one, and the other ones are just for fun. Playing one character for MONTHS gets very boring. So, for me, I like the variety of having different characters.


This would be ok if you'd be able to stay in queue to your server and at the same time play on another. Otherwise it's just your new main character, since you'll never be able to log to your server with those queues.

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Ok so Tomb of freedom naad was a no go due to queues exceeding 3hours almost constantly... moved our entire guild to starstorm one which was a light populated server, now has queues...


Most frustrating... please make it a priority to fix this... we don't like having to restart our characters constantly... its basically made the pre-release access pointless.

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You are saying you do not have the functionality to create a side character on a LIGHT server to pass the time?


Like I said, I know the server you are on has *your* character on it and probably a decent dozen or so hours spent. But when you have a long queue, you can still PLAY the game.


Example: I have a Jedi Knight, if I have a long queue, I will create a new character on a light server and try a class that "kinda" interests me, but not one I would spend all my time with. In my case, I would create a Sith as a nice secondary character. Play that character for a few hours, and try your primary character again.


In WoW, I have about 6 characters. I have my primary one, and the other ones are just for fun. Playing one character for MONTHS gets very boring. So, for me, I like the variety of having different characters.



I have 6 characters on Hex Droid, ranging from level 4/5 up to 40....there is no dam way I want to just leave them so I can play for a bit on another server, just to join an even bigger queue later

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Great, I'm at position 35 in the queue now for more than an hour. What about the estimated waiting time of < 30 Mins, Bioware? Apart from not being patient I especially despise being boldly lied to.


So, if I want to stick to my morning ritual of logging into my favorite MMO and playing for an hour I will have to revert to LoTRO.

Sad I began valuing the blaster over the crossbow.


P.S. Don't ask me why my morning ritual is in progress at half past one. Days off! Queue!! And after waiting - or should I say wasting?- 2 hours yesterday evening in the queue I simply could'nt log out. Long night...


P.P.S. Hmm, now that the post is ready I'm still at position 35 - and I took a lot of time, lest my wrath influence my language.

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Ye BW .. I have no problem with queue... I dont care when i have to wait 1 hour or more to get on server .. But !! I am really upset when i get DC and have to wait again.. My connection is good but stability isnt so powerfull...



Solution .. Make something like privilege when u get DC .. So u can rejoin without queue this will make it much easier!!


Thank you

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"Nightmare Lands" EU? More like Nightmare Scenario. Please modify the camshaft or whatever IT garbage you do. It's the biggest EU queue at the moment. It's obviously struggling and I've been waiting hours. FIX IT!


On the same server, don't have time to wait 2 hours, so I've just given in to BW... I ditched my old characters and re-rolled on a new "LIGHT" server... which has now changed to "STANDARD"... and I thought the early access was meant to be a bonus...


Great game, appalling customer experience. Regardless of what all the fanbois say, it's just not acceptable that a company with the resources BW has can get something so wrong and then simply not care.

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