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Regarding server queues


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cant beleive the thread regarding server queues.


how can starting a new character on a new server be the solution?


no doubt we all have friends who are playing and dont want to be starting a new character.


the solution? up the cap and sort some more servers out.


I for one will not be sticking around after the first month if i am constantly queueing for hours.

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I keep reading that. Is whole of America really so stupid? It is a deposit you make to show the seller that you really mean it with your order and to compensate him if you cancel.


Nevertheless you payed it prior to release and therefore they have planning security and it brings in interest. Actually it brings in a lot of interest, because it is directly used to counter finance the development expenses saving them from taking credits. So yes, they earned something from it.

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The Queuing is pretty annoying. It makes me start to wonder if it's this bad now during EGA, what is it going to be like once the game is live? I like the game and all, but I cannot justify paying for a game that I have to wait to play.


Please fix. I don't want to quit.

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They're not going to do ANYTHING about it, they PLANNED IT, read what they've been saying to various gamer sites, this is how they planned the server rollout.


They did have a plan, but failed to take human nature into account.


We were assigned to a server that has 5 hour queues during realistic hours, I *hope* for the future of this game that wasn't due to their plan but rather people saying 'Oh *I* want to be on that server too! Our guild does too since they ignored our Allies/Enemies listed in the guild placement program!'


It doesn't help that ToFN is also packed with spanish guids that have no server dedicated to them, so we became the 'Unofficial' spanish server. Perhaps allowing transfers to a server tagged as Spanish would solve a lot of the problem, but It's only going to get uglier from here as the game hasn't even released yet and our guild has plenty of people waiting to start. I can't see how they can correct this major issue besides offering character transfers/guild transfers and soon.


Fair enough that Bioware has never made an MMO before, but one would think that when they endevor to do so they'd pay careful attention to over a decade of MMO history and sidestep the amateur pitfalls. I'm personally amazed how many unnecessary problems and short comings there are that as an MMO player I *know* have been corrected elsewhere by much much smaller companies.


I'm hoping we hear something besides more spin soon.

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Logged on (tried) at 11.30AM Sunday morning. Said in a que of 647 and estimated time 30 minuted. At 11.30AM ?????


Left it there and logged into Lotro, a game i can actually play when i want to.


Finally logged in to Tor at 1.52PM, 2 hours 20 minutes after being in a 30 mins que. Now it said waiting time 55 minutes so thats probably 3-4 hours.


God help us tomorrow when its on general release.


Will see what happens over the next few weeks but if these ques still exsist when our montly subs start being taken from our accounts, then myself and alot of others i know will cancel as despite it being a great game, we simply dont have time after work to que for hours on end. We are on the server you assigned our guild to and its not exackt the best 1st impressions for many who are having crazy long que times to play.

We have been a guild for 7 years in Star Wars galaxies abd have come across as a guild so rolling characters on other servers is not an option.


After getting home from work tonight, is it even worth bothering to try and play with how busy it is at peak times. And if we cant play, there is no point in having a subscription

Edited by Ziso
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Seriously Jeff, Have you tried to login to Tomb of Freedon Nadd? I recommend you to ty it.


I think it is very easy to speak from ignorance, but if you really try to login you will notice the problem. One is not aware of the problem until you feel and suffer it in your bones.


I am sure you are saving 5k-7k pop cap for tomorrow, but it is COMPLETLY USELESS to have a queue of 2k ppl now when you can increase cap in 2k and remove the queue, leaving 3k-5k pop cap for tomorrow. This is how a brillant mind would proceed, but hey, this is what we get when Bioware lets Failhammer Online staff to participate in this game.

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I have been waiting around 2 hours the last 3 days to get to the server i have my main in.

Now i will start on another server, and forget about my main, as its not fun anymore.

Perhaps i go back some day when they have increased its capacity, but as i have a wife and a fulltime job, i dont want to waste my time with this game in a que.

If the second server also gets ques that is over 2hours long when i get home from my work, then its pointless to continue.

Perhaps, there are a few people who want to play the game so badly that they are willing to wait whatever it takes, OR they make new characters on new servers all the time.. but im not one of those :(

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The whole queue issue is a shambles. Hundreds upon hundreds of customers have posted here to complain about the queues and have been summarily ignored. I am not a games developer and I am barely IT literate, but surely there must have been a better way to launch the game than what is, quite frankly, a mess.


The little of the game I have been able to experience has been very promising, but the nonsense of sitting at number 1500+ in a queue when I log on just blows. Yes, I do appreciate that the head start folks appear to be unpaid stress testers, and that when the game goes live tomorrow there may well be a major change in capacity and I get to play with my guild again on the server that was selected for us. And if I had been warned about that when the famous "Wait is over" e-mail arrived I may have been more forgiving.....


The thing is that I forked out my hard earned cash to play not sit in a queue for hours on end. So my first impressions are that whilst the game is ambitious, it's reach exceeds it's grasp.

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normal queue is "estimated" at 1 hour 45 minutes. thats an understatement. the "real" queue is usually over 3 hours long



dear BioWare, after tomorrow you wont have the "its the freebie headstart" excuse anymore. after tomorrow every hour Im in the queue its time Im not getting a service I paid to get.


get your sht straight

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1500 in the queue every night for Legions of Lettow EU is -not- acceptable. Why isn't this being reviewed? 30 minutes, even an hour in the queue is acceptable and fine for most. 4 hours in the queue is pushing it a bit far honestly..


If you aren't prepared to increase slots over the next few days or restrict new people from joining - are you at least going to offer some kinda server/guild transfer?


I think Bioware and EA have done a great job overall but the communication is very sub-par and needs looking into. Telling everyone "you're reviewing it" is really no answer at all.

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Well, hopefully the servers can be scaled vertically, so if Server A now can handle 500,000 people, they can add more servers to whatever is hosting the actual program and now the server can handle 1,000,000....however, they likely can only scale the game horizontally by adding more servers. If they can confirm this, that would be great.


I'm pretty sure I got the terms right =)

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Will something be put into place to alleviate any disconnect issues. For example - I was in a flashpoint -- got disconnected, and when I immediately tried to get back into the game, I was in a 400 person queue. So my guildmates had to continue on without me. It seems there should be some grace period window whereby you can get right back into the game if you were disconnected
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Well, hopefully the servers can be scaled vertically, so if Server A now can handle 500,000 people, they can add more servers to whatever is hosting the actual program and now the server can handle 1,000,000....however, they likely can only scale the game horizontally by adding more servers. If they can confirm this, that would be great.


I'm pretty sure I got the terms right =)


Uhm...you're probably 2 zeros off on those numbers.

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It is a ridiculous way to plan an mmo launch. Queues of any length are simply unacceptable, other games manage their servers without queues this one should also. I have been present on many game launches and played in quite a few beta's and I have never seen queues like these. Bioware & EA you realy need to get your heads out of the sand, if you expect this game to survive at all.


I came here with my whole guild from an aging EQ2, but if these queues persist like this I would expect we will all be returning to EQ2.


I am sorry because this game has the potential to be the top mmo of this decade, but it will fail if these queues persist, people simply will not stand for it.


A very unhappy player.

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1500 in the queue every night for Legions of Lettow EU is -not- acceptable. Why isn't this being reviewed? 30 minutes, even an hour in the queue is acceptable and fine for most. 4 hours in the queue is pushing it a bit far honestly..


If you aren't prepared to increase slots over the next few days or restrict new people from joining - are you at least going to offer some kinda server/guild transfer?


I think Bioware and EA have done a great job overall but the communication is very sub-par and needs looking into. Telling everyone "you're reviewing it" is really no answer at all.


quoted for truth

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I'm not subbing because of this


Sorry but those threats go nowhere. I'm sure you will sub quite happily within the next month and they know it.


However - they should be concerned of the long-term impact as each poorly managed decision results in a "knock" to the customers, too many knocks and they start leaving. I'd say this is hit #1 for SWTOR.

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Just want to say it again. Some people (see me) cannot dedicate entire days or nights to playing this. I MAY have a couple of hours available to me to enjoy the game on a given night. Last night I sat in the Queue for 3 hours, then cancelled and went to bed. I did not pay you $60.00 to watch a queue countdown for 3 hours each night. For a game that was advertised as "Casual player friendly", you sure are preventing people with limited time from playing at all. I was already going to be well behind my friends who are playing, now I have no chance of being able to do any content at all with them.


More than a 5 minute wait time is unacceptable. Several hours of wait time is just plain stupid. This is a service I am paying for. Fix it, now.

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