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Regarding server queues


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One of the causes is people that never logout from game.

I think that Bioware must enable some kind of workaround to avoid this problem. They can activate some periodic captcha to be entered in a limited time and kick afk players.

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Sorry Yallapachi,

but reading your post only makes me mad.


There is but one sentence from Stephen that I need to interprete:


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


And that is like a smiling guy, that punches me in the face. Again and again.


Yesterday a colleague asked me, if he should buy the game and I answered 'no'. I told him about the queues and that the game would - in my opinion - not be worth the time. At least not now. I believe I'm not the only one..

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There is clearly both US and European servers that are suffering worse, my own Freedon Nadd being one due to a combination of reasons, 1 being biowares poor distribution of guilds onto too fewer servers (should have distributed to a greater range fully knowing you'd have to bring on more servers to cope with unguilded players) and second reason due to guild migration iniatives from the Spanish and European PVP community.


So some of us need to take some responsibility of the issue, but hey these things happen. The crux of it is that with the high end que-servers it seems that something needs to be addressed, Queuing for an hour to get in a game at launch is acceptable but queing for 4-5 with a high risk of getting kicked (1003 error is the bane of my weekend) is a different kettle of fish.

Edited by Kyus
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What really sucks for me about the Queues is that I only have certain times during the day that I can play and every day these times change. So I can't just log in when I have time to play. I have to try to strategically plan my wait time in the queue so I can log in when I am able to play and this is not easy due to the fact that the server I am on (Swiftsure) is always Full.
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To All you whining people!!


This is PRE RELEASE!!!


You cannot expect a game to start PRE Release perfectly! In fact, I'd be SURPRISED if there are no queues in the first few weeks. Particularly in peak times (i.e. Evenings, weekends).


I admit I haven't read all the chatter here, but...


  1. If you have a bad internet connection - EXPECT problems!
  2. You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!
  3. You demand to know why you haven't been answered, on a weekend, how many companies can you email on a weekend and get a response before Monday? I haven't found many!



CHILL people!! Relax! Enjoy the fact that you've had access before the 20th!!

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The worst ever seen; i´m a gm, our guild is in ToFN, i couldn´t enter during 2 days to make the guild, i can´t play, al the f***** servers (except 4-5) are with long queues (+6h in ToFN), of course i would like to make the guild in other server but all my people is in that server, i couldn´t create the guild till last saturday night.


I think what u r doing it´s very cruel to that people who preorder the game promising that were going to play early.


I preorder and i can´t play.


If tomorrow 20 of december is still with those queues i will try to sell my account.


So bad BW...

Edited by Grorgh
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If you have a bad internet connection - EXPECT problems!


Well yeah, duh!


You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!


I cannot imagine it is suddenly going to get better on the 20th when even more people will be playing, hopefully I will be proven wrong :)


You demand to know why you haven't been answered, on a weekend, how many companies can you email on a weekend and get a response before Monday? I haven't found many!


Lol, lots of people work weekend, how do you think the world runs. I am sure they would have people working weekend at such a critical time anyway.

Edited by Sumire
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You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!



I pre-order to play early not to BW uses me as tester or something


Everybody´s time is worthy, yours aswell

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To All you whining people!!


This is PRE RELEASE!!!


You cannot expect a game to start PRE Release perfectly! In fact, I'd be SURPRISED if there are no queues in the first few weeks. Particularly in peak times (i.e. Evenings, weekends).


I admit I haven't read all the chatter here, but...

  1. If you have a bad internet connection - EXPECT problems!
  2. You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!
  3. You demand to know why you haven't been answered, on a weekend, how many companies can you email on a weekend and get a response before Monday? I haven't found many!


CHILL people!! Relax! Enjoy the fact that you've had access before the 20th!!


THIS IS NOT PRE RELEASE - Its Early Access, Its not BETA, Its not STRESS TEST, Its RELEASE, i paid for a game to play(£40), i paid for early access(£5), i expect a game that is fit for purpose, i expect to be able to play my RPG, Bioware placed MY guild on their SERVER, they choose my server i should be able to play on that server whenever i wish, they have made a massive mistake and they need to solve it NOW.

There is no counterargument for POOR support, POOR service, POOR Planning, there are just too many people complaining about this issue for it to be a minor problem, this thread alone has over 550 Pages, seriously Bioware you need to get your finger out and save this fantastic game.

What really hurts me more than anything is all the WOW fans saying..."i told you it would be crap"

Edited by MarkDOTJames
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You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!



I pre-order to play early not to BW uses me as tester or something


Everybody´s time is worthy, yours aswell


And they let you play earlier. They opened the gates. The fact that 2k people made to the line b4 you is not BW fault.

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To All you whining people!!


This is PRE RELEASE!!!


You cannot expect a game to start PRE Release perfectly! In fact, I'd be SURPRISED if there are no queues in the first few weeks. Particularly in peak times (i.e. Evenings, weekends).


I admit I haven't read all the chatter here, but...

  1. If you have a bad internet connection - EXPECT problems!
  2. You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!
  3. You demand to know why you haven't been answered, on a weekend, how many companies can you email on a weekend and get a response before Monday? I haven't found many!


CHILL people!! Relax! Enjoy the fact that you've had access before the 20th!!


Lot's of EA/Bioware staff on today. I think they have even hired extra people to shill for them this week.


Either that or having to wait for up to 4-5 hours to play this game is perfectly fine, and we should just suck it up like good little sheep.

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To All you whining people!!


This is PRE RELEASE!!!


You cannot expect a game to start PRE Release perfectly! In fact, I'd be SURPRISED if there are no queues in the first few weeks. Particularly in peak times (i.e. Evenings, weekends).


I admit I haven't read all the chatter here, but...

  1. If you have a bad internet connection - EXPECT problems!
  2. You say you're PAYING for this... well, it's pre-release! You HAVEN'T paid yet!
  3. You demand to know why you haven't been answered, on a weekend, how many companies can you email on a weekend and get a response before Monday? I haven't found many!


CHILL people!! Relax! Enjoy the fact that you've had access before the 20th!!


Actually, I have already payed for my pre-ordered digital download... which includes the free first month + early access.


I'm not really surprised there are queues, I am surprised that even with early-access, staggered release, guild-deployment and specific testing to prevent queues, I still get an average queue of 1000, which incidentally takes 2-2,5 hours, not <50 minutes, as they would have me believe in the server selection screen.


They've dropped the ball on this one. It's as simple as that. It's not a disaster, I don't need compensation, it's just a bit dissapointing really.

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I realy hope that they will at least put in some message in the launcher, for the new players at 20th, to which server they should and shouldn't chose for playing. It's realy not that hard to tell newcomers, that x,y servers are already full we recommend you to start in z,u servers, and it might solve some +2-3 hour queues on the already full very heavy servers.



Also would love to see some new EN (pve and pvp) servers, if they realy watch the populations, they would now that all these servers were totally full yesterday night already with 30-2h queues.



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In short if your que is 1 hour or less (actual que time not Bioware predicted time)


Then you have nothing to worry about, this is ahealthy que for this time of an mmo's deployment. This will ensure a healthy population.


Saying that there are about 2-4 servers European and the same number US that are seeing que times of 2-4 hours. With release and another influx of gamers it is these servers that need to be monitored and addressed quickly, with a que time of over an hour you simply have more time to lose connection.

Edited by Kyus
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As already mentioned, actual queue times are at least twice as long as stated on the server selection screen.


Is this misinformation deliberate I wonder?


Thats because everyone and his mother are running macros to stay online 24/7, the queue moves extremely slow due to this.

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I loved the game so far, best MMO out there at the moment hands down. Still, game is out for few days and it's not a surprise that there are many technical issues involved.


While there are some in-game bugs related to the gameplay, I think BioWare should focus all of it's efforts on fixing two main, big issues that can be game breaking for many people. Forget about adding content patches or dealing with balance issues until you adress the following problems:


First of all, the wait time! It is just crazy how long you have to wait on weekend evening to be able to play the game. Some people who do not have time to play for all day and log in in the evening are just unable to play at all. By saying players to switch to other servers you will not fix anything. The reason being, that they want to play with friends on the same server. They will not just leave and go play on some low populated server where they do not know anyone. You need to either introduce free server tranfsers for whole guild ASAP or get new, better servers.


Also, add grace period after getting dc - 5 minutes at least! At this time if you lose connection to the server for just a second, you are pretty much screwed. Yesterday my game crashed and I had to wait for 2 hours to be able to play.


And here we come to another serious issue in a game - optimization and loading times. Sometimes when I get into new location, I have to wait from 5 up to 10 minutes so the game can load. This is just ridiculous! And no, I do not have a wooden PC. I played Skyrim on high settings and everything worked very smoothly. And tell me whatever you want, but TOR does not have a highest standard of graphics (as for today) - my hardware should manage to load it as smoothly as Skyrim just fine.


Fix the 2 above issues before you work on anything else BioWare.


Overall, you made a great game, I hope you keep it up ;)

Edited by Deviss
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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


OK, how about this....


There are 44,640 minutes in an average month (30 days on average a year). We pay 15$ a month for the game. That averages to .033 cents a minute we pay for a game that is supposed to have 24 hour access a day (less server restarts and maitinance) per your EULA. How about we subtract .033 cents for every minute we are in a cue from our subsciptions fees?


NO? Well I guess you dont like it when you get short changed from something you are selling. Well the customer base doesnt like to be short changed either. You knew pre sales numbers, you knew what each server could hold, and you have an estimate of how many after launch you would pick up. Now, open enough servers so we are not hanging at a load screen for half an hour.

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OK, how about this....


There are 44,640 minutes in an average month (30 days on average a year). We pay 15$ a month for the game. That averages to .033 cents a minute we pay for a game that is supposed to have 24 hour access a day (less server restarts and maitinance) per your EULA. How about we subtract .033 cents for every minute we are in a cue from our subsciptions fees?


NO? Well I guess you dont like it when you get short changed from something you are selling. Well the customer base doesnt like to be short changed either. You knew pre sales numbers, you knew what each server could hold, and you have an estimate of how many after launch you would pick up. Now, open enough servers so we are not hanging at a load screen for half an hour.



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I'm sorry but I dont think to queue is reasonable and here is why:


BW have Sharded servers meaning even if you connect to Red Eclipse server and are playing on Balmorra, you could be in Balmorra 7 shard.


World of Warcraft had queues, but they were not as long as this, and PLUS they dont have shards.


All they need to do is increase the number of back end servers and ramp up the shards and then allow more people to connect at any one time.


As a paying customer, I can't help but feel short changed by the 3-4 hour queues we are having to endure, At peak time it makes the game unplayable. I get home from work and get a 4 hour window from 6-10 to play. Now 90% of that time is spent in me queueing to get on the server, giving me potentially 1 hour to play. That in this day and age is unacceptable, all I see so far from BW is we are monitoring it and if queues are unreasonable we are doing something.


Well the queues are unreasonable now what are you going to do about it.

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