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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I'm a bit of a pessimist at times. "Set your standards low enough and you'll never be disappointed, but you might be pleasantly surprised" - I could never be an optimist :p


I think that Bioware would lose a lot of it's reputation as an inclusive game developer if it didn't have SGR's in SWTOR, but sometimes I get the feeling they no longer care about ToR anyway and expect their hardcore fans have forgotten it as well.


Sometimes I think a Droid will come in here and prove me wrong, but it never happens. It's a pity there's no way to actually contact anyone on the Bioware team in an attempt to get an answer.

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I have seen some of the reports from the panel and nothing mentions SGR's.


The only thing I've seen mentioned about companions was that the panel would consist of some companion VAs doing a Q&A, not that they were going to specifically announce anything new unfortunately.

Edited by Belora
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yeah, so less of an announcement panel, and more of a meet & greet panel =/
So it seems. It is a shame we didn't get any new news, but then again, we weren't told we would - we just hoped. Ah, well.


So. I think now would be a good time to start speaking up again. Head to this week's Q&A thread, and start asking if we can get some new information. Please remember to be polite, please don't make demands, and please don't respond to anyone being negative about our requests. Just flag them.


I know BW says we're less likely to get an answer when we ask about future content, but I'm still holding BW to their word that SGRs will happen this year, so they ought to be in the nearer future than they used to be. Hopefully we'll get some word out of this.

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Yeah right: i remember them ignoring us at the Q&A with a 10% rating questions about SGRA some months ago, so excuse me if I have no faith at all in this type of initiative, even if i've posted again this week.


Posted in the Q&A, but really I don't expect anything from Bioware. I'm starting to really give a feeling that they just don't care anymore.

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We have same gender romance options just start a online relationship with a female player character there ya go enjoy


Not the same, and not everyone is comfortable interacting that with with another player (I know I'm not) or plays on an RP server (which I don't either).

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We have same gender romance options just start a online relationship with a female player character there ya go enjoy


If you refuse to participate in the SGRO bioware has provided not their problem


This is so absurd that the best thing I can think is that you're trying to start trouble here. If you claim that's a serious suggestion, well....

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We're not asking something "extra", we're only asking something that has been promised: if BW would have said "there will be no SGRA", people that care about it would had decided if buy or not buying the game.


But has already said, BW has promised that it will be a post-launch feature and yet we have no clue about the development or the relase.


So no, i'm not going to flirt with other player just as a surrogate to the lack of content that - i repeat - has been promised and publicly advertised.


Besides, sometimes i think what people would be thinking if instead of SGRA the lack of content was something like - as example - the inability to create afro-american or asian character: i'm sure there would be an uproar; and think about it: a discriminatory including (or excluding) of content based on sexual-romantic iterations it's even worse that racial one.


My 2 cents.

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so, essentially, you are baseing your entire purchase reasoning and continued subscription on the possibility that they will add SGR in later content...


I find it hard to beleive you dropped 90+ dollars to flirt with a non player character in an mmo. If this issue is a dealbreaker for you, you bought the wrong game.


Hopefully we will get info on this issue in the coming weeks. I cant see more then 1 or 2 more major expansion/updates before the end of the year. If not, we more then likely will be looking at next year.

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Hello all,


We would just like to throw in a reminder to please stay on topic. This isn't a thread to discuss whether or not it should or should not be implemented as we have already stated it will be (you can find the statement at the beginning of the thread).


Also, discussion of real world social issues, morality, or politics regarding homosexuality is not appropriate for the forums.


If you have any questions, please send us an email: communitysupport@swtor.com

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Who is 'you'?


I think he's talking about me, missing the point that mine was a generic statement about purchasing something "on faith", because you trust the company and what they promise: but forum moderator has confirmed again that SGRA will be done, sometime in the future, so because the topic it's about clarifications that are not coming (i'd like to remember that the title as a question mark) what we should do without going - even indirectly - offtopic? We can make only speculations until somebody will throw us another bone.

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This isn't a thread to discuss whether or not it should or should not be implemented as we have already stated it will be


Here's the problem you're having lately, though. Quite a few of us, and I'm increasingly in their camp, simply don't believe you anymore. You (the collective "you," that is) have made several promises to the player base, including this one, and we have yet to see them in the game. At the risk of sounding rather harsh, I suggest you go back to the devs and tell them to let us know what they are planning for the game, and when they plan to implement them.


And no, "we can't talk about that" is no longer acceptable. Neither are vague "some point in the future" variations.

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Here's the problem you're having lately, though. Quite a few of us, and I'm increasingly in their camp, simply don't believe you anymore.


I, for one, am sick of the copy-pasta answers we keep getting. I have to say that it's really starting to look as if Bioware have no intention of implementing SGR's in any capacity, whether it be with companions (existing or new) or quest NPC's. That along with various other class troubles, bug troubles and general lack of communication are really making me question why I'm playing, which is a pity, as I do really want to play SWTOR, I enjoy it, have friends here, but what's the point if we have no support and our developers, GM's and CSR's won't take to us outside of their pre-existing note-pad?


I'm starting to get the feeling they allow this thread to continue so that they can ignore us more efficiently.

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Just took a peek into this thread, and thought I'd add my support. :)


So far I've been happy with OGRA for my characters, or no romance at all, but I have a couple of newer characters that I'd like to do a SGRA on. I'd love to get some actual information about how it will be implemented so I don't wind up locking myself out of or missing out on parts of the SGRA by progressing too far! A somewhat less vague ETA would be nice too.


And I kinda figure that if it is coming this year, and they are working on it, then surely they at least know which existing companions they are working on it for by now? :confused: I really wish they would share, that information would be so helpful to have.

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I, for one, am sick of the copy-pasta answers we keep getting. I have to say that it's really starting to look as if Bioware have no intention of implementing SGR's in any capacity, whether it be with companions (existing or new) or quest NPC's. That along with various other class troubles, bug troubles and general lack of communication are really making me question why I'm playing, which is a pity, as I do really want to play SWTOR, I enjoy it, have friends here, but what's the point if we have no support and our developers, GM's and CSR's won't take to us outside of their pre-existing note-pad?


I'm starting to get the feeling they allow this thread to continue so that they can ignore us more efficiently.


My problem is this, you are penning your enjoyment of the game on weather or not you get to make the screen go black, have your character exit stage right, and then reenter as the screen returns to normal.


To me, its just a falicy of logic to not enjoy the cake just because you dont like the person's name written on the cake. !~~~~


Guy lighten up and have fun please.

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My problem is this, you are penning your enjoyment of the game on weather or not you get to make the screen go black, have your character exit stage right, and then reenter as the screen returns to normal.


To me, its just a falicy of logic to not enjoy the cake just because you dont like the person's name written on the cake. !~~~~


Guy lighten up and have fun please.


So you consider it a "fallacy of logic" that someone can't enjoy the game, yet you think they should just "have fun" in a game that doesn't have an element in it that would have them enjoy the game?

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My problem is this, you are penning your enjoyment of the game on weather or not you get to make the screen go black, have your character exit stage right, and then reenter as the screen returns to normal.


To me, its just a falicy of logic to not enjoy the cake just because you dont like the person's name written on the cake. !~~~~


Guy lighten up and have fun please.


No, but part of my enjoyment in the game would be the storyline aspect. If you read my post you would notice that I cited other factors that are making me disheartened - SGR's are one of a number of factors. As this is an SGR thread my chief point will be SGR's.


What is most annoying about this is that we keep getting the run-around. Bioware refuse to give us anymore information about this topic, even though they are regarded as being THE SINGLE game developer that does SGR's and does them well. For many that was part of the draw of this game. That Bioware are not living up to their promises is the mark of other problems with this game.


Also, I'm female, please don't call me "guy". Do not imply that I do not enjoy this game merely because I complain about a missing aspect. I do enjoy this game - that is the problem. I enjoy a game that I do not believe is going to live up to its expectations.

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