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Can someone explain to me why Tanks rarely get MVP votes?


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I am a Sith Juggernaut who really takes my PvP tanking seriously. I do not know if it is still the trend now, but when I played a lot pre 1.2 it seemed like the trend was for players that are spec'd as Tanks to gear as Damage. Meaning instead of Immortal Juggernauts getting War Leader gear, it was suggested that you should get Vindicator gear which is more aimed at Damage. Even when this was big, I was still sticking to my guns as a true PvP tank. In defensive positions such as guarding a turrent in the Civil War or guarding the doors on Voidstar, I would throw a guard on a healer and serve as their body guard while at the same time throwing out random taunts across the battlefield and even during clutter situations, throwing out a AOE taunt.


But my point is, when it is all said and done, it seems like the only thing people look for in terms of endgame stats are Damage and Healing while it seems everyone skips over Protection. Now if someone gets 80K Protection that is good, but nothing to go crazy about. But what concerns me is when someone gets 150K+ Protection and note ONE vote from his/her peers.


Why does this happen? Are hardcore/dedicated PvP tanks in SWTOR the equivalent to Offensive Linemen in football? The guys who do the nitty-gritty work to open up gaps for the running back and create a brick wall to protect the QB, but at the end of the day, gets no recognition? I remember one of Voidstar I was all over this one healer, I had a guard on her and she did not die at all the whole match. Because of this, she had a HIGH healing score, I cant remember but it was really inflated, higher than normal. People saw this and she got like 4 votes. Me on the other hand had like 220K Protection which is REALLY good, especially in a game where most PvP tanks care more for damage than actually during their job. In the end, I got 0 votes and to add insult to injury, the person with the lowest objective score ending up getting 2 votes because he had the highest Damage score. Me on the other hand had the highest Medal count, 2nd highest Objective count, and highest Protection count. But because I had like 85K damage.....I went unnoticed.

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I get votes all the time. Mostly from healers returning the favor for me keeping them alive with guard and taunts.


That is great! I do not know what server you play on, but on the Empire side of The Shadowlands, that type of action is never taken. I have been in situations where I did the same thing but didn't get a "returning of the favor" vote from any of the healers.


Maybe this isn't a gamewide thing but something just on my server.....

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My Jugg tank gets votes from healers/squishies all the time,maybe its because I always guard the guy who is getting focused,not just my healer.Or because of how effective we are in huttball I can end up with ussually atleast 3-4 votes.
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Ultimately MVP really doesn't matter. Most of the time the votes just go to whoever is queued together and the only advantage is 1 commendation per vote. Ultimately, you're asking people to know that you were guarding that healer who had the high numbers, but they have no idea who you were guarding. As the healer, I would have voted for you, but most people just want to see the highest number. If you were keeping the healer alive and playing the objectives, then you probably won the match which is worth 50 MVP votes with the way your comms are multiplied for winning.
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I see tanks get a lot of votes. I know that as a healer, if a tank keeps guard on me for a decent portion of the match, my vote goes to that person automatically. But all in all, MVP votes are inconsistent, and there's no reason to take it personally if you don't get them. There are matches where I don't feel like I made much difference as everyone kept getting blasted down before I could do much, yet still get 5 votes because I was top heals, and other matches where I feel like I did a great job of keeping people up, put up big numbers, and yet get no votes. I just appreciate the votes I get and don't get offended if I don't get any. The reality is that it's a team game, and in most winning matches, there's more than one person who deserves MVP.


I will say though that I've noticed that there tends to be a higher proportion of votes going to top damage dealers on a lot of the worst, least objective-oriented teams I've played on.

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That is great! I do not know what server you play on, but on the Empire side of The Shadowlands, that type of action is never taken. I have been in situations where I did the same thing but didn't get a "returning of the favor" vote from any of the healers.


Maybe this isn't a gamewide thing but something just on my server.....


Well I should not say all the time. Most of my games I am defending so my stats can look like I did not do anything, when this happens though I am in a premade then they throw me votes for doing my job which is calling incs and not loosing the point.

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I am a Sith Juggernaut who really takes my PvP tanking seriously. I do not know if it is still the trend now, but when I played a lot pre 1.2 it seemed like the trend was for players that are spec'd as Tanks to gear as Damage. Meaning instead of Immortal Juggernauts getting War Leader gear, it was suggested that you should get Vindicator gear which is more aimed at Damage. Even when this was big, I was still sticking to my guns as a true PvP tank. In defensive positions such as guarding a turrent in the Civil War or guarding the doors on Voidstar, I would throw a guard on a healer and serve as their body guard while at the same time throwing out random taunts across the battlefield and even during clutter situations, throwing out a AOE taunt.


But my point is, when it is all said and done, it seems like the only thing people look for in terms of endgame stats are Damage and Healing while it seems everyone skips over Protection. Now if someone gets 80K Protection that is good, but nothing to go crazy about. But what concerns me is when someone gets 150K+ Protection and note ONE vote from his/her peers.


Why does this happen? Are hardcore/dedicated PvP tanks in SWTOR the equivalent to Offensive Linemen in football? The guys who do the nitty-gritty work to open up gaps for the running back and create a brick wall to protect the QB, but at the end of the day, gets no recognition? I remember one of Voidstar I was all over this one healer, I had a guard on her and she did not die at all the whole match. Because of this, she had a HIGH healing score, I cant remember but it was really inflated, higher than normal. People saw this and she got like 4 votes. Me on the other hand had like 220K Protection which is REALLY good, especially in a game where most PvP tanks care more for damage than actually during their job. In the end, I got 0 votes and to add insult to injury, the person with the lowest objective score ending up getting 2 votes because he had the highest Damage score. Me on the other hand had the highest Medal count, 2nd highest Objective count, and highest Protection count. But because I had like 85K damage.....I went unnoticed.


I feel your pain buddy. But as a big pro-tank player I try not to get too bummed about it because I still get satisfaction out of a good tanking performance even if I don't get votes. Plus, if the your team wins, that's even better. Just focus on getting a W. It's a bonus if your throw guard on a healer and you keep eachother alive for most of the wz whilst healing your team, and he gives you props at the end. I'll always vote for that healer in that situation. If I don't luck out like that, I'll vote for the guy with the most tank points because, as you said, they are underappreciated. Keep doing your tanky thing :D

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Civil War and Novare Coast I rarely ever get votes. Most of the time, I'll get 1-2 people coming over try to take me out and fail. Every time, I can either kill both, or stay alive long enough for help to come.


Voidstar, I'm like batman jumping rooftops, leaping from healer to dps to healer, ect; while throwing out individual taunts on hard hitting opponents and AoE amidst the crowds. I can average about 250k protection+ usually.


If you're a serious tank who does all this, say before the match, let the healer and DPS know, they'll get their guard and taunts as the situation calls.

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I tend to pass my vote to the healer in the warzone. . .other than that, if I see high protection numbers(without a healer) then I'll vote for the tank.


I think tanks really are the unsung heroes though. I mean, I get lots of votes on my Operative(and I'm rarely at the top of the damage boards). . .but I do communicate a lot and give words of encouragement like 'good effort' instead of rages when we lose.

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I am full vengeance spec but run in Tank stance alot. 300k damage/100k+ protection is pretty common but i notice that healers will mvp you but everyone else loves the heals. Just be happy in the fact knowing that you are the unsung hero of the cost, or the war, or the star.
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as a tank specced shadow myself I still get guarded a lot, even when I have 14k heals (in sub-50wzs) and no reason at all. you can be dead sure someone who guards me just because, so they can get guard medals, will .not. get my vote.


guard people who actually need it, fool.

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People are simple minded. They vote for whoever has the most medals, the most damage, or the most healing.

Tanks get MVP votes all the time if you got the most medals because of your protection. But to do that you need to stance swap after getting a few medals and then go for damage. to get the most medals.

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