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Wait... don't almost all Cathar hate the Mandalorians/Empire?


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From the codex entry on Cathar:

It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians' attack and fled to Republic space.


In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn't actively despise the Sith Empire--and especially its Mandalorian allies.


So... if Cathar is the only announced race coming up, I'm guessing there's no Empire race to balance them out. And I have a hard time seeing Bioware giving one faction a new race while denying the other. Meaning if Cathar is the only new race, Empire's going to to get the same access to it.


I don't know, it's just not adding up to me. I hope a more fitting imperial race will be released alongside Cathar for lore's sake, and let imperials who want to be a rare Cathar unlock it through legacy.

Edited by Stenrik
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I remember reading (in the Codex I think) that Cathar tend to be very loyal to the republic because their race was mistreated by the Empire. (I think they were put in camps or enslaved or something?) And from my empire playthrough so far, they are certainly treated poorly.


So... if Cathar is the only announced race coming up, I'm guessing there's no Empire race to balance them out. And I have a hard time seeing Bioware giving one faction a new race while denying the other. Meaning if Cathar is the only new race, Empire's going to to get the same access to it.


I don't know, it's just not adding up to me. I hope a more fitting imperial race will be released alongside Cathar for lore's sake, and let imperials who want to be a rare Cathar unlock it through legacy.


the empire classically hates all alien species. but they will subjegate and force them into servatude.. much like the sith inquisitor how they are slaves sorta thing, it could be done like that.

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Yeah I guess... though it's still a stretch. And it still doesn't make much sense for a bounty hunter or agent, as much sense as a pureblood sith jedi.


Unfortunately, I fear all the new race releases will be for all classes across the board, because we'd have certain classes QQing about how they don't get to benefit from the new race.


Anyway, here's the exact quote from the codes:

It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians' attack and fled to Republic space.


In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn't actively despise the Sith Empire--and especially its Mandalorian allies.


So a Cathar bounty hunter makes even LESS sense. So yeah, legacy unlock is fine, but making them a default race is really pushing it.

Edited by Stenrik
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Yeah I guess... though it's still a stretch. And it still doesn't make much sense for a bounty hunter or agent, as much sense as a pureblood sith jedi.


Unfortunately, I fear all the new race releases will be for all classes across the board, because we'd have certain classes QQing about how they don't get to benefit from the new race.


well bounty hunter is barely an imperial toon anyway... they work WITH the imperials but through storyline progression you can make it clear you dont give two witts about the imps..just their money.. so cathar would work there..


and my agents have always been the.. i do what i want, what i need sort of people, imperial be damned.. so it would work there too.


though i would love to see another race for the imps i doubt it will happen

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Yeah I guess... though it's still a stretch. And it still doesn't make much sense for a bounty hunter or agent, as much sense as a pureblood sith jedi.


Unfortunately, I fear all the new race releases will be for all classes across the board, because we'd have certain classes QQing about how they don't get to benefit from the new race.


Anyway, here's the exact quote from the codes:



So a Cathar bounty hunter makes even LESS sense. So yeah, legacy unlock is fine, but making them a default race is really pushing it.


you do realize that not every bounty hunter is mandolorian.. evne though you hunt in their games, and you work with them you dont actually have to adopt the mantle of a mando...


correct me if i am wrong. but i was pretty sure you didnt have to..

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I just updated the OP with the original codex quote, specifying how they especially hate the Mandalorians. I know everyone can just roleplay as "the exception" when they play their Cathar bounty hunter, but we're going to have MANY thousands of "exceptions" running around if they are a default race.


(And yes, I know not every bounty hunter is mandalorian so you can call me closeminded, but making them a default race to them still seems odd.)

Edited by Stenrik
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I just updated the OP with the original codex quote, specifying how they especially hate the Mandalorians. I know everyone can just roleplay as "the exception" when they play their Cathar bounty hunter, but we're going to have MANY thousands of "exceptions" running around if they are a default race.


oh i agree the exception to the rule idea has been burned out..but hey every marauder becomes the wrath of the emperor... so.. some suspension in belief that our characters are precious individual snowflakes needs to be made:P i can if required make one for the cathar.. though i doubt i will play one.. never a big fan on cat like races in any games

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There is a Cathar resistance group against the Republic, doesn't mean they prefer the empire though, but I can see that after the Empire released their leader Prince Shange, he and his followers team up with the Empire.


Bounty Hunters have no allegiance to any faction, they go where the paycheck is highest. When you start your bounty hunter you are not Mandalorian, and one of your rivals in the Great hunt is a female Cathar.

Why our bounty hunter decide to hang on the Empire side probably is because he/she was announced an enemy of the Republic.

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Yeah I guess... though it's still a stretch. And it still doesn't make much sense for a bounty hunter or agent, as much sense as a pureblood sith jedi.


Unfortunately, I fear all the new race releases will be for all classes across the board, because we'd have certain classes QQing about how they don't get to benefit from the new race.


Anyway, here's the exact quote from the codes:



So a Cathar bounty hunter makes even LESS sense. So yeah, legacy unlock is fine, but making them a default race is really pushing it.


The generalizations are what you are focusing on. It does not really matter what the majority of Cathar believe or feel toward Mandalorians but what your Cathar character believes or feels as an individual.


If you are say a third generation Cathar slave for the Empire and then become Sith Inquisitor where you are being trained to be a ruthless, callous Sith, does it really matter to you when you are starving and trying to survive whether you hate the Mandalorians for destroying a world of yours you have never even known?


Or perhaps you are a bounty hunter on the Great Hunt who is told to be a Mandalorian. You are in a business to make money, no ifs or buts about it. If you as an individual grew up and somehow ended up in this business to make a living by your choice or providence, then are you really some one who is attached to a people or culture necessarily that risks the money involved.


Perhaps you want to rp the character though as a good Sith who wants to change the Empire from the one who destroyed your people or a hunter with morals who begrudgingly accepts dealing with Mandalorians.


I think there is a lot of leeway here for Cathar and helps craft some interesting rp stories, like Pureblood SI.

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there's ALWAYS exceptions....you're making a non-issue an issue..to yourself.


level a Sith Pureblood to 50 and you can make one a JK..the anti-thesis of that race.....


..but you don't mention them do you? that's worse but...why does it matter?


people get hung up on the dumbest things.

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there's ALWAYS exceptions....you're making a non-issue an issue..to yourself.


level a Sith Pureblood to 50 and you can make one a JK..the anti-thesis of that race.....


..but you don't mention them do you? that's worse but...why does it matter?


people get hung up on the dumbest things.


lol, I actually DID mention them. :rolleyes:(edit: the point is that they aren't available by DEFAULT. I'm fine with people playing weird race/class combos. I have a Mirialan jugg, for instance. But they should earn the right to be an exception.)


And maybe it IS a dumb thing to get hung up on, but the flipside to this is that if empire players get Cathar by default, then maybe the Republic should get Chiss by default. I mean, sure, most Chiss are loyal to the Empire, but if everyone's going to roleplay as an "exception" then the same logic applies.


Republic Chiss as default makes just as much sense as Empire Cathar.

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lol, I actually DID mention them. :rolleyes:


And maybe it IS a dumb thing to get hung up on, but the flipside to this is that if empire players get Cathar by default, then maybe the Republic should get Chiss by default. I mean, sure, most Chiss are loyal to the Empire, but if everyone's going to roleplay as an "exception" then the same logic applies.


Republic Chiss as default makes just as much sense as Empire Cathar.



And yet if they don't have Cathar be a default Empire race people would probably complain.

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Yeah that's why I think Empire should get another race when they release Cathar.


If the Cathar are Republic only, it would simply make the species available to both sides now equal.


Republic=Human,Cyborg,Mirialan, Miraluka, Twi'lek, Zabrak (6)

Empire=Human,Cyborg,Sith Pureblood, Chiss, Rattataki, Zabrak, Twi'lek (7)

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If the Cathar are Republic only, it would simply make the species available to both sides now equal.


Republic=Human,Cyborg,Mirialan, Miraluka, Twi'lek, Zabrak (6)

Empire=Human,Cyborg,Sith Pureblood, Chiss, Rattataki, Zabrak, Twi'lek (7)


That's a good point. It also might help solve faction imbalance, as a lot of people claim they initially chose Empire because the races were cooler and more exotic.

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10 creds say Cathar will be a BH only class by default on the imp side. There, problem solved, Imperial Cathar that fit the premise. Any objection is invalid as there is, in fact, a Cathar bountyhunter on Balmorra that you are competing against in the BH story arc. Edited by Jandi
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What BW should do is leave the Cathar as a Republic race and bring out it's Imperial counter. "I present to you the new Imperial race to counter the Republic Cather....BOTHANS!" That would please everyone on the Imp side I believe.
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Ok, there are always exceptions to the rule. Chiss Jedi exist in lore and C-Canon already. Cathar siding with the Sith EXIST IN LORE AND C-CANON ALREADY. Read the Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma "Tales of the Jedi" comics. Edited by Captain_Zone
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lol, I actually DID mention them. :rolleyes:(edit: the point is that they aren't available by DEFAULT. I'm fine with people playing weird race/class combos. I have a Mirialan jugg, for instance. But they should earn the right to be an exception.)


It has already been stated that Cathar are going to be unlocked through the Legacy system somehow meaning that you will have to do some kind of leg work to unlock them for both sides. Likely they will require you to reach a certain legacy level and pay some ridiculous amount of credits. So there you have to earn them. Do you feel better now?

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It has already been stated that Cathar are going to be unlocked through the Legacy system somehow meaning that you will have to do some kind of leg work to unlock them for both sides. Likely they will require you to reach a certain legacy level and pay some ridiculous amount of credits. So there you have to earn them. Do you feel better now?




I guess because there aren't nearly as many Cathar as other races in the Galaxy, it wouldn't make sense to have a bazillion of them running around on the Rep side either, heh.

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There was one on Belsavis who didn't like the Republic. Mind you he had been in stasis for decades.


Yep, there was a quest that showed the Republic was up to no good, manipulating the CatPeople like a ball on a stick - big shock :)


If the Empire offers revenge, I bet they get a few takers among the exiled CatFolk who wolf(!) that down like... Well, like something real tasty.

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