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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool


Pretty sure there will be more than one way to unlock, like with almost everything else. Legacy level 35 and 10 million credits, for example.

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That's true. But with more character slots per server on its way, who's to say we won't have more slots by then?


As far as I know, that's something that they've said they'd like to have, and isn't on any timetable that I'm aware of.

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As far as I know, that's something that they've said they'd like to have, and isn't on any timetable that I'm aware of.


Exactly, so, who's to say we won't have more slots by then?


And, since almost every Legacy perk has more than one way to unlock it, who's to say it won't have a Legacy level+credit option?

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I remember just a few months ago these forums were in outrage over the faction imbalance. Everyone had their own hair brained ideas like giving PUBS more EXP or bonuses to crafting. I thought all of the ideas were very meh.

I have to give props to Bioware for coming up with this. Yea it's kind of annoying since I only really play the IMP side but now I have a reason to roll at least one Republic.

Edited by jedimessiah
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Exactly, so, who's to say we won't have more slots by then?


And, since almost every Legacy perk has more than one way to unlock it, who's to say it won't have a Legacy level+credit option?


And who's to say that there won't be free unicorns and rainbows by then? Assuming that there's going to actually be a reasonable fix is contrary to experience.


I've decided that unsubbing is the best course. If they actually implement additional character slots, I may come back. If I haven't gotten addicted to some other game by then.

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Just put in character name. Problem solved.



Ok, for arguments sake, I'll try emailing something from one server to another, rofl. If it works....well, I'll be highly happy. If not, well, I'm no worse off than I was before.

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Not only did they add that in 1.2 but they announced way before that they would start allowing cross-faction emails. I dumped my Imp toons on the lower pop server and re-rolled them on my higher pop server with my Republic toons months ago. If you've been here since Early Access, then not sure how you missed the cross-faction email change.


Well, I think I'd heard about the cross-faction email, but my problem is Cross-Faction+Cross-server, since like I said, I wanted 8 on each server, 4 class, 2 AC, etc.

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And who's to say that there won't be free unicorns and rainbows by then? Assuming that there's going to actually be a reasonable fix is contrary to experience.


I've decided that unsubbing is the best course. If they actually implement additional character slots, I may come back. If I haven't gotten addicted to some other game by then.


If the cup is that half-empty to you, then by all means, do whatcha gotta do.


For the rest of us, this is nothing but good news.

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Cancelling sub in protest my guild of 181 are doing the same


Old 03.17.2012 , 12:46 AM | #32


Good bye swtor now having a firesale on my account meet Tayliah on kaas city server


If you decided to say goodbye to SWTOR and fire sale your account in mid-march, how come you are still on here making comments about how such items have pushed you to cancel your sub, and if we have that near three month differential how can we trust that you, let alone your purported guild of 181 are going to quit this time any more then prior times where you stated that items were such an outrage as to lead to you quit?

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If you decided to say goodbye to SWTOR and fire sale your account in mid-march, how come you are still on here making comments about how such items have pushed you to cancel your sub, and if we have that near three month differential how can we trust that you, let alone your purported guild of 181 are going to quit this time any more then prior times where you stated that items were such an outrage as to lead to you quit?


They're talking out their ***, it's what people do in official forums.

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I can see both side of the fence here, and I can completly understand poeples frustration. I for one, assume the reason for characters on each side of the factions will be thus....


My train of thought is BW is going to make us locate parts, quest items etc on both sides of the war. Then using the Legacy ability to transfer goods to opposing factions we will then pass these said items back and forth through a long quest chain which ulimately unlocks the HK unit.


Just my 2 cents. I actually think this is a good idea, making us put in the work for a Just reward.

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I can see both side of the fence here, and I can completly understand poeples frustration. I for one, assume the reason for characters on each side of the factions will be thus....


My train of thought is BW is going to make us locate parts, quest items etc on both sides of the war. Then using the Legacy ability to transfer goods to opposing factions we will then pass these said items back and forth through a long quest chain which ulimately unlocks the HK unit.


Just my 2 cents. I actually think this is a good idea, making us put in the work for a Just reward.


Have to agree, if it were something player-performance related (i.e. gear/datacrons) then multi-faction would be an issue. A companion like HK is the equivalent of a highly desirable vanity pet (given that every class already has companions for every role), and thus making its attainability a pain makes sense-- and that's coming from someone who leveled his empire and republic characters on different servers because one was with a set of real life friends and the other was with guildies from the MMO I played prior.

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