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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Before 1.2, this would have made me rage and possibly ragequit, because currently, I have Pubs on one server and Imps on another. Since we can now mail stuff to opposing faction alts on the same server, and with transfers and the inevitable mergers, I will probably have all my characters on the same server anyway very soon.
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I have to say the amount of QQing going on from those without the foresight to make different faction alts on a single server is brightening my day. For those of us WITH that foresight, it's ironically funny.


It's easy. Delete one of your Imp/Reppie toons and roll one from the opposing faction. It really isn't rocket science. Or if you don't want HK, don't bother. It's all up to you. :p


But seriously, stop blaming BioWare because you don't want to delete a redundant toon. That's on you.

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That's Bull! Even in my 8 years in Galaxies I never once played the Republic side now your trying to force me to do something I've never been interested in....


No one is forcing you, or anyone else, to do anything. Don't want to roll both sides? No problem. You just might not be eligible for the reward. Reward =/= handout.

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No one is FORCING you to play a certain way.


You don't NEED him.


It's not a crucial part of the game.


He's an unlock, meaning grind/earn him.


Back in my day of gaming, some characters were locked until you beat the game multiple times or heck, beat it under a certain amount of time. You had to earn them!


You're basically complaining that because you're not getting something to you on a silver platter people are forcing you to play....when no one is forcing you to do anything!


The only person forcing someone to do something, is you!


Yes, in fact they are forcing a play style choice. That choice is to play both factions on one server, something I don't do in games.


It isn't about need, it is about new content being added with a restricted gate that some people disagree with.


I have no problems grinding as long as I have the same opportunities to gain the unlock without doing more than others just because I made a game decision based on my style of play and not because Bioware as a company thinks their way of playing the game is better than what I...the PAYING CUSTOMER...think.


And no, I'm not complaining about wanting something on a silver platter. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to get the unlock EXCEPT ALTER THE PLAY STYLE DECISIONS I'VE MADE MY ENTIRE GAMING LIFE. I don't want it "handed to me" but I also don't want the way to earn it be a forced play style decision. That isn't the way to introduce content.


New content needs to be made available to everyone regardless of what decisions they have made concerning factions on a server. I have a Republic Server and an Empire server. I have 6 toons on the Imp and 3 on the Rep and when I am done I'll have 8 Imps and 8 Reps...on two different servers. I'm not going to change the way I play my game because of some brain-dead development view that I should mix up my factions on a server. Especially considering one server is a PvP server where I simply see no reason to have opposite faction characters.


I'm not the one forcing an issue, Bioware is. By forcing people to mix factions on a server unless they want to put in more time and effort to get new content through legacy or credits they are trying to force people to play the game the "Bioware" way.


Once again, if this was a FP or Op or even a WZ and you were told you have to completely change your play style or else face a more strenuous or time intensive effort in order to unlock access to it, the forums would be up in arms.


It isn't about need, it isn't about alternatives, it isn't about not wanting to earn it...it is only about a decision that mixed factions on a single server is a way to unlock content. It doesn't matter if their are alternatives, it is the simple, basic and undeniable fact that Bioware is gating content by saying that one play style is preferred by them and ignoring the fact that not everyone agrees with that decision.


No, I'm not a Dev, but this is still MY game. Until Bioware pays ME to play the game I will voice my opposition to stupid design decisions in order to give them ALL of the voices of the customer and not just the fanboi praise that everything they do is just fine.

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Yes, in fact they are forcing a play style choice. That choice is to play both factions on one server, something I don't do in games.


It isn't about need, it is about new content being added with a restricted gate that some people disagree with.


I have no problems grinding as long as I have the same opportunities to gain the unlock without doing more than others just because I made a game decision based on my style of play and not because Bioware as a company thinks their way of playing the game is better than what I...the PAYING CUSTOMER...think.


And no, I'm not complaining about wanting something on a silver platter. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to get the unlock EXCEPT ALTER THE PLAY STYLE DECISIONS I'VE MADE MY ENTIRE GAMING LIFE. I don't want it "handed to me" but I also don't want the way to earn it be a forced play style decision. That isn't the way to introduce content.


New content needs to be made available to everyone regardless of what decisions they have made concerning factions on a server. I have a Republic Server and an Empire server. I have 6 toons on the Imp and 3 on the Rep and when I am done I'll have 8 Imps and 8 Reps...on two different servers. I'm not going to change the way I play my game because of some brain-dead development view that I should mix up my factions on a server. Especially considering one server is a PvP server where I simply see no reason to have opposite faction characters.


I'm not the one forcing an issue, Bioware is. By forcing people to mix factions on a server unless they want to put in more time and effort to get new content through legacy or credits they are trying to force people to play the game the "Bioware" way.


Once again, if this was a FP or Op or even a WZ and you were told you have to completely change your play style or else face a more strenuous or time intensive effort in order to unlock access to it, the forums would be up in arms.


It isn't about need, it isn't about alternatives, it isn't about not wanting to earn it...it is only about a decision that mixed factions on a single server is a way to unlock content. It doesn't matter if their are alternatives, it is the simple, basic and undeniable fact that Bioware is gating content by saying that one play style is preferred by them and ignoring the fact that not everyone agrees with that decision.


No, I'm not a Dev, but this is still MY game. Until Bioware pays ME to play the game I will voice my opposition to stupid design decisions in order to give them ALL of the voices of the customer and not just the fanboi praise that everything they do is just fine.


If you have to have characters of both factions on one server, then your choice is to maintain your play style OR get hk-51. You don't get to do both.



You want to talk about hk-51 being new content and that it being gated in the designed manner is not fair. Your stance is that all new content should be available to all players regardless of faction decisions. If you are going to take that stance, then all new content should be available to ALL players with NO restrictions. To allow or expect some new content to be gated, restricting other players from seeing it, while expecting that the new content you want to see is not gated, is itself extremely unfair. We are all paying customers.


Some content will be gated in ways which we like, others in ways which we don't like. Some content will be easy to obtain, and some will be more challenging. Most of us will never see ALL the content, or have all the goodies this game has to offer, but that is a good thing.

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If you have to have characters of both factions on one server, then your choice is to maintain your play style OR get hk-51. You don't get to do both.



You want to talk about hk-51 being new content and that it being gated in the designed manner is not fair. Your stance is that all new content should be available to all players regardless of faction decisions. If you are going to take that stance, then all new content should be available to ALL players with NO restrictions. To allow or expect some new content to be gated, restricting other players from seeing it, while expecting that the new content you want to see is not gated, is itself extremely unfair. We are all paying customers.


Some content will be gated in ways which we like, others in ways which we don't like. Some content will be easy to obtain, and some will be more challenging. Most of us will never see ALL the content, or have all the goodies this game has to offer, but that is a good thing.



It's also worth pointing out that they explicitly (in both cases) said that *most* players will need at least a mid level player of the other faction. It's entirely possible that there's a small legacy quest (that you can pay someone to help you with, since you can transfer coinage). So, you might only need to get to the fleet (level 7). In fact, it could just be an item like the Mysterious Egg, that is a bit of a pain to get but completely possible to buy. You know how those orange customizable bracers were hard to come by forever? It's totally feasible that you could just save up the credits and buy whatever you need. Maybe you need two special keys to get into the area where he's locked, and there's one from each faction. As long as it's BoE, which I'm lead to believe is the case due to the language they've used on both occasions, it's fine.

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I honestly don't understand why the hell people would make 16 toons. As it is the classes are already mirrored so closely. I don't know, I can't see ever having more than 8. 4 Imperials, and then 4 Repubs with the opposite advanced class (so say PT BH and a Commando Trooper for example), and then you've literally played everything the game has to offer.
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I honestly don't understand why the hell people would make 16 toons. As it is the classes are already mirrored so closely. I don't know, I can't see ever having more than 8. 4 Imperials, and then 4 Repubs with the opposite advanced class (so say PT BH and a Commando Trooper for example), and then you've literally played everything the game has to offer.


Does it matter? I can't understand why people would blow $200k on a sports car either, but some do and apparently enjoy it.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


... you can send mails to your alts on the other side, thank you for playing.

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Yes, in fact they are forcing a play style choice. That choice is to play both factions on one server, something I don't do in games.


It isn't about need, it is about new content being added with a restricted gate that some people disagree with.



it is about choice and having consequences to your actions, you dont want to fulfill what is required, that is YOUR CHOICE... again, you are not being forced

just because you refuse doesnt mean that plenty of others will actually go out and you know, earn it

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The problem is choice. Either make the choice to make it easier to get HK or don't...and don't complain about not being able to get the same content that other people who HAVE made the choice can get. IT'S AN OPTIONAL FEATURE - one that is specified to be easier if you have made that choice, but not specified as unachievable. Entitled player is entitled? Go away.
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Bioware needs to respect the fact that many people keep factions separate instead of having both on one server. The reason for this doesn't matter, it is a play style decision and if you start placing content that requires players to radically shift their play style it will breed discontent and anger.

I know this is a few pages back from the last one, but thats as far as I was able to go.


Dude, this word you use, I dont think it means what you think it means.


Playstyle: How you play the game. Do you PvE, do you PvP, which spec do you use, with what skills in what order, using what gear. That is your playstyle.


What you are describing has absolutely nothing to do with play style. Thats just your server selection. Just because you are anal about not mixing different factions on the same server does not make that a play style. It just makes it an OCD, and thats not something BW has to build around.

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Add many more character slots and allow me to transfer all my characters to one server and I'll change to that method for sure. The limit of 8 is probably the main reason most players segregate their characters to a server based on faction. Those players that roll alts anyhow. Edited by RAZIM
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Add many more character slots and allow me to transfer all my characters to one server and I'll change to that method for sure. The limit of 8 is probably the main reason most players segregate their characters to a server based on faction. Those players that roll alts anyhow.


8 is a fair amount of character slots and (oh, what a coincidence) the number of classes available in the game. Players who segregate their characters need to realise they are A) being greedy and B) the minority.

In Galaxies, we had 2 character slots, 2!

8 is a perfectly fair and logical amount, asking for more because you choose to play the game in an unusual manner is your problem.

Edited by Mevan
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8 is a fair amount of character slots and (oh, what a coincidence) the number of classes available in the game. Players who segregate their characters need to realise they are A) being greedy and B) the minority.

In Galaxies, we had 2 character slots, 2!

8 is a perfectly fair and logical amount, asking for more because you choose to play the game in an unusual manner is your problem.


That being said they have mentioned in the q and a that more slots are coming so your rebuttel is now a mute point.

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