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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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So, guilded players that don`t roll cross-faction are a small percentage? Can we see some statistics?


Because if it is only word for word.. we are both right and wrong at the same time, since neither of us has "metrics" to confirm or deny. I would dare to say I am actually "more right", since I am asking to play the game as the devs intend : roll an alt on the opposite faction. All I ask is to be provided means to keep in touch with my Guild.


Also, the problem is still there: where are the cross-faction comms, if we were so nicely asked to play it? Bioware developed, that is.





I've said since 1.2, Bioware may as well put in Cross-Faction Guilds.


If they'd done that it might have helped retain subs (bareing in mind that I'm usually completely against such things, as was orginally in SWTOR........ but frankly with 1.2 the writing was on the wall and X-Faction Guilds would have helped the game more than hindered it at that point).

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When the game came out, I saw 8 slots per server.


This to me seemed a good indication that it was meant by design to have the 8 AC Imps on one server and have the 8 Repub AC's on another; which is what I did.


I have 7 Repubs on my main server and 6 Imps on my Imperial server. This play style got screwed out of Legacy, not only in Legacy level, but with the 1.2 unlocks as well.


Though I was a little miffed at needing both factions on the same server for 1.2, I also noted that most could be unlocked with credits and not simply needing both faction. While I was missing out on some perks, most were cosmetic and I was fine with that.


Now players that don't play both factions on the same server, (for RP reasons, or faction loyalty reasons) are getting screwed again here.


Much of the backlash in recent months with this game have been completely potentially avoidable by BioWare, yet they continue to implement mind-scratchingly boneheaded features (or broken ones, or incomplete) into the game.


It's no wonder a lot, even die hards are starting to question the leadership and the direction/vision of this MMO.

Edited by LeonBraun
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When the game came out, I saw 8 slots per server.


This to me seemed a good indication that it was meant by design to have the 8 AC Imps on one server and have the 8 Repub AC's on another; which is what I did.


I have 7 Repubs on my main server and 6 Imps on my Imperial server. This play style got screwed out of Legacy, not only in Legacy level, but with the 1.2 unlocks as well.


Though I was a little miffed at needing both factions on the same server for 1.2, I also noted that most could be unlocked with credits and not simply needing both faction. While I was missing out on some perks, most were cosmetic and I was fine with that.


Now players that don't play both factions on the same server, (for RP reasons, or faction loyalty reasons) are getting screwed again here.


Much of the backlash in recent months with this game have been completely potentially avoidable by BioWare, yet they continue to implement mind-scratchingly boneheaded features (or broken ones, or incomplete) into the game.


It's no wonder a lot, even die hards are starting to question the leadership and the direction/vision of this MMO.


And I imagine most ordinary people saw those 8 character slots and thought "Hmm, 8 character slots, probably for the 8 classes in the game". You're logic is flawed, don't blame Bioware for your failings.

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Forcing players to roll opposing faction *against their will* just so they can progress their preferred toons is an easy way to make people consider unsubbing.


No progress is made. An additional companion is fluff (assuming the crafting limit is not altered). Don't be drama queens.

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WOW this must really stick in the craw on the RP servers where folks are hardcore rping their faction. Also I really hate how bioware is just assuming people want to play multiple characters and both factions. I like to play 1 toon and 1 toon only thats just how Im built. I have zero desire to make an alt nonetheless one of the opposite faction. Yet I am a completionist and achievement whore. My codex is mostly full except for some entries that bioware hasn't put in yet, I have all the mounts, all the pets, and I was really looking forward to the HK 51 quest line having completed every quest in the game from my class and on my faction. Im also upset about the recruit a friend mount since I got all my friends to play the game at launch so I cant even get that now. It just seems like bioware ignores how some folks want to play their game and tries to control them to do something entirely out of their character and it is really bugging me to the extreme. Bioware I dont want to be forced to make a character of the opposite faction and power level him while doing every single rep quest just to unlock a companion quest...honestly what is the reasoning behind forcing us to do this? It just makes zero sense...why not let people like me be able to have access to the HK 51 questline? I mean come on I've obviously spent a lot of hours playing your game in order to almost complete my codex.
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Actually you can email characters on your account regardless of faction now. Send cash, items, etc.

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Point stands. It's easy enough to accomplish leveling a character on the other faction without destroying your community (rofl, what a joke). There is more than one method of obtaining the droid (Legacy) and if you're complaining about it, you're basically just looking for an easy way to something you'd otherwise have to work for.


As others have said. Stop spending your time here complaining and use the next few weeks before the patch hits to either get a character to 50 or to make some money. Those are your options.


Or you can continue to waste your time here complaining about something that a lot of people already meet the requirements for and see no reason to be upset about. Either way, I'll be unlocking my HK on day one more than likely. A lot of you will still be here trying to find an easier way. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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Point stands. It's easy enough to accomplish leveling a character on the other faction without destroying your community (rofl, what a joke). There is more than one method of obtaining the droid (Legacy) and if you're complaining about it, you're basically just looking for an easy way to something you'd otherwise have to work for.


As others have said. Stop spending your time here complaining and use the next few weeks before the patch hits to either get a character to 50 or to make some money. Those are your options.


Or you can continue to waste your time here complaining about something that a lot of people already meet the requirements for and see no reason to be upset about. Either way, I'll be unlocking my HK on day one more than likely. A lot of you will still be here trying to find an easier way. :)


You are missing the entire point of these peoples posts and it is far from a joke. As for the legacy route to unlock from the interview it is plain to see that that is going to require opposite faction. It is a shame bioware isn't just making a difficult quest line that is really tough and instead takes the easy way out and says oh just make multiple toons on both factions so that you will spend more time online playing and we will look successful. Newsflash for BW people will play long hours if you give us the content.

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To ALL who didn't read the article referenced in the first post in this thread from Darth Hater and haven't bothered to read the entire thread. What Ansalem points out here:


You are missing the entire point of these peoples posts and it is far from a joke. As for the legacy route to unlock from the interview it is plain to see that that is going to require opposite faction. It is a shame bioware isn't just making a difficult quest line that is really tough and instead takes the easy way out and says oh just make multiple toons on both factions so that you will spend more time online playing and we will look successful. Newsflash for BW people will play long hours if you give us the content.


Can be inferred from this:


Daniel Erickson: HK-51 is actually part of the Legacy system. He is a very hard companion to get, and there is an incredible amount of work that you’ll have to do. I will say right now that if you do not have people on both sides of the war, you probably need to go roll somebody on the other side. There is great, great new types of gameplay, new types of quests. There is a whole section of it that’s old school adventure gamey survival horror where you’re really not doing combat stuff; you’re following puzzles and solving stuff instead. Makeb has a lot of the same experimentation. We developed so many new tools and new tech that we can do so much more with our quests now than we could before. We were chasing tech for so long that now the designers really just get to go in and be crazy creative.


And that's what this thread is about. NOT if you can game email between factions or any of the other derails that have happened.

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The QQ is strong in here. It's a companion droid. It's not required for you to enjoy the rest of the game. It's not necessary for you to have one. I don't have a Trooper, why can't I have Corso Riggs? I don't have a Warrior, why can't I have Jaeso? Just another bunch of whining and crying about something you can't have because you're unwilling to put in the effort to get it. You know what he is? A glorified pet.
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To ALL who didn't read the article referenced in the first post in this thread from Darth Hater and haven't bothered to read the entire thread. What Ansalem points out here:




Can be inferred from this:




And that's what this thread is about. NOT if you can game email between factions or any of the other derails that have happened.


Which isn't conclusive. Again I say, when they first announced species unlocks, they said "playing a species to 50 will unlock it" and said NOTHING about the alternate credit unlock. But it was there the whole.


Similarly, just because they didn't mention an alternate credit unlock this time does not mean, in any way whatsoever, that it isn't there.

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To ALL who didn't read the article referenced in the first post in this thread from Darth Hater and haven't bothered to read the entire thread. What Ansalem points out here:




Can be inferred from this:




And that's what this thread is about. NOT if you can game email between factions or any of the other derails that have happened.


People were using the ability to send items to their other characters as a reason for not having both Empire and Republic characters, not realizing that (at the very least) if they are in the same Legacy, you can mail cross-faction. The ability to mail to legacy characters cross-faction ends that argument.

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Which isn't conclusive. Again I say, when they first announced species unlocks, they said "playing a species to 50 will unlock it" and said NOTHING about the alternate credit unlock. But it was there the whole.


Similarly, just because they didn't mention an alternate credit unlock this time does not mean, in any way whatsoever, that it isn't there.


I don't care what they do. I was just torqued at how derailed the thread got.


I simply pointed out what the MAIN POINT of the thread was in light of the article that the thread was about.


And you can in fact infer this. And as usual since BW knows NOTHING about their PR and how what they say can (AND DOES) mislead people. We are in yet ANOTHER kerfuffle becasue of BW not being clear.


My question is why is it so hard to be clear. Just state:


1. HK-51 will require one character of each faction.

2. Each character will have to be level 'X' to unlock it (or combination there of)

3. Wether there will be a "cash" legacy option.


Why can't they be clear?


Why do they continue to be worse that politicians about telling us what is going on with this stupid game.

Edited by Urael
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People were using the ability to send items to their other characters as a reason for not having both Empire and Republic characters, not realizing that (at the very least) if they are in the same Legacy, you can mail cross-faction. The ability to mail to legacy characters cross-faction ends that argument.


Yeah that was pointed out early on and then OVER AND OVER AND OVER again because most didn't get past that one post and read the thread before responding (as usual). :p


Back on topic! :)

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Yeah that was pointed out early on and then OVER AND OVER AND OVER again because most didn't get past that one post and read the thread before responding (as usual). :p


Back on topic! :)


Yes, but now it's in pretty blue and it will stick out and no one will read it anyway.

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I`d say it is not that ludicrous to ask means for a Guildmaster to keep track of its players = faction AND cross-faction.


Please, you and your guild turning your noses up at viable, common and widely used software does not mean Guildmasters can't keep track of its players. Besides, you only play one faction, so that suggests you're roleplayers (can't think of any other valid reason for being so against rolling an alt), yet you're asking for Bioware to essentially forget about factions?


Plus, it might help to learn to play on your own. Being so against solo play is.... Odd.

Edited by Mevan
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