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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Reread the interview. He said you'd probably want or need two opposite faction toons on one server. He also said there would be a hard long quest line or something to that effect to get him. Now the other option, purchasing through legacy would either be like legacy level 10 at least, and maybe like 1M+ credits. Even for a companion legacy lvl 50 seems a bit much, as the race unlocks were only legacy 5 and 1.5M credits. A fully upgraded jet boost is only like legacy level 15 or so, and like around 10M credits. My hunch is it will be more like that for purchasing HK rather then working for him if you choose. But again we have nothing concrete and conjecture at this point.
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Umm, they can.... I send things back and forth via mail every day... simply because the Republic GTN/market sucks and I can buy the healthpacks/stims I need for Ops on the Empire side.

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I hope you do not need characters on both sides on the same sever. My wife and I play on two different servers for exactly this reason. One is our Imp and the other is our Repub. I don't believe in having characters on the same side on the same server because it is blatantly immersion breaking and easily leads to people cheating in pvp situations.
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Video of Mr. Erickson stating that you will need to have characters on both sides of the war in order to unlock HK-51.


HK-51 info is approximately at 1:30 mark.


Specific statement is approximately at the 1:58 mark.


I know that this doesn't make me happy, as I only have all Imps on a server or Pubs on a server, like many out there.


I have read somewhere that they may be increasing the amount of characters you can make on a server by 3, so you may be able create at least 1 character on the opposite faction to obtain the coveted HK-51, however, this info I have not been able to confirm as of yet.

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Don't care either way, but it was pretty obvious from the beginning, even more so with the release of legacy, that they were designing the game around players rolling all toons on the same server. It sucks for the people who for whatever reason decided they couldn't have republic and imperial toons on the server, but it's not a shocking development.
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We've had to remove several posts in this thread because the discussion had veered into real-world politics and such. Please remember that discussion of political, sexual, racial, or religious topics is prohibited on the forums.

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No concern here over the HK-51 bot. It's a companion that you will either want enough to go to some extremes to get (I'll be one of them) or don't want enough to go to those extremes. I look forward to have an Assassin Protocol Droid of my own... meatbag.

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Really? So the "normal" way of unlocking species for the other faction is likewise "highly discriminatory"?


That's kind of a sensationalist word to use in this context...


We`ve been told ad nauseam how our side and choices matter. I`m ok with it. My choices are to side with the Empire.


Now we are told to use our Legacy and play the opposite side as well. So now I will be punished because I played only one side.


I don`t care about fluff and never did. Thus, locked races are not my concern. But they are, ultimately, fluff = no practical gain whatsoever, so it is really up to the individual to play one to 50, then play her/his chosen side to 50 again.


However, HK is NOT fluff. It is a potential ranged tank / dps AND a potential extra companion running missions. Asking a "one sided" player, such as myself, to roll on opposite side contradicts their "lore" dogma and discriminates me against the "altoholics". Not even altoholics, but cross-faction players.


tl;dr : when we talk about fluff, it is up to the individual. When we talk about an actual gain, ingame, then it is a "must have". If anything, don`t force cross-faction play. If you do, provide the needed tools to keep in touch with your original side.


[EXPLANATION]: If I am to go towards him, assuming that previously posted video... I can think in 2 directions: I will need a lvl 10 to go to rep side only places, for trinkets that I can mail to my empire main, or I will need a lvl 40, or 50. A lvl 40 is not that big of a deal, but it gets hairy at lvl 50, because it might require gearing up. Which might be useful using their LFG tool and PuG. I already have a Guild, so I don`t need to PuG.


Ultimately, they are adding an "Epic Quest", where I am forced to potentially level a useless lvl 50, level it without my already existing friends and PuG when I don`t have to. Or pay Legacy gear and send mods (1.7 mils is too steep)... or spend cash unlocking it in Legacy (anything above 1 mil is a ripoff.. and it`ll likely be in the 20`s...).

Edited by Styxx
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We`ve been told ad nauseam how our side and choices matter. I`m ok with it. My choices are to side with the Empire.


Now we are told to use our Legacy and play the opposite side as well. So now I will be punished because I played only one side.


I don`t care about fluff and never did. Thus, locked races are not my concern. But they are, ultimately, fluff = no practical gain whatsoever, so it is really up to the individual to play one to 50, then play her/his chosen side to 50 again.


However, HK is NOT fluff. It is a potential ranged tank / dps AND a potential extra companion running missions. Asking a "one sided" player, such as myself, to roll on opposite side contradicts their "lore" dogma and discriminates me against the "altoholics". Not even altoholics, but cross-faction players.


tl;dr : when we talk about fluff, it is up to the individual. When we talk about an actual gain, ingame, then it is a "must have". If anything, don`t force cross-faction play. If you do, provide the needed tools to keep in touch with your original side.


what are you talking about? you're chastized for not choosing between light and dark, not between empire and republic.

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We`ve been told ad nauseam how our side and choices matter. I`m ok with it. My choices are to side with the Empire.


Now we are told to use our Legacy and play the opposite side as well. So now I will be punished because I played only one side.


I don`t care about fluff and never did. Thus, locked races are not my concern. But they are, ultimately, fluff = no practical gain whatsoever, so it is really up to the individual to play one to 50, then play her/his chosen side to 50 again.


However, HK is NOT fluff. It is a potential ranged tank / dps AND a potential extra companion running missions. Asking a "one sided" player, such as myself, to roll on opposite side contradicts their "lore" dogma and discriminates me against the "altoholics". Not even altoholics, but cross-faction players.


tl;dr : when we talk about fluff, it is up to the individual. When we talk about an actual gain, ingame, then it is a "must have". If anything, don`t force cross-faction play. If you do, provide the needed tools to keep in touch with your original side.


HK-51 isn't a must have.

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HK-51 isn't a must have.

Anything that gives you something you can touch is. At least in my opinion.


While I can agree that it isn`t for you.. it is for me... for the above stated reasons : a ranged tank / dps and a potential crew mission extra.


what are you talking about? you're chastized for not choosing between light and dark, not between empire and republic.

Matter of perception. I could be a "one main only" type of player. Same principle. I am forced to go out of my way.

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Anything that gives you something you can touch it is. At least in my opinion.


While I can agree that it isn`t for you.. it is for me... for the above stated reasons : a ranged tank / dps and a potential crew mission extra.


Now, now I never said that I wasn't going to get him. I got Rep/Imp toons all ready to go to get him.

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Now, now I never said that I wasn't going to get him. I got Rep/Imp toons all ready to go to get him.


I never said I will not get him either.


I keep saying that it is not nice nor fair to ask cross-faction alts. If we are asked to, at least, Bioware should have the courtesy of providing means of INGAME communication to our Guilds and means of easy gear transfer, past the Legacy 750k sets and pulling mods in and out.

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For those who run exclusively Rep or Imp sides on a server:


What is your deal??? There are 4 classes for each faction. The basic story is the same for the Warrior whether you run Juggernaut or Marauder. Why would you want both?? Same with Vanguard/Commando or Operative/Sniper, etc.


A good 4/4 split works very well, and you could always do it on multiple servers. It's not BioWare's fault that you chose to run ALL one faction on a single server, taking up all your available slots. :p

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It`s already done.


And now Bioware is playing "moving the goalpost" on our time and money.


No, they've made it clear for months that having toons on both sides will be necessary for some legacy content. This was at least at the Guild Summit if not earlier.


Also, for those complaining about not being able to gear up alts cross-faction - since 1.2 you've been able to mail your own characters cross-faction.

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For all we know what you have to do is complete a load of operations and flashpoints all on the same legacy which are open only to one faction or the other. I may have a lv 50 Jedi and a lv 50 Sith but I dont run anything on my Jedi because I only played him to see the story. HK-51 could be one of those things that is actually hard to get.
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No, they've made it clear for months that having toons on both sides will be necessary for some legacy content. This was at least at the Guild Summit if not earlier.


Also, for those complaining about not being able to gear up alts cross-faction - since 1.2 you've been able to mail your own characters cross-faction.


Dailies at the top.


If you want columi or up, you need to buy a Legacy set, strip your mods on main, put them into Legacy and send to alt. 750k the set + 75k per piece under new prices from 1.3 .. all in all about 375k + 750 to send alone. If you don`t want to lose the set bonus you need to lose time farming tionese too, to put the mods in them = 375k more. It`s a money sink.. not convenience.


And they also said that Legacy will work for the ones that choose to play ONE char alone.


[EDIT]Assuming I play along and agree with you... Where are my INGAME comms with my empire Guild, while I am playing my rep toon?

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They're obviously going to implement a pay to unlock imp part, or "get a imp friend to help you" system or what not. I refuse to deal with the Imp side - I shall never touch something so blatantly favoured, a faciton who abused the Reps all through this game with Illum 1.1 etc.


My legacy is "Vive la Republique" and if they take that away from me, I guess it would just *** up to all other mistakes of theirs.


(How is " A d d " a word filtered out.. )

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Translation: At TOR we need to find more reasons to make people grind more and to keep them playing longer. To aid in this endeavor we are going to make it so most really cool things require you to level a new toon over and over again. This will insure a good play experience and continued revenue for our bank... er i mean more content for players to enjoy!
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Legacy charactars can mail each other stuff , even across factions.


Already here , don't even have to wait for 1.3 , I do it all the time

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool


What's the big deal? There is alot of things about Legacy "rewards" that suck.


I have one of each AC, 4 pubs amd 4 imps. On the otherhand, all my guys are human (more facial options) and I play them all so Legacy unlocks are useless to me. When I do unlock Pureblood and Mirialan (the only non-humans i have) I'll have all my slots filled with lvl 45-50 toons. And lets face it, if I wanted a Chiss knight I sure as heck wouldn't play a chiss on a class I didn't want up to 50 just to play a jedi chiss.


Bioware seems eagar to kinda tell people how to play the game in the way they set of legacy "rewards". You will play 1 class at a time all the way to 50. You will have imp and pubs toons on the same server. etc.

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