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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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It's really not that hard to get a character to lvl 50. And no you DONT have to play 10 hours a day to do it. My grandson who is 10 has 7 characters all in the 20s to 30s and he doesnt even play everyday. When he does play it's sometimes like 1 to 2 hours maybe. I myself have 2 lvl 50 Imps and 2 lvl 50 Pubs + another lvl 29 Pub on the same server.
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Thats b/s imo. I mean it wont effect me but a lot of players have been keeping thier factions in different servers so they can save space and since cross faction mail wasnt possible until 1.2.



And it just felt aesthetically correct, in my case.

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Why are people complaining about this?


IMO, you're missing out on the game if you're only playing one faction. You're missing out of the story! I can only see people complaining if they're in a guild which has a Republic and Empire side in separate servers. But still, your Legacy wouldn't really be complete if you don't have each class on one server?

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There are also advantages to having Imps and Pups on the same server. I'm on a low populated sever and my guild PvPs (LvL 50) 3 times a week. When we q and and dont have enough ppl on 1 side some of use switch to the another faction and ...pop we're in.
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Ummm WHAT? I send money and crafting items to my opposite faction on the same server all the time through mail.



you can>!@? bloody hell!!


i know what i am going to be checking tonight. if this is possible, it will redefine my approach to my crew skill makeup.

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you can>!@? bloody hell!!


i know what i am going to be checking tonight. if this is possible, it will redefine my approach to my crew skill makeup.


That was 1 of the Biggest changes to the game when 1.2 was released .....lol

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Wow, I'm a pretty rubbish player that likes my hand held but you guys are seriously getting angry that you have to level a character on both sides for a companion that isn't required and is essentially fluff?


I'm glad the game is making people work hard for a cool perk, not everything can be placed on our lap delicately.


It constantly amazes me how people on this forum can get angry about everything. Dying populations sure but rare companion quests? Jeez.

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dumb requirement is dumb, lots of people will have a server full of 1 faction as at launch there was no cross faction mail etc only neutral GTN on Nar Shaddaa, which was dead. I think having a quest that requires some cross faction work to get HK is fair enough, its an MMO, why not, you know, make it so you can do it with another PLAYER! #ffs #fail
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Yea so whats "probably" going to happen is it will take a max level empire character either valor 70, or a fully Campaign geared PvE character to do part of the quest.. Then depending if you use a PvP or PvE character, which ever one you didn't use you will have to use republic side (or vice versa...republic PvE and empire PvP) to unlock another part of the quest. This in turn will open up a new weekly quest line for some Operation where you have to gather 20 drops off the end boss encounter that only drops one and is randomly assigned like loot was in the original story mode EV. Since there is another PvE part there will be some grueling win 300 warzone match requirement for your PvP character. Once that is done the option will open in your legacy if you have maxed out every other legacy option, have all companions at max affection, have at least 4 empire and 4 republic characters that have completed chapter 3, legacy level 50 and 20 million credits.


Not all that hard really.....

Edited by Datku
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Yea so whats "probably" going to happen is it will take a max level empire character either valor 70, or a fully Campaign geared PvE character to do part of the quest.. Then depending if you use a PvP or PvE character, which ever one you didn't use you will have to use republic side (or vice versa...republic PvE and empire PvP) to unlock another part of the quest. This in turn will open up a new weekly quest line for some Operation where you have to gather 20 drops off the end boss encounter that only drops one and is randomly assigned like loot was in the original story mode EV. Since there is another PvE part there will be some grueling win 300 warzone match requirement for your PvP character. Once that is done the option will open in your legacy if you have maxed out every other legacy option, have all companions at max affection, have at least 4 empire and 4 republic characters that have completed chapter 3, legacy level 50 and 20 million credits.


Not all that hard really.....


Not sure if serious... But it said in the interview some puzzles and non combat stuff. Once HK gets added i want to be the first person on my server to get him, i'll be logging in and working out the way through the path to get him, itll be hard, but definately worthwhile to have a new guy in my crew.

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool




Oh great. People are already complaining about it...


I bet it gets the "insane in the membrane" treatment before it even launches.


Thanks everyone for ruining everything.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Not sure if someone else responded to this, but any character in your legacy can help one another. You are able to send gear, money, mats, whatever to any of your characters within you legacy...would be stupid if you could't..





Oh great. People are already complaining about it...


I bet it gets the "insane in the membrane" treatment before it even launches.


Thanks everyone for ruining everything.


I agree, it is rather disappointing that people start crying about new features before they are even released..

Edited by Earitory
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dumb requirement is dumb, lots of people will have a server full of 1 faction as at launch there was no cross faction mail etc only neutral GTN on Nar Shaddaa, which was dead. I think having a quest that requires some cross faction work to get HK is fair enough, its an MMO, why not, you know, make it so you can do it with another PLAYER! #ffs #fail


actually it's far from dumb. I bet we will have new character slots when we get the new species, so you take that extra char slot, level up something (getting to 50 might be boring, but it's far from HARD and you can just ask guildmates or whatever to level together, which is much more fun)

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NO ONE said you'd need a level 50 on both sides. Just a toon on both sides. For those of you who have 8 Imps or Pubs on the same server... mail ALL your gear to the other ones and delete them. I doubt you datacron platformed every single toon, and if you did then you should be pretty good at it by now.


If you pvp grinded each one to Valour 70 (then you have no life jk) then you probably are a skilled pvper and might be able to do it again - I think you should get some benefit for that one though, maybe transfer that character to a different server?

P.S: Consider transferring your 8th imp/pub to a different server rather than deleting them.

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I don't know how requiring 2 different faction characters to complete a mission has anything to do with deleting Companions. My sentinel wasn't gimped when he only had T7 and Kira so why would he be gimped if he doesn't have HK-51. Makes absolutely no sense. Completely illogical reasoning here, Spock.

It has a lot to do with it. As some people have said, they don't have more character slots, or they have already rolled them on different servers. And even if they had, forcing someone to roll another character to get a companion on the first one is crap. Some people like to play just one faction, or to play just their main. However, in that case, if they don't play a character from the opposite faction THAT character is at a disadvantage and loses content (something that you didn't lose when you only had T7 and Kira, because you could still get the rest of your companions by playing your sentinel). It's their choice, yeah, but it was also their choice to lose a companion with the old system.


Back in the day (beta), you were able to get rid of some of your companions if you wanted to. It was your choice, and there was no way to make a mistake (unless you didn't know to read) and lose them. BioWare changed it because they said that losing a companion could gimp people. You could always level an alt and use it's companions to make for it, as you'll have to if you want to get HK-51 if those requirements are true, but they chose to remove that feature so that everyone could have the same number of companions in any character.


As you see, even if it's not exactly the same, there's more logic in that reasoning than what you seem to think. If they want to make it hard to get HK-51, I'll really like it. However, there's better ways to make it hard without forcing you to play a character that you don't want to.



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NO ONE said you'd need a level 50 on both sides. Just a toon on both sides. For those of you who have 8 Imps or Pubs on the same server... mail ALL your gear to the other ones and delete them. I doubt you datacron platformed every single toon, and if you did then you should be pretty good at it by now.


If you pvp grinded each one to Valour 70 (then you have no life jk) then you probably are a skilled pvper and might be able to do it again - I think you should get some benefit for that one though, maybe transfer that character to a different server?

P.S: Consider transferring your 8th imp/pub to a different server rather than deleting them.


I only have one single character not eight so this doesnt really effect me, but even I'm able to see that deleting a character (or even transfering them to another server) should NOT be an option in the slightest in regards to accessing this content.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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NO ONE said you'd need a level 50 on both sides. Just a toon on both sides.




snippitty snip .


Oh? I only have 1 level 50, but I have 3 on each side. In any case, it still seems to me to be what I would think to be quite a long endeavour for this new companion. I would think all the bored "there's nothing to do after 50" 50's would be chomping at the bit for that much stuff to do.

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Why are people complaining about this?


IMO, you're missing out on the game if you're only playing one faction. You're missing out of the story! I can only see people complaining if they're in a guild which has a Republic and Empire side in separate servers. But still, your Legacy wouldn't really be complete if you don't have each class on one server?

Say this AFTER you`ve paid my monthly sub, please. How I play my game is my concern alone and none of your bussiness.


This being said, I am part of a Imp side only Guild, with 6 chars commited to it (my choice and nobody`s bussiness). I have 2 rep alts (one 33, one 11), but those are my pet projects and I don`t see them played anytime soon.


In this case, Bioware is asking me to go out of my way to access content. Which I don`t like. If they want faction balance (which is roughly equal where I am playing anyway), they should do so ingame, not by asking me to go play one or two weeks on "the other side".


[EDIT]I have no means of communication with my Guild, while I am playing on the opposite faction. And that is Bioware`s problem, not mine.




Oh great. People are already complaining about it...


I bet it gets the "insane in the membrane" treatment before it even launches.


Thanks everyone for ruining everything.

I have nothing against effort. But this is a cheap attempt of forcing an alt or more. On the opposite side, no less.

Edited by Styxx
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Say this AFTER you`ve paid my monthly sub, please. How I play my game is my concern alone and none of your bussiness.


This being said, I am part of a Imp side only Guild, with 6 chars commited to it (my choice and nobody`s bussiness). I have 2 rep alts (one 33, one 11), but those are my pet projects and I don`t see them played anytime soon.


In this case, Bioware is asking me to go out of my way to access content. Which I don`t like. If they want faction balance (which is roughly equal where I am playing anyway), they should do so ingame, not by asking me to go play one or two weeks on "the other side".



I have nothing against effort. But this is a cheap attempt of forcing an alt or more. On the opposite side, no less.


They can't be concerned by a small group of people that choose to hinder themselves. I could complain by saying 'argh my character hates robots though, it's in his story I made. Give me a different companion". It's self enforced limitations that at some point you have to deal with.


I'm not saying stop playing how you want but if you're going to impose restrictions on yourself then accept that there will be negatives.

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Say this AFTER you`ve paid my monthly sub, please. How I play my game is my concern alone and none of your bussiness.


This being said, I am part of a Imp side only Guild, with 6 chars commited to it (my choice and nobody`s bussiness). I have 2 rep alts (one 33, one 11), but those are my pet projects and I don`t see them played anytime soon.


In this case, Bioware is asking me to go out of my way to access content. Which I don`t like. If they want faction balance (which is roughly equal where I am playing anyway), they should do so ingame, not by asking me to go play one or two weeks on "the other side".


[EDIT]I have no means of communication with my Guild, while I am playing on the opposite faction. And that is Bioware`s problem, not mine.



I have nothing against effort. But this is a cheap attempt of forcing an alt or more. On the opposite side, no less.


Ridiculous. Honestly, you have to be kidding me. They're asking you to go out of your way to access content? It's a robot companion. Granted a very desirable robot companion that many want, but just a companaion nonetheless. You are not forced to go out and unlock him are you? No...you're not.


What next, "BW are asking me to actually step foot into a Op/WZ to get Campaign/War Hero gear - theyre forcing me to do stuff I dont want".


Get a grip 8-) if you want the robot, go get it, if you dont, dont. It's as simple as that. You'd prefer BW mail HK-51 to everyone? I imagine some would, others like to actually do stuff to get stuff, it's a fun, it's an experience and end of the day it's all optional.

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