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1.3 nerf notes, alrighty then


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Harnessed Darkness: The healing generated by force lightning has been reduced to 8% total (down from 12%).


Dark Charge now generates 100% additional threat while active. The healing generated by this ability has been reduced by approximately 50%. Its armor bonus has been reduced to 115% (down from 150%).


one minor buff: Spike will cost 20 force (It costs 30 now).



So they drop tankasin's mitigation by a fair bit AND lower their healing by a fair bit. Pretty severe. It's actually going to be a pretty meh spec now. Assassins will now have 3 meh specs to choose from.



Then we get to...




Supercharged Ion Gas now increases Ion Overload damage by 25%. While Ion Gas Cylinder is active, Rail Shot triggers your Ion Gas Cylinder on the target and up to 4 additional nearby targets. This damage does not affect sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. This generates a high amount of threat.

Flame Shield: The critical chance bonus applied to Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep has been reduced to 8% per point.

Flame Surge now increases the damage dealt by Flame Sweep by 6% per point and causes Jet Charge to grant 1 charge of Flame Surge per point, which makes the next Flame Sweep free of cost. This skill now requires Jet Charge instead of Flame Shield.



Apparently DPS PTS are fine, wha...?







The responsiveness of Retaliation and Gore has been increased.


Gore: This ability now costs 1 Rage and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.



They mess with gore...and that's it.






Edited by ShadowOfVey
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or, they think pyro dps and marauders are fine, that people still have to figure out how to counter them correctly.


Assassins/Shadows are nerfed because they provided better active tankiness (when they attack, not while running) in PvE and PvP, and a tank-specced, but dps geared sin/shadow just put out too much dps considering their tankiness, they nerfed the tankiness, but the dps stays the same.


I think it's perfectly fine, and of course, this is PTS patch notes and are subject to change :)


Hope you can find my answer reasonable and we won't start a flame, "L2P", raging war on these forums.



Peragus Mining Facility

Cult Of Adas

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or, they think pyro dps and marauders are fine, that people still have to figure out how to counter them correctly.


Assassins/Shadows are nerfed because they provided better active tankiness (when they attack, not while running) in PvE and PvP, and a tank-specced, but dps geared sin/shadow just put out too much dps considering their tankiness, they nerfed the tankiness, but the dps stays the same.


I think it's perfectly fine, and of course, this is PTS patch notes and are subject to change :)


Hope you can find my answer reasonable and we won't start a flame, "L2P", raging war on these forums.



Peragus Mining Facility

Cult Of Adas


I am a Shadow and I agree with this guy ^


That said the armor buff will go back up. prob 125% I would guess @ the end of the day.


We need'd a nerf guys & anyone who's any good knew it!

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Well Powertechs took a huge burst nerf.


The burst powertechs had was from stacking adrenals and relics with their 100% crit chance skill.


You wont see powertech run in a smoke someone in 5 seconds with those changes and without the burst powertechs will run huge ammo issues.


Longer fights will hurt certain classes like troops more than the classes that build up resources to spend.

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Oh snap. tankasins will have to wear tank gear and tank accordingly.


Got it.


What's the problem again?


Tank gear won't raise their mitigation. Armor is the same on dps and tank gear.


They'll heal worse in tank gear than they heal in tank gear right now, they'll take more damage in tank gear than they do now. It's across the board.


They'll also be worse in tank gear than other classes in tank gear. They already had lower mitigation than other tanks (42.06% in WH gear vs over 52% for other tank classes in tank stances) and made up for it with the healing. They lowered the mitigation and lowered the healing.

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The biggest changes are how not having adrenals and relics will effect each class to varying degrees. For example a class that is based on sustained damage like a annihilation marauder will be effected the least. While classes that are based entirely on burst damage like a concealment operative will take a massive hit to their effectiveness.
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Agreed. 1.3, much like 1.2, is a buff to Maras/Sents. Go figure...


I was a bit suprised that Marauders weren't looked into more. I'm biochem, but I don't mind that it was removed. I enjoyed a few large hits. Tank Assassin nerf was inc. Everyone knew that. I'm hoping that they are balanced well. Only time will tell. The only think marauders need to have changed is there immunity ward. They are made to DPS and the DPS should be left in check IMO.

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I am a Shadow and I agree with this guy ^


That said the armor buff will go back up. prob 125% I would guess @ the end of the day.


We need'd a nerf guys & anyone who's any good knew it!


Glad my post was reasonable and that it was not flamed to the ground. I play a tanksin my self and in our raids I'm a bit short on gear compared to our other tanks, but I still have better tanking on some bosses, with equal gear I would see myself outperform them by a noticeable amount, not because of skill, but by class design, that is wrong imo and I'm glad they nerfed me to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.


Maybe we will get some armor back, the notes are subject to change, but as long as we are viable for raiding and PvP, then I'm happy



Peragus Mining Facility

Cult Of Adas

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Tank gear won't raise their mitigation. Armor is the same on dps and tank gear.


They'll heal worse in tank gear than they heal in tank gear right now, they'll take more damage in tank gear than they do now. It's across the board.


They'll also be worse in tank gear than other classes in tank gear. They already had lower mitigation than other tanks (42.06% in WH gear vs over 52% for other tank classes in tank stances) and made up for it with the healing. They lowered the mitigation and lowered the healing.




Shadow Tank gear is still light armor. I don't think the younglings understand that. It's zero mitigation. Sure, you get 2000 more hitpoints, big whoop. PVE tanks are gonna explode when they try this out, imo.

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Glad my post was reasonable and that it was not flamed to the ground. I play a tanksin my self and in our raids I'm a bit short on gear compared to our other tanks, but I still have better tanking on some bosses, with equal gear I would see myself outperform them by a noticeable amount, not because of skill, but by class design, that is wrong imo and I'm glad they nerfed me to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.


Maybe we will get some armor back, the notes are subject to change, but as long as we are viable for raiding and PvP, then I'm happy



Peragus Mining Facility

Cult Of Adas


I honestly think having balanced classes helps on long term retention. We all hate getting nerfed, but playing a class that is OP is only fun for a limited ammount of time. Balance brings out skilled players. With Assassin crazy utility they still will shine IMO. I was honestly suprised that with all of their utility they were the best tanks in the game.


Assassins have good mid range damage abilities, which will still outshine other tanks.

They have Crazy utility.

They still will be 1v1 killing machines.

Even in a tank or now tankish spec they still hit like a truck.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Harnessed Darkness: The healing generated by force lightning has been reduced to 8% total (down from 12%).


Dark Charge now generates 100% additional threat while active. The healing generated by this ability has been reduced by approximately 50%. Its armor bonus has been reduced to 115% (down from 150%).


one minor buff: Spike will cost 20 force (It costs 30 now).



So they drop tankasin's mitigation by a fair bit AND lower their healing by a fair bit. Pretty severe. It's actually going to be a pretty meh spec now. Assassins will now have 3 meh specs to choose from.



Then we get to...




Supercharged Ion Gas now increases Ion Overload damage by 25%. While Ion Gas Cylinder is active, Rail Shot triggers your Ion Gas Cylinder on the target and up to 4 additional nearby targets. This damage does not affect sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. This generates a high amount of threat.

Flame Shield: The critical chance bonus applied to Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep has been reduced to 8% per point.

Flame Surge now increases the damage dealt by Flame Sweep by 6% per point and causes Jet Charge to grant 1 charge of Flame Surge per point, which makes the next Flame Sweep free of cost. This skill now requires Jet Charge instead of Flame Shield.



Apparently DPS PTS are fine, wha...?







The responsiveness of Retaliation and Gore has been increased.


Gore: This ability now costs 1 Rage and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.



They mess with gore...and that's it.







your a typical noob man. Sorry but its true.


First now assassins have 3 meh specs to choose from?


Infltration and madness are both amazing if used correctly.. my main is madness and I kill everyone incuding PT pyros and marauders of all specs. I have no problem 1 v1 with any class because I know how to counter them and play to my strengths period.


Deception is easily capable in the hands of a skilled player.


Pyro PT's are not OP at all you just need to stay out of their dead zone which is inside 10 m. Now if your a melee heavy class CLEARLY you will have a problem with this because its pretty much your anti class... every class has trouble with certain other classes.... I have trouble with PT's all the time but I play to my own advantages and usually come out victorious...


Maras? calling maras OP is laughable... why because they have high melee damage and a bunch of survival cool downs? of course they do, they are squishy as hell other wise and very easily killed... Just wait till they burn the cool down to stun them..... I kite marauders all day long and laugh all the way to the comm badge turn in.


Your mad that Tankassins are supposed to Tank now ? GOOD Im an assassin and even I say that they are abusing the system.... Tank specs are SUPPOSED to tank not wear dps gear and be unstoppable. and Btw I was able to kill dps geared tankassins as well as a madness sin so hows that for a meh spec.... Maybe try learning how to play your class before you QQ on the forums all day....but I guess thats asking too much

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ummm no. It actually pushes tankasins even further into DPS gear.


this :)


i planed to buy some pieces of tank gear but now i go for dps/heal gear with crit/surge/power (for pvp)


and now after 1.3 i tear you apart

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I like the changes I'm seeing for the most part, it seems the people that will complain the most are the ones who roll the fotm and play with i win buttons that may actually have to put effort into it now. Balance is a good thing for the game, no reason to be upset about it.
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Agreed. 1.3, much like 1.2, is a buff to Maras/Sents. Go figure...


The marauders only got a small buff to carnage... which I doubt anyone is complaining about. It's pretty safe to assume that people are talking about the annihilation tree since most people are frustrated with the survivability. In most cases a carnage marauder will drop faster than a annihilation marauder. How ever the carnage marauder is capable of dropping targets quicker.... it's give/take IMO.

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The nerf in armor helps weaker classes to deal with Tankasin. The classes that give us problem have armor piercing attacks anyway so it's not a big deal especially versus Pyros. This means a class like Sorc who has no armor piercing attacks (their internal attacks all get removed by Force Shroud) might actually do some damage to us.


The healing on HD was never that significant. The bigger impact is that you might have problem soloing heroic 2/4s in PvE.


The Spike change means now you can always use Spike even if it didn't interrupt something. Before, the 30 Force cost means you come out behind if you didn't interrupt something because the cost is just too much. You'll still behind on the resolve metagame but at least you won't be behind in the DPS game.


The change to Gore prevents it from being used with Ravage (you can't use an off GCD ability during a channeled ability without interrupting it), and that's pretty significant. This means the last hit on Ravage wil never have armor penetration.

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