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PVP Changes - 1.3


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I think it might be: Passive as in "x% chance to increase POW by +x"


but the question still remains.


Do PvE relics contribute the same "passive abilities" as the PvP ones when you are in a WZ? Otherwise more gear switchin' a comin ':(




Shameless Bumpity... Does anyone know/read about this?

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and in voidstar we will always be stuck at first door forever with 2 equal team


I played VS on PTS yesterday, They changed the first area by: putting a wall up between the doors, so if you are defending one side and need to go to the other door you have to run almost to the defenders spawn to get around the wall. The wall starts just after the defnders jump down so you make your choice of which side of the wall to start defending on. after jumping on the big crate. This will help a bit.

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I played VS on PTS yesterday, They changed the first area by: putting a wall up between the doors, so if you are defending one side and need to go to the other door you have to run almost to the defenders spawn to get around the wall. The wall starts just after the defnders jump down so you make your choice of which side of the wall to start defending on. after jumping on the big crate. This will help a bit.


I'm confused by your description. Does the wall start at the defenders crate and go almost to the attackers spawn or does the wall go from the attackers spawn to almost the defenders crate, or do the defenders have to go up and over the wall/crate to get to the other door?


I'm hoping you mean it goes from the defenders crate almost to the attackers spawn so the defenders have to work a little harder to defend, but that also means bad teams will get curb stomped because for bad teams the respawn barrier is enough to cause them to lose.

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Bioware has determined that the reason people arer unhappy with PVP is that they sometimes die!

In an effort to improve those peoples happiness with the game: Damage will be nerfed and damage reduction will be increased until the dieing stops.


In all seriousness... There needs to be some advantage to have Biochem even in, gasp, PVP. I will wait to lay praise or unsubscribe until after I actually play it on live servers.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't this have the effect of encouraging people to NOT get the recruit set at all, and instead rely on these missions to get the pieces for free? Seems to me the net result would be MORE people entering WZ's with less expertise.


Maybe, but the box gives you your money back if you purchased it. So in theory there's less reason to be cheap about spending the money, since you can recoup some or all of it.


From the PTS, you get the quest from the daily terminal, and then immediately turn it in at the trun0in terminal, inches away. Once you turn it in, you get to choose from the sets availible to your class, or a token, which will sell to a vendor for 320K

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From the PTS, you get the quest from the daily terminal, and then immediately turn it in at the trun0in terminal, inches away. Once you turn it in, you get to choose from the sets availible to your class, or a token, which will sell to a vendor for 320K


Right so then my question is if they are going to give free recruit sets... why not go the step further and make expertise a required stat on all your pvp gear before you enter?


That way PvE and PvP will completely be separated like their over all goal was to begin with when they bumped up the expertise values across all the gear in 1.2. The turnover from going full recruit to battlemaster is pretty quick so people wouldn't spend that long with the recruit gear anyway.

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I dont understand the removal of the activated relics. If they are now all passive, doesnt that remove a layer of depth to pvp combat? I mean, there is less stuff to click now, and no longer you have to decide between using a relic now in a fight you are about to win or save its cooldown for the next opponent.
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I dont understand the removal of the activated relics. If they are now all passive, doesnt that remove a layer of depth to pvp combat? I mean, there is less stuff to click now, and no longer you have to decide between using a relic now in a fight you are about to win or save its cooldown for the next opponent.


Yes it removes a layer of depth, strategy and complexity. It also reduces the amount of burst thus increasing TTK which is their intent.

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AND Shadow/Sin tanks got a nice little nerf. I love this patch. No more Adrenal+Relic BS, a strong mechanic to encourage people to buy their Recruit gear, and DPS-Tanking brought down a touch, seems 1.3 is really taking strides to bring imbalances in line. Now we just need a fix to Expertise.


I agree this is really looking like some great balance changes for the game. I think its going in the right direction. Personally I dont find any issues with Expertise. The only things I see needing fixed are just the minor bugs and glitches which they are no doubt working on. I am curious to see the change about peope warping after being stunned. Hopefully that fixes the issue where it looks like they are in the fire but they take no damage and then warp out of the fire, sooo annoying.

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Bioware has determined that the reason people arer unhappy with PVP is that they sometimes die!

In an effort to improve those peoples happiness with the game: Damage will be nerfed and damage reduction will be increased until the dieing stops.


In all seriousness... There needs to be some advantage to have Biochem even in, gasp, PVP. I will wait to lay praise or unsubscribe until after I actually play it on live servers.


Do you think BW really intended to have one crafting profession that gives players a huge advantage over everyone else? To think that if you're a serious PvP'er, biochem is a requirement at the highest levels must not have been their intent. I'm sure they want those players crafting other items (which also needs to be improved upon). Don't you think it makes for a better match if everyone is on a more even playing field? That would only leave two factors in your control: your gear and more importantly, your skill.


I also hope they remove CT grenades from WZs as well, and that's coming from someone who is a CT.

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Do you think BW really intended to have one crafting profession that gives players a huge advantage over everyone else? To think that if you're a serious PvP'er, biochem is a requirement at the highest levels must not have been their intent. I'm sure they want those players crafting other items (which also needs to be improved upon). Don't you think it makes for a better match if everyone is on a more even playing field? That would only leave two factors in your control: your gear and more importantly, your skill.


I also hope they remove CT grenades from WZs as well, and that's coming from someone who is a CT.


I didn't say that Biochem needed a huge advantage. I said that it needed SOME advantage.

It sounds like they are trying to force players away from this crafting skills and into others by eliminating ALL advantages.


I don't think it makes for a better match if everyone is EXACTLY equal. What I want is for people to have to choose between one advantage OR another one. Then try and leverage that advantage to their benefit.


If I wanted to play mindless games, I would not be paying a subscription fee for the variables that a PVP environment should have. I would instead play solitaire with a deck of 51 until it was time to eat my pudding and go to sleep.

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I didn't say that Biochem needed a huge advantage. I said that it needed SOME advantage.

It sounds like they are trying to force players away from this crafting skills and into others by eliminating ALL advantages.


I don't think it makes for a better match if everyone is EXACTLY equal. What I want is for people to have to choose between one advantage OR another one. Then try and leverage that advantage to their benefit.


If I wanted to play mindless games, I would not be paying a subscription fee for the variables that a PVP environment should have. I would instead play solitaire with a deck of 51 until it was time to eat my pudding and go to sleep.


They are just eliminating Biochem's influence in Warzones which isn't even all of PvP. You can still use Biochem in PvE and Open World PvP. So what you are really complaining about is BioWare taking your crutch away since you relied on Biochem for PvP in Warzones.

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Pretty sure on-hit refers ot those '30% fo the time you do 200 more damage' relics that were previously only available from PvE.


Agreed, but now they are changing the PvP "on-use" ones to "on-hit"(passive). There is no mention of doing this for the PvE ones (besides lowering the contributions/extending the duration), so how is that going to work if I enter a WZ with CAMP relics?


Will it switch to a "passive mode" like the PvP one?


Will PvE "on-hit" still work since the wording is for "On-hit relics can no longer be used" could be for PvP relics only. i.e. PvP relics are nerfed....


It will do nothing (I suspect this is the case but would like BW/Moderator to comment on this because if it is "passive", it would be had to determine if it really does this).



The thought of needing to switch gear while doing both PvP and PvE is really frustrating...


Moderator.. insight please....

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Why not just make an adrenal that reduces damage taken by x% for x amount of time that can be crafted, using current biochem mechanics, and used by all?


Or add a x% damage reduction buff to healer classes that can be turned on and off like sprint can.


Continue to let biochemists use their crafted items that they spent time and creds on to use in pvp.


Leave the relics alone they are fine.

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In all seriousness... There needs to be some advantage to have Biochem even in, gasp, PVP. I will wait to lay praise or unsubscribe until after I actually play it on live servers.


I disagree. I don't think any Crew Skill should have a clear advantage over any other in PvP. That said, Biochem will still be the Crew Skill of choice for my Pub/Imp Mains in PvP. The following things were changed for Biochem in PvP:


-Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas.

-Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.

-Biochemists can now craft a version of Warzone Adrenals. The grade 6 crafting PvP box provides enough materials to craft 20-40 of these adrenals.

-The duration of the Warzone Adrenal has been reduced to 15 seconds (down from 25) to match the duration of other Adrenals.


What in those changes says Biochem is useless in PvP? Please tell me. Stims still have value. Medpacs still have value.


Not only that, but Biochems will be the only Crew Skill able to craft the only adrenal that can be used in WZs. Sure, the new WZ adrenals only provide +Damage Reduction, but they are still quite attractive and my toons will be using them as often as possible.



Yes [the Relic Change] removes a layer of depth, strategy and complexity.


Not sure this is entirely true. According to the PTS Notes, Relics will still have a role in PvP, but it won't be as an on-use clicky. From the notes:


The "on use" abilities on relics have been altered. The magnitude of their stat buffs has been decreased, but the duration of the buff has been increased. This reduces burst damage, but sustained damage is unchanged.


Perhaps someone on the PTS can confirm what the above means.

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Drama Queen alert.


Yeah. When everyone has the same disadvantage, there essentially IS no disadvantage. It will require a change in tactics for a couple classes, no doubt, but I can see how it brings things more in line with how it should be. My arsenal Merc main as it is can only be effective if everyone else is too dumb to notice me at all. 'Course in those cases, he's VERY effective. Right before the 1.3 info was released I noticed so many threads about how TTK was too short, and now suddenly it's too long. I've come to believe (I kinda did already really) that a considerable portion of people are just looking for something to complain about, and once one thing is scratched off the list they just complain about the opposite.

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I'm confused by your description. Does the wall start at the defenders crate and go almost to the attackers spawn or does the wall go from the attackers spawn to almost the defenders crate, or do the defenders have to go up and over the wall/crate to get to the other door?


I'm hoping you mean it goes from the defenders crate almost to the attackers spawn so the defenders have to work a little harder to defend, but that also means bad teams will get curb stomped because for bad teams the respawn barrier is enough to cause them to lose.


The wall starts at defenders crate and goes about half way to the attackers spawn. this means defenders have to work harder(farther away) to get from one door to the other.

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Not sure this is entirely true. According to the PTS Notes, Relics will still have a role in PvP, but it won't be as an on-use clicky. From the notes:




Perhaps someone on the PTS can confirm what the above means.


Apparently the posts on the PTS forum says they are still working the same as they have been.

Well, it sounds good in theory, but it's not working as suggested in the patch notes on the PTS right now. We can't check the outcome, unless the relics get updated to the right version. Please Bioware have a look the relics and Matrix cubes on PTS, because they are all on pre 1.3 state.


That note you quoted was in the general section of the patch notes which somewhat contradicts to statement. "on-hit relics will no longer work in WZ", then right below that, they switch it again by saying "new ""on-hit"" relics are available from a PvP vendor"

I just wish a moderator would give us some insight on patch notes, whether proposed or not.


When entering a WZ, do PvE relics:

Switch to "passive"?

Keep their "on-hit" function?

Do they do nothing?


Moderators any insight?

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Loving these changes, Biochem can make the Adrenals/Medpacs for PvP and with no more POP ALL THE TRINKETS folks running around TTK should drop dramatically. Positioning and tactical play are going to be THAT much more important now.


I still wish reusable stims and grenades (I think they're reusable by Cybertechs) could be tradeable. Still kind makes those crafting classes better than all the others

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