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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Just to add my two cents of opinion on the Server transfers.


I was going to transfer my 50 sentinal and several of my characters, until I heard about this assinine gimmick making it where you can not transfer if you are on a low pop server.


I have been playing since 4 days before launch and I am mad enough to leave and go to Neverwinter when that comes out.


I want a high pop server, and feel everyone does, face it they need to concolidate a majority of there server and shut down the empties. If they wont let us move to where we want to go then I will just start a new toon on the High pop server not allowing me to server transfer wont stop me, it just pisses me off and makes it where I will shut down my account when I feel something better comes out.


Yeah, I think you're confused. The only ones who won't be able to transfer this round are the RP servers that only exist as a single server (ie EU RP-PvP, EU RP-PvE, US RP-PvE, etc.). Since these are single servers, the transfers aren't going to help them.


Something will be done for these servers, but they haven't released the plan yet.

Edited by Jaavik
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Reading the posted quotes from the developers.


Cool. Good. Glad you're reading them - you're one of the few.


Please show me where it says:


until I heard about this assinine gimmick making it where you can not transfer if you are on a low pop server.


Because that is something amazingly new that I have not seen and I have been tracking the whole issue quite carefully. Please let me know.



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They very clearly said that you will have to disband your guild on the old server. They didn't say why.





This is what I was referring to. It DOES take planning and time to implement. Do we have to do it all tomorrow? No, but there are some of us that play every day and some that play only on weekends. Those of us that play every day will transfer so that we actually have other people to play with during the week and the weekenders will be expecting to transfer during the week so they're ready for the weekend Op runs with the guild.

Edited by JefferyClark
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Please go read what the Devs posted, and not listen to what people tell you. They are going offer "Free Targeted" Server Transfers, so that everyone has the option to transfer to a Higher Population server. This may be, low pop servers transferring to medium pop servers, or it could be several low pop servers to another low pop server. The end goal is that all servers have a higher population then they currently have, without forcing anyone to transfer if they don't want to. Why the heck someone would want to stay on a server with 20 people on fleet now, IDK, but I am sure that when there is only 1 or 2 people left on a server they will start to make it more of a **** situation so that they can close servers that aren't being used.


I am personally hoping that they set aside one or two servers to be the congregation area for people that don't have an active sub after they do the f2p till level 15 idea that they have starting in July. I know it would be a pain in the butt for someone that wants to try the game with a friend, but I don't want the gold spam to pick up again because they can play for free on any server. Buying a copy of the game, subscribing, and getting to level 16 should give you a free character transfer off that server, also paying subscribers should be able to play an alt on that server so that they can help friends out as well.


Considering that tomorrow is June 12th and is the "start of the Character transfers for the masses" I had kinda hoped that by the time I got home from school at least I would have been able to log in here and see some kind of an update, in regards to information and plans for tomorrow. I did chuckle at the post stating that it was the 12th already and we had no info, and also at the one that complained that they scheduled server maintenance for Tuesday (the typical day of the week for it) b/c that would be so inconvenient for 1% of the people that play this game and have nothing better to do other then try to log into the game on a date & time that we normally can't.


I am getting the since that i missunderstood some of the developer quotes and statements on the Server Trans. methodology, and trust me I am currently on a server that has on average 20-30 on fleet and 5-7 ppl on any given planet. IT SUCKS. I want off to a server with a population. If miss understood the way it works then TYTYTY for setting me straight.

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Sure it does. But there's nothing that says that you have to do it or have it done by tomorrow.


Edited my post after you posted:


Do we have to do it all tomorrow? No, but there are some of us that play every day and some that play only on weekends. Those of us that play every day will transfer so that we actually have other people to play with during the week and the weekenders will be expecting to transfer during the week so they're ready for the weekend Op runs with the guild.

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I am getting the since that i missunderstood some of the developer quotes and statements on the Server Trans. methodology, and trust me I am currently on a server that has on average 20-30 on fleet and 5-7 ppl on any given planet. IT SUCKS. I want off to a server with a population. If miss understood the way it works then TYTYTY for setting me straight.


No worries. I'm in the same boat as you. Only 4 people on the fleet right now. Can't wait to transfer. Very soon this won't be an issue anymore. :)

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You're not alone. There are others.




I want to know how bioware thinks this move can create a full server. My inactive characters moving don't add to the playing population count.


I literally logged into 2 characters a 30 and 39 I was leveling prior to 1.2 that still had not had skill trees reset. I moved with 1.2 as I had enough of my dead server being unplayable. Now could I have leveled or played them time to time? Yes. Did I? No. I can count the wz's my 50 rank 69 played post 1.2 on both hands.


I am in an active guild now. I want to go play the guy I left at 1.2? Many left prior to 1.2. You think they are going to play on the new server? That was 2 months ago. Now you want me to go join another server? Yeah, I will stick to the server I can count on being full. The one that is full. I will roll as will many only to never play the toons again.


Success! You've created some medium servers that will need players in 3 months.

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That is an original question! Let's see... I think the roll call of unanswered questions include:


- What will happen to the European servers where there are already only one server type per language?

- Can people transfer from US East to US West and vice versa? Not with this transer. Can people transfer from one language European server to another language European server?

- When will paid transfers start and how much will they cost? (Can you at least say if it will be 2012 or 2013? Can you at least tell us when you'll tell us?)

- What is BW doing about people who might end up with more than 8 characters?Well one of the many reasons they are making the transfers optional. (If they have 2 on the destination server already out of blind dumb luck and 8 on the origin server.)

- Will our mail acounts, GTN auctions, and cargo holds transfer over? Mail no. GTN No. Cargo yes.

- How long will the transfer process take? (Start it before we go to bed?)

- Does the character transfer process mean downtime for the account or server?

- Do we have to transfer each character individually, or can we transfer a whole legacy at once, or can we just tranfer part of it?Yes each character gets individually transfered.

- Will new players be directed only to (mainly to?) the destination servers?

- Is there a plan to eventually close down the origin servers?

- What about people who are not actively subbed? Can they login to transfer characters or will they have the option when they resub?Once a desitnation server has been announced it will not be change players will recieve plenty of notice before free transfers are stopped.

- Even if we don't know which origin server will go to which destination server, can you publish the list of which servers will be which so we can at least know which side of the transfers we're on? That's a No. Since transfers start tomarrow and we will find out anyway. (Not the origin/destination pairs, but at least which servers are origins and which servers are destinations.)

- Would you please send an email to every player telling them about what's going on? We're concerned that not all players read the forums, particularly unsubbed players.

- Will we have to transfer using the game client or will the transfer be through the SWTOR website?

- How much time will we have between the announcement of the transfer option and when the transfer option becomes available? (Want lead time for planning/discussing and disbursing guild bank contents.)

- We've been told that the transfer windows would be open for a long time, is that days, weeks, or months?



The list of things that people want explained include:

- Better explanation of the whole process (update/clarify the blog post with clarifications from the thread and dev tracker, maybe even with a TL;DR list of bullet points because it's clear that some folks are only going to read the first paragraph...)

- Process for getting guild bank tabs back.GM needs to open a ticket when they have transfered to reestablish guild bank and guild bank tabs.

- What will happen to legacies that are being combined (particularly with paid transfers down the road, or if people have legacies on mulitple origin servers that are going to the same destination server).

- Why BW made a lot of these decisions (tech limits, more info on demographics, etc).

- What criteria were used to pick origin and destination servers.



List of things that people just don't get that might should be emphasized:

- Each origin server will have one and only one destination server for the free transfer process. People will have a long time to transfer. IF you choose to transfer, you'll be on the same server with everyone from your guild/ally/adversary/server that also chose to transfer.

- There may be a more permissive paid transfer service down the road that will allow people to switch server types, geographic areas, and consolidate all of their characters (to whatever the max # of characters is).

- The first person on the server with a character/legacy/guild name gets to keep it. If you transfer in you'll have to change your name if it conflicts with a pre-existing one.

- Legacy levels and unlocks combine in the most advantageous way for the player.

- Transfers are only within server type and server region.


If I forgot one, let me know, and I'll edit...




Hope that helps fill most the gaps paige.

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Dude... you don't have to move tomorrow. It's not a race. Let's say your server does get an invite to move to a different server tomorrow. Cool.



  • Maybe you create a new character on the destination server so you can see what chat is like and /who the population a few times to see what the pop is like or reserve your favorite name (or see if it's taken).
  • Maybe you go do some google fu to see what the community on that new server is like. Find non-SWTOR forums, check out the websites of other guilds on that server, see what other guilds are moving. Snoop around in the server forums on SWTOR.
  • Maybe you have some folks transfer one and only one of their least favorite characters with a butt load of guild bank stuff to sell on the GTN to test out the economy, PvP, what have you.
  • Maybe you wait and see who else from your server takes the transfer, and what other servers are going to that destination server.


After doing three weeks worth of homework, you decide that the new server isn't for you, and you decide to stay put.


Maybe after doing three weeks worth of investigation you decide it's the best move for your guild. By then you have hopefully gotten in touch with everyone in your guild and gotten their input and disbursed the contents of your guild bank.


There's no rush on Bioware's end to get you over there tomorrow. If you're feeling pressured to move quickly, then ask yourself what's preventing you from getting the info tomorrow and taking a measured and reasonable approach to test the waters to see if the move is the best thing for you?




Yup. Which is why this thing won't fix the issue. You move expecting a bunch of moves only to find no one moved is playing. Its only guys and gals like me who do it day 1 cause I already left them and might as well move day 1. I will play on Fatman like I did the last 2 months.


Tell me when the servers start to have a population of active players? That is the problem with moves restricted to essentially dead servers. If you told me to pick and the choice wasn't much better than the current scenario would you move?

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I want to know how bioware thinks this move can create a full server.

Success! You've created some medium servers that will need players in 3 months.


They will be taking multiple origin servers and sending them to a single destination server. They are going to make all of the destination servers as Heavy or Full as The Fatman. If they don't get enough transfers in this phase they will open up more origin servers until the destination servers are full.


They won't stop filling at medium. :)

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I want to know what the "origin" servers are. I am on Anturi Reach which has the lowest server population and if it isn't an "origin server" I will be quite disappointed.


I'm pretty sure that ALL the low population servers are going to be either Origin or Destination. So they will either invite you to another server or invite multiple servers to YOUR server.:D

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They have already posted what you need to do, take the items out of the Guild Bank, transfer the characters and after the guild reforms contact customer service and they will restore the 2 tabs for you on the new server.


Like I said, this process bothers me... I had NO doubt about the process involved......

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The guild transfers are icky. We will lose members because we have to disband and start up again. Can we send everyone a mail? That we changed? Will they read our forum? Will they read this website?


Im expecting a loss of 100 people which is a quarter of our guild

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I'm currently located on the Ebon Hawk server, but I've had a terrible time finding appropriately aligned and named Sith characters to form a RP themed guild or 'cult' if you will. If one of the lower population RP servers (presuming these will be destinations) has an existing guild with a similar theme, or like minded players to myself, I'll be headed there. I'm not overly attached to my current haunt.
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I'm currently located on the Ebon Hawk server, but I've had a terrible time finding appropriately aligned and named Sith characters to form a RP themed guild or 'cult' if you will. If one of the lower population RP servers (presuming these will be destinations) has an existing guild with a similar theme, or like minded players to myself, I'll be headed there. I'm not overly attached to my current haunt.


Interesting. I'm also on the Ebon Hawk. Are none of the heavy RP guilds recruiting, or have they not met your standards? There are LOTS of them on the Imperial side.

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Why no info yet? They start tomorrow supposedly, yet no info at all. Guilds like to plan, not wait until the last minutes to decide what to do.


They have already explained why they are not sharing information yet. The transfering is not limited to one day, therefore, you will have plenty of time to plan after it goes live and they post the info. Patience is always good.

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They will be taking multiple origin servers and sending them to a single destination server. They are going to make all of the destination servers as Heavy or Full as The Fatman. If they don't get enough transfers in this phase they will open up more origin servers until the destination servers are full.


They won't stop filling at medium. :)


Trying to control population does not work. Just letting you know when it fails.

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Trying to control population does not work. Just letting you know when it fails.


Do you have any better ideas? Trying to control population absolutely does work. Definitely works way better than allowing the population to run amok without any sort of barriers or the like. Go play doom-sayer somewhere else.

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