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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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It'S pretty big deal for Guildmasters to inform guild members about transfer. We need to know the names of the servers to prepare guildmembers for it. Otherwise we will lose 50%+ guild members in process. And I'm surely not alone in this.


As GM of my guild I'm holding meetings all this weekend so I can try and talk to all our members.. Moving a guild will be a lot of work for the GM but if it helps the game by being able to play on a more populated server then it will be worth the effort...

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Will add to the concern about server types having to stay the same. There are only 3 RP-PVP US servers, but yet two of them seem to be in about the top 10 North American server populations. I know there are several people who have rerolled on these servers coming from vanilla pvp and RP servers because Ajunta Pall and Jung Ma have had until recently some of the healthier server populations.


By limiting to server types you are delaying these people to move their old main characters to their new servers. At least as far as Ajunta Pall goes people have been leaving en masse over the last month, and not giving free transfers from most of the server population to come to AP is going to do more harm to the server than good. It would seem if allowed to a lot of people from other RP or PVP servers would choose to come to AP or Jung Ma as both servers have a healthy community compared to several of the ghost towns out there.


I suppose you might just consolidate both Jung Ma And AP, but then you're still ignoring the large group of people who have hoped to move their characters from other servers to one of these two. You would also be forcing one or the other to abandon either having a West or East coast server(lag in this game can be bad enough I don't really like having my ping raised by a hundred).


Regardless, I'm just voicing my concern that this restriction seems very short sighted.

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I've got a question that hopefully someone can answer about the Legacy names.


I've got a fairly popular legacy name, thats probably already been taken on all the servers. If I transfer servers and the legacy name has been taken by an inactive account is there anyway that I can lay claim to this legacy name since I'm still paying for my subscription and they have quit the game?


The legacy is something that I always found really cool and I've built all my characters up around this name, even going as far as limiting myself to specific races with certain skin tones, and I would hate to have all that go to waste just because someone who played for a month then decided they didnt like the game picked the right server at launch.

You'll have to select a new name.


They're hoping to bring the holders of cancelled game accounts back. To force a change on their account in the way you describe would run counter to this goal.

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Personally i did everything that Bioware asked with Guild Launch and Early access so i could retain my name and guild prior to launch. I wont be very happy if it becomes a Transfer from server and would like a little clarification to the Devs plans....???




This is my worry as well. I have several characters that have very, very common names... (Bob, Tim, Mary...) I played by the rules, pre-ordered the first day possible and pounded the servers at launch to be able to be the first person on my server to log in, so I could grab those names. I play these characters frequently, and they're also Guild Leaders for our very-large LGBT guild.


My major concern is we're going to be an origin server, my very-large guild is going to be looking for my very common name to reform, and I'm going to have to do a name change because I'm going to lose my names I scrambled (and was very, very pleased) to get way back in the first minutes of launch.

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While I can understand a restriction in the first weeks of transfer for PvE <-> PvP . Do you have a plan to reconsider it later ? I do have right now a legacy on a PvE (Reps) and its tiwn on PvP (Imps). My wish would be tp merge them on one or the other server.



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There are lots of people that have been talking about how this will muck with guilds. I have a guild of 100 plus accounts and it still isn't hard to get the info out to people for server transfers to relink in a new server. Between vent/ teamspeak, or mumble and your guild website there should be no issues with reforming the guild on a new server.


If your guild is so weak that you can't survive a simple transfer then your guild has bigger issues then just moving.


I can understand this isn't the perfect way to do things but there truly isn't a perfect way. Doesn't matter what they do it is going to upset a certain part of the population. At least with this it will revive pvp and help establish actual pug groups instead of having to do hm's and dailes with guildies because there arn't enough people online to put a group together on your own.

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While I can understand a restriction in the first weeks of transfer for PvE <-> PvP . Do you have a plan to reconsider it later ? I do have right now a legacy on a PvE (Reps) and its tiwn on PvP (Imps). My wish would be tp merge them on one or the other server.



Too early to tell. We don't even have the details about the coming first phase of transfers. Anything beyond that is entirely unknown.
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2. Yes, you will have to:

  • Remove all items & credits from the Guild Bank.
  • Disband the Guild.
  • Transfer to the new server and reform the Guild.
  • Contact Customer Service to re-establish the Guild Bank and Guild Bank tabs.


Hopefully that answers your question.


Are you kidding me? So there's absolutely NO system for guild transfer.... I don't think my guild will survive if we have to move.

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Are you kidding me? So there's absolutely NO system for guild transfer.... I don't think my guild will survive if we have to move.

That says more about your guild than the transfer service...

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There are lots of people that have been talking about how this will muck with guilds. I have a guild of 100 plus accounts and it still isn't hard to get the info out to people for server transfers to relink in a new server. Between vent/ teamspeak, or mumble and your guild website there should be no issues with reforming the guild on a new server.


If your guild is so weak that you can't survive a simple transfer then your guild has bigger issues then just moving.


I can understand this isn't the perfect way to do things but there truly isn't a perfect way. Doesn't matter what they do it is going to upset a certain part of the population. At least with this it will revive pvp and help establish actual pug groups instead of having to do hm's and dailes with guildies because there arn't enough people online to put a group together on your own.


If you have over 100 plus people in your guild why are you moving?

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Because there on at different times. I have several EU guys that raid with us but they mostly play in the mornings. I have several night owls that only play late. multiple casuals that only log on a few times per week. Peak times we have about 15-20 people online. Which can be as much or more then are in fleet. I have several people that are inactive waiting for transfers to happen so they don't have to play the same people every day and are only able to get about 6-7 wz's per day.
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Are you kidding me? So there's absolutely NO system for guild transfer.... I don't think my guild will survive if we have to move.


Talked with my Guild Officers about this last night, we anticipate losing over 50% of the guild if we move next week.


150 toons, around 50 unique players, I suspect we will only see 20-25 come over.




And just to bump: RP-PVP to RP-PVP is inappropriate and not in the spirit of reviving servers to high capacities that support vibrant populations. With all 3 North American RP-PVP's combined, the server will still not be packed.

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It's impossible to satisfy everyone as we've all seen on numerous issues. So they have to satisfy the vast majority of players. You are in the minority and so you will have to deal with it. That's life.


No. I doubt many of the complaints about how the service is being implemented automatically puts someone in the minority. I'm eager to see your statistics that prove any of us are in the minority. If a minority becomes the majority, they can opt to take their business elsewhere. That's life.


Just because you are satisfied doesn't disqualify others' opinions, needs, or desires.

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There are just as many arguments against a cross-server group finder. Besides, that wouldn't fix a dead economy, would it?


I went to bed thinking this exact same thing. It feels like some supervisor was out thinking the room on this. I mean, If you put in Cross groupfinder and PvP queues why transfer anyone?


So's I got back to the root of all evil; money. They must wanna shut down a ton of servers in order to save boatloads of money.


No other reason to go through this much effort...


While you're at it put in cross server GTN's. That would bring back the gold farmers! That would raise your subs right there!

Edited by BashFall
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Because there on at different times. I have several EU guys that raid with us but they mostly play in the mornings. I have several night owls that only play late. multiple casuals that only log on a few times per week. Peak times we have about 15-20 people online. Which can be as much or more then are in fleet. I have several people that are inactive waiting for transfers to happen so they don't have to play the same people every day and are only able to get about 6-7 wz's per day.


I have been in two so called "Guilds" already that just evaporated completely. I will probably move just to get more people to play with. The whole MMO thing isnt happening for me yet and ive been playing since release.

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And just to bump: RP-PVP to RP-PVP is inappropriate and not in the spirit of reviving servers to high capacities that support vibrant populations. With all 3 North American RP-PVP's combined, the server will still not be packed.


Agreed and neither is limiting us to one, specific destination server dependent entirely upon our origin server. One of the major issues with release were friends (from before SWTOR) ending up on different servers. BioWare claimed this is all about the community, but the actions here are contrary to a sense of community. I'm afraid this will turn out to be another half-attempt at solving a problem designed in such a way as to entice us to spend money on manual transfers later.


It seems to me, if community had anything to do with the transfers (not just filling dead servers and forcing a "new" community, but caring about community as we see it), we would be allowed to cross the "server type" line and would, at least, have more than one destination server to choose from.


I don't regret playing the game, but I do regret pre-ordering (or even buying the client since you can get it free now.. less than 6 months later). My pre-order had nothing to do with the useless trinkets and pre-order launch was apparently useless to me. I wanted it for community and the ability to choose where I started and who I started with. Those were the real pre-order benefits to me and I didn't even get to enjoy that.


BTW, I'm neither a hater, nor a fanboy. I desperately want to be happy about this. The implementation (based on what I mentioned above) completely ruins most of the point for me.

Edited by InnerPieces
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And just to bump: RP-PVP to RP-PVP is inappropriate and not in the spirit of reviving servers to high capacities that support vibrant populations. With all 3 North American RP-PVP's combined, the server will still not be packed.


RP-PVP servers are most likely *always* the least populated servers in any MMO. If you rolled on one of these thinking you'd have 500 online at a time, you sound to me like you're new to online gaming. Merging all three RP-PVPs together probably will bring you to a population level still at what you expected. This is more a situation of server type and player style than anything BioWare can do for you on populations.

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all guild members will be able to move to same server. There will most likely be 1 destination server which say 10 origin servers will be allowed to move to. this should create a high pop server. also you those guild members currently waiting for transfer instead of playing should be put to the back burner. loyal members stick around and stay during the bad times. organise with those that have stuck around during bad times, those that have left in bad times will do so again when bad times come.
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After they're done with this, they'll probably have time to set up more flexible transfers, but right now we have a tool to deal with a narrowly defined problem.


Yes, where they charge us (likely more than a month's subscription - based on other prominent MMOs) to help compensate for those subscriptions they've lost and will lose after next week.


They could have chosen to solve multiple problems in one shot with the server transfers. The only explanation I can see for why they are doing it as they are is an attempt to create a burst of income from paid transfers to get a boost right when they want it as opposed to gradually building and maintaining a steadily increasing income source.


That's typical of many businesses, especially in this particular industry. It's frustrating and insulting.


If there is another reason I would love BioWare to post it. Nothing a player says will be convincing. I am curious though. if I am wrong, exactly what is the point of doing this so half-way. Speaking strictly from a business perspective, it is far easier and cheaper to retain current customers than it is to obtain new customers and far cheaper and easier than winning back former customers. Hence, one of the many arguments for doing it right the first time.


No, I am not threatening to take my 1, insignificant account away. I'm just expressing my frustration.

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RP-PVP servers are most likely *always* the least populated servers in any MMO. If you rolled on one of these thinking you'd have 500 online at a time, you sound to me like you're new to online gaming. Merging all three RP-PVPs together probably will bring you to a population level still at what you expected. This is more a situation of server type and player style than anything BioWare can do for you on populations.


It's not just about RP-PVP... it's about being able to cross the imaginary line between server type. I am not on a RP-PVP server currently and I still have issues with not crossing the imaginary line.

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Aren't there any concerns on your end that combining all of the RP-PVP servers still will not have enough players to have a large and very active place to play in? There is a lot of grumbling going on from players like myself who are in slow RP-PVP servers.


This is exactly my concern. Like I said - please consider different options in the future.

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They could have chosen to solve multiple problems in one shot with the server transfers. The only explanation I can see for why they are doing it as they are is an attempt to create a burst of income from paid transfers to get a boost right when they want it as opposed to gradually building and maintaining a steadily increasing income source.


That's typical of many businesses, especially in this particular industry. It's frustrating and insulting.


If there is another reason I would love BioWare to post it. Nothing a player says will be convincing. I am curious though. if I am wrong, exactly what is the point of doing this so half-way. Speaking strictly from a business perspective, it is far easier and cheaper to retain current customers than it is to obtain new customers and far cheaper and easier than winning back former customers. Hence, one of the many arguments for doing it right the first time.


No, I am not threatening to take my 1, insignificant account away. I'm just expressing my frustration.


They have posted it.



Initially we considered allowing players to transfer to any server they wished, or to a variety of different servers. However, on a massive scale, this free-for-all approach causes potential problems. Players who are anxious to ensure they end up on a heavily populated server will naturally flock to what is perceived as the 'biggest' server, potentially over-populating that server. This eventually leads to the exact situation we're trying to move away from. Our aim is to maximize server population across the entire service and to enhance the gameplay experience for our players.



Source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you

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Hey smithre, thank you for your post. I actually did address this in an earlier post:


"Additionally, players need not worry about rushing to transfer as free character transfers between selected servers will remain available for as long as it is needed.[/b]"


While I agree this is awesome. I still believe players DO need to worry about rushing to transfer. Legacy name, player names, and guild names are all at risk


I REALLY wish Bioware would put a priority to the guilds that took the time to preregister their names prior to game release and are still active to this day.

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