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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Bioware stop treating your most loyal customers like dirt...just because we did not unsub the second our server died and decided to reroll, we get screwed now and can't have our original chars on the server we rolled another 50? Really??


Yes, people who will unsub for this reason are few compared to the ones who will resub to move their chars. But losing 1 loyal customer and gaining 3 oportunistic ones, will never pay off in the long run.


No matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about the unsub button. How this ends up will determine whether they keep or lose my sub.

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As far as has been stated, the link will go live with a few listings. the actual transfers themselves have only been stated to start next week. Not any particular day.


Because they STILL do not have an automated process for it. They have to do something before the "free month" runs out and they actually have to report their true sub numbers.

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"We can tell you that all server types and languages will be respected. You will not find your PvE characters transferred to a PvP server, or vice versa!" Wait.. really... why ?? This kinda ruins my plans tbh...
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You're the dog that just wont drop the bone aren't you?


All you have done through this thread is troll any posts that show any form of opposition to BW's proposals.

Healthy debate and constructive arguements require points from all sides of the fence


Including my side of the argument. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me a troll. I could say the same about you.


Firstly, you're assuming i get to keep my name, and my legacy name also.


No, I'm not assuming that. There's a chance you will have to change your name. Frankly, I really don't care as it's a small price to pay. Thankfully, there are other ways to communicate your new name to your guild members so they know how to whisper such as 1) A guild website, 2) A guild facebook page, 3) Logging onto the destination server ahead of time and reserving the name, and then telling your guildies what the name will be before the change. I'm sure there are more. You just need to stop being lazy and do one of them, if you care so much.


Secondly, you're assuming i get to do this as a manual thing at the same time as the rest of my guild.

I have a family. I dont have all frigging day of any given day of the week to sit around waiting for my turn to move. A mass guild move would leave me free of the worry and p*ssing around required to co-ordinate a guild move.


So have an officer set up the guild and when you get around to doing it yourself, get invited and have guild leadership transferred to you when you get there. Problem two fixed. Next?


I point out a lack of effort on BW/EA's side, and you jump.

Fanboi much?


Ah the dreaded "fanboi" argument (is this part of what you call "Healthy debate and constructive arguements?") that people use when they obviously know they're wrong but don't want to admit it. For the record, just because someone agrees with Bioware doesn't make them a fanboi. Second, I've posted at length multiple times about all the things they've messed up about this game. I'm as critical of anyone when they deserve it. I let them have it back in beta for months, as well. But obviously, I agree with them on one thing and I'm a fanboi. You, sir, are ignorant.


If it makes any difference, i absolutely love playing this game, i just think its being controlled by a bunch of ameteurs, who seem to skrimp on absolutely everything they can. In this case, its accommodating what most guilds want.


Just because you dont agree, doesn't make me wrong, and you right. Deal with it


It also doesn't make you right. First of all, it's laughable that you can speak for what "most guilds want" since you have no idea what most guilds want. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in this case because what you're asking for is, in essence, "PLEASE MAKE MY LIFE EASIER BIOWARE." Well, of course, who wouldn't want to do less work? At some point in development, though, a choice has to be made as far as how much programming they have to do to implement a feature versus the time it would delay the finish of the project to get it done. In this case, they decided that the time it would take to allow a guild transfer feature to work with the character transfer feature was too much that it would delay the target date of the project. Especially considering the extremely small amount of work it will be on YOUR part in order to get your guild set up, there's no reason to delay the project in order to put this feature in.


At some point, it becomes a matter of "Yeah, we'd love to do this for you, but honestly it's so little work for you and would be so much work for us on our end that you'll just have to do it yourself so we can roll this project out on time."


Deal with it.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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As far as has been stated, the link will go live with a few listings. the actual transfers themselves have only been stated to start next week. Not any particular day.


Do people not read things before replying to them?


We're in the final stretch of testing the service, and our release is now June 12th, 2012.


Transfers will open on June 12th (tuesday).


HOWEVER, not all servers will be available to transfer initially, only some of them. Over time (possibly the course of the week) they will add more servers to that list until all of them are on it.

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Because they STILL do not have an automated process for it. They have to do something before the "free month" runs out and they actually have to report their true sub numbers.


That is not right you can ask them i have looked on the you do NOT get a free month and they will not give us no more free one's so you have to pay for the game like you did before the one they did just once and that was it did you see the do it again after that No! you did not,

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I don't have time to read through all the pages, but does anyone know what will happen if your destination server already has eight characters on it? What if they send both of your low servers to the same one? Are there going to be multiply choices?


Also does you character need to be a certain level to be moved? We kind of need to know this as soon as possible so if we have characters below that level we can level them up.

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You really have way too much faith that BW knows what they are doing with this. They have one person saying that everyone will be happy and you wont get put on seperate servers, but on the community news still say that it could happen. If their message was consistant, maybe I would have some of that faith as well.


Their message is consistent. People misinterpreted the intial offering, and so it was clarified. And yet people still see what they want to see, apparently.

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right so curently we have eta on lists to come out on tuesday and transfers start latter that week? or even on the tuesday. So guilds dont know if they are going to have to move untill then , but with out knowing if u have to move , you cant put and plans in to affect , on top of this you dont know if u can put items on gtm , or even if u need to start orgnasing dividering up multiple guild banks , each with 3 tabs in , between guildys to move. bioware if you are rolling this out next week you know what suvers are going whare just tell us its so much easyer for us all to know. at least people can beguine to plan!!!



please give us the list of suvers that will be able to move and witch destination they will be moveing 2 !!!!!!


crazy wrighting sry all :p

Edited by kanare
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Do people not read things before replying to them?




Transfers will open on June 12th (tuesday).


HOWEVER, not all servers will be available to transfer initially, only some of them. Over time (possibly the course of the week) they will add more servers to that list until all of them are on it.


Apologies, I am drawing my reference material from the gold posts in the thread. The one I am referencing http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4557046#post4557046

only concerns itself with the link to the webpage.

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That is not right you can ask them i have looked on the you do NOT get a free month and they will not give us no more free one's so you have to pay for the game like you did before the one they did just once and that was it did you see the do it again after that No! you did not,


The last payment I made for my monthly sub was on April 24th. I did not make a payment on May 24th but my sub does not run out until June 24th because that month was free as it was for many others.


BW is in a big hurry to get something done about the transfers before that free time is up for most of their players. If they don't they know they will lose a bunch of subs and will have to report another big hit to their numbers to their investors. Currently they are hiding the decline with that free month.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Allison- or anyone else-

Is it or will it ever be possible to transfer to an Oceanic server?


I'm located in the U.S., but my living hours are Oceanic due to being night shift. Even if my server were to magically 'get busy' again, it would still not see a high population at 3am Central. Half of the people I usually play with are co-workers, and the other half are Kiwis. I would like to go some place active in the hours that I, myself, am actively gaming. I am not interested in transferring to another North American hours server, no matter how busy it is at 7pm Central, as that is a useless hour for me.


I don't feel like starting over, but I'm tired of playing a dead game.

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So, BW tells us that we will be able to transfer to a different server in order to assist with population issues. This is good news, but why is it this thread is full of people complaining lol. So BW tells you something good that you have been crying over for months and instead of saying thanks, you say crap like "wow, I can not bla bla bla from a PVE server to a PVP server with bla bla that I have been working on for six months to play with my bla bla bla" How is this BW fault? Why or better yet, HOW can you blame BW for your inability to pick the right server to roll on when you started the game? Dear Lord child, seriously, you make me want to go punch a bunch of random people for no reason other than I feel the need to beat the stupid out of someone......
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As someone who was literally among the first dozen people to log into my server I'm really concerned about keeping my character and legacy names. They're not horribly unimaginative, but I'm hardly a beautiful and unique snowflake.


It's all well and good to say "you don't have to transfer," but if the already low server population is cut in half I really will. Bioware needs a plan or procedure of some sort in place to ensure that people who have been playing since the beginning keep their names.

Edited by conundrumx
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I'm happy to see transfers coming...although I'm slightly disappointed that my first character can't join the rest of my people. (PvE to a RP server: Are they honestly THAT different?)


Step in the right direction though BW!

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To quote directly from the blog:




So, in some cases, multiple origin servers will be assigned the same destination server. The end goal is to have destination servers with higher populations, and that may require sourcing from several origin servers.


One suggestion I would have:


Since you are allowing multiple origin servers to feed a destination server, would you consider allowing an origin server to feed multiple destination servers? Specifically, it would be great to have both East and West coast server options when transferring off a server. For a multitude of reasons, if one is choosing to transfer, that would be a chance to try to find folks who play at a more similar time. People sometimes change work schedules/play schedules... or move... and it would be great if you could accommodate that since you are planning to offer the transfers anyway.


Offering multiple destinations from one origin would increase the likelihood of people transferring, which in turn would concentrate the game population even more effectively than by allowing only one destination.

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There absolutely needs to be a priority system for names. I preordered the game and logged in right at launch so I would be able to reserve the names I wanted. I have 3 50s and a 49, 26, 18, 17, and 10. Without a seniority system I expect two of those 50s to have to lose their names. If that happens I'm gone.
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Why or better yet, HOW can you blame BW for your inability to pick the right server to roll on when you started the game?


I'm on the server BioWare put my pre-formed guild on the first day of early access... Was I not supposed to roll with my friends?


This is the simplest, easiest to code, least-possible-effort scheme for population "management" that BioWare could have implemented. If they did merges, it'd be their responsibility to sort out the naming. By making you pull the trigger yourself they absolve themselves of any sort of customer service.


Just because I'm starving doesn't mean I'm gonna eat the poop sandwich BioWare is offering me.

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So, BW tells us that we will be able to transfer to a different server in order to assist with population issues. This is good news, but why is it this thread is full of people complaining lol. So BW tells you something good that you have been crying over for months and instead of saying thanks, you say crap like "wow, I can not bla bla bla from a PVE server to a PVP server with bla bla that I have been working on for six months to play with my bla bla bla" How is this BW fault? Why or better yet, HOW can you blame BW for your inability to pick the right server to roll on when you started the game? Dear Lord child, seriously, you make me want to go punch a bunch of random people for no reason other than I feel the need to beat the stupid out of someone......


This part of his post is pure BS. How you are allowed on the internet is beyond me.


Lets add on top of this, for one not everyone demanded server transfer. I know I did not. Next up is the part where if we chose to not transfer to the designated server (choice, right) we are left to watch the server die even more to eventually be forced transfer/merge or forced to pay money to do so. So yes, players are being shafted.

Edited by Luceon
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Not exactly what I had in mind, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate a date for when the player can select the server that they want to transfer to. I have cancelled my subscription and will not renew it until I can move my 50s from my dead server to the new server that already rolled a character in.


Do provide an ETA on that service or see an even bigger drop in subscriptiosn. Many of my friends in this game have already left due to the dead server populations and will not return until you fix the problem.


Thanks for making progress on this, but you need to also provide a player's with the choice of which server they will move to, even if it is a paid service on a problem that you as an organization are solely responsible for.

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Okay, so the more I've talked about this with others, I really think it would be beneficial for BioWare to release--sooner rather than later--a list of servers that don't meet whatever population threshhold they're looking at. Surely, they know which servers are going to be origin servers. They don't have to say what the destination servers will be, because obviously they want to play that by ear as they see how many players elect to transfer. But I'm absolutely certain the list of origin servers isn't going to change between now and next week. Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Will we able to transfer a character from one account to another one? in the beginning we had only one game me and my husband., and i am wondering if i will be able to transfer the first character i created on my husband's account to my own account that i created later.


thank you

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