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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Well, since today is the 11th and we still haven't heard a word aside from "expect them on the 12th," I'm skeptical that this is even going to happen, at this rate. They need to give us something about how this process will work or I'm forced to believe they still haven't figured it out themselves. No offense here, just honest concern.


We know how the process will work, starting on the 12th they will announce the first sets of origin and destination servers, as players transfer they will announce more origin servers for that 1st set of destination servers until they are full enough. Then they will announce new origin servers and new destination servers until they fill, and the process will continue.


The only thing they haven't, and can't, figure out is what percentage of active players will transfer, could be 50% will take up the transfers or it could be 90%, until they see what the actual % is they won't know how many origin servers to point to each destination server.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I was going to transfer my 50 sentinal and several of my characters, until I heard about this assinine gimmick making it where you can not transfer if you are on a low pop server.


Where did you get your information? Because its wrong.


This phase of transfers is all about moving people from low population servers to create fewer high population servers. The only reason you might not be able to transfer from a low pop server is if it gets picked to have a number of other low pop servers transferred to it which will make it a high pop server.

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Those of us that play every day will transfer so that we actually have other people to play with during the week and the weekenders will be expecting to transfer during the week so they're ready for the weekend Op runs with the guild.


We've been waiting on this for months... what's waiting another week til your guild gets itself organized?


Surely having a good guild is worth waiting through the weekend, right?


I just don't share the same sense of urgency. A week either way isn't going to make a difference.



Edited by Scorpienne
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Hope that helps fill most the gaps paige.


I appreciate you reading through the list, Ramladon. However, while a lot of your answers are perfectly logical and reasonable, they haven't been officially answered by Bioware.


I don't care what the answers are, mostly, because I know I can't do anything about them - I'm just looking for the real info so I can have some idea how to respond to the situation.



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The guild transfers are icky. We will lose members because we have to disband and start up again. Can we send everyone a mail? That we changed? Will they read our forum? Will they read this website? Im expecting a loss of 100 people which is a quarter of our guild


Don't you have a guild website or message of the day? How would you tell your guildies about an event?


Regardless, everyone is only going to have one choice.


A) Go to the one single destination server that is paired with your server OR

B) Stay put on your original server..


If they stay put, you can find them again. If the go to the desintation server, you can find them again too. Your guildies will only be in one of those two places.


Furthermore, the devs have said:




all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


Please note that we will not be dividing the population of an origin server onto multiple destination servers for this free character transfer process.


Additionally, players need not worry about rushing to transfer as free character transfers between selected servers will remain available for as long as it is needed to help balance server populations naturally. Rest assured that if we ever decide to stop this free character transfer service, players will be given plenty of advanced notice.


The emphasis is mine. You can send an "advance team" over to the new server to check it out, see how the GTN is going, try some PvP, see what general chat is like, and then a month later when your guild is organized, THEN switch over to the new server.




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No info yet on any of this? /sigh im sure the only way we will find out is in the patch notes tomorrow, i just hope that they say something today about it and what servers will be doing what
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In other games I've played, guilds gained features etc, based on longevity. Does TOR do this as well, and will moving a guild cost us those features? In other words, will it be like day one of the guild when we transfer?


In this game, at this time, there is no difference in guild longevity. There is no difference in a guild created yesterday versus December 13th.



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I am extremely upset after hearing that i will not be able to transfer my characters off a pve server to a pvp one, is there any possibility i will be able to do so in the future? I stopped playing on my old pve server and i want to get my 50 sorcerer off my pve server and get him to the pvp server my other characters are on. So please let me know what options i might have.
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Don't you have a guild website or message of the day? How would you tell your guildies about an event?


Regardless, everyone is only going to have one choice.


A) Go to the one single destination server that is paired with your server OR

B) Stay put on your original server..


If they stay put, you can find them again. If the go to the desintation server, you can find them again too. Your guildies will only be in one of those two places.


Furthermore, the devs have said:




The problem of course being that when the guild disbands there will be no MOTD and no, not all 400 of our members read up on the forum that we have, I dont expect them to either

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I am extremely upset after hearing that i will not be able to transfer my characters off a pve server to a pvp one, is there any possibility i will be able to do so in the future? I stopped playing on my old pve server and i want to get my 50 sorcerer off my pve server and get him to the pvp server my other characters are on. So please let me know what options i might have.


I'm sure you will be able to in the future but as the first part of the xfers you cannot

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I am extremely upset after hearing that i will not be able to transfer my characters off a pve server to a pvp one, is there any possibility i will be able to do so in the future? I stopped playing on my old pve server and i want to get my 50 sorcerer off my pve server and get him to the pvp server my other characters are on. So please let me know what options i might have.


You have no options. There will not be transferring between servers types allowed at this time.

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The problem of course being that when the guild disbands there will be no MOTD and no, not all 400 of our members read up on the forum that we have, I dont expect them to either


Who cares its not the end of the world. If the players don't log in enough to know that transfers are happening or don't notice everyone leaving then are you really missing that much? Do you really care about having a big number next to the number of people in the guild?

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Once again a brand new CM answer on the problematic with RP-PvP transfers. Posted from the CM at 6:45 PM.


German version:





Translated & Summarized:


In the first step of the transfers only same server type transfers are possible. Yet there is only one RP-PvP server per European region, they are not included in the transfers starting tomorrow.


Bla bla bla bla we are sorry bla bla bla bla.


We always take a look on the server population to ensure a high amount of game quality and fun.


Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.




It's official.


RP-PvP servers are the stepchilds of BioWare's transfers.


I saw this and thought that I would share it here, RP-PVP servers are not allowed to transfer, you guys got screwed over. Biofail really knows how to make people unsub.

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The problem of course being that when the guild disbands there will be no MOTD and no, not all 400 of our members read up on the forum that we have, I dont expect them to either


Well, you don't have to disband your guild right now tonight. You don't even have to disband it this week, or this month. You could wait several weeks before you transfer. You might even form a new temporary guild on the new server, and not worry about transferring bank tabs until you bring everyone over and start up the real guild. During that time, you could set up your message of the day to reflect tranfer options. If you have guildies that aren't logging in every month, then how much are the really contributing to the life of your guild?



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I saw this and thought that I would share it here, RP-PVP servers are not allowed to transfer, you guys got screwed over. Biofail really knows how to make people unsub.


Nice to see that I have a reason to stay unsubscribed.

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If the guildmaster has a slot open, I would think they could create an alt, pass guild leadership to said alt, and then keep the MOTD up.


I would guess that the guild leader could then /gquit and transfer without actually hurting the guild. I cannot image how actually disbanding the guild would make any difference since it's not like one server can see what guilds are on the other, or any potential name conflicts between servers or whatever. Is it even possible to disband a guild completely? Wouldn't whatever left-over membership like extended afk people still be there anyway?


It is possible you have to quit your guild before transferring though.

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I am extremely upset after hearing that i will not be able to transfer my characters off a pve server to a pvp one, is there any possibility i will be able to do so in the future? I stopped playing on my old pve server and i want to get my 50 sorcerer off my pve server and get him to the pvp server my other characters are on. So please let me know what options i might have.


You and I are in the same boat, I've already gone through all this on here.


The initial phase of free transfers is for one specific purpose: To increase server populations.


There WILL be options for us later on to transfer to "desired" servers, but we will most likely have to pay for the transfer (possibly not, who knows). But right now they are focusing on one specific problem.

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I saw this and thought that I would share it here, RP-PVP servers are not allowed to transfer, you guys got screwed over. Biofail really knows how to make people unsub.


That was about a useless quote. Here, a link to that actual post these misrepresented quotes are referring to:




And here's a rough translation:


Ok, here is the info that you have wanted, even if some of you may not like ...


We have decided in this first step is to transfer only between the same types of servers. The only means of PvP to PvP, RP-PvE to RP-PvE, PvP to PvE and RP-PvP to RP-PvP. For the European RP-PvP server means, as we all know that there will be no transfers in this first step.


We all know that RP-PvP server tends to belong to the smaller servers. For this reason, we initially had this type of server is not even dreamed of. The community has wanted to launch RP-PvP server and we would like to receive this type of server for the enthusiastic RP-PvP players.


You could even see over the course of the discussion here that it is also among the players on Jen'jidai is no agreement, who will transfer when and where. I can assure you that we are always here to keep an eye on the situation on the RP-PvP servers, and to intervene if it should become necessary.


Nowhere in there does it say that there will be no free transfers at all.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I saw this and thought that I would share it here, RP-PVP servers are not allowed to transfer, you guys got screwed over. Biofail really knows how to make people unsub.


It's not a permanent "No" for you guys, just a "not now".


Since you guys (RP) are only one server each, your "population problem" is unique and can't be solved with a single transfer, unless it's a transfer from RP to a standard PvP or PvE (which would pretty much put the final nail into the coffin of the RP server). Most RP'ers don't want to play on a non-RP server. People can be kinda jerky to RPers. But with you being a minority of the actual MMO community, if you are wanting your own server to play on, then - being a minority - there might not be a fix for your population problem.


There's no point in transferring you to another server if nothing is going to be consolidated (they won't merge PvP and PvE or German and US servers, etc.) and they can't force anyone onto your server that doesn't want to go. Give it ONE more day when they will release some information on the transfers and I'm sure it will be addressed.


Maybe at some point, Bioware may offer some kind of incentive to move to an RP server. I don't personally do it, but if it were worth it to me, I'd be willing to play with them. (Not actually wanting to do it, but who knows)

Edited by Jaavik
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We do have a plan that involves temporary guilds etc, that isnt the problem. In fact there is no real problem besides the hassle which is also the only thing I said. Its just annoying.


Also just because we have 400 members doesnt mean they are on at the same time and it doesnt mean we have all of them active. A portion is alts as well (yea.. didnt think the number through >_>)

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So the German community people blame the players for the existence of the RP servers. "...initially had this type of server is not even dreamed of. The community has wanted..." They do that on the other side of the pond too? Can't take responsibility for their own company and their own decisions? If Bioware can't take responsibility for themselves, maybe they should give the players the tools to manage server populations. Then they might at least have cause to blame us.


Also, it looks like they will fix it if it becomes a problem ("and to intervene if it should become necessary."), so if someone on those server thinks it is currently a problem, can they be assured it will not be fixed?

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