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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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How could it be anyone's mistake if they re-rolled (As per CS advice) one one of the few populated severs ? And then to suggest they pay, or that anyone should have to pay for this EA generated mess....well


CS only advised this (I think) at launch when the servers were experiencing queues and wait times... before (as) they added too many servers. It has been taken out of context and also, no one has said anything about paid transfers yet any claims about them are simply a possible theory at this point.

Edited by Nakazia
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CS only advised this (I think) at launch when the servers were experiencing queues and wait times... before (as) they added too many servers. It has been taken out of context and also, no one has said anything about paid transfers yet any claims about them are simply a possible theory at this point.


CS was advising players to play on more populated servers when people where clamoring for transfers and the SWTOR post about transfers talks about later paid transfers

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CS was advising players to play on more populated servers when people where clamoring for transfers and the SWTOR post about transfers talks about later paid transfers


Link on the CS advising?


We don't have anything set in stone on transfers, who knows right now what it will entail. They definitely have not said anything concrete about paid transfers and the conditions of it or if there will be any other available options after this initial phase of transfers.

Edited by Nakazia
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Link on the CS advising?


We don't have anything set in stone on transfers, who knows right now what it will entail. They definitely have not said anything concrete about paid transfers and the conditions of it or if there will be any other available options after this initial phase of transfers.


Sorry can not link CS conversations.But I did come across something while reading posts before weeks back but not gonna search for it now.

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Link on the CS advising?


We don't have anything set in stone on transfers, who knows right now what it will entail. They definitely have not said anything concrete about paid transfers and the conditions of it or if there will be any other available options after this initial phase of transfers.


There actually was one. I think it was on one of the non-stickied threads. I remember seeing it a day or two ago. It was a copy-paste of an e-mail/conversation.

Edited by psi_overtake
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"In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server. As mentioned in our blog post, all server types and languages will be respected. You will not find your PvE characters transferred to a PvP server, or vice versa.


"all server types and languages will be respected" Please do explain what this means for the only English speaking RP-PVP server in Europe: Lord Calypho. I guess we arent important as its only 1 server.


You need to either A) Open up for PvP realms and RP realms to transfer to us. B) Give us the option to transfer to a PvP realm or RP realm.


And make no mistake, it is IMPORTANT that we get to choose if we're transferring off Lord Calypho. You can't box all the PvP'ers on a RP realm or vice versa.


We would love some clarification.

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A lot of people will have to rename their character post-transfer because the name is taken by somebody with an inactive account.


Surely the paying customers should be able to open a ticket to get their old name reimbursed if the person with the name on the new server isn't playing any more?

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"all server types and languages will be respected" Please do explain what this means for the only English speaking RP-PVP server in Europe: Lord Calypho. I guess we arent important as its only 1 server.


You need to either A) Open up for PvP realms and RP realms to transfer to us. B) Give us the option to transfer to a PvP realm or RP realm.


And make no mistake, it is IMPORTANT that we get to choose if we're transferring off Lord Calypho. You can't box all the PvP'ers on a RP realm or vice versa.


We would love some clarification.


There is a multi-page thread about your specific server. It'll probably be an exception to the above rule. At least I'm hoping it will be :)

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There actually was one. I think it was on one of the non-stickied threads. I remember seeing it a day or two ago. It was a copy-paste of an e-mail/conversation.


Not that I don't believe you, but that could be completely fabricated. People seem to read something and take it as fact and sometimes will even gloss over important parts of it and continue to spread mis-information easily.

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Not that I don't believe you, but that could be completely fabricated. People seem to read something and take it as fact and sometimes will even gloss over important parts of it and continue to spread mis-information easily.


The statement was definitely said by a CS back in December. I remember seeing it myself (and laughing hysterically at the absurdity) while browsing. I think it was the Thursday after official launch and the forums were in a swarm about these horrible populations and queues and OMG I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME I PAID FOR! The irony has not been lost on me. I did reply to that thread commenting that I didn't mind the queues, as it meant I'd have people to play with in 4 months. Funny story, apparently the realm I was playing on at the time also hit Light pop. I was wrong anyway!


I'm tempted to look up an old post from the WoW forums and make one of the lines my signature here. Something to the effect of the playerbase not knowing what it needs, only knowing what it wants.

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If that's the case than my previous post was correct.


CS only advised this (I think) at launch when the servers were experiencing queues and wait times... before (as) they added too many servers. It has been taken out of context


Thank you.


It still apply's to the issues had later on Long Ques no players low pop.Not to mention was the advice i was given when I had live chat with CS


Thank you.

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The statement was definitely said by a CS back in December. I remember seeing it myself (and laughing hysterically at the absurdity) while browsing. I think it was the Thursday after official launch and the forums were in a swarm about these horrible populations and queues and OMG I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME I PAID FOR! The irony has not been lost on me. I did reply to that thread commenting that I didn't mind the queues, as it meant I'd have people to play with in 4 months. Funny story, apparently the realm I was playing on at the time also hit Light pop. I was wrong anyway!


I'm tempted to look up an old post from the WoW forums and make one of the lines my signature here. Something to the effect of the playerbase not knowing what it needs, only knowing what it wants.




Telling people *not* to roll on high population servers during EGA (in December) queue rage somehow equates to telling people to roll on high population servers after the population drop which had only barely begun in January?


It would appear that reading comprehension is getting the better of some of us.

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It still apply's to the issues had later on Long Ques no players low pop.Not to mention was the advice i was given when I had live chat with CS


Thank you.


It's advice on a completely different topic really, although it is population related, it's in the COMPLETE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.


This advice was given in December, when people were flooding certain high population servers, and they were advised NOT TO ROLL CHARACTERS ON THEM.


That does not, in any way apply to people rerolling characters on high pop servers in January-March, except that they were advised NOT TO DO IT.


They were trying to tell people to fill out the other servers and to stop flooding the high population servers, not telling people to abandon their characters and reroll to those high pop servers, you're taking the statement completely out of context.

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It's advice on a completely different topic really, although it is population related, it's in the COMPLETE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.


This advice was given in December, when people were flooding certain high population servers, and they were advised NOT TO ROLL CHARACTERS ON THEM.


That does not, in any way apply to people rerolling characters on high pop servers in January-March, except that they were advised NOT TO DO IT.


They were trying to tell people to fill out the other servers and to stop flooding the high population servers, not telling people to abandon their characters and reroll to those high pop servers, you're taking the statement completely out of context.


What they had was a issue that has taken them 6 month's to resolve.and there where dead servers and active servers any thing in the middle was just as bad as dead.

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They were trying to tell people to fill out the other servers and to stop flooding the high population servers, not telling people to abandon their characters and reroll to those high pop servers, you're taking the statement completely out of context.


This is the main point here. I have yet to see any CS recommending the abandonment of existing characters.

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They wouldn't be moving millions of characters for free if they were all about making money. This is only the first round of free transfers. There will be more free transfers later with less restrictions. Paid transfers are only the last phase. :rolleyes:


Not trying to argue, just curious if there is a standard way that these things happen that you are aware of, since you mention "phases" and are insinuating that there will be OTHER phases of "free" transfers. That would be awesome, but so far, you are the only one i see "assuring us" that it's going to happen. If so, how does it usually happen? Bioware isn't really giving us information on how "the phases" are going to go (ie how long the "first phase' will take, how many other phases, how long to the NEXT phase, etc.), unless you have access to some information that I don't .


We obviously like the game because we've waited THIS long, but there are limits to how long we are willing to wait for what is "necessary" to enjoy an MMO, and part of that is being able to play the characters we worked on and built up. I don't think it's NEARLY as unreasonable as you are trying to make it sound.


Saying "have patience" is all fine and good, but eventually, the subscription fee won't be considered worth it to just keep waiting for results and information to trickle out at such a slow rate. The obvious solution is to unsubscribe and "maybe" come back once transfers that allow us to unite our characters are ready. Bioware doesn't want us to do that, and WE don't want to do that. But sooner or later, something has to give.


Wouldn't you agree?

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I was just in the game. Someone said that you could only transfer one toon per server. Is that true? That if I transfer that the majority of the toons I have worked on will be left on a dead server? Edited by APhantasm
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I was just in the game. Someone said that you could only transfer one toon per server. Is that true that if I transfer that the majority of the toons I have worked on will be left on a dead server?


No thats not true.



on another note its funny to see the same 2 lips attached Bioware's rear posters trying to fake assure promises of multiple phases and happy joy times none of which has been hinted at by the bioware people.


And QFT Jaavik...seriously on the same page as you with whats going on. Like the game, hate the treatment of customers and constant lack of communication and I especially hate loose ends. Bioware gives us nothing but loose ends. They drive me nuts professionally and drive me nuts when it comes to things that affect my money.

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No thats not true.



on another note its funny to see the same 2 lips attached Bioware's rear posters trying to fake assure promises of multiple phases and happy joy times none of which has been hinted at by the bioware people.


And QFT Jaavik...seriously on the same page as you with whats going on. Like the game, hate the treatment of customers and constant lack of communication and I especially hate loose ends. Bioware gives us nothing but loose ends. They drive me nuts professionally and drive me nuts when it comes to things that affect my money.


The ironic thing was I was originally one of the ones telling people "just re-roll on a populated server to enjoy the game in the meantime" and "Have a little patience, they are working on it". But Even my limit has been reached, I guess. After all the waiting and patience and keeping my subscription running and trying to support the game I love, finally the transfers are here but there's all sorts of restrictions and arbitrary conditions that only fix a portion of the problem.


And now we're being told, "Oh, you re-rolled on a PvP server and want to bring over the PvE Legacy you've built up and was waiting to unite? Well, what were you thinking? Why would we possibly allow a PvP server to transfer in a PvE character... thats just silly... well, maybe at a later time..." and now I'm right back to other people telling me, "have a little patience".


It has a kind of twisted irony to it

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I was just in the game. Someone said that you could only transfer one toon per server. Is that true? That if I transfer that the majority of the toons I have worked on will be left on a dead server?




On Tuesday (the 12th), we'll be starting the free character transfer service - if your server becomes eligible for transfer, you'll be able to move all your characters to the selected destination server free of charge.
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So.. first and formost I am extatic that the transfers are happening. Thanks B/W!


I do feel bad for those who re-rolled to enjoy the game. It was unfair and the necessity to do so should have been prevented.


Alas we have not yet perfected the time machine so we have what we have. Right now I thing we need to put some of these mistakes behind us and work together to make a better future.


People who are still subbed and who love the game need to be supportive and understanding that it may not be perfect but atleast we can play again now. Lets enjoy that.

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Not really trying to scroll through 150+ pages of arguments, so pardon my ignorance, but why can't they just do it like Rift did it? Make it free. Anywhere you want to go. Much like the free market let the players decide what servers they want to play on. I mean the only thing I don't like is that I may have to pay to transfer. I'm on Vulk Highway atm and we're not looking too good. If it were my decision I'd transfer right now. However I don't like the idea of paying for my transfer. I really like to think that'd it'd be included in my subscription every month.
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