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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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So either they will allow people to change server types (PvE to PvP for instance) or they won't. As this is currently not supported under the arbitrary restrictions--and they are arbitrary--logic dictates that they may allow server-type transfers in the future and that these transfers may require a fee.


Am I supposed to believe that it's just a coincidence that many people want to transfer from a PvP server to a PvE server (or vice versa) but can't, only to have the option to do so later for a fee?

You seem bent on complaining at any sort of fee being charged for anything. As I said, plenty of other MMOs not only do this, but it's not the cause of a small nuclear outcry when they do (and note that TOR hasn't yet stated as to what will be charged for, so not only is it an outcry but an unfounded one). I am intrigued at the odd standards being applied. They have indicated they're providing transfers to sort out population (note: population, not 'I rolled on the wrong server') for free.


Even WoW charges $25 for a transfer. Why should TOR do differently? What is in their interests to do so? They're doing these ones for free as it is. Why should every transfer be free? What sort of carnage might that inflict?

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So if I have a level 25 legacy on Server A, and a level 16 legacy guy on Server B, and transfer from B to A? Do I completely lose all 16 of those legacy levels experience I obtained on Server B?
From my understanding, yes.


The legacy level 25 will overwrite, not be additive.

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So if I have a level 25 legacy on Server A, and a level 16 legacy guy on Server B, and transfer from B to A? Do I completely lose all 16 of those legacy levels experience I obtained on Server B?


Your Legacy level becomes or stays whichever legacy was the highest level.

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One question and one comment:


The question:

Will these free server transfers be available to inactive subscriptions? I have friends that used to play that don't anymore, but they could again one day. They are willing to transfer if they don't have to activate their subscription. Similarly, if they don't, if they ever did come back they would be coming back to a dead server. A guess a more important question is do these free transfers EXPIRE?


The comment:

I wish their were a seniority system in place for character/legacy names. I know its selfish, but I created my main on day one of pre-order early access. I'll be quite sad if I lose my character name due to transferring... but it won't be the first time its happened in an MMO.


If these friends aren't playing/subbing, I don't think any game company would care if their characters get transferred. There isn't a seniority system in place, this is normal for any MMO that has server moves, sadly if your name is taken, you'll have to rename.

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Yeah, not liking the comment from that update:


"If your transferred character’s name conflicts with an existing name on a destination server, you will be asked to rename your character."


Will we know if our characters names conflict before we do the move? I certainly don't want to change servers if I have to rename my characters. I got in at zero hour on early access last year to reserve the names I wanted. Not going to throw that away when Bioware can't figure out how to make account names the unique factor with open character naming like Blizzard did with both D3 and WoW.

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Um, that's me. I have a small circle of friends who play, I play with then and only with them. We have our guild, I have my name, I'm having fun and not feeling like I am missing out on content. I'd stay on a 'dead' server and avoid the hassle, or risk losing my favorite names which is part of how I enjoy the game.

Thank you.

Edited by Qishari
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Sorry but this is ********. There is no point in transfering to other server than Tomb of Freedon, what are they thinking. And to get there I will have to pay and no idea when that would happen. ********, hear me now, this won't fix anything in the long run.
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Oo, I hope my main server is a destination server! I have all my toons I play the most there and my legacy is 32 and I have 8 toons I play. Plus, the other servers I play on (all toons below 20) was just to try new class/race combos.


Plus my husband has his 7 toons and legacy on our main server. If we have to move, will we be able to move ALL of our toons? I can't split up my characters. While others may not care, I do. I roleplay all of my characters and they're all related in the legacy tree. I need to know if we'll be allowed to move all of our toons or if it's only 1 or 2.


As a few others have said, I'd rather stay on a ghost town server than lose my 8 characters, who are all tied in to one another, or lose my entire legacy than to transfer to an active server and lose my characters.


We DO need a list soon, bioware and thanks for being so quick! Something to look forward to on Tuesday!

Edited by Eanelinea
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Will there be a limit on how many characters you can move from an origin server to a destination server? I have 4 characters on my origin server (2 of them level 50), that have different professions so that I can share items throughout my legacy. I'd hate to be limited to only being able to move 1 or 2 characters, leaving others (along with professions), behind!
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What I did find interesting is this..


"We still believe that you will enjoy playing on a higher population server and hope you'll take advantage of the service, but you won't be forced to transfer."



Many servers are ghost towns..at some point BW will need to start consolidating servers, shutting ones down that have exteremly low population..at some point BW is going to have to force character transfers...or have characters deleted

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Courtney / All:


Right now, I have half my characters on Firaxan Shark (PvE), but switched over to Lord Adraas (RP-PvE) with my other half as the community was more vibrant (read: more people).


1. When you say that your transfer will be "respected", can you move from a non-roleplay server to a RP server as above?


2. I realize this may be a dumb question that has already been addressed in this thread (it's my first MMO, so I get one, right? :D ), but, assuming the stars line up, and Firaxan Shark is designated as a server that can move characters over to Lord Adraas, can I move all four characters I have there at one time, or do I have to request each individual character to go over and hope for the best?


Thanks for your time. :)

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You seem bent on complaining at any sort of fee being charged for anything. As I said, plenty of other MMOs not only do this, but it's not the cause of a small nuclear outcry when they do (and note that TOR hasn't yet stated as to what will be charged for, so not only is it an outcry but an unfounded one). I am intrigued at the odd standards being applied. They have indicated they're providing transfers to sort out population (note: population, not 'I rolled on the wrong server') for free.


Even WoW charges $25 for a transfer. Why should TOR do differently? What is in their interests to do so? They're doing these ones for free as it is. Why should every transfer be free? What sort of carnage might that inflict?


I don't know where you get that I'm "bent on complaining at any sort of fee" because I've only lamented one. This one. Hypothetical for you:


I paid $60 for a box and $75 for five months of play. I've been active in the game, but the population on my server has declined rapidly as subscriptions dropped off. My in-game experience is very much suffering because of this. As it turns out, some of the most populated servers in the game--the servers people rushed to in the face of the population decline--happen to be cross-typed to my own. Despite that those other servers (PvE) aren't of the same type as my home server (PvP), I rolled characters on one because the added population made my own play style significantly more enjoyable--just because of the booming population. Now on this new server I'm finding groups easier, queues are much shorter, and I'm just generally happier as I wait for the opportunity to move the rest of my leveled toons over.


The population woes are not my fault. My home server was rated "Heavy" during early access. There was no indication that I would someday suffer my way through population decline to the levels the game is currently facing.


Given all of this, am I supposed to be happy that I can't do this type of transfer? Am I supposed to be excited for an uncertain future where I might be allowed to make this cross-type transfer or that I may be charged for the privilege? Am I supposed to be pleased that the effort I spent on my new characters, which are considerably lower-leveled and geared than my original toons, was for naught?


It's arbitrary and it's a money grab.

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Thank you for the update. My hand was moving towards the unsub button and now it isn't even though I'm a bit unhappy with the solution provided.


I probably won't be using the service because of the renaming issue combined with the random destination server. I have names reserved on other busier servers and, I guess, will start rebuilding on one now. At least now I know what's going on and can move forward.

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This concerns me a LOT:


"Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process"


So if I transfer and my guild-mate transfers 2 days later, he or she may be ineligible to transfer to the same destination server. That is NOT COOL.

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Many servers are ghost towns..at some point BW will need to start consolidating servers, shutting ones down that have exteremly low population..at some point BW is going to have to force character transfers...or have characters deleted

Arguably, it's only an issue if the players left on a ghost town server don't want to be on a ghost town server. Some, as this thread illustrates, don't mind.


Now, it's very different if we end up in a scenario where the opportunities have passed for free transfers and people who wish to be elsewhere are still stuck on a ghost town server.


I also remain intrigued as to how the inevitable reduction on some servers will be handled. One would think that at some point the hardware to keep a server going is just not viable for, say, a mere 100 players.

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On behalf of our guild alliance on Terentatek, I'd like to request a list of the first servers that can transfer and to which servers be posted ASAP. We have a lot of players to coordinate and can't just do this on the fly, especially since we will have to recreate our guilds if our server is one of the ones that people will be leaving, but we also need to know if our server is a receiving server. Surely you can give us the initial ones, since it's only a week away?
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Your "controlled" transfers are directly linked whit my "control" about my payments.

If i don't like where i can go, my account won't be reactivate.


Ah!! and if you have made well the servers distribution:mad:, there isn't be a problem now and more less transfers would there be.


Think about who are guilties about this mater... o tell who are guilties to your partners

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I have a question with regard to organizing transfers for guilds and communities on existing servers. You said in the blog post a full list of origin and destination servers is not available yet, and I understand and respect that. However, organizing a full guild to transfer to another server is difficult, thus my question:


Will we get a list of origin and destination servers prior to transfers going live on Tuesday, June 12th such that we can organize ourselves ahead of time? Say like Friday or so?


Having a list and allowing us to choose and coordinate with others on our servers before June 12th would be really really helpful.

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Just read all 16 pages and didn't get a solid answer for the following:


In the case of Legacy names, unless you have unlocked your Legacy on your origin server, you will need to rename your Legacy upon transfer (although you may pick the same Legacy name as on your origin server, if available).


I'm a bit confused by this.


I have a level 31 legacy on my original server, with a name I don't care for anymore.

I have a new, level 2 legacy on my current server, with a name I enjoy.

I would like to transfer my original characters over, while keeping my *new* legacy name, with the 31 levels of experience from my *old* legacy.


Could you please address this concern?

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Everyone, please keep the thread on-topic. If you have a comment or questions about the character transfer announcement, please post them here, but please avoid posting about other topics so that we can clearly see feedback and questions.


I had a question on page 2 I'd love to have answered. It's specifically about how (as a GM) I'm supposed to adequately coordinate a guild move to X server.

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I don't know where you get that I'm "bent on complaining at any sort of fee" because I've only lamented one. This one. Hypothetical for you:


I paid $60 for a box and $75 for five months of play. I've been active in the game, but the population on my server has declined rapidly as subscriptions dropped off. My in-game experience is very much suffering because of this. As it turns out, some of the most populated servers in the game--the servers people rushed to in the face of the population decline--happen to be cross-typed to my own. Despite that those other servers (PvE) aren't of the same type as my home server (PvP), I rolled characters on one because the added population made my own play style significantly more enjoyable--just because of the booming population. Now on this new server I'm finding groups easier, queues are much shorter, and I'm just generally happier as I wait for the opportunity to move the rest of my leveled toons over.


The population woes are not my fault. My home server was rated "Heavy" during early access. There was no indication that I would someday suffer my way through population decline to the levels the game is currently facing.


Given all of this, am I supposed to be happy that I can't do this type of transfer? Am I supposed to be excited for an uncertain future where I might be allowed to make this cross-type transfer or that I may be charged for the privilege? Am I supposed to be pleased that the effort I spent on my new characters, which are considerably lower-leveled and geared than my original toons, was for naught?


It's arbitrary and it's a money grab.


Nice post, couldnt agree more once again

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