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Dark Council Member


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For someone who is a member of the Dark Council I haven't done anything related to their business since joining. I haven't sent a murder squad after someone, or ordered a fleet to bomb tauntauns (If you could smell them you wouldn't think they're that cute.).


It feels that once we hit 50 there is no more storyline to the game and it's back to the standard raid scheme.

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For someone who is a member of the Dark Council I haven't done anything related to their business since joining. I haven't sent a murder squad after someone, or ordered a fleet to bomb tauntauns (If you could smell them you wouldn't think they're that cute.).


It feels that once we hit 50 there is no more storyline to the game and it's back to the standard raid scheme.


you are not part of the council! you are the Emperor's Wrath! His personal attack dog, his enforcer. You enforce his will. You answer to noone but him. That makes you equal to the council in every way, except, if they step out of line, you are allowed to kill them (like you killed Baras), which, in turn, means you have more power than the council.


But!: And yes, read at your own risk (SI spoiler below).



The Sith Inqusitor becomes a member of the Dark Council, as they take Thanaton's seat there after killing him



Conclusion: the Sith warrior has the most power in the game on the Empire side.

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Conclusion: the Sith warrior has the most power in the game on the Empire side.


I don't know if I agree.


(Spoilers for Agent:)



The inquisitor and warrior are both on shaky ground. They answer to a rather untrustworthy master. In spite of their nominal power, they have reason to be afraid. In contrast, the Agent (taking the batman ending) has less official power, but more freedom to act. There's often too much emphasis put on one-on-one combat in these discussions. While it's likely the Warrior could kill an unprepared agent... well, now I'm just repeating batman vs. superman, aren't I?



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I don't know if I agree.


(Spoilers for Agent:)



The inquisitor and warrior are both on shaky ground. They answer to a rather untrustworthy master. In spite of their nominal power, they have reason to be afraid. In contrast, the Agent (taking the batman ending) has less official power, but more freedom to act. There's often too much emphasis put on one-on-one combat in these discussions. While it's likely the Warrior could kill an unprepared agent... well, now I'm just repeating batman vs. superman, aren't I?



He means lore-wise, not one on one; that's completely down to the player.

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Nah, as you progress through the story, you become:



The Emperor's personal enforcer, The Emperor's Wrath, tasked with hunting down and killing folk. If you had/have played the Jedi Knight story, you, I believe take over the position from Lord Scourge.


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Nah, as you progress through the story, you become:



The Emperor's personal enforcer, The Emperor's Wrath, tasked with hunting down and killing folk. If you had/have played the Jedi Knight story, you, I believe take over the position from Lord Scourge.


Your spoiler is correct.





All Jedi (Scourge included, traitorous ****wad, hope we get to kill him at some point DX<) and every sith except you and the Hand now believe the Emperor is dead. In reality, all the Knight killed was the current true voice which sent the Emperor back into his original body to recover from the shock of being given the boot like that. The Hand then moved his body to an ultra-secret location that nobody knows yet.



Honestly, it frightens me that there's even ONE Jedi kickin around that's THAT ******. We don't know how the current Wrath stacks up to scourge, we don't know how Baras stacks up to Scourge OR the Jedi OR the Emperor so at present we have no way of gauging the power of the Jedi Knight OR Scourge versus ourselves.


Interesting **** on the horizon I hope.

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I agree with the fact that once you hit 50 it feels like you don't count for much in the grand scheme of things. You've achieved these great feats yet it still feels like you may as well just be hacking and slashing through the creatures back on Korriban for all they care. You want to feel part of something, like you matter and like you can give orders and influence things due to your position but apparently your position counts for nothing once you hit 50. Such a shame.
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