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A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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Ive never really posted things on here because of all the trolls.

Let them make the game they way they want and come out with stuff they way they want.Not every game is gonna have everything u want it to have.


What is the purpose of the forum other than to discuss what you want and don't want? Yes there are some troll posts... Talking ab out the direction of the game, even if it is saying "I am not sure this game is for me" is valid... yes there are some posts that go to far thinking there sub is all to important and the game needs to be turned into ___________ or it will suck... but there is plenty of intellegent discussion going on

Transfers are coming.

Good... but in the mean time people can't play the charecters they want to because they choose the wrong server...

Roll an ALT on a populated server,its not that hard

I love SWOTOR ,Keep up the good work

OMG a positve comment


Roll and alt? If you prefer the level up game that is great... but if you got your main to 50 wanting to play engame this is not a solution at all. Now the level cap could invalidate all endgame... and for people who haen't done much/any of it this can be game breaking.


More levels equals more story...bring it on. I lol'ed when I saw the OP complaining, too. Gamebreaking, my foot.


The title says "Game breaker for me"... he prefers what he is doing right now to going back to leveling. Opinons vary but to be implying that this isn't gamebreaking and shouldn't be for anyone isn't a fair statement IMO.

Edited by Crazy_Person
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Contradicted yourself a tad there.. You don't like the level cap idea, explain why it's bad then in the same post you write:


" but in a game already lacking player activity this just doesn't feel like a good idea"


You do realise that out of the steaming pile of updates, the one thing to arise from the stench that might actually bring players back is a new level to get to?


Raising the level cap was a bad idea. Sure, the people who quit will love it. Allow me to give you a prediction.


Prediction for players who have quit:

Players will return in swarms, level to the next level cap in less than a week, then leave in swarms again, leaving the game feeling dead once more, while the new "Super Servers" will be too many in preparation for the swarms of old players who have returned. While after the players leave the game once again, these new "Super Servers" will feel empty yet again.


Prediction for players who never quit:

Players who have been working their tails off trying to get geared up and get everything maxed will feel the sting from Bioware's attempt (cheap attempt at that) to bring old players back by waving the bait at the end of the line. Players who never left will feel like everything they have done to min/max their characters will have been futile. Much like when the Devs tossed the Rare Crystal Schematics out on a Vendor, told everybody "Hurry up and buy them, they will only be available for a short time!" then the very next patch added even better crystals to a new vendor for much much cheaper.



It's crap like this that has chased away my guild mates from one of the largest guilds on our server. A guild that is now long since dead due to crap like this.


I hear ya OP...it's a game breaker for me as well.


BTW, SWG is back, hits live June 11th. I think that's where I will be going. I reached all the levels I plan to reach with this game. I'm not buying in to anymore of Bioware's BS.

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Raising the level cap was a bad idea. Sure, the people who quit will love it. Allow me to give you a prediction.


Prediction for players who have quit:

Players will return in swarms, level to the next level cap in less than a week, then leave in swarms again, leaving the game feeling dead once more, while the new "Super Servers" will be too many in preparation for the swarms of old players who have returned. While after the players leave the game once again, these new "Super Servers" will feel empty yet again.


Prediction for players who never quit:

Players who have been working their tails off trying to get geared up and get everything maxed will feel the sting from Bioware's attempt (cheap attempt at that) to bring old players back by waving the bait at the end of the line. Players who never left will feel like everything they have done to min/max their characters will have been futile. Much like when the Devs tossed the Rare Crystal Schematics out on a Vendor, told everybody "Hurry up and buy them, they will only be available for a short time!" then the very next patch added even better crystals to a new vendor for much much cheaper.



It's crap like this that has chased away my guild mates from one of the largest guilds on our server. A guild that is now long since dead due to crap like this.


I hear ya OP...it's a game breaker for me as well.


BTW, SWG is back, hits live June 11th. I think that's where I will be going. I reached all the levels I plan to reach with this game. I'm not buying in to anymore of Bioware's BS.


It's called "progression". Which is what makes a themepark MMO a themepark MMO. Also, Content Locusts and the Subscriber Drop. Love that article.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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So more content = deal breaker?

Seems kind of strange. Though I do have to say it is interesting they are upping the level cap this soon, but I'm more happy than angry about more stuff.


It's not the fact that it's more content, it's the fact that it;s the wrong type of content, which will have dyer impacts on a lot of players fun. Instead of stretching the same old exhausted theme why don't they put their effort into developing the game a bit more. Crafting systems needs a complete overhaul, as OP said, it's absolutely pointless. The only benefit from it is augments, and they ain't hard to get.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Yea because people who actually play this game care about how bad you are at profiting from crafting :mad:


The reality is anyone who PvE's has already ripped through the content. And they want more.


And I'm certainly not worried about bioware "taking away" my progress. The loot is just a tool i can use to move on to the next raid. It never ends. That is the point.


PvP is a crazy grind that needs to be fixed. And it would piss me off to get full war hero just to have the level cap extended the next week. But anyone investing that kind of time in this game's pvp was setting themselves up for failure anyway.

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It's not the fact that it's more content, it's the fact that it;s the wrong type of content, which will have dyer impacts on a lot of players fun. Instead of stretching the same old exhausted theme why don't they put their effort into developing the game a bit more. Crafting systems needs a complete overhaul, as OP said, it's absolutely pointless. The only benefit from it is augments, and they ain't hard to get.


I'm incredibly perplexed here... This is a Video Game Trade Show. You know, where they DON'T talk about fixes, tweaks and quality of life adjustments? What indication, anywhere, did you get that BioWare will not continue to improve crafting, space, mechanics, and anything else you might complain about?

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I'm incredibly perplexed here... This is a Video Game Trade Show. You know, where they DON'T talk about fixes, tweaks and quality of life adjustments? What indication, anywhere, did you get that BioWare will not continue to improve crafting, space, mechanics, and anything else you might complain about?


I stopped believing in common sense when it comes to players on game forums a long time ago, I just practice it for myself now. Glad to know I'm not the only one who does.

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It's gonna be a long time before you see that level cap raise. I wouldn't worry about it.


EA said level cap will raise in the presentation at E3 yesterday (04Jun2012).


Which TBH I am not looking forward to since I just hit 50 on my main yesterday and want to at least have a go at what we can do with the end game before new levels and a change to the end game. :rolleyes:

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EA said level cap will raise in the presentation at E3 yesterday (04Jun2012).


Which TBH I am not looking forward to since I just hit 50 on my main yesterday and want to at least have a go at what we can do with the end game before new levels and a change to the end game. :rolleyes:


They said it'll happen this year. There's a lot of year left for you to do exactly that. :)

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EA said level cap will raise in the presentation at E3 yesterday (04Jun2012).


Which TBH I am not looking forward to since I just hit 50 on my main yesterday and want to at least have a go at what we can do with the end game before new levels and a change to the end game. :rolleyes:


Yep, as Adwynyth said, this is coming this year. Usually when BioWare says this, look for it at the end of the year. Otherwise, if it was going to be sooner, they would have said "Coming This Summer!" But they didn't. :p

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Yep, as Adwynyth said, this is coming this year. Usually when BioWare says this, look for it at the end of the year. Otherwise, if it was going to be sooner, they would have said "Coming This Summer!" But they didn't. :p


After the Spring 2011 and then the rated WZ debacles, I really dont believe any deadlines that Bioware announces. They will release things when they are ready.


And getting hopes up will only prove disappointing in the end.

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After the Spring 2011 and then the rated WZ debacles, I really dont believe any deadlines that Bioware announces. They will release things when they are ready.


And getting hopes up will only prove disappointing in the end.


So, you think level cap will be here in a few weeks? Months, even? I sure don't.

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I consider a raise in the level cap a good thing, it means more content and more motivation and somthing more for my existing maxed level toons to do other than the usual. Add that we dont actually know when this year it will happen, probably long after server merges and free transfers come out, most likley long after the population issues have been resolved I see this as great news!
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I consider a raise in the level cap a good thing, it means more content and more motivation and somthing more for my existing maxed level toons to do other than the usual. Add that we dont actually know when this year it will happen, probably long after server merges and free transfers come out, most likley long after the population issues have been resolved I see this as great news!


Did you even read what I wrote ?


It just means the game will start from dust once again for everyone, one year after the game was released (at best, could be shorter).


They virtually add new content by raising the level cap, but I dont see in what *********** way there could be more endgame content after that.

We'll have fun playing 12 hours for five levels... then what ?

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That seems a short time solution. It will bring them back for that one rollercoaster ride but it will do nothing for long term activtiy. As in, how would this update motivate anyone at level 50 to do anything now?

In this case me, hence the thread title. I'm not claiming to know how this will affect absoutely every player out there ;)


Then what motivated you to go from 30-40 or 40-50....I dont see your point at all, Every MMO has a level increase at some point, some vaster than others, whatever is in game at 50 now will be considered the norm to leveling and im sure the devs will add a difficulty level to any existing OPS / Flash-points to encompass the increase. The whole point of doing things now is to get the best gear and be ready for this increase. Otherwise nothing changes, you cant just keep adding more gear on top of more gear and keep the level cap the same.

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Did you even read what I wrote ?


It just means the game will start from dust once again for everyone, one year after the game was released (at best, could be shorter).


They virtually add new content by raising the level cap, but I dont see in what *********** way there could be more endgame content after that.

We'll have fun playing 12 hours for five levels... then what ?


You do understand that WOW's current level cap wasnt the original cap dont you, neither was SWG, LOTRO or just about any other MMO out there. This is obviously your first MMO or you have never stayed in one long enough to see an increase or change in how your character progresses.

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You do understand that WOW's current level cap wasnt the original cap dont you, neither was SWG, LOTRO or just about any other MMO out there. This is obviously your first MMO or you have never stayed in one long enough to see an increase or change in how your character progresses.


So ?


Not even one year after the release of SWTOR, everything will get erased.

Why do you think i stopped WoW ? Because every *********** two year, you had to start over from nothing. All you had accomplished : vanished.


Daoc never raised its level cap.

Eve Online never had levels.


One is considered the best pvp mmo of all times.

The other one the best sandbox mmo of all times.


And believe me, they have amazing content.



But I guess you've never played a mmo beyond WoW, do you ?

Welcome to fast-food mmo generation...


ps : btw, you didnt even answered me about content, but i'll just believe you had no arguments to prove me that raising the level cap is good for SWTOR.

Edited by Kaddie
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I'm incredibly perplexed here... This is a Video Game Trade Show. You know, where they DON'T talk about fixes, tweaks and quality of life adjustments? What indication, anywhere, did you get that BioWare will not continue to improve crafting, space, mechanics, and anything else you might complain about?


As I said, instead of stretching this already exhausted theme they should be putting the efforts into more development by adding to what's already ingame and making it more complex and enjoyable, no where did I say that they've stopped all desire to improve it nor did I give any inkling that I felt that BW has indicated this,as I said, "more effort" giving the sole implication that there is already effort being put into it, but they could do more since they have time to create higher tiered content, why you never inferred this I shall never understand, but what I did hit on is that they are wasting resources on something that will see the game in the exact same tired position 6 months down the line but with lvl 55's. "Anything else I might complain about", I forever see you trolling through the forum trying to pick up on ambiguity and then criticizing based on misinterpreted inferences, stop it.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I really, truly do not understand raising the level cap for one new planet. I really hope they have more up their sleeve bc I'm not in this for one new planet. Not even a mention of new class storylines?
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So ?


Not even one year after the release of SWTOR, everything will get erased.

Why do you think i stopped WoW ? Because every *********** two year, you had to start over from nothing. All you had accomplished : vanished.


Daoc never raised its level cap.

Eve Online never had levels.


One is considered the best pvp mmo of all times.

The other one the best sandbox mmo of all times.


And believe me, they have amazing content.



But I guess you've never played a mmo beyond WoW, do you ?

Welcome to fast-food mmo generation...


ps : btw, you didnt even answered me about content, but i'll just believe you had no arguments to prove me that raising the level cap is good for SWTOR.


EVE has introduced new ships instead of raising the level cap. With the advent of Battlecruisers, Cruisers were no longer the mid-size uberness. Then came T3 Cruisers. Tengu, Loki, Proteus, and Legion. My Tengu can eat any T1 Battlecruiser for a light snack. Then they came out with T2 Battlecruisers, and even those were no match for a well fitted T3. A fleet of T3s can pwn just about any equal sized fleet of T1 BBs or even T2 BCs with good Logi support.

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