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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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Contradicted yourself a tad there.. You don't like the level cap idea, explain why it's bad then in the same post you write:


" but in a game already lacking player activity this just doesn't feel like a good idea"


You do realise that out of the steaming pile of updates, the one thing to arise from the stench that might actually bring players back is a new level to get to?


Sad to say I feel your wrong in your conclusion there chap, giving the player base yet another level grind to trudge through won't encourage any players to come back and will probably cause more players to question even remaining in the game.


EA just has to decide to SUCK IT UP and do a massive server merge to get what little remains of the current population onto servers where they can actually play the game with other players OR just admit that allowing former Mythic Personel near this title was a colosal BLUNDER and APOLOGIZE to the player base for screwing up.


Either way at this point getting players together to actually BE ABLE to complete the current content of heroic 2's, 4's, flashpoints and operations SHOULD BE Ea's #1 on their TO DO list.


Those who are on very healthy servers, which I believe amounts to a LOUSY 2 OR 3 SERVERS can just move along, you were **** house lucky you got on a server that didn't crap out on you.


For the rest of the population things aren't that rosey and to say re-roll, I ask you to re-roll on a very light population server, try playing the game where you see 1-4 people on various planets and 20-40 on the fleet and walk a few days in those people's shoes before you mouth off everything is fine.


My advice to EA shelve your embarrassment and just do the right thing and get your transfer's moving PDQ or just bite your pride and MERGE SERVERS NOW while you STILL have some semblance of a population base left.


It's either that or tell Lucas you ****** up and put the game out of it's misery like you were forced to do with Daoc and Warhammer.


p.s. guildie who still actively plays said " leveling further with NO people around on the server is a deal breaker, I'll quit before I do that again."

Edited by Unkknownsith
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They've done nothing but follow the WoW model of MMO.


If anything, this move pretty much solidifies this game's status as "WoW in space".


Not really a joke anymore, it's fairly accurate now.


It's funny that people view this as "adding more levels and thus more content" when in reality it means the effective obsoletion of ALL current end game content, or the recycling of ALL current end game content. It's not going to add much content and it's going to effectively remove much more than it adds, or it's just going to be a cheap recycle, either way it's pretty pathetic.


What's wrong with WoW in space? I don't agree that it is, as I couldn't stand WoW for more than two months, yet here I am in this game for as long as it's live. But, just curious, what exactly is wrong with WoW in space?


If Blizzard makes a StarCraft MMO, guess what that will be? WoW in space. And guess how successful it would be?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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News flash: this is not happening anytime soon. With 1.3 going to testing soon, this other new content won't come out for several months. "this year" includes being released for Christmas which is about what I would expect.


So one year of the game being out before a level extension isnt bad at all. And if that causes you to leave, then so be it. New content will never cause me to leave but encourage me to stay!

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people want content. then when content is promised. they don't want it

people want something new. when they get it. they don't want it.


this community is so backwards and is full of nothing but whiners that the community alone has caused me to unsub. you can take all the Diablo 3 trolling. which is page after page after page of troll post and all the WOW trolling on those forums. put them together and you STILL wouldn't equal to the amount of hate on these forums. or this game.


frankly its terrible. i honestly think the moderation team should act like blizzard does on their forums. literally insult the player base and tell them to get off their armchairs. Hell i got banned from the diablo 3 forums for 2 weeks and all i said was that diablo 3 was short.

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They've done nothing but follow the WoW model of MMO.


If anything, this move pretty much solidifies this game's status as "WoW in space".


Not really a joke anymore, it's fairly accurate now.


It's funny that people view this as "adding more levels and thus more content" when in reality it means the effective obsoletion of ALL current end game content, or the recycling of ALL current end game content. It's not going to add much content and it's going to effectively remove much more than it adds, or it's just going to be a cheap recycle, either way it's pretty pathetic.


On the contrary Celebrus, the Devs DIDN'T FOLLOW ANYTHING WOW did, more aptly put they followed exactly what Warhammer Developement team did and GUESS WHAT? THEY GOT THE SAME RESULTS.


A sadly broken game with dwindling server population base and vacant or near to vacant servers.


So NO your wrong they followed NOTHING Wow did, they followed a path of an MMO that was decimated for exactly the same reasons, REFUSING to BORROW/INCORPORATE things that actually work and work very well in other mmo's currently on the market.


Don't you dare freak out either, NOBODY hoped this game would be A HUGE SUCCESS more than me and I'm incredibly bitter at this dismal failing that has occurred. I'm still being picked at by a hell of a lot of people whom say " you sucked me in to buying that game." So yeah I'm highly annoyed at this dropping of the ball by EA.

Edited by Unkknownsith
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On the contrary Ceelbrus, the Devs DIDN'T FOLLOW ANYTHING WOW did, more aptly put they followed exactly what Warhammer Developement team did and GUESS WHAT? THEY GOT THE SAME RESULTS.


A sadly broken game with dwindling server population base and vacant or near to vacant servers.


So NO your wrong they followed NOTHING Wow did, they followed a path of an MMO that was decimated for exactly the same reasons, REFUSING to BORROW/INCORPORATE things that actually work and work very well in other mmo's currently on the market.


Don't you dare freak out either, NOBODY hoped this game would be A HUGE SUCCESS more than me and I'm incredibly bitter at this dismal failing that has occurred. I'm still being picked at by a hell of a lot of people whom say " you sucked me in to buying that game." So yeah I'm highly annoyed at this dropping of the ball by EA.


keep going tell me how you really feel. i'm sure you'll be posting this garbage for the next 5 months.

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Actually, this is what's going to be by December. One year. Not 7 months. And it's only a 5 level raise.


Well end of the year (12 months) is more reasonable than 7 months from launch, I haven’t caught the dates, just the content announcements so if this is the case I would call it good news…and I am guessing that the OP would as well given his concern was based on it coming “soon”, another five or six months is plenty of time to knock out the crafting upgrades to companions and have it be “meaningful” before the new cap arrives.


So far the E3 info I have seen hasn’t included the dates, can you direct me to someplace that has them?

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keep going tell me how you really feel. i'm sure you'll be posting this garbage for the next 5 months.


Not happening, everyone I recommended buy this game is gone, my arena buddy is the only one remaining and I doubt he'll be staying much longer, having 40 people ****ed at you for strongly recommending them buy a game that falters this badly isn't fun.

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Not happening, everyone I recommended buy this game is gone, my arena buddy is the only one remaining and I doubt he'll be staying much longer, having 40 people ****ed at you for strongly recommending them buy a game that falters this badly isn't fun.


welp i guess its on to the next great MMO for you then. will you be going with TSW or GW2? because honestly that's all that's left. Although i have heard that TSW already is already failing in a very bad way. at least that's what a quick visit to the forums will tell you.


i'd like to visit the GW2 forums. but Ncsoft is SMART and doesn't actually have any for public view.


either way you go though hope for the best because if those two turn out to be average i guess we can always play Call of Duty or Battlefield.

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people want content. then when content is promised. they don't want it

people want something new. when they get it. they don't want it.


this community is so backwards and is full of nothing but whiners that the community alone has caused me to unsub. you can take all the Diablo 3 trolling. which is page after page after page of troll post and all the WOW trolling on those forums. put them together and you STILL wouldn't equal to the amount of hate on these forums. or this game.


frankly its terrible. i honestly think the moderation team should act like blizzard does on their forums. literally insult the player base and tell them to get off their armchairs. Hell i got banned from the diablo 3 forums for 2 weeks and all i said was that diablo 3 was short.


keep going tell me how you really feel. i'm sure you'll be posting this garbage for the next 5 months.


And even though you say you unsubed I am sure you are going to keep posting this garbage, for how long I can’t say. But I am pretty sure you were banned from the D3 forums for more than saying Diablo 3 was short if your post history is any indication…


Too bad you didn’t read, or understand what the OP was talking about, but I guess that isn’t your primary concern, judging from the contents of your posts…

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Gear is out dated with each release of new content. When I first hit 50 my gear needed to be replaced so I ran flashpoints. Then I ran operattions and my gear needed to be replaced again. Then they added new operation and flashpoints with new gear and my gear was out dated yet again. If the new content doesn't give me something better than I'm just gonna run the lvl 10 esseles, I can run it in 15 minutes or less.
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So more content = deal breaker?

Seems kind of strange. Though I do have to say it is interesting they are upping the level cap this soon, but I'm more happy than angry about more stuff.


lets clarify, there are 3 types of content, crap content that no1 really should care about (vanity pets, 174 mount collection, speak to every race and fart on top of the 1000-jumps mounts) there is leveling content (class and planetary quest lines, heroics, leveling FPs etc) and there is End game content.


Sure they will release a level cap increase and force feed us a bazilion of unwanted crap because artists prefer designing baby tauntauns instead of some decent looking end game gear and market it as content, well maybe some ppl care about it but i understand some marketing is needed.


Then will come the leveling content, a huge amount of the player base loved the content and practicly every1 enjoyed the story. ONCE or twice if they rolled both factions.


And then we come to the real deal, the sub retainer, the End game content, Swtor after X years of development, launched with 3 warzones and 6 end game pve encounters, plus some reworked introductory flashpoints from the leveling ones. Now in the 6months and 20 days since release, we ve got 9 new endgame encounters, two flashpoints and 1 warzone.


So, level cap increase hits, at the new cap, there will be based on their current development cycle 10 endgame pve encounters, 3-4 reworked flash points and 2 fresh flashpoints.


The pvpers have it worst, allthough the warzones can be used as is with some minor tweaking for the damage done by enviroments in huttball, all the changed made to improve balance will be gonne, the game will be anywhere between the state of 1.0 and 1.1 on top of that you will have to unlearn all the old pvp knowledge you ve gathered and relearn everything from basics, the carrot will be a couple new shinny gear sets, easy access through a recruit equiavalent and 1 new warzone.


I hope now it becomes clearer to you that ppl dont hate the fact that new content will be added, most are actually pleased, a dynamic change is gonna happen. The problem is the price we pay, we lose all the old content in favor of an undersized new set that will be again buggy as hell (soa any1?) and boring due to the extremely limited size.

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Ive never really posted things on here because of all the trolls.

Let them make the game the way they want and come out with stuff the way they want.Not every game is gonna have everything u want it to have.Transfers are coming.

Roll an ALT on a populated server,its not that hard

I love SWOTOR ,Keep up the good work

OMG a positve comment

Edited by Kanesabel
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Well end of the year (12 months) is more reasonable than 7 months from launch, I haven’t caught the dates, just the content announcements so if this is the case I would call it good news…and I am guessing that the OP would as well given his concern was based on it coming “soon”, another five or six months is plenty of time to knock out the crafting upgrades to companions and have it be “meaningful” before the new cap arrives.


So far the E3 info I have seen hasn’t included the dates, can you direct me to someplace that has them?


It's BioWare. When they say "coming this year", they mean towards the end of it. ;) Otherwise, they would have said "coming this summer".

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I agree with the OP. The level cap is WAYYYY to SOON. Even if it doesn't come out until December it's way too soon. This game has yet to fully establish itself. I mean really a lot of people probably don't even feel too connected to their characters, playtime, or their account.


Hell WoW didn't even raise their level cap until 2 years after it's initial release and we're getting one possibly in 1 year or less after release?

I don't agree that it is way too soon. This has been, by far, the easiest MMO to level in I've ever played. That was a mistake on the part of BIO/EA.


In Vanilla WoW I played a lot more than I have SWTOR and it took me months to get my first character to 60. It was at least a year before I was able to get my first alt to 60. I already have 4 50s in SWTOR and in a couple of weeks probably 6.


In Vanilla WoW a year into the game a very small percentage of players had even completed the first real raid, Molten Core. By the time of the first expansion less than 10% of the player base had completed Naxx.


So quit comparing apples and oranges. SWTOR made leveling too easy and OPs were pretty much trivial. So it makes sense to raise the cap a bit quicker. It will give them room to make improvements with a bit less pain including more difficult OPs.

Edited by Erasimus
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No. Just more levels. Which is what I wrote. Please spare me the automated fanbot defense.

I'm perfectly fine with more skills and items. Adding more levels though means everything you can do in the endgame now is essentialy a waste of time (as much as that can be said in a game anyway). The inner collector in me doesn't get hooked by the though of working hard to finish sets that I know will not be usable anymore within a short span of time. The new stuff might be absolutely awesome but it does kill my motviation to play in the endgame right now. And I think that will be true for a lot of raiders. This won't help with the already low activity at all.


I understand exactly where ur coming from, and it'd really bad for us crafters that even craft our own characters armor and weapons find out that everything we have made MIGHT Might be a wasted time venture. But I hope the Bioware will transfer the mods over the new armor so we don't have to do it all again, and the new ppl will have to get all the new schematics. That's what i'm hopeing.


As for the level cap it might be a very good idea for getting our players back and New players to the game as well.

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I've been playing this game without getting involved in the doomsaying or complaints for a long time now even while I watche activity on the server slowly melt away. But I got to say the anouncment of a raised level cap absolutely stunned me. Unless I'm missing something here it seems the worst possible move.


New content "absolutely stunned you" .


Ha ha , troll on. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time , no one agree's with you.


You're going to unsub because they added a new world, new flash points, raised the level cap , and probably added a bunch of other stuff as well (raised crew skill ranks , we know there's a new companion hk-51 , we'r guessing they raised the bar on a few other things like companion stories and class stoires though thats not confirmed) .


You stand alone my friend. You stand alone.

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lets clarify, there are 3 types of content, crap content that no1 really should care about (vanity pets, 174 mount collection, speak to every race and fart on top of the 1000-jumps mounts) there is leveling content (class and planetary quest lines, heroics, leveling FPs etc) and there is End game content.


Sure they will release a level cap increase and force feed us a bazilion of unwanted crap because artists prefer designing baby tauntauns instead of some decent looking end game gear and market it as content, well maybe some ppl care about it but i understand some marketing is needed.


Then will come the leveling content, a huge amount of the player base loved the content and practicly every1 enjoyed the story. ONCE or twice if they rolled both factions.


And then we come to the real deal, the sub retainer, the End game content, Swtor after X years of development, launched with 3 warzones and 6 end game pve encounters, plus some reworked introductory flashpoints from the leveling ones. Now in the 6months and 20 days since release, we ve got 9 new endgame encounters, two flashpoints and 1 warzone.


So, level cap increase hits, at the new cap, there will be based on their current development cycle 10 endgame pve encounters, 3-4 reworked flash points and 2 fresh flashpoints.


The pvpers have it worst, allthough the warzones can be used as is with some minor tweaking for the damage done by enviroments in huttball, all the changed made to improve balance will be gonne, the game will be anywhere between the state of 1.0 and 1.1 on top of that you will have to unlearn all the old pvp knowledge you ve gathered and relearn everything from basics, the carrot will be a couple new shinny gear sets, easy access through a recruit equiavalent and 1 new warzone.


I hope now it becomes clearer to you that ppl dont hate the fact that new content will be added, most are actually pleased, a dynamic change is gonna happen. The problem is the price we pay, we lose all the old content in favor of an undersized new set that will be again buggy as hell (soa any1?) and boring due to the extremely limited size.



i just think its pretty stupid to add more levels or even a planet when we have so many dead planets that are there just to level up with and no reason to ever go back.

So much more content could be added to game on planets, places that already exist and some could even be improved such as Outlaws Den, Ilum or adding zones with objectives on planets to fight for on PVP servers. I find it funny how its still just the same old idea of disposable content with a planet that will just be one more dead empty world a month or less after release and noting to make the game feel alive.

But the kids want the shiny over everything else that would make this game great i guess. :confused:

Edited by Razot
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Strangely not. I'm quite busy with the endgame content. There's just not a whole lot of people doing it. And with the knowledge that everything you can get right now will be outdated with the new level cap I think this problem will only get wose. As I said in my case my motivation to keep working on my companions is suddenly gone.


If you have war hero gear then you know you needed battle master gear to obtain it. Following that train of thought it would lead me to believe that you would need war hero gear to obtain most of the new tier of pvp gear. Did you not fully think this out before you got angry?

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I feel sorry for gaming companies these days.


Everyone wants


1) More content

2) More story

3) More races

4) More classes

5) Level Cap increase

6) Less grind

7) No lag

8) More PvP

9) Server Merges

10) No Downtime

11) More Community

12) F2P

13) Cooler NPCs

14) No Level Cap increase

15) Be more like wow

16) Be less like wow

17) Be more like SWG

18) More communications between player and devo

20) Quicker updates

21) More pets

22) Housing

23) This class to be buff

24) that class to be nerf


and the list goes on and on and on and everyone thinks their ideas are the best and want it do NOW and if the company doesn't follow each players vision of a perfect game then the game becomes Junk.


Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don't

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I feel sorry for gaming companies these days.


Everyone wants


1) More content

2) More story

3) More races

4) More classes

5) Level Cap increase

6) Less grind

7) No lag

8) More PvP

9) Server Merges

10) No Downtime

11) More Community

12) F2P

13) Cooler NPCs

14) No Level Cap increase

15) Be more like wow

16) Be less like wow

17) Be more like SWG

18) More communications between player and devo

20) Quicker updates

21) More pets

22) Housing

23) This class to be buff

24) that class to be nerf


and the list goes on and on and on and everyone thinks their ideas are the best and want it do NOW and if the company doesn't follow each players vision of a perfect game then the game becomes Junk.


Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don't


Just goes to show people will complain about anything.


Level cap increase is "gamebreaking"? I lol'd.

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Just goes to show people will complain about anything.


Level cap increase is "gamebreaking"? I lol'd.


If you like endgame, and want to spend time progressing in it and instead will be going back to leveling every year... it is a blow to your enjoyment... granted if you prefer the level up game then you will have the opposite opinion. There are some valid points for some players listed... people will complain about things they don't like and when they are paying customers why shouldn't they?

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If you like endgame, and want to spend time progressing in it and instead will be going back to leveling every year... it is a blow to your enjoyment... granted if you prefer the level up game then you will have the opposite opinion. There are some valid points for some players listed... people will complain about things they don't like and when they are paying customers why shouldn't they?


More levels equals more story...bring it on. I lol'ed when I saw the OP complaining, too. Gamebreaking, my foot.

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