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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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I don't care at all precisely because it is on rails. It's silly too because I was a serious fan of SWG's Jump to Lightspeed, X-Wing VS Tie-Fighter & Battlefront 2's space missions, but here in SWTOR I have not played 1 single on-rails space mission & won't be playing the new one either, won't be playing any of them until BioWare "fixes" space combat.


So how much story and lightsaber and ground based content did you enjoy in X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter?


Oh that's right, there is none. Because Lucasarts chose to focus purely on the space combat in that game.

Why can't you accept that TOR chose to focus on the ground experience for TOR for the most part? There is such a thing as spreading yourself too thin. This game took five years to develop as is, adding a fully fledged space experience would have required a whole load of extra talent and time as no one on the current TOR team has any experience with such titles. It's a choice they made and personally I'm glad that they did because the ground content is very enjoyable to me and the current space missions make pleasant little five minute long distractions.


Sure, I would've been happy with more space but I don't feel that TOR ~needs~ it since there's other games that fill that niche.

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So how much story and lightsaber and ground based content did you enjoy in X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter?


Oh that's right, there is none. Because Lucasarts chose to focus purely on the space combat in that game.

Why can't you accept that TOR chose to focus on the ground experience for TOR for the most part? There is such a thing as spreading yourself too thin. This game took five years to develop as is, adding a fully fledged space experience would have required a whole load of extra talent and time as no one on the current TOR team has any experience with such titles. It's a choice they made and personally I'm glad that they did because the ground content is very enjoyable to me and the current space missions make pleasant little five minute long distractions.


Sure, I would've been happy with more space but I don't feel that TOR ~needs~ it since there's other games that fill that niche.


Battlefront 2 gave a mix of space and ground combat in the space missions. You could fly a ship over to the enemy fleet, land and fight your way to destroying the objectives from inside the fleet, if you didn't want to fly about outside attacking the shields / engines etc. This surely would translate fantastically well in SWTOR, to allow for both space combat (preferably off the rails- currently it is so frustratingly dull) or ground combat to complete the space missions. I still prefer firing up my dusty XBOX for a BF2 game rather than SWTOR's rail combat.


I know that its different strokes for different folks, but it is very dissapointing not to have the flexibility in the ways you can complete space missions.

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Space was fun in the begining but as I progressed i noticed some maps being the same as other maps just a different difficulty and different name. So i was instantly over space and now i hardly ever do anything but the asteriod one. Edited by kirorx
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I am looking forward to playing it. Right now, obviously, the space missions are pretty much mini-games, and I don't play them on a regular basis, but they are enjoyable for what they are. I certainly don't expect a full blown space game at this point in SWTOR's life and can wait for an expansion that brings us some really good space content.



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Actually, plenty of people like the space mini-game. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that no one likes it. This isn't Star Wars - Flight Simulator. The space stuff is just a mini-game, not the meat of the game. Although they've talked about improving it, anyone expecting a flight simulator quality space game when it's just a mini-game for a MMO is not being realistic at all.


its called exaggeration.

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I actually like space combat in SWTOR, though now that you don't get fleet comms for doing them after the daily I do think they need a boost (both in xp and credits) to make them really worthwhile.


That being said though...one friggin mission? Considering the relative simplicity of space combat, shouldn't it be pretty simple to whip out new missions almost monthly or at least every few months? We're not talking Freelancer (a pretty old game by now, but still has an active mod community that can create some amazing stuff) level kill, tractor, return to base missions here. Its a one way rail ride that you shoot the crap out of everything you can.


Guys really, I don't need 3D combat (and the way most space sim games handle, I'd actually rather it wasn't 3D). Just add some more missions (across all level ranges I recall the upper 20s really needing some) on a fairly regular basis with some variety. And don't make them insanely difficult for the level (Sullust Interception, bane of space mission how I loathe thee!).


Space is a mini game for me that I use try to help avoid as much planet questing as I can, cause I'm pretty sick of the same VO quests for every single character. If you made space missions more worthwhile, I'd be leveling alts instead of posting on forums.

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I didn't read all the pages, but I'm excited for the new Space Mission (only 1? :()

I love them, and I like them to be on rail (like Star Fox).


They should be more difficult though, the ones we have are too easy, maybe they should add an hardmode version :) or add new things, like power-up or different weapons to pick up during missions.

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I don´t care about new PvE content (Flashpoints/Operations)


But I don´t complain when they develop new PvE content.


An MMO has to cater to many people with different interests.


If i were the center of the universe they would only develop PvP content.

Edited by Sabredance
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Ill take it... but, I would rather they have spent the man power on finishing up that secret space project Ohlen has mentioned.


Does anyone else wonder if this space mission IS the "space project" Ohlen was referring to? I certainly believe they have much more in store, but I must admit I have a fear more variations in the current system could be all that's in the future.


Staying positive til I'm proven wrong though.

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Does anyone else wonder if this space mission IS the "space project" Ohlen was referring to? I certainly believe they have much more in store, but I must admit I have a fear more variations in the current system could be all that's in the future.


Staying positive til I'm proven wrong though.


Devs were already asked if this was the "secret project," and the answer was a flat-out "no." So, nope, space project is still under wraps and something entirely different.

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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


Honestly Id love to give the space missions a try but I just cant do them useing keyboard and mouse!


I have a great programable joystick that would make it much more doable for me


So right now I have no interest

If they added joystick control my interest would be greatly improved

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There's nothing wrong with mini-games. And for a mini-game it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping that some new space-combat rewards will be in that same patch as well though.


It's actually a lot of fun and a great way to kill some when needed which was it's goal and it has a lot more depth than GW2's mini-games.


If it is "a lot of fun" as stated in your 2nd paragragh, then why are additional incentives needed to do it as stated in your 1st paragragh?

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You know, I've never been tempted even a little by those space missions after seeing them in action - especially without a real game controller on my comp. And who would add one to play a watered-down Starfox - does it even support separate controllers?


That said, the space mini-games were beyond lame in the KOTOR series and no one cared - they just made them optional and that was perfect. They're even more optional here and that's a solid improvement!

Edited by jgelling
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I don't care that you don't care.


LOL, like your signature too.


To me, people are crazy not to be doing them. On all my toons I've gone from like 16 to 19 in a matter of no time by doing the plethora of openers, and re-spawns as dailies. The cash is excellent also.


....and they do present a challenge if one looks at them as one would a game of golf. People join country clubs and play the same course over and over without complaining that "its the same ole thing". There are so many ways to challenge one's self in these, so many bonuses to be had, so much xp gain to be realized.


Yes, if one logs in, floats through space with just enough life to win the mission while yawning, they can get boring. However, if one enjoys personal challenge, is a self starter, likes the upgrade game, they are very much the fun mini game. I'd miss the if they were gone.

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Does anyone else wonder if this space mission IS the "space project" Ohlen was referring to? I certainly believe they have much more in store, but I must admit I have a fear more variations in the current system could be all that's in the future.


Staying positive til I'm proven wrong though.


Daniel Erickson refertenced new pixels (in some obscure interview as there is still a gag order preventing devs from discussing space combat on these forums) so the "secret" must be paint jobs slapped onto the existing fail rails.

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Does anyone else wonder if this space mission IS the "space project" Ohlen was referring to? I certainly believe they have much more in store, but I must admit I have a fear more variations in the current system could be all that's in the future.


Staying positive til I'm proven wrong though.


Does it matter? They could fly a ship to your houses and these boards would still be filled with complaints about it.


No matter what they introduce, there will be three certainties.


The majority of the player base will enjoy it to different degrees.


The vocal minority that we see on these boards will hate it.


Someone will ask if this is the reason it will go free to play by (insert proverbial time stamp) ;p

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The "community" here is among the greatest enemies of SWTOR. Always finding something to hate and making threads about how the fact that the entire content isn't tailored to their own special taste is an affront to them and means that the game is a failure.


So to be a proper non adversarial community we should ,when presented with a polished turd (rail-shooter) praise this turd for it's amazing luster and non turdish qualities and never ever under any circumstances ever inform the people developing the game we all PAY TO PLAY what we may or may not like.


We should hope bioware employs psychics or just settle for whatever the marketing department thinks we would like.

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