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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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So... wait.


You think people leave just because that's what people do? As if some secret document was signed by gamers everywhere that when a new MMO launches, everyone plays for a month then bails?


People leave because they're more dissatisfied than they are satisfied. In this case, 1.1 million people were dissatisfied in just 5-months' time--be it because of a lackluster space game, bad PvP game, forgettable crafting game, lack of roleplaying support (my reason), or any other reason under the sun.


Don't get me started on gaming journalists, who have a very real and vested interest in saying nice things about big titles...


New games always have a ton of people that try it then leave. SWTOR is no different.

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So... wait.


You think people leave just because that's what people do? As if some secret document was signed by gamers everywhere that when a new MMO launches, everyone plays for a month then bails?


People leave because they're more dissatisfied than they are satisfied. In this case, 1.1 million people were dissatisfied in just 5-months' time--be it because of a lackluster space game, bad PvP game, forgettable crafting game, lack of roleplaying support (my reason), or any other reason under the sun.


Don't get me started on gaming journalists, who have a very real and vested interest in saying nice things about big titles...


Actually yes. This has been going on for a while now. Every new MMO gets a huge surge in players when it launches and then people leave. Even the devs know this, they even talk about where they need their sub numbers to be to be viable. That's because they expect that not everyone that plays the game will like it.


Also 1.1 million left (according to you.) and SWTOR as last reported still had over a million subs. A lot more than many MMOs and it is still one of the more successful MMOs out there.


The important thing for SWTOR is to keep the base they have now. These are the players that want to stick around good or bad...and then release big updates to lure players back for a while and hopefully get new players.


WoW even has a base. The players who are consistently around...and then they release a EP and everyone flocks back to it for a while and then leaves again.

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You do not want housing in TOR? Then, welcome to the minority. Player housing is one of the most requested features in many MMO forums.


You want houses scattered all over coruscant, in every nook and cranny of the planet? Making the planet really laggy, really unimmersive? Getting in the way of a simple trip to the senate tower from the space port?


If "player housing" is limited to your ship or guild ship, sure. i can live with that. i might enjoy it,. I do not want SWGs lousy player housing model.

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Actually yes. This has been going on for a while now. Every new MMO gets a huge surge in players when it launches and then people leave. Even the devs know this, they even talk about where they need their sub numbers to be to be viable. That's because they expect that not everyone that plays the game will like it.


Also 1.1 million left (according to you.) and SWTOR as last reported still had over a million subs. A lot more than many MMOs and it is still one of the more successful MMOs out there.


The important thing for SWTOR is to keep the base they have now. These are the players that want to stick around good or bad...and then release big updates to lure players back for a while and hopefully get new players.


WoW even has a base. The players who are consistently around...and then they release a EP and everyone flocks back to it for a while and then leaves again.


1.1 million left according to BioWare. Sorry, mate. They reported box sales totaling 2.4 million during the last earnings call report, down to 1.3 subscribers (up for debate). Doing some simple math...


That's 1.1 million people who either left for greener pastures after some time, or didn't subscribe at all (far worse).

Edited by Dezzi
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You want houses scattered all over coruscant, in every nook and cranny of the planet? Making the planet really laggy, really unimmersive? Getting in the way of a simple trip to the senate tower from the space port?


If "player housing" is limited to your ship or guild ship, sure. i can live with that. i might enjoy it,. I do not want SWGs lousy player housing model.


EQ2 has one of the best player housing that isn't "scattered" all over the place... It's called "instanced housing"...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Right. This post might be less useful to this thread than your last one.


Useful according to whom. You or me? ;)


Your lack of an answer to a clearly hypothetical question on the grounds that "great" is an objective term is really silly. If the game was "great," people wouldn't leave. Yet they do, which leads me to the conclusion that the game isn't great. An individual's definition of "great" is moot because that's not the point of the hypothetical--which is to demonstrate that a perfect game attracts people regardless of their inclination to move from game to game (because said games aren't perfect).

Edited by Dezzi
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EQ2 has one of the best player housing that isn't "scattered" all over the place... It's called "instanced housing"...


I approve of this post and thank you for reminding me of the game i was struggling to recall which was like that :p

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1.1 million left according to BioWare. Sorry, mate. They reported box sales totaling 2.4 million during the last earnings call report, down to 1.3 subscribers (up for debate). Doing some simple math...


That's 1.1 million people who either left for greener pastures after some time, or didn't subscribe at all (far worse).


Box sales, eh? Box sales to subs, really? Ok, well, WoW has 8.6 million box sales in the US, but only has 4.5 million subs. :eek: That's a drop of 4.1 million "subs" (not really subs, but since you equate the two somehow, I guess I will, too). By that definition, WoW is worse off than TOR!

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A final Legacy unlock, and you need to have had a Jedi, and be currently unsubbed. Its called the FORCE GHOST!


And we can throw tomatoes at it and laugh at it for being a Content Locust! :D


It will have the power to troll other players IN GAME with posts from "the SWTOR General Forums ONLY". I will be in the form of a new class ability called "wall of text". :eek:

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And they'd leave if the game was great? ;)


Players will always leave no matter how great a game is. It's all a matter of opinion. Some people like Guild Wars or Diablo, some people hate it. Some people love SWTOR, while others can't stand it. As a wise man once said:


"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." ;)


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1.1 million left according to BioWare. Sorry, mate. They reported box sales totaling 2.4 million during the last earnings call report, down to 1.3 subscribers (up for debate). Doing some simple math...


That's 1.1 million people who either left for greener pastures after some time, or didn't subscribe at all (far worse).


How many copies of WOW have been bought? I would not be surprised if the number is around 25 million. This is the life of each and every MMO and any video game for that matter. They are the next great thing for 2 or 3 months and then on to the next great thing.

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Useful according to whom. You or me? ;)


Your lack of an answer to a clearly hypothetical question on the grounds that "great" is an objective term is really silly. If the game was "great," people wouldn't leave. Yet they do, which leads me to the conclusion that the game isn't great. An individual's definition of "great" is moot because that's not the point of the hypothetical--which is to demonstrate that a perfect game attracts people regardless of their inclination to move from game to game (because said games aren't perfect).


This is just false. It could be the second coming in terms of "greatness", and there would still be a dropoff of concurrent play and sub numbers.

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Box sales, eh? Box sales to subs, really? Ok, well, WoW has 8.6 million box sales in the US, but only has 4.5 million subs. :eek: That's a drop of 4.1 million "subs" (not really subs, but since you equate the two somehow, I guess I will, too). By that definition, WoW is worse off than TOR!


What does WoW matter? I can't stand that game, so your premise that I'd use it as an objective comparison to anything is silly.


1.1 million people did not subscribe or continue to subscribe to SWTOR--from a total of 2.4 million box sales, a figure used to provide a basis for comparison here, in SWTOR.

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1.1 million left according to BioWare. Sorry, mate. They reported box sales totaling 2.4 million during the last earnings call report, down to 1.3 subscribers (up for debate). Doing some simple math...


That's 1.1 million people who either left for greener pastures after some time, or didn't subscribe at all (far worse).


So you're willing to believe one Bioware report and not the other?


Also every situation is different. You don't know why many people have left. For greener pastures? Well I was around on these forums during launch. I played until January and cancelled my sub.


It wasn't because I was leaving for greener pastures. It's because my computer broke and I had no way to play SWTOR or any MMO. I was included in that 1.1 million that left and when I finally got a new machine to play the game I happily resubbed.


There are many many people who just enjoy the thrill of launch day. They leave and a lot of times say "I'll be back next year to see where the game has gone."


Not everyone of those that have left are players are ones who think the game sucks.

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