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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Umm yes...if you want to know WHY someone left you are going to have to ask them aren't you? Or you could just jump to the conclusion and say "The majority left because they weren't happy with the game." It doesn't really matter. They left.


A large group of that were locusts, because this happens everytime. Even with WOW again. Watch what happens with MOP comes out, the locusts will flock to a game they have played already to devour the content and leave all over again.


I never said a large group didn't leave because they weren't happy with the game. Of course at least half of them must have been it but that happens with EVERY game. They play a game and find out it isn't for them, no big deal.


The only thing that really matters is how big the base of a game is. Not the subs that will fluctuate up and down. That's why server merges nearly happen with every game nowadays. Bioware hopefully will do something about that soon so that they can please the ones who actually want to stick with the game and not the locusts.


Truly I am done here though.


Then if you didn't poll them, how do you know they left because they devoured content? Unless you're finally going to admit that you have no more basis to claim that a majority who left are content locusts than I have to say they weren't.


We'll see how "done" you are when you reply.



Edited by Dezzi
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Honestly, I can't believe all the haters. .


The reason people are hating on it is because it's just lipstick on a pig.


Well, that's a bit too harsh, the game does have lots of good qualities. When I can find people to play with it's fun. But the above announcements offer no hope to anybody that the game is going to turnaround or improve in general.

Edited by gurugeorge
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What trailer?


The info I've read is spewed between different SWTOR Dev Threads, Twitter, and other garbage. It must be uber hard to consolidate info into one central repository. (Explains a lot about Bioware, tbh.)


So...now they're saying 1.3 instead of "early summer"?


They need to get their act together, get on the same page, and be friggin honest with their customers.




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Jesus does not exist in swtor. Anyway its not only having to level up toons. But that would mean the previous tier gear will now be useless. So we cycled through two tiers within a yr or less and now we will be starting at tier one again with this new content update. I just think 10-12 months is a little to soon. If we hit this level cap there will be less things to do then there is now since there wont be to much content released on that level cap.


meh be happy there is anything to do at max level.. wow had nothing at launch.. and ya you may have to grind out some new eq at max level.. the big problem isnt that theres nothing to do at max level.. its that its stuff you dont WANT to do..

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Do you ever stop or what? if you really know anything about these forums you'd know Cathar has been requested since nearly day one of the forums.


You also might want to read some lore about those 'cats'.


I'm on here quite a bit during my down town at work and I've never seen a thread wanting cat people as a playable race. I've seen Voss, Wookies, Rhodians, Bothans, Trandoshan, Droids and even Gungan and Ewoks (lawl). Never once have I seen a cat people thread. Not saying no one has made one, just saying that if they made one it didn't have much traction to stay on the front page of General or Suggestion forums.


I really think BW just wanted to appease the Furries.

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Do you ever stop or what? if you really know anything about these forums you'd know Cathar has been requested since nearly day one of the forums.


You also might want to read some lore about those 'cats'.


Sorry pal, but species that didn´t appear in the SW movies don´t exist for me.

Also, Cat Species only remind me of Wing Commander lore, and that´s Chris Robers and not George Lucas.

Catpeople... really... I can´t believe where this is heading. I can´t believe it.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Thanks for linking.


And to the forum guru saying 1.3 for transfers, this video says "this year" for the PVE junk I ain't gonna do. No mention of PVP or transers. So as far as I'm concerned.....IM STILL STUCK ON A DEAD SERVER.

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Sorry pal, but species that didn´t appear in the SW movies don´t exist for me.

Also, Cat Species only remind me of Wing Commander lore, and that´s Chris Robers and not George Lucas.

Cats... really... I can´t believe where this is heading. I can´t believe it.


Kilrathi, even for being cat people, were/are 100000000000x better than Cathar.

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I'm on here quite a bit during my down town at work and I've never seen a thread wanting cat people as a playable race. I've seen Voss, Wookies, Rhodians, Bothans, Trandoshan, Droids and even Gungan and Ewoks (lawl). Never once have I seen a cat people thread. Not saying no one has made one, just saying that if they made one it didn't have much traction to stay on the front page of General or Suggestion forums.


I really think BW just wanted to appease the Furries.






These are just the most recent ones, not including the multiple threads asking for multiple different races instead of just Cathar.


A lot of people who loved KotOR, also loved Juhani, who was a Cathar as well.

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Is it just me, or is Eaware announcing more of the same?

I mean we've got new space mission, new operation, new planet (which will be most likely forgotten after finishing it - like all other story planets) and new warzone.

Ok, we've got new companion, the famous HK-51, that's neat and all, but is it enough?


The thing is SWTOR was criticized for the lack of innovation, the fact that it has the same standard features games since the first Everquest have. So the BIG E3 announcement is just more standard stuff?

Don't get me wrong, it is great that we're getting new stuff, but one would consider that they would keep the best announcements for E3. And THIS is what they announce?


No space combat revamp (no more on-rails)? No ground combat revamp (you know, the hotkey combat)? No innovation whatsoever? No planet revamp (to give people more of a reason to return to anything other than Corellia, Illum or IMP/REP fleet)?


As a SW fan I am happy that we're getting HK-51, a new playable species and more story. But these things alone were not enough to keep people interested. Why do they think that adding just more of the same will change anything? Sure, it will be fun for about a month, but what then?


I am deeply concerned regarding the future of this game. Here we are filling the Suggestion forums with threads and ideas and instead we get more themepark? The very thing that brought us in this situation with 99% of the servers having Light population?

I am also concerned that EAware most likely did not understand what the problems with this game really are. They simply don't get it.


I already made a thread about this, but as expected it was closed in the first 2 minutes.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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Sorry pal, but species that didn´t appear in the SW movies don´t exist for me.

Also, Cat Species only remind me of Wing Commander lore, and that´s Chris Robers and not George Lucas.

Catpeople... really... I can´t believe where this is heading. I can´t believe it.


Yeh, welcome to an EU product, enjoy your stay,



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These are just the most recent ones, not including the multiple threads asking for multiple different races instead of just Cathar.


A lot of people who loved KotOR, also loved Juhani, who was a Cathar as well.


Wow, each thread went all of 3 pages and consisted of many of the same posters. Clearly the community was about to explode if we did not get Cathar as a playable race. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic that has clearly swept across the SWTOR community.

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Thanks for linking.


And to the forum guru saying 1.3 for transfers, this video says "this year" for the PVE junk I ain't gonna do. No mention of PVP or transers. So as far as I'm concerned.....IM STILL STUCK ON A DEAD SERVER.


Wrong trailer, the 1.3 trailer not E3. honest to god, go and find MY comment.

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That video is a down right fraud. They had the nerve to show the server selection screen with everything standard or heavy?????? Maybe people on normal servers don't care....but to me...that's kinda insulting.


I stand corrected, transfers look like they will be in the "Allies" update. Good job Bioware on keeping the players informed. How do we ever get confused on when our toons will get transfered off our dead servers? Oh...I haven't been checking Youtube for Game Director interviews. Silly me.



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Wow, each thread went all of 3 pages and consisted of many of the same posters. Clearly the community was about to explode if we did not get Cathar as a playable race. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic that has clearly swept across the SWTOR community.


So? I still don't see what's wrong with Cathar. Perhaps they were just easier to implement than other species, I dunno. More playable species will be forthcoming -- no need to make a big deal about Cathar being the first.

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Wow, each thread went all of 3 pages and consisted of many of the same posters. Clearly the community was about to explode if we did not get Cathar as a playable race. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic that has clearly swept across the SWTOR community.


Way to put words in my mouth mr. anything good announced will be pulled out on day of release, because of this one time BioWare decided to pull something, Grats.


If you honestly have been here since 2010 you would not be suggesting that Cathar haven't been suggested for years, the threads merely died down and got consolidated into multiple race request threads.

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Massive Announcement shoulda been: "We anticipate the 1.3 update going live 4th of July weekend. Players stuck on our dead unplayable servers...hang in there...it's coming soon."


So all I take from E3 is......reroll or quit. What do I care about content I can't play? Sure, transfers are "supposed" to be in 1.3. Just like rated warzones were supposed to be in 1.2. If transfers happen before Thanksgiving....I'll be shocked.

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Way to put words in my mouth mr. anything good announced will be pulled out on day of release, because of this one time BioWare decided to pull something, Grats.


If you honestly have been here since 2010 you would not be suggesting that Cathar haven't been suggested for years, the threads merely died down and got consolidated into multiple race request threads.


A couple of furries making a thread every couple of months does technically mean its been suggested for years, but it doesn't mean that people really wanted Cathar as a playable race. Honestly, its pretty clear that laziness is a major factor in having Cathar as a playable race because it won't require much effort on their part to implement. That more than the fact that almost no one was clamoring for Cathar is what bothers me, plus they just look awful in game. Honestly, if I hadn't already cancelled, this would have made me cancel. I may re sub just so I can cancel again. Thats how little I think of their decision to make Cathar playable.

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Massive Announcement shoulda been: "We anticipate the 1.3 update going live 4th of July weekend. Players stuck on our dead unplayable servers...hang in there...it's coming soon."


So all I take from E3 is......reroll or quit. What do I care about content I can't play? Sure, transfers are "supposed" to be in 1.3. Just like rated warzones were supposed to be in 1.2. If transfers happen before Thanksgiving....I'll be shocked.


You're being optimistic if you think they'd have 1.3 ready by July 4th. I also doubt they'd patch on the holiday weekend in case something went wrong.

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Sorry pal, but species that didn´t appear in the SW movies don´t exist for me.

Also, Cat Species only remind me of Wing Commander lore, and that´s Chris Robers and not George Lucas.

Catpeople... really... I can´t believe where this is heading. I can´t believe it.


Your playing a EU game.....

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