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Queueing as a level 10


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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.



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Lost a wz blames on a level 10 comes to forums to poor heart out, nice.


Yeah, you're COMPLETELY right. I lost one warzone and came here. Not that I've played basically hundreds of pre 50 warzones and experienced this. Just the one. Nice constructive post there bro

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It gives everyone a good chance to learn their abilities as they progress through the game in PvP. mabye you could make a premade or Q at the same time as friends and then you may not have this problem. its part of the game each team has those level 10's at any given time.
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Really, I have played in WZ as a level 10 and out DPS/Badged everyone on my team. Its not hard to figure out the mechanics. Higher levels only advantage is new spells the aquire at there level but everything scales together. L2P noob

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Don't blame it on the low level guys. It's BW's fault for allowing it. They pay the same sub as everyone else, can't tell them they can't play in your wz.


Level 1-9 pays for their sub, why can't they play in my wz? Because they'd be useless. The point I'm trying to make is that having a team composed of a majority 10-20 players is basically game over before it even starts. Considering there doesn't seem to be any matchmaking it's just a queue, you can end up playing all 30+ players. This is a massive oversight IMO.


All BW has to do is add another noobie bracket, or disallow them to queue, and everyone wins. That, or they can actually implement some sort of matchmaking scheme that attempts to pick players of the same level or close for each team.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




as a level 10 sage I scored 4 goals in a game. seems like i helped.. no?

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Really, I have played in WZ as a level 10 and out DPS/Badged everyone on my team. Its not hard to figure out the mechanics. Higher levels only advantage is new spells the aquire at there level but everything scales together. L2P noob


You clearly don't understand. You're missing so many key abilities and talents that level 30+ all have. This is a massive disadvantage and I call BS on you out dpsing people consistantly as a level 10.

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It's all relative to experience. I play 50s all the time so when I play my lev 12 sniper I kill 49s all day long. Sure I die a lot too. But I know what needs to get done and what limits I have and they go down just the same!
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I don't really mind if there is one level 10 in my team, especially if he guards a node and knows how to call an inc.


It's the army of below 20 that I fear. I mean, 15 scoundrel, ***? Level 12 sage, even worse. Don't blame them for playing WZs though. It sucks, but you must accept that. Chances are, the opposing team also has some of these fodders.


Besides, I'd rather have a level 12 healer who knows how to press his single heal than have a level 35 sentinel who doesn't know how to deal damage and suck. True story.


It's all relative to experience. I play 50s all the time so when I play my lev 12 sniper I kill 49s all day long. Sure I die a lot too. But I know what needs to get done and what limits I have and they go down just the same!


That's because snipers are pretty good even at level 12. Snipe spam with the occasional ambush still do a lot of damage and you are sometimes hard to reach because cover. Try playing, say, an operative or a sage at these level. It's a whole other story.

Edited by lpsmash
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I don't really mind if there is one level 10 in my team, especially if he guards a node and knows how to call an inc.


It's the army of below 20 that I fear. I mean, 15 scoundrel, ***? Level 12 sage, even worse. Don't blame them for playing WZs though. It sucks, but you must accept that. Chances are, the opposing team also has some of these fodders.


Besides, I'd rather have a level 12 healer who knows how to press his single heal than have a level 35 sentinel who doesn't know how to deal damage and suck. True story.




That's because snipers are pretty good even at level 12. Snipe spam with the occasional ambush still do a lot of damage and you are sometimes hard to reach because cover. Try playing, say, an operative or a sage at these level. It's a whole other story.


I also have a lev 44 scoundrel and he is awesome in PVP. Peel and heal good stuff!

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I've topped dps many times while being under lvl 20 as well, on a gunslinger or sniper I've actually doubled the next nearest guy on my team damage wise a few times. If you are a solid player you don't need big time advantages to contribute.


In addition to that it's the leveling bracket, if you are taking it overly serious I'd make an appointment with your primary doctor, because you may be a high strung moron.

Edited by BacklashEH
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




My level tens usually get top 3 for damage, often enough #1.

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The way boolster works... a well geared 10 is likely to do very well.


Besides most of the DPS classes spam 2-3 bread and butter abilities (which they mostly have at 10) anyway.


Its part of the game accept it... or level real fast to 50 so you don't have to see 10s. Then you can listen to people Complain you are quing with out a proper amount of gear. :)

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Great, those of us with 50s on dead servers and have been forced to reroll are being told by noobs how to pvp.


/force choke self

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Level 1-9 pays for their sub, why can't they play in my wz? Because they'd be useless. The point I'm trying to make is that having a team composed of a majority 10-20 players is basically game over before it even starts. Considering there doesn't seem to be any matchmaking it's just a queue, you can end up playing all 30+ players. This is a massive oversight IMO.


All BW has to do is add another noobie bracket, or disallow them to queue, and everyone wins. That, or they can actually implement some sort of matchmaking scheme that attempts to pick players of the same level or close for each team.


Then it will be "stop allowing the 20's to queue" then the 30's, then the 40's. It's all just practice for the 50's queue anyway.


The real problem is people using terms like "my wz". It's not yours. Just chill, they'll hit "level 25 godmode" soon enough.

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