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So Sniper/Gunslinger is a new FOTM class...


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Every WZ i see 2-3 in teams, they just drop a cover and u cant cc them, interrupt them, jump, pull, they got amazing knockback with root, cover can prevent getting some part of incomming damage, best aoe cc flash grenade with feking long duration, execute, mabe dear BW give them insta heals and stealth!! Looks like this damn class scale amaring with gear, im wearing 1300+ expertise and heavy armor, still im dead in few gdc if im unlucky to be in wrong place. This game starting to bore me cos of those fotm spamm in wz, only mara/sent, shadow tanks and now new amazing class for retarded SNIPER, becouse sitting in one place and nuke ppl is a skill...

rant end..

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K I'm a squishy 32/7/2 Sorc healer and I even I find that the lack of mobility for snipers means I can beat a Sniper with the same level of gear as me - i.e full BM.


Gunslingers actually pose more of a challenge - what class do you play OP?

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Let the FOTM Snipers/Gunslingers come. I'll just gank them all on my Operative since Operative/Scoundrel are practically the perfect counter to Snipers/Gunslingers. :cool: Edited by Ardim
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Annoying class if you let them get started on you or ignore them for a few GCDs. Intead make them 2nd top priority after healers to take out and they go down quite quickly. Only thing that really annoys me on my server is a couple of them always exploiting positions for cover that they shouldn't which means only other ranged classes can attack them.
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As with most of these threads it is difficult to tell if the OP is serious or intentionally setting out to cause harm to the game. Snipers in elevated positions dug in, are a problem to you if inside 35m yes....


not many snipers enjoy a few lightsabers in the back, stealth exists in the game and appreciates stationary targets by the way..


This game is a dps game, there is a lot of cc but basically once you have taken 100% of an opponents health, they are dead. 99% is not enough. 50% is way too little.....aim for 100%

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You do know the majority of reroll FOTM snipers/gunslingers are very bad at it right? If you have trouble with them (why are you trying to take them head on in the first place?), try coming at them from behind. Those that are new to the class mistakenly think they are turrets, instead of the run and gunners that they are. So they will just sit there tunneling while your chopping them to bits from the back. By the time they get that they are dying its too late.
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We were underrepresented before. We're becoming properly represented now. Consider it a natural check on melee domination.


And yeah, newish 50s often have no idea how to use their cooldowns.

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I think they are becoming the FOTM. As an infil shadow I win all 1v1 if I get the jump. However, if I find myself fighting someone and a sniper decides to focus me I'm toast. The SMART snipers/GS will avoid attention and 1v1s and focus someone that is already targeted. Man they can be NASTY!
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