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So a Guardian with Unremitting jumps me and Master Strikes


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Unremitting is the talend giving immunity to knockback / stun / push. What do I do short of eating a full rmaster strike?


ITT: Some talents really need to go.




The timer for the root applied begins when he leaps, not when he lands.


You move.


Bad PvPer is bad.

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I can't answer that without knowing your class, but I just Spike or Force Speed to get out of it.


For most classes you'll end up slightly behind in CC/resolve (takes a pretty strong CC to get out of Master Strike with KB immunity) but it's still better than taking a full Master Strike.

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Unremitting blocks all CCs.


Realistically, if you don't have force speed (or other movement speed), you just sit there and take it, same you would with an Assassin Shrouding to burn Harnessed Darkness charges.

Edited by Lymain
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I can't answer that without knowing your class, but I just Spike or Force Speed to get out of it.


For most classes you'll end up slightly behind in CC/resolve (takes a pretty strong CC to get out of Master Strike with KB immunity) but it's still better than taking a full Master Strike.


Unremitting makes you immune to everything for 4 seconds. No CCs, no Pushbacks, nothing. If they specced for stagger, you're going to stand there and pout for 3 whole seconds (enough time to eat the whole Master Strike) while they go to work. But considering that Guardians/Juggs have no stuns in that spec it's about the same as getting stunned and having a big opener dropped on you.

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Unremitting blocks all CCs.


Realistically, if you don't have force speed (or other movement speed), you just sit there and take it, same you would with an Assassin Shrouding to burn Harnessed Darkness charges.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't grant you immunity to stuns. It's only KBs/pulls. At least I've never seen anyone continue doing a Master Strike when I spike them, and Charge -> Master Strike is something I see at least 5 times every WZ so I'd think someone's got to have that talent speced.

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The timer for the root applied begins when he leaps, not when he lands.


You move.


Bad PvPer is bad.


Bad response is Bad.


3s root. The only thing to do here is CC breaker [lol] and force speed away. Simple running will not work. Oh not to forget he pushes me and leaps again. If i'm unlucky and his Overhead Slash or Plasma brand procs ravage, I eat another one.


Your move.

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Unremitting is the talend giving immunity to knockback / stun / push. What do I do short of eating a full rmaster strike?


ITT: Some talents really need to go.


Providing your class/spec would help

Edited by Gidoru
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Okay so I looked it up and that talent is not on the tree for Smash bombs which is probably why I don't see it very often.


So I guess the only way you're getting out of that is a Force Speed. But the tree in general just doesn't seem very strong, or at least I sure don't see very many people use that tree except for Huttball runners.

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Okay so I looked it up and that talent is not on the tree for Smash bombs which is probably why I don't see it very often.


So I guess the only way you're getting out of that is a Force Speed. But the tree in general just doesn't seem very strong, or at least I sure don't see very many people use that tree except for Huttball runners.


You're right that few people spec it but its not really bad. If you're properly geared you can easily pull 3.5k crits with overhead slash, maybe higher. 2.5k-3k with force scream at 100% crit chance. Not to mention that you can reset Master Strike. The damage is good but probably not as bursty as rage.

Edited by Gidoru
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Bad response is Bad.


3s root. The only thing to do here is CC breaker [lol] and force speed away. Simple running will not work. Oh not to forget he pushes me and leaps again. If i'm unlucky and his Overhead Slash or Plasma brand procs ravage, I eat another one.


Your move.


Three second root starts from the leap. Meaning that it's a 1.5 second root because of the GCD. If he moves, it cancels. You just walk out of the way. You may eat 2, but to eat all three...only if you suck.


Also, the same applies to Unremitting. It lasts 4 seconds from the leap. Meaning....meh, it's only really effective for 3 seconds.


Sorry man, you are crying over your inability play.

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Three second root starts from the leap. Meaning that it's a 1.5 second root because of the GCD. If he moves, it cancels. You just walk out of the way. You may eat 2, but to eat all three...only if you suck.


Also, the same applies to Unremitting. It lasts 4 seconds from the leap. Meaning....meh, it's only really effective for 3 seconds.


Sorry man, you are crying over your inability play.


Cant walk out of the way fast enough without a speed/leap. The last tick will finish up to 10-15 meters if he's facing you or not. Well out of initial strike range. It was a nice little stealth buff to keep people from just side stepping the damage. With stagger on you will eat it all. And God help you if they hit you with an overhand slash or plasma brand afterwards and reset the cooldown on MS. Push, leap, repeat. So no, he's playing right. You're just a gear-dependent PvPer.

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Cant walk out of the way fast enough without a speed/leap. The last tick will finish up to 10-15 meters if he's facing you or not. Well out of initial strike range.




the insane range of the final tick basically prevents most every non hard CC counter. try to run? get hit at 15 m...

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Okay so I looked it up and that talent is not on the tree for Smash bombs which is probably why I don't see it very often.


So I guess the only way you're getting out of that is a Force Speed. But the tree in general just doesn't seem very strong, or at least I sure don't see very many people use that tree except for Huttball runners.


I really don't know why people don't play this tree more. I gues the big rage numbers are pretty on the eyes. I am the sith equiv (vengeance) and its not uncommon in close games to go 300k+ damage and 300k protection without much effort besides moving guard and taunting appropriately. If running in Shien stance (not sure the rep equiv) you can put constant pressure on just about anyone and the resource refund means alot more uptime. The two trees play a lot different but i feel both are very viable.


As for the original posters question, unstoppable is immuned to pretty much anything CC wise. It can be a pain to get hit with a full ravage as well. I think i have around 35 crit/78% surge and with the 10% damage increase from the pvp set bonus and relic/adrenals i have landed 6k+ crits with the last swing on light armor opponents. Rarely you can get the triple crit ravage and then your talking a total of 9-11k damage.

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Three second root starts from the leap. Meaning that it's a 1.5 second root because of the GCD. If he moves, it cancels. You just walk out of the way. You may eat 2, but to eat all three...only if you suck.


Also, the same applies to Unremitting. It lasts 4 seconds from the leap. Meaning....meh, it's only really effective for 3 seconds.


Sorry man, you are crying over your inability play.


You can not walk away, I suppose you do not play much PVP. The first two ticks of master strike are pretty much instant and the third tick will still hit you at about 12 meters. Unless you play a sage / shadow [imp. counterparts] you simply can not walk out of the master strike / ravage. 3 Seconds is exactly the length of MS / ravage meaning one thing = you will eat it.


As previous poster said, if the guardian is lucky and gets his MS reset, he can do this all again [Push -> Leap -> MS].


Honestly the only class I truly fear in PvP is a well played Vigilance Guardian / Vengeance Jugger. Fortunately almost nobody plays them.


Also I play assault commando but the class honestly doesn't matter. The only thing to counter this is CC breaker + force speed or Smuggler / Imperial Agent defensive cooldown [the one giving 100% dodge]


EDIT: bookmark this thread and read it a month or two from now. I guarantee you Vigilance Guardian / Vengeance Jugger WILL be the next fotm.




Juggs have the same talent, and I don't know about you, but I appreciate this special because without it, it disrupts my planned sequence of attacks if I jump and then I'm the one pushed back or stunned.


I'd accept if the talent made them immune to KB / interrupt but not STUNS for christ.

Edited by HTPRO
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Unremitting is the talend giving immunity to knockback / stun / push. What do I do short of eating a full rmaster strike?


ITT: Some talents really need to go.


Juggs have the same talent, and I don't know about you, but I appreciate this special because without it, it disrupts my planned sequence of attacks if I jump and then I'm the one pushed back or stunned.

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Solutions for reducing damage taken by master strike without pressing directional movement keys:


Marauder: Force Camo (Best choice to not eat the full channel), Saber Ward (2nd best choice due to long CD), Cloak of Pain.

BH (any spec) : Pop Shield.

Sin: Deflection, or Force Cloak, or counter with HS-ed Lightning

Op: Dodge, Combat Stealth.

Sorc: Bubble, Channel heal self, they have to stop channeling their spell to interrupt yours.

Sniper: Dodge.

Jug: Friendly Leap away. Saber Ward.

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You can not walk away, I suppose you do not play much PVP. The first two ticks of master strike are pretty much instant and the third tick will still hit you at about 12 meters. Unless you play a sage / shadow [imp. counterparts] you simply can not walk out of the master strike / ravage. 3 Seconds is exactly the length of MS / ravage meaning one thing = you will eat it.


As previous poster said, if the guardian is lucky and gets his MS reset, he can do this all again [Push -> Leap -> MS].


Honestly the only class I truly fear in PvP is a well played Vigilance Guardian / Vengeance Jugger. Fortunately almost nobody plays them.


Also I play assault commando but the class honestly doesn't matter. The only thing to counter this is CC breaker + force speed or Smuggler / Imperial Agent defensive cooldown [the one giving 100% dodge]


I think the reason no one plays them is that warriors/knights are so underpowered during the leveling process. You have to wait till level 31 before they even get anywhere close to being good. at lvl 24 when you get force choke, it feels like christmas at your parents when you have lived with your jewish grandparents for 5 years.

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You can not walk away, I suppose you do not play much PVP. The first two ticks of master strike are pretty much instant and the third tick will still hit you at about 12 meters. Unless you play a sage / shadow [imp. counterparts] you simply can not walk out of the master strike / ravage. 3 Seconds is exactly the length of MS / ravage meaning one thing = you will eat it.


lets not forget the 50% snare you are also saddled with when fighting a competent mara. theres no walking away, even with lightning fast reaction time and no snare applied its tough to escape the 12-15m final hit.

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