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bad players with attitude


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Funny story that happened today.


I was selling something on fleet channel, and a marauder asked me for the price, i asked him for an offer and he trolled me. That's fine, but when i set a price in response to his trolling, he told me to L2P.


I asked him, what do gaming mechanics have to do with marketing ? to which he replied : Shut up and l2p scrub.

Then i asked him, do you want to duel? to which he replied : stop being childish now i know u are bad.


Upon my insistence, we dueled 5 time and i won all 5 duels, he then started to whine how operatives are broken and deserve to be nerfed ( i play concealment dps), then /spit and ignored me.



Now, onto you i say : You know you are bad when you can not even see exactly how incredibly bad you are and blame everything but yourself upon failure.


Moral of the story (TLDR) : Don't talk smack if u cant back it up.


p.s. he was mostly WH geared.

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What, operatives are still in the game? Bet you stunlocked him till he logged off.


I wouldn't have bothered to duel him though- just put him on ignore. Otherwise you are busy dueling all day long with the new player waves who are all 2500+ Glads who keyboard turn :)

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Funny story that happened today.


I was selling something on fleet channel, and a marauder asked me for the price, i asked him for an offer and he trolled me. That's fine, but when i set a price in response to his trolling, he told me to L2P.


I asked him, what do gaming mechanics have to do with marketing ? to which he replied : Shut up and l2p scrub.

Then i asked him, do you want to duel? to which he replied : stop being childish now i know u are bad.


Upon my insistence, we dueled 5 time and i won all 5 duels, he then started to whine how operatives are broken and deserve to be nerfed ( i play concealment dps), then /spit and ignored me.



Now, onto you i say : You know you are bad when you can not even see exactly how incredibly bad you are and blame everything but yourself upon failure.


Moral of the story (TLDR) : Don't talk smack if u cant back it up.


p.s. he was mostly WH geared.


I run into these tools a lot, especially the ones that think they're hot **** because they have WH gear. As if that was any indication of skill and not just time invested :p


I suspect that these forums are overflowing with these people as well. Your story was pretty entertaining though :D I remember running into a lot of people like this back when WoW was starting to become really popular.

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Funny story that happened today.


I was selling something on fleet channel, and a marauder asked me for the price, i asked him for an offer and he trolled me. That's fine, but when i set a price in response to his trolling, he told me to L2P.


I asked him, what do gaming mechanics have to do with marketing ? to which he replied : Shut up and l2p scrub.

Then i asked him, do you want to duel? to which he replied : stop being childish now i know u are bad.


Upon my insistence, we dueled 5 time and i won all 5 duels, he then started to whine how operatives are broken and deserve to be nerfed ( i play concealment dps), then /spit and ignored me.



Now, onto you i say : You know you are bad when you can not even see exactly how incredibly bad you are and blame everything but yourself upon failure.


Moral of the story (TLDR) : Don't talk smack if u cant back it up.


p.s. he was mostly WH geared.


LOL Best part.

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Funny story that happened today.


I was selling something on fleet channel, and a marauder asked me for the price, i asked him for an offer and he trolled me. That's fine, but when i set a price in response to his trolling, he told me to L2P.


I asked him, what do gaming mechanics have to do with marketing ? to which he replied : Shut up and l2p scrub.

Then i asked him, do you want to duel? to which he replied : stop being childish now i know u are bad.


Upon my insistence, we dueled 5 time and i won all 5 duels, he then started to whine how operatives are broken and deserve to be nerfed ( i play concealment dps), then /spit and ignored me.



Now, onto you i say : You know you are bad when you can not even see exactly how incredibly bad you are and blame everything but yourself upon failure.


Moral of the story (TLDR) : Don't talk smack if u cant back it up.


p.s. he was mostly WH geared.


a mara calling for nerfs on other classes? that's classic, i can't stop laughing..

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Speaking of bad player attitudes, PvP shouldn't be about the gear, it should be about skill, which is why 10-49 is more fun than at 50. I already have a decent geared Jedi Shadow but haven't played him for a while, while I levelled my Commando to 50. I went into my first 50 match with my Commando with my level 49 gear to see the reaction. Two people said "What the fk are you doing here?", too which someone other than me replied "playing the same game as you that he also pays for" :)


Nice reply, but is a lot of bad attitude at 50. The two whiners instantly quit because I was there, the one that defended me stayed for a bit but I assume quit because the other 2 had left making us uneven. However, we ended up winning the hutt ball match in the end so was sweet justice.


PvP at 50 is being ruined by the gear and recruit gear is currently useless and needs buffing.


But yeah, the attitude of some players is why I've mostly avoided MMO's and PvPing. Now, I just put them on ignore.

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I thought an Operative who had full cooldowns and gets the opener on a maurader usually wins. Is that not right? Seems like operatives are almost built for it to me.


lol no, not even close. I don't even break on their opener and let them take me down to 50% and I still burn them down from 100%-0% faster than they can get me just to 20% after letting them burn me down to 50%. Only the EXTREMELY good players can do any real damage to me and even then its an uphill fight. I feel bad for operatives, the class is gimped(dps wise) and I have mad respect for anyone who does well with them in concealment spec.


The nerf's they got were ridiculous and they definitely need to get a bone thrown their way soon.

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I thought an Operative who had full cooldowns and gets the opener on a maurader usually wins. Is that not right? Seems like operatives are almost built for it to me.


Nooooooo. Definately not. A concealment operative can blow every cooldown with opener advantage and he still should not kill a marauder 1vs1 under any circumstances.

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The sad part is he lost to an operative. I mean props to the OP for repping a completely gimped class, but still, that marauder was pretty terrible.


lol.. a good player playing an op is still quite deadly.. just because they can't double opener anymore doesn't make them a bad class. i love playing my op, reminds me of my rogue in wow.. just have to play smart and pick your battles.. just like any stealth class should.

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did he unsub? thought that was a big issue with operatives and stuff.


Ya most people are legends in their own minds these days. i have no such illusions of how bad i am.


At least you made him eat it.

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