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PvP Gear Grind - Is It Too Much?


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Hello All,


I wanted to start off by saying that I like SWTOR very much and I have been playing since go-live. I have 3 level 50 toons of which my Assassin is by far my favorite. I have been playing, mostly PvP, to get my Battlemaster gear since my assassin was my latest 50. Now that I have him fully geared in BM, took about 2 weeks, I wanted to focus on getting my War Hero pieces.


Unfortunately, this is where I realized that a piece of WH gear takes about 1-2 weeks to obtain, which means it would take me 6+ months to get full War Hero gear.


I understand that people who play a lot more than I do, which I play on average 20 hours a week, should have some advantage in terms of time spent vs. value gained. However, there is a huge difference between Battlemaster Gear and a fully augmented War Hero gear in regards of effectiveness.


I would even tolerate this grind if it wasn't for the fact that in order to get the best out of my character, I would have to buy many War Hero pieces in duplicate just so I can optimize my gear using the right Mods/Enhancements. This is also a whole another topic where we should be able to purchase individual Armoring, Mods, and Enhancements.


Given the situation SWTOR is in, I just wanted to give my feedback as a paying customer, who happens to like SWTOR very much, and reflect on what could potentially make me lose interest and quit playing SWTOR.

Edited by coerCez
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Compared to other games in the genre the gear grind in SWTOR is laughable


I disagree. I played Dark Age of Camelot in which you can have the best gear to PvP in a matter of weeks. Same with Guild Wars 1. You can even have the best PvP gear in WoW in a matter of 4-6 weeks...

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I find grind in PvE perfectly acceptable as it is part of the experience but in PvP it is not about grind.

PvP is made to be able to confront other players and show them who is the best at what he does not show them how long you've been grinding for.

For example, would a new F2 Driver, extremely talented be against really bad F1 drivers ?

These bad F1 drivers would beat him because they have been in the business for longer not because they are better !


PvP for me NO GRIND

PvE I'm ok with GRIND

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I disagree. I played Dark Age of Camelot in which you can have the best gear to PvP in a matter of weeks. Same with Guild Wars 1. You can even have the best PvP gear in WoW in a matter of 4-6 weeks...

Different experiences I guess, could be because I focus mostly on PvE gear, but from what I have played SWTOR is near the easy side of the scale.

I'm not saying it as a bad thing, it makes it easy to experience the different classes without having to invest to heavily into one character, but it's still not one of those grindy MMOs where the gear takes months to get

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Different experiences I guess, could be because I focus mostly on PvE gear, but from what I have played SWTOR is near the easy side of the scale.I'm not saying it as a bad thing, it makes it easy to experience the different classes without having to invest to heavily into one character, but it's still not one of those grindy MMOs where the gear takes months to get


I would agree with you in terms of PvE. However, if you read my post carefully, I make no mention of PvE but rather PvP. I should maybe change the title to give more clarity.

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Well I would guess War Hero gear takes time to get because it's just marginally better than Battlemaster on the battlefield, and as the top tier gear lvl currently is granted after having played a lot of PvP.


It also seems set up for ranked warzones, and should be easier to get when that is implimented

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The question you have to ask yourself is, why am I grinding for this gear and what am I going to do when I have it all?


The answer to this is, yep more WZ because there is no R v R aspect to the game where having the best gear will actually help both you and your faction.


So if you can deal with that then there is no point in viewing the accumulation of PVP gear as a grind, its just a way of gradually min/maxing your toon whilst you play the only available PVP content that is open to you.



Please note that mine is just an opinion and there are others available from different people or even from me if I change my mind or have had a drink.

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Pvp gear grinds are tricky. On one hand, you want to reward players for the time they've put in, give them something to aspire to. On the other hand, when new players come into the tier against people who are fully geared, it's a bloodbath, so much so that unless you do something new players will stop playing. Opening up new warzones, instead of just gear access seems to be a better idea--although of course, that too is population-dependent.


I know personally I am not thrilled with any of the gear grinds in ToR--and I level up alts instead, which is more fun than grinding credits to get "starter" pvp gear, or grinding dailies to repeat flashpoints to accumulate enough gear to do operations...


Suggestion: new pvp maps built with the existing flashpoint geography. You could do some capture the flag-type things with some of those maps. Or just some ffa death matches--maybe add some traps, bonuses, etc. By using the existing environments, I'd think you could knock them out pretty quickly? Nothing complicated, just something new.

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The PvP gear grind isn't as bad as it was when the game came out. As long as you do your daily once a week you're almost guaranteed one piece a week counting 3 wins a day. Also, BM gear is very easy to obtain. Almost felt like I wasted money on recruit gear.


Also, you can put mods in legacy pieces and mail them to your alts. I just bought WH boots for my alt and mailed the mods and I'm buying gloves today on my alt. ;)


So now since my main is full WH I can get the gear twice as fast on my alt.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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It also seems set up for ranked warzones, and should be easier to get when that is implimented


This ...


Right now, we only have the ability to get Ranked WZ comms by trading in normal WZ comms, Daily and (finally) a weekly that gives 3x instead of 1x. I think the intention was to have other means of getting the Ranked Comms if the Ranked WZ system had gone in, just as I could get the other comms from the previous system (Champion and Battlemaster).

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BM gear can be achieved without even trying and cannot even be compared to the RNG system that it was. WH gear is just a time sink but still fairly easy to get your bare bones set, getting your gear min/maxed is another story but still just a time sink.
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You should beat the guy in front of you because you know how to play your class better, not because you grinded a million warzones.


If they want PVP in this game to be taken at least semi seriously the gear grind needs to go. Recruit and BM are easy to get, but I think they went too far with War Hero, and the worst part is that they will probably keep adding more tiers of gear in the future, so players will be forced to grind more gear unless they want to fall behind on the gear race.

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War hero is only a long grind because they did not introduce ranked warzones when they introduced war hero gear. If you received 130 ranked warzone tokens for winning instead of what is essentially 1/3rd of that, we would not have a problem.
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The difference between BM and WH gear is marginal to a point it doesn't make a very large difference. And BM gear is extremely easy to complete. So no, the gear grind is not too much. Recruit makes you useful, BM makes you competitive, WH is mostly about bragging rights for experience.


Course with the new weekly giving 300 of each comm now it will be even easier. So you got what you want.

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The difference between BM and WH gear is marginal to a point it doesn't make a very large difference. And BM gear is extremely easy to complete. So no, the gear grind is not too much. Recruit makes you useful, BM makes you competitive, WH is mostly about bragging rights for experience.


Course with the new weekly giving 300 of each comm now it will be even easier. So you got what you want.


I am sorry but you are comletely wrong. When you look on the surface there doesn't appear to me much difference. However, when you look at Assassin BM gear for example, there are no Power/Surge Mods/enhancements available in BM gear and it is available for WH gear. Also, the implant and earpiece for WH have much better optimized stats on them. The difference between a fully BM geared player vs. a fully WH geared player can be as much as 20-30%.

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I am sorry but you are comletely wrong. When you look on the surface there doesn't appear to me much difference. However, when you look at Assassin BM gear for example, there are no Power/Surge Mods/enhancements available in BM gear and it is available for WH gear. Also, the implant and earpiece for WH have much better optimized stats on them. The difference between a fully BM geared player vs. a fully WH geared player can be as much as 20-30%.



QFT. Basic war hero is derp, but when you start modding the crap out of it watch out.

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Sure min/max stuff is going to perform better and that should be hard to obtain and fairly rare to the average joe. But BM and regular WH gear is competitive with it. Or at least have no problem competing in WZs with my non-min/max WH gear. If you want to max everything out then it should take time. Gear grind in this game is very casual friendly. Whether you think it is or not.
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Sure min/max stuff is going to perform better and that should be hard to obtain and fairly rare to the average joe. But BM and regular WH gear is competitive with it. Or at least have no problem competing in WZs with my non-min/max WH gear. If you want to max everything out then it should take time. Gear grind in this game is very casual friendly. Whether you think it is or not.


I have an issue with your statements here. First of all, why wouldn't anything be available to Average Joe? Especially in a PvP environment? PvP should be about the way you play your character and not how you dress them. Secondly, you are downplaying the effectiveness of min/maxing to a great degree. Thirdly, why should min/maxing take time at all? The purpose of PvP is not to collect marks and achieve Maxed Gear. That is for PvE so that you can buildu p your character. The Purpose of PvP is to compete aginst one another in an even playing field.


If what you are saying is that there shouldn't be an even playing field and Average Joe shouldn't be able to compete, I fully disagree with you.

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