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Community Team General Update: May 31st, 2012

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Bob: So... What would you say you do here?


Joveth: I already told you people!! I take recommendations from the customers and I bring it to the programmers!!


Bob: So you take the specs from the customers and physically take it to the programmer?


Joveth: Well no... My assistant does that...


Bob: So... What would you say YOU do here?



Hehe, sorry community team just reminds me of Office Space.


Keep up the good work!

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Great... but we dont care who you are and what your roles in bioware are.


If you have no information regarding the future of this game, the patch notes, a short list of "things that are going live within next 30 days" or "things that will be going live within next 60 days", the entire introduction is exactly as this post - worthless.


Who is the "we" referenced in this post? I didn't realize there was some sort of vote to elect a spokesperson for the entire player-base? I must have forgot to check the forums that day.


Also, nobody in their right mind puts a 30 or 60 day timeline on any type of software development. If someone promised X features in 30 days or a game release in 30 days, they'd get flooded on day 31 with people claiming they "lied" and complaining that the features or game are "late". It's extremely rare to find anybody in software development that would provide something like what you're talking about so it's completely unrealistic to expect any from BW to provide that for you, let alone the community team (who, btw, aren't the developers in case you weren't aware).

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I'm one of the people who is immensely enjoying this game (sadly in the minority...) and it's great to see the Team (capitalized or not?) taking an even more active role in the game! Hope it goes well and productively for you.


Random Emoticon Story just for you!


:) > :rak_01: > :confused: > :rak_02: > :rak_08: > :eek: > (Insert munching noises) :rak_01::rak_01:


P.S. What spec do you play, Courtney?

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I'm one of the people who is immensely enjoying this game (sadly in the minority...)


We are NOT the minority. The reason there aren't tons and tons of people posting here how they are loving the game is because they are busy playing the game. :)

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This was kind of already addressed, but would it be possible to get some sort of "fringe ideas" blog where bioware can share information on stuff that may or may not make it into the game? With some sort of disclaimer so it's not like BW giving their word that we can hold them to. We get all sorts of answers like "we can't talk about this until it's 100% sure" so it would be really neat if those kinds of answers would be directed into this sort of blog or whatever. It would at least give us an idea of what the devs want to do, regardless of whether they're going to do it or not.
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Okay here is one...


I really hate the current structure of the "Weekly/Monthly Q&A" type things. It feels like the Devs pick the "Easy" questions from them and just ignore the "Hard" and meaningful ones. When we ask questions about gameplay, inevitably the Dev team will respond with something like, "And yes! We will have emotes on speeders soon!"


I'd want, when the community does something like this, for harder and more significant questions to be asked. It just seems like all the questions that ever get asked are kind of "puff ball" and don't focus on real issues.


If you read the whole thread it seems that hard questions will continue to get glossed over. /sigh

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nice to meet you...please don't release all the important info on twitter or blogpost and forget to put it on here. Also make speeder bikes speedy...the way they move right now they are more like slow bikes.
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Sure you don't mean Sorcerer? :jawa_wink:


Nope. :D


The Sorcerer may have *more* lightning than I do, but there's no way I'm giving up my double-bladed saber. It also doesn't mean I don't use Shock, Force Lightning, or Electrocute every chance I get. :sy_darkside:


\m/ 0.0 \m/

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Well i am playing your games since i was 12.(Now 26)I rememer baldur's gate,nwn,i even know the time when MDK II hits (didnt played it,it wasnt my style :p) but from what i saw,i know you are great designers.I played Dragon Age,(lol even my gf is fan of this game)which its ending was really epic.People were hailing and yelling to you to your last encounter.Interactions with companions were great.Music were the best...Played ME too.Sheperd was a great leader example.Dialogues were very well written.


I wasnt writing anything else to forums because i was thinking i am lacking some english.But seeing light servers isnt good and watching rude people all blames instead of trying to make something positive is worser than that.(Especially this ''I left swtor,lets do it all'' campaigns.I dont know if they are employees of your rival companies) So i wanted to talk a bit.First of all,i am a roleplayer and both pvp/pve type.I grow up with D&D pen and paper games.Mostly behind the DM screen.(That could be the reason why i like your work) But not just with D&D,i learned nearly all pen&paper rpg systems in time.This includes Saga Edition which you've used in Kotor 1&2.Yup...Love star wars.Lol its funny to think like everyone knows better than developers.Their behaviors like that.If we can think some ideas,which we only play,you are making money from it.You'll think twice better than us.Funny...I am following this game right from the day it announced,and this is my 3th or 6th post at forums.I wont say ''Add this'' or ''Add those'' like other people.I trust to your work.I am keeping my subscribe,but i cant play with this low population.I hope everything will be fixed with some time.I want to come back.

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Man i read the first few comments from people and within the frst 10 comments there are a few that are complaining the community managers are actually saying something!!! Man the community has been whinging for monthsthat the managers dont get involved and now that theyvare stepping up to the plate.. People still complain... Just cant please some people.


I think this is an awesome step forward and a big kudos to the management team. I still hold that some of the community modoraters are a little overzeolous with their banning/closing of threads and comments... But i cant wait to see what happens in the near future with a bigger involvment from the team on the forums... I will say im a little sad that i didnt see anyone was a BH... /wipes tear from eye. I guess i will just hope to run into one of you one day in pvp and show you the glory that is bounty hunters!

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I usually don't use the forum, just read it, and my only contact with swtor staff is through in-game live agent chat, where we, if needed, discuss bugs i reported ;) Not much, but I'm very greatful for such brilliant care that you guys (in-game AND in-office) have for us. I played lots of MMO, but still, this is the first one with such wide open contact with players. Bravo! :)
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Nice a change is always good.


But i am concerned about the European Community team. I played from the first day of early access and before and after the launch the European Community team was silence in all the way. Even with issues about beta testing and more stuff and we didn't hear squad from them. I hope with this change that is going to change because i see the same person there that is leading that team.

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Great! Thank you for introducing yourselves. Also, for what I could see by the number of your replies on this thread, the situation is already improving. Kudos to that! I hope you keep the pace.

Looking forward to read your profiles too :)

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HELL YEAH !! Finally !!! :D You guys probably must have read some of my posts regarding communication between your side and ours so, you know how I've waited for this to happen !! I can't wait to know who's going to be responsible for the PvP community :D I'll be following every step he'll make xD


Sad no one of you plays Sorcerer.... :D You fail to experience the true power of the Dark Side! just messing around, now to serious matters:


first, I suggest you to change dev tracker if you're going to be active on the forums :p something more.... structured, organized, I dunno, scrolling down dozens of posts searching for the information we want to know (PvP, Crew Skills, Space, you know this better than me) might become hard.


second, how are you going to handle forum organization ? I've only recently took active role on the forums (as I've said somewhere, when things are going on the right direction, people don't come to forums and play the game, when things aren't so good, people come here complaining :D that's my bet on why there's so much whining) but I see an huge number of posts regarding the same thing, posted by different people (I've done it myself). I noticed you started to close threats and redirecting people to the threats. Are you planning on changing the subsections structure of the forum so people can search for what they want faster? I mean, I need to try to guess by posts title (and there are some that don't say nothing at all about the threat) if it will be referring to something I want to know...


third, how will the policy regarding future updates on the game and communication with us? Will you remain almost silent about what features are you thinking about implementing ? I know it's good to surprise costumers and I've already posted my thoughts about this regarding PvP so I won't extend here, but (that's only my opinion and it counts for what it is) I couldn't care less about Legacy (with all the insane prices I still haven't bought anything) when Ranked isn't deployed. Could be that the people developing Legacy don't know how to implement Ranked, I don't know. Will you ask for our opinion on some developing features ?


forth, I've seen you're going to sticky posts with news so everyone can read them, but I still think I shouldn't hope some costumer who follows twitter to have the kindness to come here sharing important details that are posted there. Not to mention 3rd party interviews but those are harder to miss.


finally, I have no idea why pools aren't allowed anymore, as someone said on a post this week, some people see topics and just don't give their opinion because they don't want to write an answer. Giving a vote is a lot easier. Even if the pools were made by you, allowing to figure out the general community feelings about some hardly discussed topics (I've been on some regarding RWZs and if PuGs should or shouldn't be allowed to queue for them just as an example) so it could be more controlled. I've seen an interesting topic on PvP asking for people to vote for their favorite WZs in order. It's funny to see that generally people like the WZ that requires faster reactions and it's the only one where DPS/Healing/Tanking isn't the most crucial aspect of winning or loosing. But the threat poster needs to have a huge work to see every single reply and update the threat. So, there are advantages on pools but for some reason unknown to me, they were removed for us. Will any of this change ?


Thanks for reading everything (I read every single one of your posts here so I think were even :D) and let's make this game the epic game it has the potential to become!

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Nope. :D


The Sorcerer may have *more* lightning than I do, but there's no way I'm giving up my double-bladed saber. It also doesn't mean I don't use Shock, Force Lightning, or Electrocute every chance I get. :sy_darkside:


\m/ 0.0 \m/


I felt that too but that is exactly why weapon restrictions need to go away.


Especially for saber users. Should really be able to use any saber you want.


Anyone that played Jedi Knights: Academy know what I am talking about.

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Hello new Community Team.


Hopefully, the changes you made will indeed have a positive impact on how developers are able to respond to the community needs. Unfortunately, I am in the camp that believes that Bioware developers can't handle the task of running a big MMO and no amount of PR will change that.


I'm sorry - I know you guys from Community Team are excited to make things better but I honestly believe that you will have a hard time due to how developers of this game work. I have already accepted the fact that I have to play mediocre MMO just because I love Star Wars and have friends in the game.


I also dare to have a first task for you. There is an excellent, constructive post in Suggestion Box, one of top viewed ones although relatively young one. There has not been a single dev response to that thread. It's about the very foundation of your game - engine. Please ask a developer to constructively respond to this thread. Please ask them not to give a one line "We are working on that" response as well:



Edited by vandana_
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OMG I'm Finally Home! So I woke up today to go to work for 5pm est an I ALWAYS read the forums omw to an while on break at work an I have been laughing an happily entertained all night. I work 5 pm to 5 am 5 days a week and sometimes Sunday night. I play an Imperial Agent (Sniper AC) an I'm level 48 on The server "Kinrath Spider" named Timinis. Now I have toons on others servers (The Swiftsure because of the Populations peak times) but not The Fatman. First I'd like to say to Courtney Woods....Is Pa-chow something you regularly say? I would have sued Pis-ku (like a laser) being snipers an all ^_^ I do it all the time lol. Down to business, I wish you to Highly reconsider the time spent on dwelling an revisiting the idea of the server specific forums. With my schedule an people like me it is imperative to have quick an easy access to our server out of the game. That is just my reason some others are Organizing events, guilds, static party's, World boss downing, The list goes on for reason we need Server Based Faction separated forms after things smooth out in the future with transfers an there after.

Thank you and Welcome graciously to the community


p.s. If the paying customer is God to the profitable video game industry, does that make you our voice an the dev's hand our will? lol I don't know thought of it last night ^_^

Kirby's Dance Party

p.s.s :D if you have to cut some of the message out to reply I'm so fine with that <( " " )> (> " " )> <( " "<) <( " " )>

Specific server forums is something we will very likely revisit in the future. No promises, but we definitely hear feedback regarding them.
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Ok, so if this community team is really here to listen and do something for the community...listen up!


We really need transfers!

Put 1.3 on hold and have the whole dev team just work on that.


I plan to be here until the end, but even I'm wondering why I should continue to pay $15/month for a single player RPG?


"It's coming" "We are working hard on it" does not give the community hope...deadlines do.


Of course the response will be "we'll tell you when we can tell you." In the mean time, the un-sub counter keeps rising cause the community has nothing to look forward to, except, "checks in the mail! No really it is!"

^ this * 1,000. For the love of god I don't care about any features of 1.3 that I couldn't wait months for and more.... I really really just want to play an mmo... you know... with people.

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