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What is happening to this game? Community mismanagement.


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I honestly think that all of you went into this game expecting far too much. I went into this game with 0 expectations, no granade I am on the fat man server so I do not have the fustration of being on a dead server. Those of you that are I feel for you I really do; this reply is not about population it is about game content.


Granted I am a casual player and a one character guy, due to the fact that I have no alts I was able to grind the war lord title. Once again because I went into this game with no expectations whatsoever I am actually enjoying it. I agree the server population problem is a huge issue; however I think most of you expected too much too fast. That is in my opinion the real issue here.


When you set your expectations low enough, even playing with rocks can be entertaining enough for $15 /mo. :rolleyes:

Edited by Dezzi
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Do not expect anything at end game ? You did not read my post it all did you? I famed the Warlord Title aka valor rank 90. You can not get more end game than that
oops I missed that. Well, did it meet your expectations then lol?
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oops I missed that. Well, did it meet your expectations then lol?


Yeah. I go into everything in life with 0 expectations. I have learned the hard way that in the business world having expectations will leave you constantly disappointed. So you have a attitude even tends to carry over into video games. Lol

Edited by Zergnaut
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Yeah. I go into everything in life with 0 expectations. I have learned the hard way it in the business world having expectations will leave you constantly disappointed.


I feel extremely sad for you.

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For those of you on the dead servers I feel for you and this statement will not apply to you. There's plenty to do in this game the problem is people or just not doing it. Tonight for example 15 of us attacked the republic based on illum. It was turned into 20 of us vs like 30 republic. It was a lot of fun. Sadly the people on dead servers are unable to do things like this. This proves once server transfers come out this game should do fine. Considering world pvp will not exist in guild wars 2 and it's completely dead in world of warcraft I am happy with this game currently. Btw even know there was less imps we still won. :D Edited by Zergnaut
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hah... so are you calling it PRO? Pet Rocks Online ?


No I am saying you are either on a dead server, in which case I feel for you I really do. I mean if that's the case there is nothing you can do, or you are not taking it upon yourself to do things like I mentioned in the above post. I am sorry the game makers are not going to hold your hand. Take it upon yourself to get things going. We did that for 2 hours last night and drank while doing so chilling in vent. It was a blast.

Edited by Zergnaut
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I have to say I disagree with the OP here. I have been leveling many characters with my housemate and it makes a very different 'planet' story. Sure your class story missions are for you and they play out how you decide, but the meta plot for a planet, very different solo compared to teamed.


Also I can't help but think that you are a very RP heavy player, your examples say to me you like to stand around in an in game bar and RP with other like minded people, and that is great! But saying that its community mismanagement that has made it so you can't do that is wrong. If you want that so much find the RP server with the biggest number of players and make friends and have bars and parties and all that, go for it. Have fun and be happy. But saying that they don't care or any of that is wrong, just plain wrong. I would join your party for a little while, but standing around in an in game bar is not my idea of fun, I would prefer running around saving the galaxy with, as you put it, THE jedi knight. And that is only when not teamed. When you are teamed you are THE jedi knight with THE smuggler, and together you are awesome!


Just saying.


My 2 cents.

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I have to say I disagree with the OP here. I have been leveling many characters with my housemate and it makes a very different 'planet' story. Sure your class story missions are for you and they play out how you decide, but the meta plot for a planet, very different solo compared to teamed.


Also I can't help but think that you are a very RP heavy player, your examples say to me you like to stand around in an in game bar and RP with other like minded people, and that is great! But saying that its community mismanagement that has made it so you can't do that is wrong. If you want that so much find the RP server with the biggest number of players and make friends and have bars and parties and all that, go for it. Have fun and be happy. But saying that they don't care or any of that is wrong, just plain wrong. I would join your party for a little while, but standing around in an in game bar is not my idea of fun, I would prefer running around saving the galaxy with, as you put it, THE jedi knight. And that is only when not teamed. When you are teamed you are THE jedi knight with THE smuggler, and together you are awesome!


Just saying.


My 2 cents.


This 100 and 10 percent. Bioware can only do so much to make a community but the players have to step up at some point. Bioware gave ownership of the game to players at launch but it's up to the player on what to do with it.

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No I am saying you are either on a dead server, in which case I feel for you I really do. I mean if that's the case there is nothing you can do, or you are not taking it upon yourself to do things like I mentioned in the above post. I am sorry the game makers are not going to hold your hand. Take it upon yourself to get things going. We did that for 2 hours last night and drank while doing so chilling in vent. It was a blast.


Lol... what? My post wasn't even directed at you... but to answer your question when I log on I am lucky if there are 10 other level 50's online and 50 people on the entire server. I also disagree that there is plenty to do in this game. Other games offer things like fishing or other activities that allow for you to DO something during low pop. The trouble is it's always low pop when I am on =/


I have played several MMO's and in all the ones I have played none have been as bad as this for server pops.

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Read pretty far through this, but really cant finish reading the whole thread. I agree 100% with the OP here, and loads of the suggestions replied after. Really, a big thing I think that was missing from the game, is an open world. These planets were so small, and so linear. There is really no exploring to do in this game. It lost my interest in beta really.
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This 100 and 10 percent. Bioware can only do so much to make a community but the players have to step up at some point. Bioware gave ownership of the game to players at launch but it's up to the player on what to do with it.


So what you are trying to say here is that the game mechanics/architecture has nothing to do with the community at all? Limiting the interaction with gamers and letting them drive content has nothing to do with how the game was designed?

Let's take EVE online for example. The game allows you to make your own sub factions and allows you to take over territory that may have an abundance of resources. The game allows player structures to be built, placed, and maintained in certain regions of the game. Therefore the player from day 1 can set out to find an area in which they can claim as their own.

So my question is........ what exactly can the community do to feel as if they "own" or can claim some form of ownership with this game?

Now the game allows others to attack each other and declare war on your corporation. Now if none of these features were implemented in the game the community would be different.


I totally disagree with you. The community is based on the environment or game for this situation, which the community is limited to the confines of what the game development team chooses. Whether or not it was intentional or unintentional the environment that the game developers implement actually effects how the community functions.

Edited by Sinfony
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So what you are trying to say here is that the game mechanics/architecture has nothing to do with the community at all? Limiting the interaction with gamers and letting them drive content has nothing to do with how the game was designed?

Let's take EVE online for example. The game allows you to make your own sub factions and allows you to take over territory that may have an abundance of resources. The game allows player structures to be built, placed, and maintained in certain regions of the game. Therefore the player from day 1 can set out to find an area in which they can claim as their own.

So my question is........ what exactly can the community do to feel as if they "own" or can claim some form of ownership with this game?

Now the game allows others to attack each other and declare war on your corporation. Now if none of these features were implemented in the game the community would be different.


I totally disagree with you. The community is based on the environment or game for this situation, which the community is limited to the confines of what the game development team chooses. Whether or not it was intentional or unintentional the environment that the game developers implement actually effects how the community functions.


While I agree with you that features and mechanics shape a game and so somehow the community, I disagree they completely limit what you can do. That's where players have to choose to do what they want or not.


Nothing stops players to have big PvP battles on many planets, yet it almost never happens. There's no chat bubbles but you can still RP if you want to.


So sure, TOR limits you but it's known years ago even if marketing and PR tried to hide it.

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An MMO community is far different from a SPRPG community, and Bioware has never quite sorted the differences. They treat the SW:TOR community the same way they would treat a ME or DA community, and you just can't do that if you want your community to be at all forgiving.
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So what you are trying to say here is that the game mechanics/architecture has nothing to do with the community at all? Limiting the interaction with gamers and letting them drive content has nothing to do with how the game was designed?

Let's take EVE online for example. The game allows you to make your own sub factions and allows you to take over territory that may have an abundance of resources. The game allows player structures to be built, placed, and maintained in certain regions of the game. Therefore the player from day 1 can set out to find an area in which they can claim as their own.

So my question is........ what exactly can the community do to feel as if they "own" or can claim some form of ownership with this game?

Now the game allows others to attack each other and declare war on your corporation. Now if none of these features were implemented in the game the community would be different.


I totally disagree with you. The community is based on the environment or game for this situation, which the community is limited to the confines of what the game development team chooses. Whether or not it was intentional or unintentional the environment that the game developers implement actually effects how the community functions.


Well then I raise you this. WoW had a fairly decent community prior to the launch of the Looking for Dungeon tool. But unlike Eve where the whole aim of the game is to go out and steal stuff (say the territory and that you mentioned) WoW had and Swtor has communities that support and help one another from time to time. And there are voice options specifically for when you are grouped! To me it sounds like stuff is there, you just want something that the few want and you are trying to shout the loudest to attempt to get what you want.


I have found there is a community here if you look, and for the most part they are cool, good, fun people to be around. But I say again, you are asking for RP elements. There are RP servers, go play on them, and I am not saying what you are after is wrong. But maybe, just maybe if you got enough people on an RP server and all wanted specific things and there was a sizable amount of you, then maybe something could happen, but I will not sit by and watch as noisy, loud people rant and rave about things 'we all' want in the game. I have no problem with things like what is being asked for coming to the game. Say if housing or whatever came in I would be ok with it, provided I wasn't forced to do it, like I personally get the whole 'farm' thing in WoW will be. But I don't want the game as I love it to suffer as a result. :)


Thanks for reading.

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Well then I raise you this. WoW had a fairly decent community prior to the launch of the Looking for Dungeon tool. But unlike Eve where the whole aim of the game is to go out and steal stuff (say the territory and that you mentioned) WoW had and Swtor has communities that support and help one another from time to time. And there are voice options specifically for when you are grouped! To me it sounds like stuff is there, you just want something that the few want and you are trying to shout the loudest to attempt to get what you want.


I have found there is a community here if you look, and for the most part they are cool, good, fun people to be around. But I say again, you are asking for RP elements. There are RP servers, go play on them, and I am not saying what you are after is wrong. But maybe, just maybe if you got enough people on an RP server and all wanted specific things and there was a sizable amount of you, then maybe something could happen, but I will not sit by and watch as noisy, loud people rant and rave about things 'we all' want in the game. I have no problem with things like what is being asked for coming to the game. Say if housing or whatever came in I would be ok with it, provided I wasn't forced to do it, like I personally get the whole 'farm' thing in WoW will be. But I don't want the game as I love it to suffer as a result. :)


Thanks for reading.


It is absolutely absurd that you think adding any feature to the game is a bad thing.

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It is absolutely absurd that you think adding any feature to the game is a bad thing.


I think the problem is more about what features are added.


We are from different communities and are wanting different things for the game.

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Dont forget the lack of 8 man pvp groups, ranked warzones, and cross server warzones has killed the pvp community.


There are an awful lot of PvPers active here on the general discussion forum for a dead community.

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There are an awful lot of PvPers active here on the general discussion forum for a dead community.


Think about what you said there, and why they might be active on the forums.

Hint: waiting for their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to run out.

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I wanted to throw in something that would add a little more life to the game. I like alot of the suggestions focused on social aspects such as pazzak and sitting in chairs and making the cantinas usefull as social hubs and such.


Remember in KOTOR when your companions would stop in the middle of questing with something to say? I really liked that aspect. It gave your companions more life imo. Also I like the quests in KOTOR that didn't revolve around killing a bunch of stuff. Remember the quest on Dantooine that gave you information by questioning NPC's about what happend involving a murder and you had to figure out who the killer was?


Or the family fued involving two lovers of different families and your involvment determined the outcome. These little missions were well thought out and made you feel like a wise jedi.


Plus there was that mission on Tatooine that had you dissable some droids that a guys crazy wife set to explode if he moved. These missions required you to think a little and put away your lightsaber. I think SWTOR version of this would have been kill 15 crazy droids, kill 30 suspected killers, kill 20 fueding family members.


I really like KOTOR

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