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Turned off lvl 50 pvp straight away


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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.

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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.


hey be happy that you can buy pvp gear now that has expertise in it.. the old way you got tromped over and over till you got enough commendations to buy some expertise..it is way easier now than it used to be

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And yet it still doesnt make a difference /shrug


As the pvp tiers get higher the beginners are left in the dirt. My point is that its just not fun to be facerolled over and over again. Pvp would be much better off just getting rid of expertise altogether.

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And yet it still doesnt make a difference /shrug


As the pvp tiers get higher the beginners are left in the dirt. My point is that its just not fun to be facerolled over and over again. Pvp would be much better off just getting rid of expertise altogether.


1) it makes a huge difference.

2) that is the nature of pvp.. it has always been the way pvp has gone and always will go.. gear makes a differnece.. i dont know a single mmo where it doesnt when it comes to pvp.


sorry to say this.. i thought for a while just like you, but those people that have better gear have it because they did alot of pvp to earn it.. and if you did pre 50 pvp you should be able to buy one or two pieces of decent gear with commendations. so really you shouldnt complain

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The difference between full recruit gear and full war hero is not that big. Two people in recruit gear should easily be able to take out a person in full war hero.


If you're getting stomped it's probably because you're running into premades with good communication and class balance.

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And yet it still doesnt make a difference /shrug


As the pvp tiers get higher the beginners are left in the dirt. My point is that its just not fun to be facerolled over and over again. Pvp would be much better off just getting rid of expertise altogether.


And then people who got their gear through Operations would have an advantage over those who just PvP to get gear. Not to talk about balancing PvE and PvP stats....


Get a premade to help you. Enter a guild.

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Pvp would be much better off just getting rid of expertise altogether.


Why do you new 50s never understand this.


Get rid of expertise and i would still faceroll you. Why? Im going to have 5-7k more HP than you. Im going to have several hundred more mainstat that you. I have 30% crit, 75% surge and a ton of bonus damage that you simply cant compete with. More armour mit, higher rating weapon and last but not least- more experience being a level 50 in PvP.


Remove expertise, its not going to be a fair fight anyway.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Thats fine they can get gear for pvp. But im not going to waste days of getting my face stamped into the ground. I want player vs player... Not player vs gear. Im talking about the expertise. There is no longer skill involved. Its just another grind for gear and hope u have more expertise then the next guy. Ifthata te way swtor wants to head. Thats fine but im not going to waste my time.


I wanted to enjoy pvp in this game but apparently its not for me. I guess the gear grinders can have fun with the same people over and over again....

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Why do you new 50s never understand this.


Get rid of expertise and i would still faceroll you. Why? Im going to have 5-7k more HP than you. Im going to have several hundred more mainstat that you. I have 30% crit, 75% surge and a ton of bonus damage that you simply cant compete with. More armour mit, higher rating weapon and last but not least- more experience being a level 50 in PvP.


Remove expertise, its not going to be a fair fight anyway.


So by your own admission pvp is not fair or balanced and no longer revolves around skill.... Thanks for the support :)

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So by your own admission pvp is not faiR or balanced and no longer revolves around skill.... Thanks for the support :)


If by "fair" you mean a guy who just dinged 50 has the same gear as a guy who has done 15 days in a warzone? No.


You dont actually want "fair" you want to instantly be on a level playing field with those who have invested more time. That is by definition, not fair. PvP is fair, you put in the time like we did (which is nothing now, my guildie got full BM in 2 days flat at the weekend from fresh 50), you get the same gear- then we can have an equal fight based on skill.


Again, only somebody who doesnt actually understand PvP in this game would complain about expertise, since as i explained you can remove that and you would still get smashed. What you guys want is PvP with no stats at all- im sorry but thats not a RPG or MMO anymore, so its not going to happen.


Simply put, if you dont want any player to ever have a statistical numbers advantage over you? better play Street Fighter.


Edit: the time it took you to come here and complain you could have earned a BM item...

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Thats fine they can get gear for pvp. But im not going to waste days of getting my face stamped into the ground. I want player vs player... Not player vs gear. Im talking about the expertise. There is no longer skill involved. Its just another grind for gear and hope u have more expertise then the next guy. Ifthata te way swtor wants to head. Thats fine but im not going to waste my time.


I wanted to enjoy pvp in this game but apparently its not for me. I guess the gear grinders can have fun with the same people over and over again....


It takes a week (lol 3 days if you are nolifing it on a weekend)...To get FULL BM

SO play the teamgame until then. You will be surprised aboutt the amount of WZ sheenanigans you can do that doesn't involve BEASTING other with big damage numbers/kills.


Picka a utility spec for your class and go to town..

Edited by Druru
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first off, this forum has a pvp-section, this topic doesn't belong in general...


and now to the actual topic:


USE this as an advantage, damnit. play bait! if you pvp a lot you will get to battlemaster in 1-2 weeks now. it used to take forever, so stop complaining.



which class do you play? it could be helpful going into your specific class forum and ask for tips there. we all have been a fresh 50 at a point, and some of us might be able to give you some hints on what to do (do you have any stuns? use them and you will be helpful for your team! can you stealth? can you heal? can you guard someone? do you have any burst damage skills you can use on an enemy already attacked by one of your team mates?)


yes, it is frustrating getting face-rolled.. but as a healer, I tell you what: there are classes that still get the obvious target on their head, always having 3-4 people attacking us right away. first it's because we're an easy target, fresh 50 with the hp and expertise and obviously the SKILL lacking, and eventually because we're an actual threat.


death is part of PVP. being useful for your team is where it's at

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Stop ************ and do what i do "eat it" lol that is all there is to it. They were there first put thier time in and have the equip i dont have. So you die fast and get destroyed so what? pug with deathers lately same damn thing.

Plan ahead prepare best you can then get destroyed for a week or so to get what is need in order to put up a bit of a fight.


That is the way it is and how it goes if you dont like it there is a little red x at the top right hand corner use it.

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If by "fair" you mean a guy who just dinged 50 has the same gear as a guy who has done 15 days in a warzone? No.


You dont actually want "fair" you want to instantly be on a level playing field with those who have invested more time. That is by definition, not fair. PvP is fair, you put in the time like we did (which is nothing now, my guildie got full BM in 2 days flat from fresh 50), you get the same gear- then we can have an equal fight based on skill.


Again, only somebody who doesnt actually understand PvP in this game would complain about expertise, since as i explained you can remove that and you would still get smashed. What you guys want is PvP with no stats at all- im sorry but thats not a RPG or MMO anymore, so its not going to happen.


Simply put, if you dont want any player to ever have a statistical numbers advantage over you? better play Street Fighter.


Ur right i want a level playing field... It called player vs player that should be pitting raw skill mano e mano against another person. No stats purely cosmetic gear as rewards would be perfect. Gear and stats is the way of the past. New mmos are trying to bring the skill concept back to the genre... Look at the secret world as a perfect example!


Pvpers are just scared that they wont have their expertise and higher stats to hide behind anymore if tha goes. They wont be as good as they are now. Heaven forbid tey will actually have to try in pvp again. I remember a time before resilience (and pvp gear for that matter) in wow. It was amazing.

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Level 50 pvp unfair? I totally agree with you. It is simply unfair that I had to spend hundreds of hours in PVP to get my 1300 expertise gear just to be bashed by someone like you. My 'fellow' PVP-er, we all had to go through what you are going through. Actually, that is not true. In december I was fighting as a lowbie full champ/bm level 50s in my warzones. So yeah, a few of us had it worse than you. We were also insulted and yelled at for joining warzones without gear. I used to get bolted to death in seconds by sorcs and harassed over the warzone because I was an easy target. You think you have it tough?


Do you see how easy it is to grind BM gear? Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to grind my last 3 BM pieces? I opened 35 bags for 1 BM token. Yes you ready it correctly, thirty five. In any case, the sooner you acknowledge that until you get half BM gear on you, imps will make mince meat out of you, the better it will be for you. PVP is actually enjoyable once you get to know a few people or have a guild who enjoys playing.


You want to take away my expertise? Not a problem, I will PVP with my Augmented Rakata/Blackhole/Campaign gear.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Ur right i want a level playing field... It called player vs player that should be pitting raw skill mano e mano against another person. No stats purely cosmetic gear as rewards would be perfect. Gear and stats is the way of the past. New mmos are trying to bring the skill concept back to the genre... Look at the secret world as a perfect example!


Pvpers are just scared that they wont have their expertise and higher stats to hide behind anymore if tha goes. They wont be as good as they are now. Heaven forbid tey will actually have to try in pvp again. I remember a time before resilience (and pvp gear for that matter) in wow. It was amazing.


That's a fun example, wow pre-resilience and pvp gear when the best pvpers were grinders that had higher stats because they spent their time raiding.

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hell i remember pvping at level 20 fighting guys who were level 50.. getting tromped because i lacked not only pvp gear but half of my skills in order to play the game.. but i did it anyway, gathered commendations, worked and busted my butt... then they removed 50s from standard pvp,


then my level 50 had some good pvp gear, not the best but good, i still got creamed by those who had better gear... but i kept fighting..

my wifes char dinged 50 recently and she bought the new recuit pvp gear , and lo and remiss i saw that she had more expertise than i did? i was furious because she could buy better stats than i worked hard at...but ya know.. i never really complained... i kept working got better gear. etc



such is the game op.. things change. eq changes.. either you change with it or you stop pvping.

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hey be happy that you can buy pvp gear now that has expertise in it.. the old way you got tromped over and over till you got enough commendations to buy some expertise..it is way easier now than it used to be


The gap difference between a fresh 50 vs a Battlemaster geared 50 pre-1.2 is pretty much the same as fresh 50 in recruit vs War Hero augmented geared 50 post-1.2, WH aug'd players hit hard and 12% resist from recruit isn't enough.


But it IS much easier to go full battlemaster now.

Edited by Sookster
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I am afraid OP that PvP is just not for you - you lack the patience to gear up in what is the shortest route to end game gear in any mmo I,ve played in the last few years. If you lack the patience for that I doubt you will have the patience to develop the skills required to go with it.


If you arrive at 50 with 2000 commendations, you have sufficient to get a BM weapon to go with your recruit gear, 2 WZ,z later and you will have enough for your first BM armour piece. 6 or 7 losing WZ,s later you will have enough for your second piece and you first set bonus. And so it goes on from there.


Depending on time played its relatively easy to have a BM set in a week or two, and assuming you do your PvP dailys/weeklys you will have collected a fair supply of ranked tokens to start on your WH set.


Compare this to something like Warhammer where it takes up to 6 months of being stomped by better geared players to get to end game gear even if you play 8 hours a day and it doesnt seem too bad a system.

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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.


Well maybe for you it doesnt help.

However for me I am so glad they put in recruit gear because not only they are instant upgrade pvp and pve for fresh 50s they procide me with ~800 expertise where I can really PvP. I routinely killed people in partial WH and full BM and I actually replaced my full recruit with full BM in about 4 days...


My 2 new 50s that benefit by recruit gears and EFFECTIVELY killed most better geared PvPers.


I can see average Joes struggling without some gear advantages however.

It goes like this

ME in full recruit vs Most others in full BM/Partial 60-70% chance to win.

But ME in recruits vs MYSELF in BM, the recruit version of myself will of course get pwnt everytime.

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Well maybe for you it doesnt help.

However for me I am so glad they put in recruit gear because not only they are instant upgrade pvp and pve for fresh 50s they procide me with ~800 expertise where I can really PvP. I routinely killed people in partial WH and full BM and I actually replaced my full recruit with full BM in about 4 days...


My 2 new 50s that benefit by recruit gears and EFFECTIVELY killed most better geared PvPers.


I can see average Joes struggling without some gear advantages however.

It goes like this

ME in full recruit vs Most others in full BM/Partial 60-70% chance to win.

But ME in recruits vs MYSELF in BM, the recruit version of myself will of course get pwnt everytime.


ya the op basically is wanting a way to be on a level playing field with people who have been 50 for a while... and little does he know that recuit gear is that leveled playing field.. i have been tooled by guys in recruit gear before.. and ive killed them..it happens.. since new 50s gets expertise from the get go it is far more balanced than it used to be.. and like this poster said, it now comes down to skill more than gear than it ever has.

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Hate to break it to the original poster:


You would still get facerolled in the 50's bracket even if you did have the same gear. Why? I'll be blunt. You have no skill. If you think skills matter in the 1-49 bracket then I'm sorry, nobody can possibly help you. The 1-49 bracket is about which team has the most number of players who competently know the strategies and objectives of the map.



Enter the 50's bracket where they're facing people who hit 50 back in January or December. People who evolved the PvP metagame to what it is now. People who defined the most effective strategies used in the map. People who have had months of practice using all the skills in their repertoire. People who know the slight nuance of the game mechanics.




You dont understand that the reason your being facerolled is three fold:


1) They out gear you.

2) They vastly out-skill

3) They have much more relevant experience than you do

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1) They out gear you.

2) They vastly out-skill

3) They have much more relevant experience than you do


True. Though with BM set their gear is not that much better.

They will faceroll you on other aspects though. Heavy focus fire, Guarding healers, fighting together and getting you all drawn into their AOE-damage, taunting, strategic placement and lots of passing in Huttball. et cetera et cetera

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You have no skill.


haha skill in a gear based game, thanks for the laugh.


Recruit = 16% damage / 12% reduction

Battlemaster = 20% damage / 16% reduction

War Hero = 22% damage / 18% reduction


WH will straight up do more damage to you and take less damage from you not to mention recruit gives you 13K health, oh yeah skill.

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