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Why is "community" just your server?


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I never understood this logic.


Why is the "community" not everyone who plays the game? It seems like if people thought in a much larger scope we could actually form a real community on this game.


"Protecting" little groups on individual servers feels very anti-social to me, not community building at all.

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Because the odds of running into someone on a different server twice are pretty low... on a single server reputation matters. Community is a long term thing.


I guarentee at some point an x server grouping tool will be needed in a limited way (try finding 4 people to do a leveling instance in wow... just aren't many people in that range I know it is 5 for that game but the point stands that after a few xpacs leveling up grouping will be WAY to rare).... but building long term teams is a high point of an MMO for a lot of people.

Edited by Crazy_Person
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the one thing i noticed in wow before the LFG tool was that not alot of ppl acted like jerks when grouiping for dungeons cause they didnt want to build up a bad reputation and not get any groups again. but for the LFG tool they had 8 different servers linked together so the odds of seeing the same person again was slim to none. so alot of ppl got very free with rude and disrespectful behavior and in not too much time after that almost the entire game community was poluted and volitile.
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I never understood this logic.


Why is the "community" not everyone who plays the game? It seems like if people thought in a much larger scope we could actually form a real community on this game.


"Protecting" little groups on individual servers feels very anti-social to me, not community building at all.


It's easy to understand. Your average ninja looter or jerks on one server will never be held to account because they commit thier misdeeds on some other random server.

Edited by stineo
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Because the odds of running into someone on a different server twice are pretty low... on a single server reputation matters. Community is a long term thing.


I guarentee at some point an x server grouping tool will be needed in a limited way (try finding 4 people to do a leveling instance in wow... just aren't many people in that range I know it is 5 for that game but the point stands that after a few xpacs leveling up grouping will be WAY to rare).... but building long term teams is a high point of an MMO for a lot of people.


This sums it up pretty nicely.


You got your local community (your server) and then you got your more distant community (X server LFG/WZ's and forums and such).

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It's easy to understand. Your average ninja looter in one server will never be held to account because he commits his crime on some other random server.


"some random server"


Why can't we all talk to each other no matter where we are in the game?


Plus stuff like that is easy to fix with a proper system in place.

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the one thing i noticed in wow before the LFG tool was that not alot of ppl acted like jerks when grouiping for dungeons cause they didnt want to build up a bad reputation and not get any groups again. but for the LFG tool they had 8 different servers linked together so the odds of seeing the same person again was slim to none. so alot of ppl got very free with rude and disrespectful behavior and in not too much time after that almost the entire game community was poluted and volitile.


They don't talk about Barrens chat because it was nice...

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They don't talk about Barrens chat because it was nice...


I see the same amount of trolling right now on my server and it does not have anywhere the numbers they did in the Barrens.


Stuff like that is really a non issue, trolls will troll no matter what. It should not prevent the larger community from forming.

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"some random server"


Why can't we all talk to each other no matter where we are in the game?


Plus stuff like that is easy to fix with a proper system in place.


So no "servers" then? Just shards? I would love this!!


But this is tech that I am sure is well beyond the devs at this point. Maybe someday... but certainly it can't be done now or in the foreseeable future, unfortunately.


So in the meantime, our main community is our "server", for the reasons the other posters have already said.

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So no "servers" then? Just shards? I would love this!!


But this is tech that I am sure is well beyond the devs at this point. Maybe someday... but certainly it can't be done now or in the foreseeable future, unfortunately.


So in the meantime, our main community is our "server", for the reasons the other posters have already said.


I do like your thinking but even if we could just all talk to each other and form groups, would be a nice start.

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They don't talk about Barrens chat because it was nice...


trolling ppl with chuck noris jokes i dont think qualifies as being a jerk (atleast not to me, maybe a dork lol) im refering to ninja looting for the sake of upsetting someone, or pulling bosses and then leaving the group, things along those lines.

Edited by GooseGrims
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the one thing i noticed in wow before the LFG tool was that not alot of ppl acted like jerks when grouiping for dungeons cause they didnt want to build up a bad reputation and not get any groups again. but for the LFG tool they had 8 different servers linked together so the odds of seeing the same person again was slim to none. so alot of ppl got very free with rude and disrespectful behavior and in not too much time after that almost the entire game community was poluted and volitile.


Yeah... because good natured people suddenly lost their mind and went crazy... <rolls eyes>


I've said this before, but it bears repeating. You group more often so the frequency you run into people increases ergo the frequency you run into both good and bad people increases. When it took hours to get a group together so you would only run one to two groups a night and are now running 5-10 of course the frequency of which you run into bad people will be 5-10x's as much.


The argument is that most of the people out there are good people but add in a cross server LFD tool and the majority of them lose their mind and go crazy becoming nasty ninja looters is preposterous.

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I've said this before, but it bears repeating. You group more often so the frequency you run into people increases ergo the frequency you run into both good and bad people increases. When it took hours to get a group together so you would only run one to two groups a night and are now running 5-10 of course the frequency of which you run into bad people will be 5-10x's as much.


and i guess this bears repeating, yes the more you run dungeons the chances of running into a rude person are increased, but when you link servers together like in WoW for example where you Queue wth 8 different servers the amount of rude players dramaticly increases not only cause you are linked with so many servers but because more players tend to be rude with ppl they have a good chance of never seeing again.


building a "Server Community" incurages ppl to be a little more respectful so they arent ignored by the entire server. not that there isnt some sad person out there that would just that lol.


now in no way am i saying not to merge servers that needs to happen, but i really hope they never add cross server queues.

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I never understood this logic.


Why is the "community" not everyone who plays the game? It seems like if people thought in a much larger scope we could actually form a real community on this game.


"Protecting" little groups on individual servers feels very anti-social to me, not community building at all.


Because of object-oriented programming and environments. Separate loot tables cause some of the shenanigans that happen to have a larger impact that what you see on the surface.


Thus the move to mega-servers is a good one.

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The first rule of X-server LFG is there is no X-server LFG.


No seriously the main reason is to build up a sense of community and it is easier to keep track of the hundreds of players on your server than the whole community.


I personally wouldn't be opposed to a X-server LFG if there was an option in the LFG finder (i.e. a checkbox) to allow X-server PUGs so ppl who want to stay with their own local community then they can, but ppl who want to roll the dice with a random PUG can also do that.

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People who can't understand what a server-wide community is, are mostly your Wrath-babies. Or people who came from games with server sizes so small it's like a regular community once you've combined via a finder. You don't understand it because you've never had the benefit of one. The analogy of community being your own town is a good one. You can't really say everybody in the world is part of your actual community. The same for a server, think of that as your virtual town.


People saying there was never a community are either bold faced lying, or have been on some of the worst servers in the world, or are Wrath-babies. Either way, your view is skewed compared to what a real community is for the majority of servers most of us are referring to. Thus, although I pity you, your view is invalid, if you're truthfully saying your server was full of such rampant ninjas and trolls. I've migrated so several servers over the years, some better than others, but none of them were what these "never had a community" naysayers want you to believe.


To the people who think a loot-system should be put in place. Why? Why should a program do the policing when we could simply police ourselves? Why would you want people to queue as tank, although obviously they can't do the role just yet, just so you're happy that they can't fill slots they need so you can have a ninja-free run? Want to make sure your run is ninja-free? Do something that's a somewhat lost art and actually communicate with your party members, and establish some loot priorities. Problem solved, and no robot was present to do the job for you, hell, maybe you might even make a friend or two..

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