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"The game is not linear single-player" -James Ohlen (flashback Q&A)


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Saw this Q&A link posted on mmorpg.com forums, the Q&A article was from March 12, 2011.


How much is instanced?

JO: The game is not linear single-player. Alderaan is 7-8 World of Warcraft Zones in size. Phasing is used, but it is not everywhere.

DE: Phasing is used to ensure pivotal plot points are immersive. No lines to fight bosses. Everything to Cloud City an example - Luke goes off to fight Vader alone. (cloud city not mentioned as in game, only as example)

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The same James Ohlen who said a bunch people hitting a single monster was not heroic and something they would not be using for endgame?


And also the same James Ohlen that believed there was a conspiracy on Metacritic about TOR?



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The same James Ohlen who said a bunch people hitting a single monster was not heroic and something they would not be using for endgame?


And also the same James Ohlen that believed there was a conspiracy on Metacritic about TOR?



Yeah he is always worth a good laugh.

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Maybe that was before they went into full-fledged panic get something out the door mode? Before developers broke down in tears as feature after feature was slashed and burned and pillaged like a defenseless medieval town?


Anyhow James Ohlen, SWTOR is more linear than the DMV at lunchtime.

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If you guys hate the game and the devs so much, why are you still here?


The game still has two things going for it: Star Wars and BW's superior story-telling. Unlike, say, Blizzard, BW knows how to find good writers. And if this game weren't Star Wars it would be the biggest flop of all time.


But still, it has those two things, and it's not dead yet, so until it's clear it's dead there are still plenty of fans hovering around waiting to see.

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