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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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Meh my mistake i thought they could.


But still I've played with a sage healer since early access and he dies maybe 2-3 times a match. But this is a guy that knows how to play sage and knows how to los instead of standing still.


The whole argument of saying a healer cant withstand a dps is idiotic as they only ever meet in a 8 v 8 warzone and its down to teamplay and havign skilled players.


The skilled sage healer who didn't know what he could cleanse and what he couldn't. I've heard such myths.

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Any class is an "I win" class when playing against bad players or the scrub swg players.


That's true, but I have absolutely no idea how that is relevant.


That's like saying someone who can 10,000,000 DPS can be beaten by someone who does half that amount, as long as the other guy is blind with no limbs.

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Why would anyone even need to argue this fact...


Pyro pt's can do 800k dmg on single target burst, resulting in kills most of the time.


Madness sorcs can multidot targets, most likely not resulting in a kill but it pads the meters well.


Most people know that Pyro pt's are much better than sorcs are, and would agree that dps specced sorcs are one of the worst pvp classes at the moment.


Pretty sure that pyros that really want to top charts are going to tab target that flame burst and railshot. If you focus a target, they tend to die without intervention from the other side. Dead players don't take damage, bunch a bunch of alive players that can be healed quite easily, take A LOT of damage.


DPS sorcs are reliant with the "in your face classes" (mara, jugg, sin) Having some of those on your side, increases the sorc's dps substantially.

Edited by Jarfunkz
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So I guess pyro mercs just need to be a BIG BUFF to be on par with pyro pt.


Yes. Yes, they do.


I've been rooting for you guys since launch, even when there were tons of you spamming tracer missiles at me as Arsenal.


Seriously BW, at least give these guys an interrupt.. :c

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Pretty sure that pyros that really want to top charts are going to tab target that flame burst and railshot. If you focus a target, they tend to die without intervention from the other side. Dead players don't take damage, bunch a bunch of alive players that can be healed quite easily, take A LOT of damage.


DPS sorcs are reliant with the "in your face classes" (mara, jugg, sin) Having some of those on your side, increases the sorc's dps substantially.


I'm not even sure what you're trying to say.


Mara jugg and sin are in almost every warzone now.. I don't see sorcs doing any better, they're always a squishy target and they just explode instantly.

Edited by Slashtwo
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I'm not even sure what you're trying to say.


Mara jugg and sin are in almost every warzone now.. I don't see sorcs doing any better, they're always a squishy target and they just explode instantly.


If you spam dots on everyone and keep DPSing targets that get healed back up to full, instead of bursting things down as a team, you can get high damage numbers that mean nothing. That's what he wants to say and it's true.


Not to say that high damage numbers never mean that you helped your team...

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If you spam dots on everyone and keep DPSing targets that get healed back up to full, instead of bursting things down as a team, you can get high damage numbers that mean nothing. That's what he wants to say and it's true.


Not to say that high damage numbers never mean that you helped your team...


Or in a fight on NC, or voidstar... sometimes civil war, you can use all your energy, including recharge cells usage and use AOE every cd to considerably SOFTEN up the entire enemy team, making it so much easier for other classes to take down individual targets.

I prefer using mortar +explosive surge spam to take every under 50% hp, making it very easy for my team mates to kill them

Edited by Dmasterr
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I'm not even sure what you're trying to say.


Mara jugg and sin are in almost every warzone now.. I don't see sorcs doing any better, they're always a squishy target and they just explode instantly.


He's talking about the proximity aggro effect of melee classes, taking pressure off the sorcerer.

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Or in a fight on NC, or voidstar... sometimes civil war, you can use all your energy, including recharge cells usage and use AOE every cd to considerably SOFTEN up the entire enemy team, making it so much easier for other classes to take down individual targets.


The problem with that is that the AoE is usually countered with AoE healing at those spots.

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The problem with that is that the AoE is usually countered with AoE healing at those spots.


Man, 3 healers cant keep up with 2k+ crits elemental spam on all targets. You need to consider there are other ppl doing damage besides me.


And i have a 75% chance to crit with it

Edited by Dmasterr
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Man, 3 healers cant keep up with 2k+ crits elemental spam on all targets. You need to consider there are other ppl doing damage besides me.


And i have a 75% chance to crit with it





75 percent really?

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Man, 3 healers cant keep up with 2k+ crits elemental spam on all targets. You need to consider there are other ppl doing damage besides me.


And i have a 75% chance to crit with it


Thats really nice. But this thread is about Pyros. Not about IF hybrids. And as a pyro spamming explosive surge is a bit pointless usually.

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Thats really nice. But this thread is about Pyros. Not about IF hybrids. And as a pyro spamming explosive surge is a bit pointless usually.


You will have 30% less BASE crit true, but you will have much more +damage. And u can use the +25% crit cooldown. which results in pretty much the same, if not better.

Edited by Dmasterr
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LOL, pyro aoe is basicly pathetic, and the last time I check nobody said anything about hybrd build or prototype build. Or Pt haters now actually just wanna nerf the prototype build because of their amazing aoe and cc which can kill a whole team in a wz if they just gather around and just sit there for 30 secs-1min?
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I have 42% from gear, 30% from talents and i use a crit relic.


Add +15% on stockstrike from set bonus.


still trying to figure out how you're getting 30% extra crit from talents. I think you're talking about bonus critical damage, in which case you're a reading comprehension failure. max crit bonus from talents is ~ 6% for tech abilities, ~ 12% bonus for fire effects (really only matters for flame burst). So, with a tech base crit of ~ 36-39%, that works out to a 45% base tech crit with talent benefits, and a 51% max crit for fire effects, not including the effects of cooldowns which will mess with any attempts at number gathering (any class gets an opportunity every few minutes to chain cooldowns for impressive performances).


also, if you're using the stockstrike set bonus I'm assuming you're not pyro, no real pyro uses stockstrike bonuses, its all railshot. you might be advanced prototype, but advanced prototypes are fairly balanced in PVP atm, only people that get destroyed by them are idiots trying to facetank a full PFT.



EDIT: NVM, you use the inefficient ironfist build. ironically, that build is hard-countered by pyros. gotta love it.

Edited by KBSIP
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Sorry in that case the problem is not the Pyro.


Because obviously you would have had no problem, the PTs must suck on your server. :rolleyes: Oh wait, you are a PT, sorry.


BTW, ever burn down a guarded healer? Ever see what it does to the tank? LOL He didn't have to hit me until the healer was dead.

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Continue to play poorly and you will not reap any good results. Stay out of that 10m range and pt are very harmless.

I heard melee are really good at kiting Powertechs and dealing no damage to them. I try to avoid staying out of 10m all the time.

You are actually known for failed pve groups, I am not sure why you are on a pvp forum talking about an activity which you are very limited with. We welcome your input, but it isn't a very educated opinion with your limited success and expertise in the subject.

LOL WHAT? Pretty sure you have the wrong person as ive literally never done any PvE in this game past BT at level 10. Might wanna know what you're talking about before you make a claim like that.


Second of all im a 7 time Glad in WoW. You probably couldnt break 1600. And yes, its a different game and yes its basically the same thing and skills from WoW are 100% transferable to this game so please dont try to claim otherwise.

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