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Mega Servers and name issues


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They shouldnt make it a forced merge, That way you clog up the server with all the inactive players from the 'dead' servers. If they have to do it themselves you will get your active players into this 'new' server.


As for double names, You came up with an 'original' one before so im sure you can do it again. I would certainly transfer myself aswell if the option ever arrives. Although ops and Warzones are not entirely uncommon theres only a timegap of around 3 hours in which you dont need a 5 lightyears que to enter. Especially now that more and more people left for other games.


Overall it'd be a wise idea to gather up the people from the smaller population servers into 1. Legacy is a thing that i dont have an opinion about cause i for one didnt invest into it at all yet. None of the functions seemed to be worth it except for the ones that are noted as: To come in 1.3. However i do see that it can be painfull for those that did invest money into it.


In short:

-Allow people to transfer to another server if even for a price. (If name exists transferred player has to rename - You can be original a second time)

-Dont merge entire populations (Inactive players will be doubled/tripled etc.)

-Legacy might be an issue to those who invested alot into it. Speaking for myself i dont see what the giant pro's of it are. Sure its a money loss but youll get it back more easier with a larger population to buy your stuff.

-Without all of this and with the still ongoing population decrease you can either hope that they do implement it and accept these small downsides or end up never being able to play warzones/ops anymore due to your server dying eventually.

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I wonder how many people that know they are gonna have to transfer are getting all paranoid about their char names and removing them from their forum sigs?:)


Also, I reckon guys are already creating place holder toons on the servers they hope to transfer to so they can at least protect their mains name:p


I remember guys offering considerable amounts of in game money to buy their names back from people that already had the name when server merges happened in AIon.

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why would a large guild want to stay on a dead server? that doesnt make sense at all.....



Why would anyone want to remain on a dead server?


My point is that larger guilds shouldn't take high priority simply because server population isn't as big a deal to them, as they can find groups by asking guild members.


I'd say people in smaller guilds or guildless should take priority as they would need the larger population to be able to find a guild or find more people for their guild or get groups going, etc.


Would I be wrong in guessing you are in a big guild and would like to migrate with priority, hence your suggestion?

Edited by frobalt
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Why would anyone want to remain on a dead server?


Would I be wrong in guessing you are in a big guild and would like to migrate with priority, hence your suggestion?


Dunno if you would be wrong about that, but you could well be wrong in just assuming the guy is a PVE only player and is not desperately seeking a larger player base so that he can and his Guild can have people to PVP with?


PVP kind of sucks when there is only one 'P'

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Why would anyone want to remain on a dead server?


My point is that larger guilds shouldn't take high priority simply because server population isn't as big a deal to them, as they can find groups by asking guild members.


I'd say people in smaller guilds or guildless should take priority as they would need the larger population to be able to find a guild or find more people for their guild or get groups going, etc.


Would I be wrong in guessing you are in a big guild and would like to migrate with priority, hence your suggestion?


i am in a small guild with my friends..maybe 20 people at most.. but the reasons why i said larger guilds should get priority is so that the guilds (the entire guild members) get trasnsfered together.. so that way the guild remains intact..

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There is NO TALK of mega servers...


This is a rumour, based on a misunderstood quote. Larger server populations however are coming.


What is the point of increased server caps when 95% of servers are light and 4.1% standard and 0.9% heavy?

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probably the same way they did it when they moved people to the australian servers.


I beleive it was due to a few factors such as


1. Legacy Level

2. who ever had the more active account ie if you have a legacy level of 5 and the guy on the server has 20 but his account is closed down then you get the name.

3. time played and level of character.


and maybe a few other things.


No. First come first serve. If somebody has already taken the name on the server and you transfer in, then they keep the name and you lose yours. Simple as that.


What has been suggested by devs in regards to mega servers is similar - they plan on increasing the server concurrent player cap, so that lots of players from different servers can transfer to these servers. Whether you choose to transfer or not is up to you.

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My names I wouldn't mind changing too much. However, My Legacy name i would mind losing. I got lucky and was able to choose a very popular SW Legacy name and I would hate to lose it by transferring. Especially with 6 high level characters. And any kind of forced transfer or voluntary transfer system would have 2 or more (probably a lot more) players competing for the same legacy name.


BTW the name is Solo.

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  • 3 weeks later...
probably the same way they did it when they moved people to the australian servers.


I beleive it was due to a few factors such as


1. Legacy Level

2. who ever had the more active account ie if you have a legacy level of 5 and the guy on the server has 20 but his account is closed down then you get the name.

3. time played and level of character.


and maybe a few other things.


Those aren't really fair criteria except for the second one....why should someone who doesn't have any responsibilities like a job or school get dibs on name just because they have more free time?

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There is NO TALK of mega servers...


This is a rumour, based on a misunderstood quote. Larger server populations however are coming.


Seriously. That and DCUO getting mentioned a few times and suddenly everyone's yelling about megaservers. Cripes, try sticking to the facts, folks.

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The more people who get ticked off, and quit, the better. Maybe people will learn to stop making grindy wow clones, and then with only half the features. You would have also thought BW would have learned from mythic to NOT open 70 new servers after pre-launch/launch to compound the game's problems later.
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There is NO TALK of mega servers...


This is a rumour, based on a misunderstood quote. Larger server populations however are coming.


It will come eventually, it's only a matter of time. Do you honestly think they will keep paying to run mostly empty servers?

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People misunderstand the concept of 'new' servers. The actual physical machine server will be new, however it still hold the data of an old server.


For instance, the Fatman is not staying on the present 3000 max pop server it's on now. It will be moved to its own super server at which point they would then open transfers to Fatman. If the name is already taken, youll be out of luck but beyond that, it will be first come, first serve.


Man, I'm smart. Two week old necro'd thread making me look good. Thanks!

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Man, I'm smart. Two week old necro'd thread making me look good. Thanks!


Maybe if what you said were actually true. Servers are not on new hardware, all they have done is increase population caps.

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Well my worry is that we have had 9 EU English PVE mergers onto Red Eclipse, I'm sure people are still to merge. Where are the other 9 or 10 pve servers going? What does this say for subscriptions if we can onlt fill one server for English EU PVE? Also What happens to that Server when new patches go live? It'll be bedlam!


I have a 50 on Boa-Dur and one on Frostclaw but really don't want to transfer to Red Eclipse as I've been using that as my main with Nightmare Lands as my second. Really my feeling is that once the chars are at 50 the game has ended, I like to PVP a little but have not bothered at 50 as I have no wish to grind for gear, my game is about the story.


So you say if you are not worried about transferring your chars what are you wanting about? Well, I do love the game but can't see it getting any development with only the subs to fill say 15-20 servers worldwide when they started with over 200. Don't forget how ruthless EA and Lucasarts are with these things!

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Maybe if what you said were actually true. Servers are not on new hardware, all they have done is increase population caps.


Once more, there is no evidence of increased population caps. They are merely filling up the spare capacity in the existing servers.

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I would love the rule "If youre inactive and someone merges/transfers to your server, you can lose your name" but then again Im biased. I lost 5 out of 7 and my Legacy, yes they werent original (except for my main which I lost anyway) and my Legacy wasnt either.


But if you look at it from the point of the inactive person? What if they decide to get back into the game, they will have lost 1 or several names including their Legacy. What if all names were involved like a lot of people do it? Imagine if you are that person.... exactly. Its unfair from their point of view


I hope they do it though, because I want my names back lol but my logical side tells me "Tough luck, you got screwed so you might as well enjoy it"

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Just found these after being asked for proof, server caps have been increased in the passed and are being increased again with the xfers ready for group finder.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required




DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.



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