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I just did a wz and a Bounty hunter out damage me by 800k and you telling me we over powered?

If any class out damages you by this much, it's seriously a l2play issue. You complain about people shouting nerf calls at you but you're okay to do it on other classes... hypocrite much ?

Edited by Parali
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when i am in wz on a marauder char i help my team instead of running around farming kills, if i wanted to put out high damage i could if i wanted to. I like winning which means more rewards, which means full set war hero faster.




Modding out your gear is common sense leveling your char, if people spend more time reading the guidelines of the game, they would have known these things. so its not picking on new players. its reading the class info and putting it to good use.

Edited by Parali
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This class is one of the most least played class before 1.2. No one even whines about them. No one plays them. It is one of the reasons I rolled one. People that can play marauders well before were powerful and considered good. People that can't play were terrible at the class.


1.2 came in and mara/sensts got buffed. Suddenly, there is an influx of mara/sents whines in the forum. Lots of people suddenly rerolled mara/sents. Marauders were fine before. They were one of the best dps and healer killers in the game. You buff that kind of class, and it becomes overpowered.

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No good luck to you. When Taugrim writes the masses follow:



Like I said overpowered, underpowered ... does it matter? The forums have spoken. Threads like this only infuriate them which prompts bioware to take more action.


So again good luck to you, you'll need it. But don't worry you still have your "skill" right? So a little itty bitty nerf should not matter.


P.S. I never said maruaders/assassins were OP ... ever

Edited by LexiCazam
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No good luck to you. When Taugrim writes the masses follow:



Like I said overpowered, underpowered ... does it matter? The forums have spoken. Threads like this only infuriate them which prompts bioware to take more action.


So again good luck to you, you'll need it. But don't worry you still have your "skill" right? So a little itty bitty nerf should not matter.


P.S. I never said maruaders/assassins were OP ... ever


You really think the devs care what anyone says in this section of the forums? Have you ever seen a dev post here?

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No good luck to you. When Taugrim writes the masses follow:



Like I said overpowered, underpowered ... does it matter? The forums have spoken. Threads like this only infuriate them which prompts bioware to take more action.


So again good luck to you, you'll need it. But don't worry you still have your "skill" right? So a little itty bitty nerf should not matter.


P.S. I never said maruaders/assassins were OP ... ever

:p People are still going to quit for gw2/d3 regardless, forum can speak all it wants most of them love the game so much its all talk about quitting.


:) i see no problem with shadow tanks more will they be nerf, if anything pre 1.2 shadows were OP because in those time i could burst for 6 to 8k so i don't see how that link help your cause lolz or did you just skip to the bottom and read people reply?


Like there were not touch 1.2 they will not be touch anytime soon unless its a buff.



:p go ahead try nerf us, we shall back stab your *** for 5k :p and still be Called Over powered like a boss.:cool:

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You're dreaming if you think a $500M service oriented company does not listen to costumer feedback.


Yup, they won't nerf because of forum threads. But most likely "Mh, there are several marauder nerf threads on the forums, lets check our logs/look if they are right".


We got a response for the sages who complained about getting overnerfed in 1.2 in an interview that was basically "We raised the skillcap on sages". So they do listen and -if their internal numbers match- act. Best example tracer missle.

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I realised the OP was trolling us, when he said "once you master "strafe" movement you're almost guarantee a win". An absolute dead giveaway, 'cause nobody would consider "mastering strafe" anything beyond rudimentary for PvP gaming, let alone such an incredible feat to allow you to just stomp your opponents.


If strafing guarantees a win in your PvP experience, you must be fighting mouth breathers all day. That'd explain why you are fine with losing against some, as there are obviously incredibly skilled clickers on your server, who happen to outplay you from time to time.

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yeah, playing as a shadow/assassin (non-fotm or op or anything) in the low level bracket does idd make you understand balance properly.


I am generally all for judging the ideas not the person but meh, not really worth it here.

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I realised the OP was trolling us, when he said "once you master "strafe" movement you're almost guarantee a win". An absolute dead giveaway, 'cause nobody would consider "mastering strafe" anything beyond rudimentary for PvP gaming, let alone such an incredible feat to allow you to just stomp your opponents.


If strafing guarantees a win in your PvP experience, you must be fighting mouth breathers all day. That'd explain why you are fine with losing against some, as there are obviously incredibly skilled clickers on your server, who happen to outplay you from time to time.


strafe movement combined with your knowledge of your skills and what they do makes you in majority of the time, seeing how most players don't use them. Also strafe movement can make a player skill not apply properly if you keep sliding back and forward between them for example a marauder battering assault or their regular saber attack won't trigger because they are not facing you properly. There you go my friend ^^ ( most people don't notices that by the way) If your playing a shadow by using strafe you get your back stabs quicker.

Edited by Dozoku
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Translation/Cliff Notes:


I play a Marauder.


I always kill people with less gear than me.


I use cliche terms like owned because I see other people talk that way and I think it is cool.


Thank god I found a game I look good at. Being 1400 in wow for 3 years was really frustrating.


My arrogance and brash vocabulary are compensation for my small........self esteem.

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Cute thread.


"Marauders aren't overpowered, I kill them on my overpowered class all the time"





This all the way. I dont think the OP has been playing MMOs for very long. Dont get me wrong. Sometimes it is skill when a class is say balanced or underpowered but the player is skilled enough to make it seemed overpowered. In the case of marauders/sents it is NOT the case because the class is FOTM atm or OP. Although yes maybe the player controlling the toon is "skilled", it is overshadowed by the fact that the class is broken atm and therefor any player whether is he skilled or not can faceroll with that class.

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As a DPS and healing Sage (I alternate a lot) it's not Marauders and Sentinels I have problems with, it's DPS spec'd Juggs and Guardians. Even though my server is full of geared Marauders and Sentinels I can handle them without too much of a problem. However, I have to blow all my cooldowns and use relics and adrenals to survive geared DPS tanks though. I'm not saying that DPS tanks are OPd though; I'm just saying that Sages/Sorcs seem to have a problem with them.
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Geez!WHAT's a DPS? What's grinding? Why is someone who is my level one day twice my level the next? What am I doing wrong? I started when the game first came out and not one of my characters has hit 50! What's going on???

Just a normal Star wars fan that has never played an MMO. Helpful and complete advice only please.:(:(:(

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DPS stands for damage per second. MMO classes follow the original D&D archtypes of tank, healer and DPS classes. So DPS loosely stands for classes who's role is to do damage.


Grinding is a term used to describe playing hours on end doing only in game actions that award you experiance points. So it could mean killing stuff non stop or completing quest after quest.


If someone is twice your level one day to the next in most cases it simply means they are playing endless hours and not neccesarily that you are doing anything wrong.

Edited by LancelotOC
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Without getting into whether marauders should be nerfed or not, lets not pretend they're any more difficult to play than most other classes.


Yeah you hit some more buttons in your dps rotation. This adds very little difficulty if any, the flow of the rotation seemed pretty natural to me (even when I was just leveling one and fiddling around, I have a 50 marauder now though that I WZ with on the side, mostly just log him in for the pvp daily). There's a good feel to it and any player vaguely serious about pvp is not going to have any problem performing well with a marauder.


The skill CEILING for marauders is pretty high, simply because with many great cooldowns comes many nuances in how you can best use them. But for average joe marauder who mainly plays his marauder and is an ordinary decent player? He'll do very well too. Having so many great cooldowns gives you many great options to handle situations. Whereas you get the opportunity to make great choices, other classes in quite a few situations don't have a good button to hit to make a great choice too.


It's true if you're absolutely hopeless, you're going to be hopeless on a marauder. We've all seen them. However that's the case with most AC/specs.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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It seems to me people are saying helpless Marauders are a rare sight. So I guess the real truth is only exceptionally skilled gamers play the AC. Unskilled players are just not drawn to the class and are found mostly playing other classes. Not everyone is the same, not everyone can drive a ferrari, such is life.
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It seems to me people are saying helpless Marauders are a rare sight. So I guess the real truth is only exceptionally skilled gamers play the AC. Unskilled players are just not drawn to the class and are found mostly playing other classes. Not everyone is the same, not everyone can drive a ferrari, such is life.


"It's a proven fact all the skilled players chose rogues, while all the noobs picked other classes"


-Kishkumen, World Of Roguecraft




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It seems to me people are saying helpless Marauders are a rare sight. So I guess the real truth is only exceptionally skilled gamers play the AC. Unskilled players are just not drawn to the class and are found mostly playing other classes. Not everyone is the same, not everyone can drive a ferrari, such is life.


From my experience some of the best players are maras, and i don't have any stats to back it up, but would also guess the class has the largest # of unskilled players.

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Lolz, just tryed shadow tanking for the first time and guess what? LOLZ MARAUDER/sent are getting ownage, there internal damage doesn't do anything to me lolz "kenetic ward" for the win :p I can literally tank 3 ppl.
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;) Not even, but it seems no matter what class you play, once you own a person 90% of the time when they trying their hardest to kill you, they come here and say "Nerf" which is stupid because i'm the one pushing the buttons which makes me--->overpowered.


Is it my fault you press your keys like a slow poke?:p


Great! Go play a sorc and out button mash a marauder. I'm sure they'll be talking about how sorcs are overpowered, but in reality you are just so great.

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I've got a 50 commando with BM/WH and a 48 sentinel. So, I'm obviously not super familiar with all the classes but here are my thoughts on sents/maras. There are 2 main problems, one of which can be fixed by the developers, the other should then (hopefully) fix itself.


1. Maras/Sents have too much utility compared to other classes. I would start listing all of the utility but anyone who really cares knows what I'm talking about.

2. The sheer volume of mara's is almost staggering at times(at least on my server). A pack of mara's can be a nightmare to deal with if you don't have the right team to counter them. Right now I see that being the biggest problem. I don't really see a team with one mara and the guy is running around like an unstoppable killing machine. The real issue is when you have 3 mara's leap to you and you are literally dead before you can move or get off a knockback. If the devs remove some utility then players might start playing different classes. As it is, it seems to me that team imbalance is being rewarded whereas a balanced team will often struggle(I'm referring to class balance).


I'm also very much in favor of limiting certain abilities such that they are PVE only (this is done somewhat already with certain abilities only affecting droids). This would make it such that the devs aren't having to juggle 2 variables when looking at nerfs. PVP may sound great to nerf mara/sents, but then you also have to think about PVE if you're the developer. Remove that portion from the equation and I believe balance will be achieved a lot faster in PVP.


Happy Hunting!

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Great! Go play a sorc and out button mash a marauder. I'm sure they'll be talking about how sorcs are overpowered, but in reality you are just so great.


actually I've gotta own pretty bad by sorc while playing a marauder by a good player who knows what he was doing. lolz



he cc me then lightning, then he knock me back, lightning spam boom dead. sorc puts out some serious damage just so you know.

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